2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Winda Dewi Pusvita

Novel is a kind of literary works which loads lots of character education values. It is created by extraordinary imaginative elements. This article aims at describing character education values in the novel entitled Ayah written by Andrea Hirata. The analysis applied psychology of literature approach. The result of analysis shows that in total there are fifteen different character education values found out in the novel, namely religiousity, honesty, discipline, hard work, creativity, independence, democracy, curiousity, national spirit, love country, appreciation, friendly/communicative, love peace, social care, responsibility. It is suggested that the result of this research can be an input for considering the importance of character education values as capitals for the students to face the upcoming era, beneficial for the Indonesian language and literature teacher-learning process, and ideas for further research to develop literary education, particularly related to psychological and character education value aspects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 535
Rut Leni Natalia Sembiring ◽  
Emma Martina Br pakpahan

Character education is closely related to moral education, which is to shape and train individual abilities continuously for self-improvement towards a better life. Novel is a literary work that can convey the values of character education. The research aims to analyzing the values of character education in the novel 5 cm by Donny dhirgantoro. This research is a qualitative study using a descriptive design method. the data analysis technique by reading the entire data, analyzing the data in more detail and restating the data by described and interpreting the data. The result of this study are the value of character education  contained in the novel “ 5 cm” by Donny Dhirgantoro, namely, religious, hard work, love to read, friendly and communicative, social care,  and love  the homeland.

Tahrirul Mar'ah ◽  
Herman J Waluyo ◽  
Raheni Suhita

This study aims to describe the character education in the novel Mendayung Impian and Chiang Mai. The novel Mendayung Impian contains the persistence of a character to achieve goals, while the Chiang Mai novel contains the search for the identity of a young man in facing life. The method used in this research is qualitative research. The validity of the data is in the form of theoretical triangulation. The results of this study are that there are three values of character education that stand out, namely hard work, social care, and being friendly. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Noni Febriana ◽  
Harris Effendi Thahar ◽  
Ermanto Ermanto

This research is motivated by problems in the world of education, that the values of character education get less attention because more directed to the mastery of academic or cognitive aspects. While the actual nonakademik aspect becomes the main foundation in character education less attention, so less embedded in learners. Therefore, this study aims to instill the values of character education contained in the novel Rantau Satu Muara by Ahmad Fuadi. This novel is chosen because it is closely related to the values of character education. The type of this research is qualitative with descriptive analysis method. This research also uses the approach of literary sociology. The data collection is done by the researchers themselves. The researcher recorded and analyzed the data during the research to collect the data taken in the novel text then the researchers themselves processed and analyzed the data in detail. The results of this study are the values of character education in the novel Rantau Satu Muara by Ahmad Fuadi which contains the values of character education, as follows. (1) Educational values of religious characters with indicators of sincerity, diligent worship / prayer, prayer, thanksgiving, and put your trust in. (2) The values of hard work character education with indicators of earnest, unyielding, aspiring and creative. (3) The values of education of the love character of the homeland with nationalist indicators and respect for diversity. (4) Educational values of the character communicative / friendly with indicators of cooperation, social care, love out, affection, kindness and respect the achievements of others. (5) The educational values of the characters love to read with the indicators of love science and diligent reading. (6) Values of character education responsibilities with independent indicators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-42
Sunarti Sunarti ◽  
Sukadari Sukadari ◽  
Sati Antini

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler seni tari Jawa tradisional Nawung Sekar di SDN Rejodani dalam menanamkan pendidikan karakter dan bentuk penanaman pendidikan karakter dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler seni tari Jawa Nawung Sekar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman dan uji keabsahan data dengan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam menanamkan pendidikan karakter pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler seni tari Jawa tradisional Nawung Sekar di SDN Rejodani Sleman dilakukan dengan cara intervensi dan habituasi baik dalam proses pembelajaran melalui pengarahan, bimbingan, pembiasaan dan keteladanan, dan penciptaan kondisi selama tahap persiapan, pendahuluan, inti dan kegiatan penutup. Dalam ragam gerak yang terkandung dalam setiap ragam gerak tari Nawung Sekar pun disisipi penanaman karakter. Bentuk penanaman pendidikan karakter meliputi bentuk penanaman nilai karakter religius, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, rasa ingin tahu, cinta tanah air, cinta damai, mandiri, kreatif, peduli sosial dan tanggung jawab.THE IMPLEMENTING OF CHARACTER EDUCATION THROUGH NAWUNG SEKAR DANCE AS EXTRACULICULAR ACTIVITYThis study was aimed at determining the implementation of the traditional Javanese dance Nawung Sekar as an extracurricular activity at Rejodani primary school in instilling character education and forming characters. The research method used in this study was a qualitative method. The data were collected using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The data analysis was performed using the Miles and Huberman model, while the data validity was tested by triangulation. The results of this study show that, for instilling character education in the extracurricular activity of traditional Javanese dance, Nawung Sekar at Rejodani primary school was done through intervention and habituation both in the learning process (through direction, guidance, habituation and example) and the creation of conditions during the preparation, introduction, core, and closing activities. In the range of movements contained in each of the Nawung Sekar, the implementation of character education was inserted. The forms of character education implemented in this activity are religious character values, tolerance, discipline, hard work, curiosity, patriotism, love of peace, independence, creativity, and social care and responsibility.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Fitri Pricilia Putri ◽  
Afnita Afnita

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to explain the value of character education in the novel Bumi by Tere Liye and how its implication in learning. This research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The data source is the novel Bumi by Tere Liye. The value of character education contained in the novel, including: (1) honesty, (2) discipline, (3) curiosity, (4) national spirit, (5) friendly and communicative, (6) fond of reading, (7) social care, and (8) responsibility. In total there are 18 data, the highest value is the value of curiosity character education. Kata Kunci: nilai pendidikan karakter, novel, Tere Liye

Alfa Rosyid Abdullah ◽  
Herman J. Waluyo ◽  
Nugraheni Eko Wardani

Character education is a form of cultivation of noble character in students. The aspect of 'social care' character is one of the most important of the eighteen character education in Indonesia, this is because the sense of sensitivity and help towards others in the environment around students begins to diminish. There are various kinds of media to succeed in internalizing character education, one of which is a novel. The novel Merindu Baginda Nabi by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy can be said to be a complete novel in instilling character in Indonesia. Therefore, researchers will explore how the value of social care character education in the novel Merindu Baginda Nabi. The research method used is qualitative descriptive qualitative research. The novel Merindu Baginda Nabi as a source of data in this study, in the form of dialogue and narrative stories about character education about social care. Based on the results of the analysis, seventeen data were found that were divided into four important parts, namely: giving help to others, caring for others, mutual respect, and sympathy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-42
Nani Solihati ◽  
Ade Hikmat ◽  
Abdul Rahman Jupri ◽  
Syarif Hidayatullah

This study was aimed at determining the value of character education in folk games on the slopes of Mount Merapi. This study used qualitative method. The subjects of this study were students, teachers, principals, and heads of Cangkringan and Pakem sub-education technical implementation unit. The instruments used were in-depth observations and interviews. The result shows that there are seventeen folk games, namely dakon, serak lidi, lompat tali, enggrang, bekelan, kelereng, bentengan, dan bola bakar, oya dodok, oya tembok, jamuran, cublak-cublak suweng, petak umpet, engklak, dingklik oglak-aglik, gobak sodor, and elang ayam.The game is used by teachers on the slopes of Mount Merapi to instill thirteen characters from eighteen educational characters. These characters, namely honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, respect for achievement, friendship, caring for the environment, social care, and responsibility. Folk games should be integrated in learning in elementary school to develop student characterNILAI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM PERMAINAN RAKYAT DI LERENG GUNUNG MERAPIPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi nilai pendidikan karakter dalam permainan rakyat di lereng gunung Merapi. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa sekolah dasar (SD), guru, kepala sekolah, dan kepala Unit Pelaksana Teknis sub pelayanan pendidikan di kecamatan Cangkringan dan kecamatan Pakem. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi tujuh belas permainan rakyat, yaitu dakon, serak lidi, lompat tali, enggrang, bekelan, kelereng, bentengan, dan bola bakar, oya dodok, oya tembok, jamuran, cublak-cublak suweng, petak umpet, engklak, dingklik oglak-aglik, gobak sodor, dan elang ayam yang berpotensi sebagai sarana penanaman nilai karakter pada siswa SD. Permainan tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh para guru yang ada di lereng gunung Merapi untuk menanamkan tiga belas karakter dari delapan belas karakter pendidikan. Karakter tersebut, yaitu jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, dan tanggung jawab. Permainan rakyat semestinya dapat diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran di SD untuk mengembangkan karakter siswa. 

Horizon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 452-463
Wahyu Handila Suci ◽  
Titiek Fujita Yusandra ◽  
Ricci Gemarni Tatalia

This research was motivated by the problem of being able to find the values of character education in the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The purpose of this study is to describe the values of character education in the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. This research is a qualitative research using content analysis method. The object of this research is the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The data in this study are words, phrases, sentences and discourses which are the values of character education. The data source in this research is the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The data techniques used are reading novels, marking data related to the value of character education, recording data, making inventory, and classifying. The results of this study indicate that there are ten values of character education found in the novel Gunung Ungaran. In addition to the value of character education, other character education values are also found, such as: 1) religious, 2) Tolerance, 3) Work hard, 4) Independent, 5) Curiosity, 6) Love the homeland, 7) Friendly/communicative, 8) Caring for the environment, 9) Social care, 10) Responsibility.Keywords: Education, Character, Novel.

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-161
Widya Syafitri Wulandari ◽  
Sumardi Sumardi

The aim of research to determine the planning, implementation, and evaluation of school mathematics curriculum adaptive cluster. Qualitative research with ethnographic design. Where research SMK N 2 Purwodadi. The research subject Principals, teachers, and students. Data collection techniques of interview, observation, documentation. The validity of the triangulation of data sources, techniques, time. Data analysis techniques with methods groove. The results of the study (1) Management of adaptive curriculum in math lesson planning includes designing syllabi and lesson plans that already contains a character education is the KI and KD, as well as the student's character assessment sheets .; (2) The study of mathematics includes three activities, namely the preliminary activities of teachers manage the religious character of prayer, discipline go to class on time, invite students to maintain the cleanliness of the classroom, and teachers to motivate students. Core activities, teachers implement instructional methods discussion so familiarize students have a democratic character, tolerance, social care, communicative, curiosity, love of peace, hard work, and creative. The activities cover teachers familiarize students have the responsibility and creative character by giving the task .; (3) Management of adaptive curriculum in the evaluation of mathematics learning are teachers carry out daily tests or individual assignments so students can familiarize themselves has an honest character, discipline, hard work and responsibilities. Assessment can also be done with the observation in the learning process fatherly knowing the attitude, knowledge and skills of students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Annis Kurniyati Rizqi ◽  
Sarwiji Suwandi ◽  
Raheni Suhita

<em>This study aimed to describe and explain: (1) the aspects of diction used in the novel Ayah by Andrea Hirata; (2) the values of character education in the novel Ayah by Andrea Hirata; and (3) the relevance of Andrea Hirata’s novel Ayah as a teaching material of language and literature in Vocational High School. This study is a qualitative research that analyzes the data in the form of documents with the object of study of novel Ayah by Andrea Hirata. The results of this study are as follows. (1) The diction aspect contained in Andrea Hirata's father's novel includes five types of diction, (2) Novels contain sixteen points of character education values, (3) Novel Ayah is relevant to the learning of Indonesian language and literature in SMK because the aspect of diction and the value of character education in accordance with the learning objectives that have been designed using the Learning Implementation Plan based on the Core Competence and Basic Competence which includes the competencies that the learners must achieve in language and literature learning. Dad's novel can increase students' vocabulary mastery according to language ability, student psychology, and cultural background.</em>

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