scholarly journals Desafíos en la construccion de procedimientos de autorregulacion en los colectivos Autogestivos de trabajadores: Experiencias y reflexiones sobre fábricas y empresas recuperadas en Argentina

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
Bruno Colombari ◽  
Cecilia Calloway ◽  
Santiago Iorio

 En el presente trabajo haremos foco en dos vectores que han atravesado nuestra investigación. Por un lado la incidencia de los diferentes escenarios políticos y sociales en la recuperación, modos autogestivos y procedimientos de autorregulación en las fábricas sin patrón. Para tal propósito compararemos dichos escenarios. El año que funcionará como corte será el 2003 ya que, por un lado, consideramos que a partir de ese momento comienzan a reconfigurarse las modalidades de intervención del Estado frente a las demandas de las fábricas y empresas recuperadas y, por otro lado, comienzan a evidenciarse las transformaciones del conjunto de significaciones imaginarias con respecto a procesos de recuperación de estas unidades productivas. Por otro lado desarrollaremos las dimensiones que constituyen los procedimientos de autorregulación en las FER[1], de esta manera tomaremos: la implementación de incentivos y sanciones, los procedimientos de incorporación de nuevos trabajadores y las modalidades y dinámicas asamblearias. Por último describiremos como se han transformado los posicionamientos subjetivos de los trabajadores de las FER, en la medida en que en la actualidad trabajan y habitan una fábrica o empresa con una organización autogestiva y horizontal. Palabras clave: Fábricas recuperadas. Autogestión. Contexto Político. Autorregulación. Challenges in the construction of self-regulation procedures in workers' self-managed collectives: Experiences and reflections in recovered factories and companies in ArgentinaAbstractIn this paper we will focus on two vectors that crossed our investigation. On one side the impact of the different political and social scenarios in the recovery, self-management modes and self-regulation methods in the factories without bosses. For this purpose we will compare these scenarios. Year 2003 will function as a break, since we consider that, on one hand, from that moment begins to reconfigure the ways the State intervenes facing the demands of recovered factories, and on the other hand, starts to become evident the transformations of the imaginary significations regarding to the recovery processes of these productive units.Furthermore, we will develop the dimensions that constitute self-regulation procedures in recovered factories and companies, thus we will take: the implementation of incentives and penalties, procedures for adding new workers and the dynamics in assemblies.Finally, we will describe how subjective positions of workers have changed, to the extent that they currently work and occupy a self-managed factory or company. Key words: Recovered Factories. Self-management. Self-regulation [1] Abreviatura que utilizaremos en todo el escrito para hacer referencia a las Fábricas y Empresas Recuperadas.

Xihmai ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
Joel Mendoza Ruiz ◽  
Adriana Morales Ramí­rez

Resumen Este artí­culo presenta un marco de referencia que desarrolla modelos de gestión catastral, con base en ellos se realizó un diagnóstico del desempeño entres catastros municipales del Estado de Hidalgo. La metodologí­a utilizada fue la revisión bibliográfica así­ como la realización de entrevistas estructuradas a funcionarios de los tres niveles de gobierno. Las conclusiones se refieren a que el modelo que constituye el contexto jurí­dico inmediato (el estatal) limita la asimilación estratégica de los demás modelos (nacional y mundial). La investigación concluyó en el mes de octubre de 2011. Palabras clave: Gestión Catastral, Polí­tica Catastral, Pachuca, Tizayuca, Mineral de la Reforma.   Abstract This article presents a reference framework which developed three cadaster management models. on the basis of those it accomplished the fulfillment diagnostic in three municipal cadasters of the State of Hidalgo. The methodology used was the bibliographical revision and the application of structural interviews to civil servants of the three government levels. The conclusions refers to the model that constitutes the closest law context (of the state) limits the strategic assimilation of the other models (the national and the worldwide). This research concluded in October of 2011. Key words: Cadastral management, cadastral policies, Pachuca, Tizayuca, Mineral de la Reforma.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Vinay Chauhan ◽  
Sushma Kaushal

Environmental scanning yields greater anticipatory management that provides important inputs for aquitision and use of information for planning and designing organization strategies. Apart from this, effective environmental scanning activities are likely to deal with threats and grasp the opportunities to finally link with enhancing organizational effectiveness. In fact this relationship matrix has led the researchers to conduct an environmental scanning through an examination of the existing status the components of the macro-environment vis-a-vis their relationship with the organizational effectiveness. There are a number of approaches, which describe the macro-environment, of which PEST analysis is regarded as the most common approach for considering the external business environment. Thus, the present study applies PEST analysis to scan the existing business environment. Jammu and Kashmir due to its peculiar political, geographical, economic, and socio-cultural features, had led its cost mountain economy become a distinctive identity. Despite the fact that the state has rich endowments, international relations with its neighbours vis-a-vis its impact on political environment also pose developmental challenges for the business units operating in the state. This has provided valid rationale for conducting the present. The environmental scanning is done through the perception of the select entrepreneurs operating MSMEs in the state of J & K. An impact analysis of environmental factors (PEST) on the organizational effectiveness is also done in the study. The findings of the study show that the political environment of the state that is not favourable for entrepreneural development whereas the rest of the other drivers of PEST i.e. economic environment, socio-cultural environment, and technological environment show a favourable response of the entrepreneurs. In terms of cause and effect relationship, it is found that the first two drivers of the PEST i.e. political and economic dimension impacts OE positively whereas the other two dimensions namely socio-cultural and technological impacts OE negatively but it is pertinent to mention that the impact is very less and is insigninificant. The study also suggests some of strategic options for developing and creating an enabling environment for successful entrepreneurial development to achieve integrated development of the state.

Svetlana Koryagina ◽  
Irina Kravchenko

The article describes the impact of the Mass Media on the formation of the worldview of the young. This impact may be positive or negative. On the one hand, the media educate young people and enhance their participation in public life. On the other hand, they may mislead or promote false values, and manipulate the young generation’s consciousness. What helps people not to get involved into the tried-and-true crowd manipulation scheme in the media landscape is critical thinking, whose lack results in inability to choose the right guidelines in the flow of false information provided by various Media. The authors emphasize the role of the state, which, regarding the needs of the society, should enculturate the young generation, as well as exercise tight control over communication in the global web and publications in the Internet Media and social networks. One of the directions of the state’s policy is expanding the geography of information and communication technologies, and the other is ensuring information security of the young in general and adolescents in particular. To provide this, the state develops organizational and legal mechanisms aimed at protecting children from harmful information in the web, and requirements for the content, its expert evidence and government control. The article demonstrates the results of a study carried out by the authors to assess the current youth Media and their influence on criminality. The key criterion for selecting participants of the focus group was young age, since the young are the most active and the least protected players in the media landscape. The sampling was made by random choice in order to ensure equal opportunities for participation in the study.

Xihmai ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
Manuel Alberto Morales Damián

Resumen El presente trabajo es una sucinta biografí­a artí­stica de Arturo Moyers Villena, muralista mochiteco radicado en Hidalgo desde la década de los 80. Se destaca su obra pictórica a partir del análisis de las temáticas que aborda en sus obras manifestándose una evolución que permite proponer tres etapas en su trayectoria. El trabajo se fundamenta en las entrevistas con la familia Moyers López, la revisión del archivo familiar y el análisis de sus obras murales y de caballete. Noviembre de 2011   Palabras clave: Arturo Moyers Villena, arte contemporáneo mexicano, pintura mural, pintura revolucionaria, pintura religiosa.   Abstract This paper is a brief artistic biography of Arturo Moyers Villena. He is a mural painter who was born in Los Mochis, Sinaloa and he live in the State of Hidalgo from the eighties. On the analysis of his work we propose three periods in his pictorial development. Was made interviews with the Moyers López family, was review the familiar archive and was analysed his murals and other paintings.   Key words: Arturo Moyer Villena, Mexican Contemporary Art, Mural Painting, Revolutionary Painting, Religious Painting.

2015 ◽  
pp. 153
Gordana Matic

<div class="WordSection1"><p><strong>Resumen</strong></p><p>La fábula ha tenido desde siempre una función retórica e ilustrativa que se ha manifestado a lo largo de la historia de modo dual: mostraba para enseñar, lo que muchas veces implicaba el componente moralizador, o para criticar. Mientras se empeñaba en conseguir una de las dos intencionalidades, o las dos simultáneamente, ha podido ser revestida de un tono humorístico, burlón, irónico o sarcástico. Partiendo de las observaciones sobre el género de Fedro, Rodríguez Adrados o Mireya Camurati, en este trabajo nos proponemos analizar una selección de fábulas clásicas, medievales, dieciochescas y decimonónicas, para demostrar que el aspecto crítico e incluso subversivo del género se mantiene abiertamente activo aun en las épocas en las que se potencia su intención didáctico-moralizante.</p><p>Palabras clave: fábula, definiciones del género, estudio diacrónico, aspecto crítico, aspecto didáctico-moralizante</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The fable has always had a rhetoric and illustrative function that manifested itself during its long history in two different ways: on one hand, it represented an example in order to teach, which usually implied the moral component, or on the other hand, to criticize. While it strived to achieve one of these intentions, or sometimes both simultaneously, it could have been written in a humorous, mocking, ironic or sarcastic tone. In this paper, we analyze a selection of classical and medieval, 18th and 19th century fables written in Spanish, with definitions proposed by Phaedrus, Rodríguez Adrados and Mireya Camurati as starting points, in order to show that the critical aspect of this genre was openly maintained and taken benefit of even in the historical periods when its didactic and moralizing intention was preferred and strongly emphasized.</p></div><p>Key words: fable, definition of genre, diachronic approach, critical aspect, didactic and moral aspect</p><p> </p>

ECA Sinergia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Jairo Isaac Mendoza García ◽  
Mercedes Véliz Valencia

  La investigación de mercados resulta beneficiosa en diversas situaciones; sin embargo, la decisión de realizarla no es automática, esta decisión debe sustentarse en consideraciones previas de muchos aspectos, entre los cuales se puede mencionar, la comparación entre costos y beneficios, los recursos disponibles para realizarla y para llevarla a la práctica, así como la actitud de la gerencia hacia su realización. Por lo cual, debería efectuarse cuando el valor de la información que se genera, supera los costos de llevarla a cabo. Cuanto más importante sea la decisión frente a la que se enfrenta la administración y mayor sea la incertidumbre o el riesgo que ésta implica, mayor será el valor de la información obtenida. La investigación de mercados, suele realizarse, por empresas comerciales que son organizaciones independientes (proveedores externos) o departamentos dentro de las corporaciones (proveedores internos). La motivación en las utilidades en ocasiones hace que los investigadores o los clientes pongan en riesgo la objetividad o profesionalismo asociados con el proceso. Como investigadores, esto despierta nuestro interés y mediante encuestas realizadas en varias empresas dentro de la provincia de Manabí, se pretende dar a conocer el impacto que genera la investigación de mercados en la toma de decisiones por la gerencia, es decir, una vez realizado un análisis previo de la situación de la empresa, cuán importante es aplicar o no aplicar la investigación de mercados.   Palabras clave: Planificación, análisis, empresas, consumidores, competencia, estrategias.   ABSTRACT Market research is beneficial in various situations; however, the decision to make it is not automatic, this decision must be based on previous considerations of many aspects, among which we can mention, the comparison between costs and benefits, the resources available to carry it out and to put it into practice, as well as the attitude of management towards its realization. Therefore, it should be done when the value of the information generated, exceeds the costs of carrying it out. The more important the decision faced by management and the greater the uncertainty or the risk involved, the greater the value of the information obtained. Market research is usually carried out by commercial companies that are independent organizations (external suppliers) or departments within corporations (internal suppliers). Motivation in profits sometimes causes researchers or clients to put at risk the objectivity or professionalism associated with the process. As researchers, this arouses our interest and through surveys carried out in several companies within the province of Manabí, it aims to publicize the impact that generates the market research in decision making by the management, namely, once a previous analysis of the situation of the company, how important it is to apply or not to apply market research.   Key words: Planning, analysis, companies, consumers, competition, strategies.

Xihmai ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
Manuel Alberto Morales Damián

2012:  IDEAS  MAYAS  ACERCA  DE  LA  RENOVACIÓN CíCLICA DEL UNIVERSO. 2012:                MAYA‟S    CIVILIZATION     IDEAS   ABOUT    THE CYCLIC RENEWAL OF THE UNIVERSE.       Resumen El pensamiento maya con respecto a la astronomí­a y el calendario poseen una gran originalidad y corresponden a una forma de entender la realidad completamente  diferente  a  la  del  pensamiento  occidental.  Los  mayas conciben que el tiempo está sujeto a recurrencias cí­clicas (dí­a-noche, año solar, perí­odos de 52 años), cada una de las cuales supone la destrucción y renovación del cosmos. Por otra parte, las supuestas profecí­as mayas acerca de un evento astronómico el próximo 21 de diciembre de 2012, en realidad no son acordes a la cosmovisión maya prehispánica, coinciden sin embargo con temores milenaristas propios del pensamiento occidental que se agudizan en una época de crisis global.   Palabras Clave: Mayas, religión, astronomí­a, profecí­as del 2012.   Abstract Mayan  thought  in  respect  to  astronomy  and  the  calendar  have  a  great originality and correspond to a way of understanding a complete different reality to the one of the western thought. Mayan people conceive that time is subject to cycle recurrences (day-night, solar year, and periods of 52 years), each one supposes destruction and renovation of cosmos. On the other hand, the supposed Mayan prophecies about an astronomical event next December 21st  2012, do not in fact agree with the view of the world of the pre Hispanic Mayans, however they coincide with millennial fear proper of the western thought that worsen in this times of global crisis.   Key words: Mayans, religion, astronomy, 2012 prophecies.      

2006 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
Giuseppe Dalla Torre

Dopo essersi rilevato il fenomeno della rinascita del fatto religioso nell’odierna società secolarizzata, grazie anche al massiccio fenomeno immigratorio, si descrive l’impatto del pluralismo etnico-religioso sulle tradizionali realtà degli ordinamenti giuridici statali; impatto reso ancora più problematico per l’ascesa di nuovi poteri, in particolare quello tecnico-scientifico, insofferenti ad una eteroregolamentazione non solo sul piano etico, ma anche sul piano giuridico. Si mette quindi in evidenza una crescente ambiguità che investe la biogiuridica: da un lato la nuova esigenza di riconoscere il rivendicato “diritto alla diversità” da parte delle diverse formazioni etnico-religiose; dall’altro l’esigenza di una regolamentazione giuridica uniforme a garanzia dell’ordinata convivenza attorno ad una scala valoriale che abbia nella “vita” il bene centrale ed ultimo da salvaguardare. Tra le conclusioni cui si giunge è innanzitutto quella per cui la pacifica convivenza in una società multietnica e multireligiosa può essere assicurata, nel rispetto delle diverse tradizioni e culture, attraverso il ricorso a moderati e saggi riconoscimenti di spazio al diritto personale all’interno degli ordinamenti statali, ma nei limiti rigorosi posti dalle esigenze di tutela della dignità umana. Ciò tocca anche la questione dei “nuovi poteri” che, nel contesto di una società globalizzata, impongono una rielaborazione dell’idea di diritto che, partendo dal quadro di un sistema di fonti che tende sempre più ad essere organizzato non secondo gerarchia ma secondo competenza, si ispiri al principio del riconoscimento dell’essere umano nella sua dignità, indipendentemente dall’appartenenza etnico-religiosa. Infine si mette in evidenza l’inaccettabilità di un “diritto debole”, solo procedimentale, perché sostanziale negazione della funzione stessa del diritto, che è quella di prevenire e/o dirimere i conflitti tra interessi in gioco e, quindi, i contrasti tra le parti della società, difendendo nel rapporto i soggetti più deboli; così come si mette in evidenza che il prezioso bene della laicità dello Stato non è – come invece spesso si ritiene – salvaguardato da un “diritto debole”, ma solo da un diritto giusto. ---------- After being noticed the phenomenon of the rebirth of the religious fact in today’s secularized society, it is described also the impact of the ethnic-religious pluralism on the traditional realities of the government juridical arrangements; impact made even more problematic for the ascent of new powers, particularly that technical-scientific, impatient to an heteroregulation not only on the ethical plan, but also on the juridical plan. It is put therefore in evidence an increasing ambiguity that invests the biojuridical: from one side the new demand to recognize the vindicated “law to difference” from different ethnic-religious formations; from the other the demand of a uniform juridical regulation to guarantee of the orderly cohabitation around to a scale of value that has in “life” central and ultimate good to safeguard. Between the conclusions which the author comes it is, first of all, that for which the peaceful cohabitation in a multiethnic and multireligious society can be assured, in the respect of the different traditions and cultures, through the recourse to moderate and wise recognition of space to the personal law into the government arrangements, but in the rigorous limits set by the demands of guardianship of human dignity. This also touches the matter of new powers that, in the contest of globalization, impose a new elaboration of the idea of law that, departing from the picture of a system of sources that extends more and more to not be organized according to hierarchy but according to competence, inspire to the principle of the recognition of the human being in its dignity, independently from the ethnic-religious affiliation. Finally it is put in evidence the unacceptability of a “weak law”, just procedural, as substantial negation of the law function itself, which is that to prevent and/or to settle the conflicts between affairs at stake and, therefore, contrasts between the parts of the society, defending in the relationship the weakest subjects; as it is evidenced that the precious good of laity of the State is not - like instead it is often considered - safeguarded by a weak law, but only by a correct law.

2014 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-104
Marija Ropič

Learning letters is associated with a long-term learning. Two basic models are present in obtaining letters in a systematic literacy in Slovenia and abroad. One represents a separate acquisition of the uppercase and lowercase printed letters (sequentially) and the other deals with letters simultaneously. In practice, teachers often asked themselves, especially in times of reforms in literacy, which model of the acquisition of the letters in initial literacy is more efficient. The research focused on the effect of the two most frequently chosen procedures for acquiring letters of structured literacy in Slovenia, namely the simultaneous treatment of the uppercase and lowercase printed letters (lowercase cursive letters and upper-case cursive letters) and consecutive treatment of letters (uppercase printed letters, lowercase printed letters, lowercase cursive letters, and at last, uppercase printed letters). Furthermore, the focus of the research was on the impact of gender on the ability to write. The incidence of errors was observed in terms of selected procedures for acquiring the letters in groups and gender. At the same time, the effect of consolidation of writing individual letters (uppercase and lowercase printed letters in 2nd class, and lowercase and uppercase cursive letters in 3rd class), was examined. Key words: literacy, the process of acquiring letters, 2nd class, 3rd class, prior knowledge, writing skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-21
Olga Vovchenko

The relevance of the study is due to two aspects: first, the complexity of adolescence, psychological problems faced by adolescents, their parents, educators and teachers; secondly, the lack of research not only the peculiarities of self-identification of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, but also the interaction of emotional intelligence on the formation of self-esteem, Self-concept and self-identification in general. Because self-identification and emotional intelligence require the adolescent's personality to actively participate in its formation and formation. These are two constructs in the structure of personality, which are based on reflection, self-regulation, self-awareness and further determine the vector of life of the adolescent, his/her place in social life. The aim of the article is to identify and experimentally test the state of formation of self-identification in adolescents with intellectual disabilities and the impact on its formation of emotional intelligence. The study used theoretical (deductive, inductive) and empirical (methods of psychodiagnostics) methods. Psychological diagnosis of the state of formation of self-identification in adolescents with intellectual disabilities was carried out using the method of «Hand-drawn apperceptive test (PAT)», the method of «Who am I? » (by M. Kuhn), conversations, observations. The result of the study was a statement of the fact that the vast majority of adolescents with intellectual disabilities have a low level of self-identification, only a small percentage of the studied adolescents have an average level. Such results are due to such personal characteristics of the adolescent as asociality, anxiety, diffidence, lack of self-control, inability to control stress-filled emotional states, low level of selfregulation (including emotional and volitional self-regulation), low level of emotional intelligence formation.

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