Wuthering Heights and the Limits of Vision

PMLA ◽  
1971 ◽  
Vol 86 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-62 ◽  
David Sonstroem

Interpretations of Wuthering Heights often focus upon the grand passions of Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and the striking bond between them. But full and detailed consideration of the novel discourages the assumption that Emily Brontë is wholeheartedly endorsing their point of view, or any other. She consistently presents all her characters, Heathcliff and Catherine included, as blind to the world as others see it, and consequently as holding views that do not do justice to the fullness of things. Largely because of their myopia, all are ever at odds with one another, often physically, but usually conceptually, engaging in indecisive wars of words, benighted battles of too limited views. The battles occur as well within Catherine and Heathcliff, whose divided hearts reflect the confused divisions in the world at large. And the reader is fully implicated in the inconclusive conflicts, for his formulations and sympathies are repeatedly betrayed. Wuthering Heights provides him with no standard of judgment that comprehends the restricted ones of the characters, no privileged point of view to relieve his uncertainties. Whatever her intentions, Emily Brontë is clearly not just throwing her being vicariously into the lives of Heathcliff and Catherine. She possesses strong critical impulses and many contrary views, only one of them being that of Heathcliff.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (11) ◽  
Sonja Valčić

Tema ovog eseja je bazirana na citatu V. Woolf »The Russian Point of View«, tj. na citatu iz njena eseja, koji otvara jedan interesantan uvid u neke tendencije ruskih i engleskih romanopisaca 19. stoljeća. Engleski novelisti, po V. Woolf, čini se, teže objektivnijem prikazivanju društva, dok su ruski veći individualisti. Da se svi engleski pisci ne mogu klasificirati kao objektivni promatrači društva u kojem žive, potvrđuje Emily Bronte sa svojim romanom Wuthering Heights. Isto tako ruski novelisti 19. stoljeća otvaraju »mogućnosti« modernih interpretacija s tematikama moralnih sukoba koje onda pisci 20. stoljeća (engleski) proširuju na određen način, ili, bolje rečeno, sagledavaju s drugih točaka gledišta i stavljaju u određene okvire. Obrađeni su naročito V. Woolf i D. H. Lawrence, te su povučene neke paralele s Tolstojem i Turgenjevim.

2015 ◽  
pp. 209-236
Ryszard Handke

Science-Fiction Novel Liberates Itself from Political DuesThe present issue of "Colloquia Humanistica" contains Professor Ryszard Handke's two last essays, until now unpublished. They belong together and deal with the works of Stanisław Lem, namely with the creation of a sui generis dictionary of this outstanding sci-fi writer. Handke highlights the coming of a new age in the evolution of the genre, already foreshadowed in Lem's early novels. This new sci-fi abandons uncritical beliefs in the power of science leading man to the conquest of cosmos and to a perfection of Earth's civilization. In Handke's analysis, in his first essay discussing "Astronauts" and "Magellan's Nebula," and in the second devoted to "Eden," Lem's evolution starts from a blind faith in the Marxist progress of civilization based on materialistic technocracy and moves towards an increasingly open polemic with this point of view, clearly demonstrating the beginning of doubts or of caution against an excessive faith in progress. The author of the essays is principally interested in the linguistic layer of the novels, the sci-fi terminology designating phenomena, objects or equipments from the imagined future. Handke analyzes the world reflected in the language and attempts to assemble a corpus invented by Lem in order to create an illusion of the future. The language seen from the perspective of the two texts remains a meaningful platform, but not a transparent one. This is where the space of the author's game with the readers begins, the space of inter-textual, cultural references, where the mentioned earlier naiveté of the older science fiction breaks down and an element of doubt, surprise, or irony surfaces frequently. The use of concrete linguistic means is conditioned by the creation of a world displaying a clearly determined character that borrows its particularities from the linguistic image of a fictional quasi-reality. It also results from the applied technique of story telling, from ways of verifying narration and from mechanisms of the reader's understanding of the meaning of words as building blocks of the presented world. The first novel discussed by Handke – "Astronauts" (1951), remains in the essayist's view still in the optimistic current of science fiction; the "fantastic" terminology, while already foreshadowing Lem's later plays with words, is deeply rooted in the traditional perception of the technical world. In the later novel – "Magellan's Nebula" – the focus of interest veers to how to construct with words a world in extreme conditions, i. e. when mimetic support in creation and in spelling out relations between the linguistic signs and what they designate, is curtailed. That is why, the attention is not centered on the spaces where the author takes advantage of the possibility of referring to phenomena and names known to the broadcaster and to the receiver in the real reality. The narrational situation constructed in the novel relies also on the premise that not much had changed in these fields, despite the passage of centuries, because human nature remains significantly the same. Both novels, while a system of "fantastic" concepts has been imposed on the presented world, reflect in fact current socio-political problems that cannot be grasped outside of the context provided by the communist faith in progress. "Eden" on the other hand, shows Lem's wavering in his faith in progress. In the novel, Earth people face another civilization; the author of the essay compares this narrational situation to the building of utopia, only situated in the Cosmos. The linguistic layer here resembles Lem's mature works, where irony in the creation of words keeps the readers at a distance when they view the displayed world and makes them ponder the author's intention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-27
Fatiha Belmerabet

Since language is a brainwork of speakers who live in social and physical environments, researchers are obliged to think about the alliance between the vocabularies’ meaning in dictionaries and their significance in social use. And because the novel is a fictional piece of writing which is primarily inspired by real life and reflects realities. In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte strives to interfere in her characters’ thought and considers their social class, culture and experience; she acts as a writer, the speaker and the reader as well. These authorial qualities gave birth to a text combined of two language varieties, the Standard English and the Yorkshire dialect which are tightly interwoven without distorting the unity and the arrangement of the story plot. This paper looks to cover the different social inclinations of E. Bronte’s depiction of dialect in addition to some critical resonances of such representation.   Keywords: Wuthering Heights, dialect representativeness, social reality, thematic implications, language.

Ramesh Prasad Adhikary

This article is mainly focused on the protagonist Savitri of the novel The Dark Room and how she is alienated from herself, from the society and from the world and about her quest for marital identity. Savitri also goes through the crisis of discontent to the quest for happiness. Savitri of the ancient legend is a paragon of virtue and courage who confronts even Death to save her husband is finally victorious. Ironically unlike the legendary Savitri, Narayan’s Savitri chooses to leave home, husband and children once she comes to know of her husband’s infidelity. Contrary to the legend, Savitri is just an ordinary, amiable, housewife. She abandons her gambler and drunkard husband and her family. But her independence proves detrimental to Savitri’s familial peace. Narayan skillfully portrays her every action and in his ironic subtle fashion puts across the artificiality behind it. As a qualitative research, this researcher has taken the text as a ptimary source and interpreted it from existential point of view.

Alexey A. Khudin

The article is aimed at studying the theory of postmodernism, asLittLe studied and insufficiently disclosed in modern science, extremely complex and requiring detailed and in-depth analysis. The article sets the task to consider the problems of the crisis perception of the situation in postmodernism architecture period, existing in the regime of a multicultural polylogue. The issue of changing of architectural styles, reflecting global processes, is considered. The peculiarity of architectural thinking in the 1960-1990 period is studied from the point of view of changing of cultural paradigmatic attitudes. The author for the first time explores the causes of the emergence of a sense of crisis, as well as its effects in the form of growing reflection, irony, the formation of criticism and deconstruction, as derivatives of this state. Insufficient study of this problem requires a detailed consideration of the features of eschatological thinking in the cultural processes of the twentieth century and their reflection in the ideology of postmodernism, which is done by the author for the first time. The problem of confrontation between culture and civilization is analyzed, which is one of the little-studied phenomena of thinking in the second half of the twentieth century. The research touches upon the issues of values reassessment, the emergence of distrust to meta-narratives, skepticism to rationality, the defeat of the ideas of humanism, the death of culture, the existence in the process of global polemics, the loss of unambiguous self-identification and landmarks of contemporary human in the world. The author demonstrates the reasons for the emergence of pluralism, antiauthoritarianism, democracy, autoreflexia as ideologemes opposed to modernism. The article contains an examination of the emergence of neoromanticism, deconstruction, escapism as different directions in postmodernism.

2017 ◽  
Vol 163 ◽  
pp. 105-115
Ałła Szełajewa

‘‘And the years have come when there’s no more pleasure for me…” the concept of ‘‘old age” in the chronicle The Zahudaly Rod by Leskov and the novel The Contess Cosel by KrashevskyIn this article the problem of the concept ‘‘old age” in the chronicle is considered. Having been one of the constants of the world culture, the concept ‘‘old age” is related to the empirical or posterior concepts. In fiction literature and art it receives some varied expression, dictated by the peculiarities of ahistorical epoch and its cultural traditions.From this point of view, acertain interest is given by the interpretation of old age as the period of the crisis of the age of personality identification in the chronicles The Zahudaly Rod by N.S. Leskov.In the last conceptually important chapter, which is appeared as the result of the influence of the novel The Contess Cosel by Krashevsky, the main structural element is the comparison of two old women characters, Princess Barbara Protozanov and Contess Cosel. Their premature social death is caused by their attempt to build their everyday life accordingly with their religious consciousness and realizing of their moral values.„Przyszły lata, z których nie mam już zadowolenia…” koncept „starość” w kronice Nikołaja Leskowa Podupadły ród i powieści Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego Hrabina CoselW artykule rozpatrywany jest problem koncepcji „starości” w powieściach Leskowa Podupadły ród 1873 i Kraszewskiego Hrabina Cosel 1874. Koncepcja „starości” związana jest z pojęciami empirycznymi i aposteriorycznymi. W sztuce iliteraturze pięknej jest wyrażona w różnych formach, uwarunkowanych charakterem epoki historycznej, jej tradycjami kulturowymi i filozoficzno-religijnymi podstawami bytu. Z tego punktu widzenia interesująca okazuje się interpretacja starości jako okresu związanego z wiekiem kryzysu identyfikacji jednostki, zawarta w Podupadłym rodzie. Ideowo ważny ostatni rozdział powieści powstał pod wpływem książki J. Kraszewskiego Hrabina Cosel, a głównym elementem jego struktury jest porównanie dwóch postaci starszych kobiet — księżnej Warwary Protozanowej i hrabiny Cosel. W przypadku obu bohaterek próba życia zgodnie z zasadami religii i wyznawanymi wartościami kończy się przedwczesną społeczną śmiercią.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Dina Ramadhanti ◽  
Diyan Permata Yanda

AbstractWoman’s language is a representation system reflecting woman’s views of the world. Such language can be found in oral and written texts, e.g.: novel. In the novel, female language containing certain ideology is identifiable through the interpretation of its vocabularies and grammar. Woman’s choice of words represents certain ideology and her views of life. In this writing, such ideology in woman’s vocabularies and grammar in the novel is studied using qualitative approach and content analysis method based on Fairclough’s theory developed by Santoso. Generally, woman’slanguage in the novel shows a modern and brave point of view of an Islamic boarding school woman to face every conflict in her life. The novel taught us that only knowledgeable and strongly virtuous woman that can withstand and defend her rights among the dominant and powerful people around her. It is shown in her use of words and choice of grammar.AbstrakBahasa perempuan adalah suatu sistem representasi yang mencerminkan cara pandang perempuan terhadap dunia, yang dapat muncul dalam teks lisan ataupun tulisan. Dalam teks tulisan, misalnya novel, bahasa perempuan yang mengandung ideologi tertentu dapat diidentifikasi dengan menafsirkan kosakata dan gramatikanya. Pilihan bahasa yang digunakan perempuan melambangkan ideologi tertentu dan cara pandangnya terhadap kehidupan di mana pun ia berada. Dengan menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi, ideologi yang terkandung dalam bahasa perempuan, khususnya di dalam novel, dikaji berdasarkan kosakata dan gramatika menggunakan teori Fairclough yang dikembangkan oleh Santoso. Secara umum, bahasa yang digunakan perempuan dalam novel Bidadari Bermata Bening menunjukkan cara pandang seorang perempuan lulusan pesantren yang berpikiran modern dan berani menghadapi setiap konflik dalam hidupnya. Novel ini mengajarkan bahwa hanya perempuan yang memiliki pengetahuan dan keyakinan agama yang kuatlah yang dapat mempertahankan dan memperjuangkan hak-haknyadi tengah dominasi dan kekuasaan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Caranya tampak dari penggunaan kosakata dan pemilihan gramatikanya.

1994 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-359 ◽  
Steven Vine

Wuthering Heights is a drama of instabilities. The novel introduces a "wuthering" into the social, psychical, and ideological stabilities of the world it represents and submits secure self-identity to the wuther of the other, to the disruptive and conflictual movements of alterity. The essay examines the ways in which the limits of social and sexual identity are dramatized in the novel, a process that shows how self-identity is conflictually constructed and how the other inhabits the familiar. The argument examines the ideological contradictions dramatized in the figure of Heathcliff and the agon of desire, identity, and sexual difference as it is enacted in the relationship between Cathy and Heathcliff. The essay concludes by examining Cathy's delirium in the novel alongside Julia Kristeva's account of delirium in psychoanalysis and relates both of these to the dynamic textuality of Wuthering Heights. The argument reinflects Marxist, feminist, and deconstructive treatments of Emily Brontë's text and focuses particularly on wuthering as othering in the novel's account of subjectivity.

Omurbaeva Gulzat

Abstarct: The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of "justice" in the novel “Arhat” by K. Akmatov which was later translated into English by Elizabeth Adams. The verbal representation of this concept is presented in terms of nucleus and periphery level. A comparison of these means makes it possible to identify similarities and differences in the consciousness of the collective and the individual. The examples for the analysis were selected from both original and translated texts. Along with study of the language picture of the world , the concept “justice” will be studied from linguacultural point of view and lexical semantic field will be revealed . Key words: concept, language picture of the world ,cognitive linguistics, lexical se- mantic field, nucleus and periphery. Аннотация: Бул макала Елизабет Адамс англис тилине которгон К. Акматовдун "Архат" романындагы "адилеттүүлүк" түшүнүгүн талдоого багытталган. Бул концепттин түпкү жана тектеш сөздөр менен сүрөттөлүп берилүү өзгөчөлүгү каралды. Аларды салыштыруунун негизинде жамааттык жана жеке аң-сезимдин окшоштуктары менен айырмачылыктары аныкталды.Талдоо жүргүзүү үчүн мисалдар чыгарманын кыргыз тилиндеги жана англис тилине которулган басылмаларынан тандалып алынды. Дүйнөнүн тилдик бейнесин чагылдыруу менен бирге лингва-маданий изилдөөнүн алкагында"адилеттуулук"концептинин лексикалык-семантикалык талаасы аныкталды. Түйүндүү сөздөр: концепт, дүйнөнүн тилдик бейнеси, когнитивдик лингвистика, лексикалык семантикалыкталаа, түпкү жана тектеш сөздөр. Аннотация: Статья посвящена анализу концепта "справедливость" в произведении К. Акматова “Архат”, переведенная на английский язык Елизабетом Адамс. Вербальная репрезентация данных концептов представлена на уровне ядерно-периферийного описания. Сравнение этих средств позволяет выявить сходство и различие в сознании коллектива и индивидуума. Примеры для анализа были выбраны из исходного и переведенного текстов. Наряду с изучением языковой картины мира, концепт "справедливость" будет рассмотрен в рамках лингвокультурного аспекта и будет выявлено его лексико-семантическое поле. Ключевые слова: концепт, языковая картина мира, когнитивная лингвистика, лексико-семантическое поле, ядро и периферия.

Neophilology ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 502-509
Olga A. Dronova

We consider genre typology of documentary novels of “Neue Sachlichkeit”: a “report” novel, a “novel of fact” and a documentary montage novel. The proposed classification is based on the different nature of the interaction of narrative and document in these types of novels. In the “report” novel the narration is conducted from the point of view of the observer, the literary text appears as a testimony, the document of an era. The “novel of fact” is based on real documents that are partially or fully integrated into the artistic whole. In the montage novel fragments of doc-umentary material and narrative are connected with each other associatively, resulting in a frag-mentary image of the world. We analyze the novels of 1920s – early 1930s by J. Roth, A. Doeblin, E. Ottwalt, E. Reger, R. Brunngraber and E. Koeppen. We substantiate the conception, that the problem of cognition acquires special importance in the documentary-fiction novels of “Neue Sachlichkeit”. On the one hand, the hero of the novels is trying to understand the changed social reality. On the other hand, documentary-fiction novels of “Neue Sachlichkeit” require special way of reading: they are designed to activate the reader's perception, to teach the reader to recreate a complete picture of reality based on the comparison of different ways of its image: narrative, evi-dence and documents.

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