Hlushchenko O.V.

The article is devoted to the genesis of diphthongs and their functioning within the word of the Middle High German (MHG) period of German language development.The aim of the given article is to study the origin, development and functioning of diphthongs on the material of MHG work “Imperial Chronicle” (“Der Kaiserchronik”).Methods. The main method of research is comparative-historical, which enabled tracing the dynamics of the formation and functioning of German diphthongs. The use of the probabilistic-statistical method contributed to obtaining data on the frequency of diphthongs in the experiment. The descriptive method was used to systematize and classify diphthongs, to describe their phonetic and lexical-grammatical features at this stage of German language development.Results. The results of the study allowed to establish the main functions of diphthongs and showed a direct correlation between the time of origin of diphthongs and the frequency of their implementation in the text. From the grammatical perspective MHG diphthongs were grouped on the principle of alternation in root morphemes, while performing the grammatical function of these word forms, which enabled distinguishing a group of “ablaut diphthongs”; from the lexical perspective MHG diphthongs were grouped into “meaningful homonymous diphthongs”. It was also found that the largest number of MHG diphthongs fall in the middle of the word: anlaut – 35 lexical units (0.8%), inlay – 390 lexical units (0.87%), auslaut – 25 lexical units (0.5%), and MHG auslaut indicators decrease, because during changes in the grammatical structure of words its inventory root morpheme becomes more significant, where the main phonetic and grammatical processes take place. Significant reduction in the implementation of diphthongs at the end of MHG words is the result of constant articulatory attenuation of sounds, which leads to the reduction of vowels, and in some cases to their complete disappearance or contraction.Conclusions. Diphthongs were living and specific linguistic phenomena in prehistoric times. MHG diphthongs were carriers of meaning, while performing phonetic and grammatical functions. The study indicates the presence of a correlation between the time of origin of diphthongs and their implementation in language (speech).Key words: ablaut, diachrony, dialect, correlation, morpheme, phoneme. Стаття присвячена ґенезі дифтонгів та їх функціонуванню в межах слова середньоверхньонімецького (свн.) періоду розвитку німецької мови.Мета. Метою запропонованої статті є дослідження зародження, розвитку та функціонування дифтонгів на матеріалі свн. твору «Хроніка імператорів» («Der Kaiserchronik»).Методи. Основним методом дослідження є порівняльно-історичний, що надав можливість простежити динаміку становлення і функціонування німецьких дифтонгів. Використання ймовірнісно-статистичного методу посприяло отриманню даних про частоту реалізації дифтонгів у проведеному експерименті. Дескриптивний метод використовувався для систематизації та кла-сифікації дифтонгів, опису їхніх фонетичних та лексико-граматичних особливостей на даному етапі розвитку німецької мови.Результати. Результатидослідження дозволили встановити основні функції дифтонгів і показали пряму кореляцію між часом зародження дифтонгів та частотою їхньої реалізації в тексті. З граматичного ракурсу свн. дифтонги були угруповані за принципом чергування в кореневих морфемах, виконуючи при цьому граматичну функцію цих словоформ, що уможливило виділити групу «аблаутних дифтонгів»; з лексичного ракурсу свн. дифтонги були об’єднані в групу «змістовні дифтонги-омоніми». Виявлено також, що найбільша кількість свн. дифтонгів припадає на середину слова: анлаут – 35 л. о. (0,8%), інлаут – 390 л. о. (0,87%), ауслаут – 25 л. о. (0,5%), а свн. ауслаутні показники зменшуються, оскільки під час змін у граматичній структурі слів більш вагомою стає його інвентарна коренева морфема, де відбуваються основні фонетичні та граматичні процеси. Значне зменшення реалізації дифтонгів у кінці свн. слова є результатом постійного артикуляторного послаблення звуків, яке призводить до редукції голосних, а в деяких випадках – до повного їх зникнення або стяжіння.Висновки. Дифтонги були живими і специфічними мовними явищами ще у прагерманські часи. Свн. дифтонги були носія-ми значення, виконуючи при цьому фонетичні та граматичні функції. Проведене дослідження свідчить про наявність кореляції між часом зародження дифтонгів та їх реалізацією в мові (мовленні).Ключові слова: аблаут, діахронія, діалект, кореляція, морфема, фонема.

2019 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Aleksandar Loma

Enacted in 1412 by Serbian Despot Stefan Lazarevic, the Mining Code came down to us in two versions, a Cyrillic copy made in the late 16th century and a Latin-alphabet transliteration from 1638, as well as in several translations into Ottoman Turkish. Since the publication of its Cyrillic version in 1962, it has been recognised as a highly valuable source for the history not only of law and economics, but also of the Serbian language. Its linguistic relevance consists not merely in displaying traits of an early dialectal development and rendering a lot of terms borrowed from the Middle High German language of the ?Saxons? (Sasi), settlers who after the second half of 13th century triggered the development of the mining industry in medieval Serbia: moreover, it provides the first attestations of many genuine words of spoken Old Serbian, some of them probably calqued on German patterns. One of these words is osvetiti of the Cyrillic version, apparently identical to Old Serbian osvetiti ?sanctify; impose a legal sanction; revenge? < Common Slavic *obsvetiti, but making no sense in the given context. Yet in the Latin version it occurs twice written with ? rendering e (?yat?), which points to *obsvetiti ?to light up (the mining gallery)?, and such an interpretation seems contextually plausible. If it is true, we have in the Mining Code the single attestation of osvetiti in Serbian outside of the texts written in Church Slavonic. In the vernacular, the verb was replaced by osv(ij)etliti, partly because in the ekavian speeches it became homophonous with osvetiti.

Е.О. Ковыршина

Постановка задачи. В статье на материале собранного корпуса фразеологических единиц (в количестве 1828 ФЕ), полученного методом сплошной выборки из немецкоязычных и двуязычных словарей, выделяются и анализируются с синтаксической позиции многокомпонентные фразеоединицы со структурой словосочетания с главным словом - глаголом. Способом буквального перевода определяются синтаксические типы, которые активно используются для создания многокомпонентных глагольных фразеосочетаний (МКГФС), выявляется специфика синтаксических типов немецких ФС и создается синтаксическая типология МКГФС немецкого языка. Результаты. На основе изученного материала было выделено восемь синтаксических типов МКГФС. В ходе исследования с помощью метода квантитативного анализа были установлены наиболее частотные типы структурно-синтаксических схем, активно образующие многокомпонентные глагольные фразеосочетания. Выделение синтаксических типов немецких МКГФС и их анализ позволили установить специфику синтаксической организации МКГФС немецкого языка. Выводы. На основе проведенного исследования была создана синтаксическая типология МКГФС немецкого языка, одного из наиболее многочисленных классов многокомпонентных фразеоединиц с разнообразной синтаксической организацией. Установлено, что в немецком языке существуют специальные синтаксические структуры из трех и более словоформ, которые используются для создания многокомпонентных фразеосочетаний. Анализ МКГФС позволил выявить специфику немецких типов с двумя глагольными компонентами и выделить самый продуктивный, частотный (566 ФС) тип МКГФС со структурой сложного словосочетания. Проведенное исследование и дальнейшее изучение синтаксических типов других многокомпонентых ФЕ - неглагольных типов, ФЕ со структурой предложения позволят расширить и углубить знания о многокомпонентных фразеоединицах, занимающих весомое место в фразеологической системе немецкого языка. Изучение типов структурно-синтаксических схем МКГФС и других многокомпонентных ФЕ, являющихся конкретным языковым воплощением структурной модели ФС, открывает новые перспективы в области синтаксического моделирования немецкого языка. Statement of the problem. In the article on the material of the assembled corpus of phraseological units (in the amount of 1828 PU), obtained by the method of continuous sampling from German-language and bilingual dictionaries, multicomponent phraseological units with a phrase structure with the main word - a verb consisting of three or more components are selected and analyzed from the syntactic position. The method of literal translation determines the syntactic types that are actively used to create multicomponent verbal phraseological combinations (MCVPC), the specificity of syntactic is revealed. types of German PC and syntactic typology of the MCVPC of the German language is created. Results. Based on the material studied, eight syntactic types of MCVPC were distinguished. In the course of the study, using the method of quantitative analysis, the most frequency types of structural-syntactic schemes were established that actively form multicomponent verbal phrase combinations. Syntax type extraction of German MCVPC and their analysis made it possible to establish the specifics of the syntactic organization of the MCVPC of the German language. Conclusion. A syntactic typology of the MCVPC of the German language, one of the most numerous classes of multicomponent phraseological units with a diverse syntactic organization was created on the basis of the study. It is established that in the German language there are special syntactic structures of three or more word forms that are used to create multicomponent phrase combinations. The analysis of MCVPC revealed the specificity of German types with two verb components and highlighted the most productive, frequency (566PC) type of MCVPC with the structure of a complex phrase. The study of the syntactic types of other multicomponent phraseological units - non-verb types, phraseological units with a sentence structure will allow us to expand and deepen our knowledge of multicomponent phraseological units, which occupy a significant place in the phraseological system of the German language. Study of the structural-syntactic schemes types of the MCVPC and other multicomponent phraseological units, which are the concrete language embodiment of the structural model of the FS, opens up new prospects in the field of syntactic modeling of the German language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (7) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Т.В. Аникина ◽  
О.Ф. Родин

Communication in the Internet is an important characteristic of modern culture. The Internet has a significant impact on the vocabulary development. Due to this process new words known as neologisms appear in the Internet communication. Neologisms penetrate actively into any language, as such words react quicklier to all changes in the society life and in the language. The given article deals with the derivational models of German-language neologisms. The study showed that the main ways to form German neologisms are affixation, compounding, abbreviation, borrowing, blends and semantic derivation

Sayani Sayani

Balinese and English have different grammatical structure and English does not have speech level like Balinese. The condition may cause both linguistic and cultural shifts to make the translation equivalent. This difference becomes a challenge for translators in finding the closest natural equivalent of Balinese terms of address in English or vice versa. This study analyzed types of shifts in translation occurred in the translation of the terms of address from Balinese into English in puppet shadow script ‘Lubdaka’. This study belonged to qualitative study approach and used descriptive method. The primary data is the translation of terms of address from Balinese into English directly taken from puppet shadow script and its translation into English of the Lubdaka story in the book The Invisible Mirror of Siwaratri Kalpa (2008). Shifts in translation in the data occurred in grammatical (transposition) and in point of view (modulation). There are four types of shifts that belong to the grammatical: structure shift, class shift, unit shift, and intra-system shift. Meanwhile, there are three types of shifts found that belongs to the shift in point of view: lexical dense shift, lexical loose shift, and emphasizing on 2nd person.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 51-62
Aleksandra Andreevna Fomicheva

Based on the compositions of pre-courteous epic poetry and chivalric romance written in the Middle High German language, this article reviews the problem of lexical polysemy in relation to the phenomena of homonymy and synonymy, as well as the problem of structural description of lexis. The need for comprehensive examination of polysemous lexemes in the Middle High German language, which includes structural analysis of the meaning of polysemous word and the lexical-thematic group and/or synonymic row it belongs to, well as the study of contextual implementation of the meanings of polysemous word, is substantiated by the principle of diffusivity of meanings of polysemous word that complicates comprising dictionary definitions and creates difficulties for the researcher in distinguishing the meanings of a polysemous word and separating polysemy from homonymy. Based on the example of lexical-thematic group for denomination of edged weapon in the Middle High German Language, the author demonstrates the appropriateness of using lexical-semantic analysis for establishing systemic relations between the analyzed lexemes, as well as postulates the importance of the context in determination of the structure of polysemous word. Discussion of the given examples from the compositions of pre-courteous epic poetry and chivalric romance written in the Middle High German language is accompanied by the author&rsquo;s clarifications to the dictionary definitions of the lexemes under review. The conclusion is made on feasibility of the authorial approach towards detection of the discrepancies between lexicographic data and use of the lexeme in the texts written in the Middle High German language. The author also believes that this research is valuable from the perspective of lexicographic practice.

Ilkhom Izatovich Bakaev

The automatic processing of unstructured texts in natural languages is one of the relevant problems of computer analysis and text synthesis. Within this problem, the author singles out a task of text normalization, which usually suggests such processes as tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization. The existing stemming algorithms for the most part are oriented towards the synthetic languages with inflectional morphemes. The Uzbek language represents an example of agglutinative language, characterized by polysemanticity of affixal and auxiliary morphemes. Although the Uzbek language largely differs from, for example, English language, it is successfully processed by stemming algorithms. There are virtually no examples of effective implementation of stemming algorithms for the Uzbek language; therefore, this questions is the subject of scientific interest and defines the goal of this work. In the course of this research, the author solved the task of bringing the given texts in the Uzbek language to normal form, which on the preliminary stage were tokenized and cleared of stop words. To author developed the method of normalization of texts in the Uzbek language based on the stemming algorithm. The development of stemming algorithm employed hybrid approach with application of algorithmic method, lexicon of linguistic rules and database of the normal word forms of the Uzbek language. The precision of the proposed algorithm depends on the precision of tokenization algorithm. At the same time, the article did not explore the question of finding the roots of paired words separated by spaces, as this task is solved at the stage of tokenization. The algorithm can be integrated into various automated systems for machine translation, information extraction, data retrieval, etc.

Reading Comprehension (RC) plays an important role in Natural Language Processing (NLP) as it reads and understands text written in Natural Language. Reading Comprehension systems comprehend the given document and answer questions in the context of the given document. This paper proposes a Reading Comprehension System for Kannada documents. The RC system analyses text in the Kannada script and allows users to pose questions to It in Kannada. This system is aimed at masses whose primary language is Kannada - who would otherwise have difficulties in parsing through vast Kannada documents for the information they require. This paper discusses the proposed model built using Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) and its performance in extracting the answers from the context document. The proposed model captures the grammatical structure of Kannada to provide the most accurate answers to the user

Liliya Ponomaryova ◽  
Elena Osadcha

The problems of forming phonetic skills of the German language which is studied on the basis of the English language have been considered. The aim of this research is to make the comparative analysis of the phonetic aspects of the foreign languages that are taught one after another. There has been the attempt to analyze, generalize and systematize the material on the given topic which is presented in works in German, English, Ukrainian and Russian on the main theoretical questions connected with the process of teaching the second foreign language. It was shown that while forming phonetic skills in German, it is necessary to give the characteristics to the phonetic, rhythmic and intonation peculiarities of both German and English; to point out the difficulties of mastering the pronunciation system of German, to develop the introductory course and the material for phonetic warming-up and to work out the algorithm of introducing a new sound.

2021 ◽  
pp. 152-174
Ivan Kovalchuk

This study supplements factual data on the commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the execution of the UPR army soldiers by Bolshevik troops, identified in historiographic sources as the “Second Bazaar”. Another issue considered in the paper is the execution of the local Jewish population, carried out exactly on the day of commemoration of the victims of the Bazaar tragedy. The methodological basis of the study is constituted by the methods of source heuristics. By detecting, processing, and introducing a new set of archival sources – archival and criminal cases – into scientific circulation, the existing factual basis on the specified events has been expanded. The contradictory and subjective nature of the given sources also necessitates the use of appropriate methodological tools. Therefore, the method which Robin George Collingwood once described as “cross-examination on the bench” is utilized, when the historian “cross-interrogates the sources to extract information that they did not disclose in their previous testimony, or because they did not want to give it, or because they did not have it”. To fully cover and reconstruct the specified events, a descriptive method is employed. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in the fact that it presents a comprehensive account of specific details of the preparation and commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Bazaar tragedy, and in fact, it is the first in modern Ukrainian historiography generalized study of the local Jewish population’s execution on the day of the Bazar anniversary. Conclusions. The events of the “Second Bazaar” have become one of the symbols of the Ukrainian national struggle for statehood, representing another tragic page in the history of the Ukrainian and Jewish peoples. Further research might be conducted to personalize the members and sympathizers of the OUN, participants of the commemoration events of the “Second Bazaar”, victims of Nazi repressions and determine the exact number of Jewish people killed.

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