scholarly journals The verb osvetiti in the mining code

2019 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Aleksandar Loma

Enacted in 1412 by Serbian Despot Stefan Lazarevic, the Mining Code came down to us in two versions, a Cyrillic copy made in the late 16th century and a Latin-alphabet transliteration from 1638, as well as in several translations into Ottoman Turkish. Since the publication of its Cyrillic version in 1962, it has been recognised as a highly valuable source for the history not only of law and economics, but also of the Serbian language. Its linguistic relevance consists not merely in displaying traits of an early dialectal development and rendering a lot of terms borrowed from the Middle High German language of the ?Saxons? (Sasi), settlers who after the second half of 13th century triggered the development of the mining industry in medieval Serbia: moreover, it provides the first attestations of many genuine words of spoken Old Serbian, some of them probably calqued on German patterns. One of these words is osvetiti of the Cyrillic version, apparently identical to Old Serbian osvetiti ?sanctify; impose a legal sanction; revenge? < Common Slavic *obsvetiti, but making no sense in the given context. Yet in the Latin version it occurs twice written with ? rendering e (?yat?), which points to *obsvetiti ?to light up (the mining gallery)?, and such an interpretation seems contextually plausible. If it is true, we have in the Mining Code the single attestation of osvetiti in Serbian outside of the texts written in Church Slavonic. In the vernacular, the verb was replaced by osv(ij)etliti, partly because in the ekavian speeches it became homophonous with osvetiti.

Hlushchenko O.V.

The article is devoted to the genesis of diphthongs and their functioning within the word of the Middle High German (MHG) period of German language development.The aim of the given article is to study the origin, development and functioning of diphthongs on the material of MHG work “Imperial Chronicle” (“Der Kaiserchronik”).Methods. The main method of research is comparative-historical, which enabled tracing the dynamics of the formation and functioning of German diphthongs. The use of the probabilistic-statistical method contributed to obtaining data on the frequency of diphthongs in the experiment. The descriptive method was used to systematize and classify diphthongs, to describe their phonetic and lexical-grammatical features at this stage of German language development.Results. The results of the study allowed to establish the main functions of diphthongs and showed a direct correlation between the time of origin of diphthongs and the frequency of their implementation in the text. From the grammatical perspective MHG diphthongs were grouped on the principle of alternation in root morphemes, while performing the grammatical function of these word forms, which enabled distinguishing a group of “ablaut diphthongs”; from the lexical perspective MHG diphthongs were grouped into “meaningful homonymous diphthongs”. It was also found that the largest number of MHG diphthongs fall in the middle of the word: anlaut – 35 lexical units (0.8%), inlay – 390 lexical units (0.87%), auslaut – 25 lexical units (0.5%), and MHG auslaut indicators decrease, because during changes in the grammatical structure of words its inventory root morpheme becomes more significant, where the main phonetic and grammatical processes take place. Significant reduction in the implementation of diphthongs at the end of MHG words is the result of constant articulatory attenuation of sounds, which leads to the reduction of vowels, and in some cases to their complete disappearance or contraction.Conclusions. Diphthongs were living and specific linguistic phenomena in prehistoric times. MHG diphthongs were carriers of meaning, while performing phonetic and grammatical functions. The study indicates the presence of a correlation between the time of origin of diphthongs and their implementation in language (speech).Key words: ablaut, diachrony, dialect, correlation, morpheme, phoneme. Стаття присвячена ґенезі дифтонгів та їх функціонуванню в межах слова середньоверхньонімецького (свн.) періоду розвитку німецької мови.Мета. Метою запропонованої статті є дослідження зародження, розвитку та функціонування дифтонгів на матеріалі свн. твору «Хроніка імператорів» («Der Kaiserchronik»).Методи. Основним методом дослідження є порівняльно-історичний, що надав можливість простежити динаміку становлення і функціонування німецьких дифтонгів. Використання ймовірнісно-статистичного методу посприяло отриманню даних про частоту реалізації дифтонгів у проведеному експерименті. Дескриптивний метод використовувався для систематизації та кла-сифікації дифтонгів, опису їхніх фонетичних та лексико-граматичних особливостей на даному етапі розвитку німецької мови.Результати. Результатидослідження дозволили встановити основні функції дифтонгів і показали пряму кореляцію між часом зародження дифтонгів та частотою їхньої реалізації в тексті. З граматичного ракурсу свн. дифтонги були угруповані за принципом чергування в кореневих морфемах, виконуючи при цьому граматичну функцію цих словоформ, що уможливило виділити групу «аблаутних дифтонгів»; з лексичного ракурсу свн. дифтонги були об’єднані в групу «змістовні дифтонги-омоніми». Виявлено також, що найбільша кількість свн. дифтонгів припадає на середину слова: анлаут – 35 л. о. (0,8%), інлаут – 390 л. о. (0,87%), ауслаут – 25 л. о. (0,5%), а свн. ауслаутні показники зменшуються, оскільки під час змін у граматичній структурі слів більш вагомою стає його інвентарна коренева морфема, де відбуваються основні фонетичні та граматичні процеси. Значне зменшення реалізації дифтонгів у кінці свн. слова є результатом постійного артикуляторного послаблення звуків, яке призводить до редукції голосних, а в деяких випадках – до повного їх зникнення або стяжіння.Висновки. Дифтонги були живими і специфічними мовними явищами ще у прагерманські часи. Свн. дифтонги були носія-ми значення, виконуючи при цьому фонетичні та граматичні функції. Проведене дослідження свідчить про наявність кореляції між часом зародження дифтонгів та їх реалізацією в мові (мовленні).Ключові слова: аблаут, діахронія, діалект, кореляція, морфема, фонема.

1965 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 1030-1040 ◽  
Earl A. Coddington

The domain and null space of an operator A in a Hilbert space will be denoted by and , respectively. A formally normal operatorN in is a densely defined closed (linear) operator such that , and for all A normal operator in is a formally normal operator N satisfying 35 . A study of the possibility of extending a formally normal operator N to a normal operator in the given , or in a larger Hilbert space, was made in (1).

Revista Trace ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 263
Raúl Macuil Martínez

En el presente trabajo se analizará el Códice de San Damián Tlacocalpan, que fue confeccionado en el siglo XVI en la provincia de Tlaxcala. Este documento hasta ahora no ha sido estudiado ni analizado, por lo tanto, esto nos dará la oportunidad de plantear un orden de lectura y proponer los nombres de los señores y los topónimos que se encuentran ahí. El códice tiene algunas glosas en náhuatl y otras en español, las cuales identifican algunos nombres tanto de lugares como de los personajes representados. Tal y como se puede observar en una glosa que dice: «no sobrino Pablo de Galicia» (‘mi sobrino Pablo de Galicia’), quien fuera gobernador de Tlaxcala hacia 1561-1562.Abstract: In this work we will analyze the Codex of San Damián Tlacocalpan, a document that was made in the 16th century in the province of Tlaxcala. This document has not been studied or analyzed so far, therefore, this will give us the opportunity to propose a reading order, and propose the names of the homeowners and place names found in the document. The codex has some glosses in Nahuatl as in Spanish, these identify some names of both places and the characters individuals represented. As can be seen in a gloss that says «no sobrino Pablo de Galicia» (‘mi sobrino Pablo de Galicia’), who was governor of Tlaxcala in the years 1561-1562.Keywords: codex; Tlaxcala; Pablo de Galicia; San Damián Tlacocalpan; Tlacamecayotl.Résumé : Dans ce travail, nous analyserons le Codex de San Damián Tlacocalpan, un document qui a été réalisé au XVIe  siècle dans la province de Tlaxcala. Ce document n’a pas été étudié ou analysé jusqu’à présent, par conséquent, cela nous donnera l’occasion de proposer un ordre de lecture, et de proposer les noms des personnges et les noms de lieux trouvés dans le document. Le codex a quelques gloses en nahuatl comme en espagnol, celles-ci identifient quelques noms des deux endroits et des caracteres individus représentés. Comme on peut le voir dans un gloss qui dit qu’aucun «no sobrino Pablo de Galicia» (‘mi sobrino Pablo de Galicia’), qui était gouverneur de Tlaxcala dans les années 1561-1562.Mots-clés: Codex ; Tlaxcala ; Pablo de Galicia ; San Damián Tlacocalpan ; Tlacamecayotl.

Andrey Ivanov ◽  
Rimma Ivanova ◽  

The article discusses the concept “happiness” as represented and interpreted in lexicography. The aim of the study is to compare existing theories about the origin of the word Glück, to trace the development of its semantics from one generalized meaning to a set of meanings that reflects a gradual evolution of people’s ideas about happiness, and to identify ways of representing these ideas by lexicographic means. Using methods of historical-linguistic, compara-tive, etymological, definitional, and semantic analysis, the authors examine German dictionaries and lexicons published in the period from 1513 to 1888 and establish that in those four centuries the concept “happiness,” represented in the German vocabulary by the lexeme Glück, underwent significant transformation, as material and spiritual needs of people kept changing against the background of gradual humanization of their social life, which, in its turn, led to added complexity in the semantic structure of the lexeme Glück that embodies this concept. Descriptions of the lexeme Glück in dictionaries dating from the beginning of the 16th to mid-18th century are very concise due to the type of these dictionaries (nomenclators, translated dictionaries) and do not involve detailed comments on the full range of meanings that the lexeme had. The main elements of the semantic structure of the lexeme are ‘(temporary) well-being,’ ‘bliss,’ ‘luc ,’ and ‘fortune (fate)’ (glu c fall, glu c elig eit, wol tand, zeit-liche Wolfart). Analyzing interpretations of the lexeme Glück in the mid-18th — late 19th century dictionaries, the authors conclude that the semantic structure of the lexeme became more complicated due to philosophical rethinking of the concept and its integrated dissemination through dictionaries. The etymology of the word Glüc is still unclear. It is assumed that the word appeared in the 13th century and retained a neutral meaning until the end of the Middle High German period when a positive connotation began to prevail in the semantics of the word.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (7) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Т.В. Аникина ◽  
О.Ф. Родин

Communication in the Internet is an important characteristic of modern culture. The Internet has a significant impact on the vocabulary development. Due to this process new words known as neologisms appear in the Internet communication. Neologisms penetrate actively into any language, as such words react quicklier to all changes in the society life and in the language. The given article deals with the derivational models of German-language neologisms. The study showed that the main ways to form German neologisms are affixation, compounding, abbreviation, borrowing, blends and semantic derivation

Knygotyra ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
pp. 35-95
Sondra Rankelienė

In this article, the latest data about the personal book collection items of King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund II Augustus in Vilnius University (VU) Library are presented. The authors that have been doing research on these books have not ascertained all of the embossed images that were used for cover decoration and have not identified the locations of where these books were bound and have not disclosed all of the provenances. In order to amend the lack of knowledge about the books of Sigismund II Augustus in VU library, the book covers of the King’s personal library were reviewed de visu and decorative ornaments were described. The ownership signs of the books were registered once again. While describing and comparing these books with the copies in various libraries of the world, the number of physical books (14) and publications in composite volumes (21) kept in VU library was assessed. The name of one book and a publisher’s imprint of two books were specified, eight provenances that were not mentioned by previous authors were registered. While describing book covers, the embossed images were given provisory names. Connections between the supralibros, dates of binding, decorative wheels, single embossed images, and other decorative elements were detected and lead to a reasonable conclusion that eight out of fourteen books from the Sigismund II Augustus collection were bound in Kraków, five were bound by bookbinders in Vilnius, while one was rebound in the 18th century. The identification of tools used by craftsmen that worked in Kraków and Vilnius will allow to ascertain the manufacturing location of similar book covers made in the middle of the 16th century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 253-278
Petro Sabat

The article examines the history of the manuscript of the Kiev Euchologion (15th-16th century) located in the Vatican Apostolic Library (collection Borgio-Illirico No. 15). The places are given where this manuscript has survived, and how it has been used over the centuries. A historiographic analysis of previous studies was made and the descriptions of the manuscript that were made in earlier scientific studies were presented. In addition, paleographic and codicological aspects of this manuscript were given, and its uniqueness as well as its importance as one of the important sources for the history, language and culture of the Ukrainian nation were indicated and confirmed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 307
Hasan Şehmuz Haştemoğlu ◽  
Engin Kepenek

The Mevlevism order was established in the Seljuk period in Anatolia in the thirteenth century. After the death of Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi, his son Sultan Veled systemized his father's thoughts and created his own rules and brought the rituals to a ceremony in the form of sema ceremonies. Sultan Veled gave the name “Mevlevism” to his sect and was called “Mevlevihan” to his Dervish Houses. Nearly 140 Mevlevihane building was established in a wide geography which its east is in Tabriz (Iran), west is in Pecu (Hungary), north is in Gözleve (Ukraine), South is in Cairo (Egypt) and Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Nearly 80 of these Dervish Houses remained in the Republic of Turkey. After the declaration of Turkish Republic, these Dervish Houses were closed in 1925 by the law of “closure Tekkes and Zaviyes”, no. 677. There are two kinds of Mevlevihan, which are “Asitane” and “Zaviye”. Mevlevihan called Asitane are the main Dergahs which are full-fledged and has removing “ordeal” possibilities. The number of Asitane constructions is around 15 in all Mevlevihan buildings. Another Mevlevihan building is Zaviye. Zaviye were ruled by Mevlevi, who has the title of “şeyh” and “dede”. Many of the Mevlevihan become a historical monument because of their architectural style and construction date. However, most of these structures have been ruined over the years. Apart from a small number of Mevlevihan, which was established as "Külliye", "Semahane" parts of these Mevlevihan were used as mosques and remained up to date. When the architectural programs of the Mevlevihans are examined, it is seen that the Mevlevihans, which were settled down in 13th century have an architectural program after the 16th century and they take Konya Mevlana Dergah as an example. However, it is not possible to mention about same sized and specified spaces in all the Mevlevihans. There are similar sections only in the large- scale Mevlevihans which are “Asitane” status. In this study, an evaluation and classification study was carried out on the architectural formation of the Mevlevihans one of the Dervish constructions in Islamic architecture which attracted attention with its wide geography.

2004 ◽  
Vol 31 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 265-280 ◽  
Radovan Bulatovic ◽  
Stevan Djordjevic

This paper considers optimal synthesis of a four-bar linkage by method of controlled deviations. The advantage of this approximate method is that it allows control of motion of the coupler in the four-bar linkage so that the path of the coupler is in the prescribed environment around the given path on the segment observed. The Hooke-Jeeves?s optimization algorithm has been used in the optimization process. Calculation expressions are not used as the method of direct searching, i.e. individual comparison of the calculated value of the objective function is made in each iteration and the moving is done in the direction of decreasing the value of the objective function. This algorithm does not depend on the initial selection of the projected variables. All this is illustrated on an example of synthesis of a four-bar linkage whose coupler point traces a straight line, i.e. passes through sixteen prescribed points lying on one straight line. .

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