2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 142
Putu Gede Parma ◽  
Desak Komang Ira Pratiwi ◽  
Gede Wira Bayu

Bengkala Village is a village where 2% or around 48 people were born with hearing and speaking impairment. They still have an artistic spirit by forming a kolok janger group. To support the development of education, in 2007, the local government established SDN 2 Bengkala as an inclusive school. At present, this school does not yet have specific teaching material in learning science that is deaf-friendly. This study aimed to explore Balinese culture in development of friendly teaching materials in inclusive schools using development research methods. In this study, exploration was carried out by students using the ADDIE model. The instruments used to measure the quality of teaching materials were an assessment sheet of teaching materials from experts for the validity aspects, learning achievement tests, as well as teacher response questionnaires and student response questionnaires to assess teaching materials applied. Validity analysis was done with the formula of content validity ratio according to Lawshe and the effectiveness test analysis was done through quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study were some products in the form of teaching materials for Natural Sciences which are equipped with RPP/lesson plan and LKPD/worksheets with the development of insightful Balinese culture. This product have been validated by natural science experts, learning design experts, Balinese cultural experts, as well as evaluation and education experts. The results obtained with a CVR and CVI score was 1.00 which can be categorized as "valid" and worth testing. These products have been tested limited in fourth grade. Conclusions of this study were the product can improve learning outcomes of hearing and speaking impairment in inclusive schools.

Yusrina Yusrina ◽  
Muhammad Rapi Tang ◽  
Syukur Saud

Teaching materials are one of the important aspects that determine the effectiveness of learning. In learning discourse analysis, students are expected to have critical thinking skills, but this is not achieved because the teaching materials used are not in accordance with the needs of students. The purpose of this study was to analyze the needs of teaching materials to students. This research was conducted by quantitative descriptive method. Research data were collected using a questionnaire given to 30 students. The data from the questionnaires were then studied using quantitative descriptive analysis methods. Based on the results of the study obtained data that many teaching materials are not in accordance with the learning objectives that have been formulated in the lesson plan. The pattern of preparation and content of teaching materials used so far does not provide a stimulus for students to develop critical thinking skills. The results showed that students not only needed teaching materials that contained material as the object of discourse analysis studies, but also needed material on concepts and strategies in critical thinking.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-238
I Nyoman Adi Susrawan ◽  
Dewa Gede Bambang Erawan

This research categorized as Research and Devenlopment (R&D) that aims to (1) describe and identify the design process and the feasibility of learning materials of Bali based on Balinese culture, (2) to describe and analyze the responses of VII grade students of SMP PGRI 3 Denpasar towards the development of Indonesian language based materials of local culture Bali. The data obtained through observation, interview, and questionnaire methods. Furthermore, the collected then analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the development of Indonesian language learning materials based on local Balinese culture included into very well category. It was based on the validation results by the subject matter expert who gave an assessment with an average score of 88.42. The results of the pilot test, both initial field trials and major field trials also showed an average score of 90.28 and 92.50 included in the excellent category. Moreover, a good response is also obtained in this study, the overall average score given by students as users of teaching materials is 4.45 included very positive category. Thus, it can be concluded that the developed teaching materials are feasible to be used in the learning process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 168
Zubaidah Amir MZ ◽  
Fitria Anggraini ◽  
Kusnadi Kusnadi ◽  
Alfiah Alfiah

This research is a development research using a 4-D model, but in this study, researchers modified it to 3-D (Define, Design, Development). This study aims to produce PBL-based Student Worksheet (DMSW) Integrated Islamic Values that are valid, practical, and effective. This research was conducted at SDIT Raudhaturrahmah sub-district Marpoyan Damai, Pekanbaru, Riau. The subject of this study were material experts and media from lecturers and teachers, as well as Raudhaturrahmah Pekanbaru students. The sample in this study was class V Al-Halim as the experimental class and class V Al-Fattah as the control class. The object of this research is PBL Mathematical DMSW Integrated Islamic Values. The type of data used is in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires, interviews and posttest. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis. Based on the validity test, the DMSW based on PBL-Based Islamic Values was stated as a very valid category with a percentage of validity level of 87.61%, and very practical with a percentage of practicality of 84.39%. And effective, because based on the results of t test analysis, there are differences in learning outcomes between experiments using problem-based mathematics DMSW integrated Islamic values with the control class that does not use problem-based DMSW integrated Islamic values. besides, the percentage of student learning completeness reaches 85%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Destriani Destriani ◽  
Destriana Destriana ◽  
Endang Switri ◽  
Herri Yusfi

This study aimed to produce the development of proper volleyball games learning for students. The research method used in this study was Research and Development. The development steps were done by using Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation which were often referred to the ADDIE model. The subjects in this study were the students of Physical and Health Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sriwijaya University. The results of this study indicated that overall the development of volleyball games learning is feasible to be used. The data analysis technique used was quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study included the development of facilities, infrastructure, and rules of volleyball games. In the facilities aspect was by changing the height of the net to 2.15 meters. In the infrastructure aspect modified the size of the field to be 16x9 meters. While in the rules of the game aspect combined female and male students. The feasibility of the development was obtained from the results of the assessment of material experts which were obtained an average of 80.67% included in the good category while the effectiveness was obtained from the learning outcomes of the implementation phase of students with the outcome on the psychomotor aspect was 77.08% included in the sufficient category. The implementation of this development research was that the educators could use as an alternative in teaching and could improve the students’ learning outcomes on psychomotor aspect.

Ester Emerita Tarigan ◽  
Hasratuddin Hasratuddin ◽  
Kms. M. Amin Fauzi

This study aims to develop students' worksheets based on a realistic mathematical approach with Ethnomatematic named on rounding numbers in 4th grade of primary school (SD Negeri 091358 Haranggaol, Haranggaol Horisan Sub-District). The object of this research is the Student Worksheet based on Realistic Mathematics Approach in Ethnomatematic nuance. The instrument used in this study was the mathematics learning achievement test and student response questionnaire. Data were collected and analyzed with quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. This research method is Borg & Gall development research combined with Dick & Carey's learning development model. The test subjects consisted of material and design learning experts, two linguists, using trial I and trial II. The results showed (1) The results of the expert test of subject matter on the assessment of the appropriateness of the content and the feasibility of the presentation were in very good criteria (85.42%); (2) The results of the learning design expert test were in very good criteria (94.23%); (3) Linguists' test results are in very good criteria (94.44%); (4) The results of trial I are in good criteria (60%); (5) The results of trial II are in very good criteria (90%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Ni Made Adelia Sari ◽  
Ida Bagus Surya Manuaba

Currently, conventional teaching materials and learning media have not met the learning demands in the 4.0 evolutionary era. It results in many students who do not understand the subject matter, so that the learning objectives have not been achieved optimally. This study aims to produce an inquiry-based interactive electronic module to support learning. This type of research is development research using the ADDIE model, which includes the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. The techniques used in collecting data are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The instrument used to collect data is a questionnaire. The analysis used is qualitative descriptive analysis technique and quantitative descriptive analysis. The research results review subject matter experts who get very good qualifications (100%). The results of the learning design expert review are very good (90%). The results of the learning media expert review are good (86.7%). The individual test results are very good (97,3%). The small group test results are very good (95.7%). It can be concluded that the inquiry-based interactive e-module is very valid and feasible to use in learning. This research implies that teachers can use the developed media to help students learn.

Djoko Hari Supriyanto

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas hasil pengembangan buku ajar Konsep Dasar IPA S1 PGSD berorientasi pembelajaran Quantum dengan mendeskripsikan validitas komponen materi, penyajian, kebahasaan, serta kepraktisan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, kendala-kendala pembelajaran, dan keefektifan hasil belajar, respon mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model 4-D (Four-D Model). Prosedur pengembangan dilakukan sampai tahap pendefinisian, perancangan, dan pengembangan. Subyek ujicoba ini adalah mahasiswa S1 PGSD STKIP Modern Ngawi dengan desain ujicoba one group pretest-posttest design. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik validasi, observasi, angket dan tes. penganalisan data menggunakan teknis analisis deskriptif kuantitatif secara berurutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa data kualitas buku ajar Konsep Dasar IPA S1 PGSD berorientasi pembelajaran Quantum yang dikembangkan dinilai dari (1) validitas kelayakan komponen materi, penyajian, kebahasaan, silabus, SAP, dan tes hasil belajar dari hasil validasi yang dilakukan dosen ahli dengan kategori sangat layak. (2) kepraktisan buku ajar dari keterlaksanaan SAP yang dilaksanakan dosen sangat baik dan hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran mampu diatasi oleh dosen dengan solusi alternative yang mendukung peningkatan kegiatan pembelajaran. (3) keefektifan  buku ajar di dasari oleh respon mahasiswa yang ditanggapi dengan positif dan rata-rata hasil belajar kognitif meningkat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengembangan buku ajar mata kuliah Konsep Dasar IPA S1 PGSD berorientasi Pembelajaran Quantum layak, praktis dan efektif untuk digunakan mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi.Kata Kunci : Buku Ajar, Berorientasi, Pembelajaran QuantumAbstract This study aims to determine the quality of the development of textbook course for the Basic Concepts of Scince S1 PGSD oriented in Quantum learning to describe the validity of materials component, presentation, language, and the practicality of enforceability of learning, learning obstacles, and the effectiveness of learning outcomes, and student response. The type of this research is developmental research. The development model used in this research is the model of 4-D (Four-D Model). The development procedure is done until the stage of defining, design, and development. The subject of this research is a student of S1 PGSD STKIP Modern Ngawi with the tryout design of one group pretest-posttest design. Data collection done through validity techniques, observations, questionnaires and tests. Technique of data analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study showed that the data quality of textbook course for the Basic Concepts of Scince S1 PGSD oriented in Quantum learning which is developed is judged from (1) the validity of feasibility of the component materials, presentation, language, syllabus, SAP, and achievement test results of the validity result which done by expert lecturers categorized as very feasible. (2) Textbook practicality of the carriage of SAP that implemented by lecturers and obstacles that occur in the learning process can be answered by the lecturer with alternative solutions which support in the improving learning activities. (3) the effectiveness of the textbook constituted by the response of students which responded positively and the average of cognitive achievement can increase. Based on the results of the study showed that the development of the textbook course for the Basic Concepts of Scince S1 PGSD oriented in Quantum learning is feasible, practical and effective used in college students.Keyword: Textbook, Oriented, Quantum learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-46
Fahira Qotrunnada ◽  
Joni Susilowibowo

In 21st century education, the use of information technology is needed to facilitate learning activities, especially in the development of learning materials. For example, the use of electronic teaching materials in the form of e-books. The research was carried out with the aim of developing and analyzing the feasibility of the financial accounting e-book teaching material for class XII SMK in the material of tangible fixed assets based on a scientific approach as well as knowing the responses of students after being given e-book teaching materials. The 4D model by Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel is used in this research and development (R&D) research. The steps taken are define, design, develop, while disseminate was not carried out. The research data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. Obtaining the feasibility of the results of this study revealed that the validity of the material, language, and graphics were categorized as very feasible. A total of 20 students from class XII AKL SMK Rajasa Surabaya gave their responses to the e-book teaching material as a limited trial implementation that obtained a very well-understood interpretation. Thus, the e-book teaching materials for Financial Accounting class XII SMK on tangible fixed assets based on a scientific approach can be used in the learning process

Kahfi Rahmah

ABSTRACTThis research aims to produce Media Kit Science Learning Based on Scientific Method that feasible to improve mastery of concept on the material of Solar System in Grade 6th elementary school. This reaserch is a developmental reasearch, wich model reasearch is ADDIE. Limited try out design using one group pretest-posttest design with quantitative descriptive analysis techniques and descriptive qualitative. The try out subject that used in this reaserch are students Grade 6th of Elementary School 3 Kedungwinangun, Kebumen, academic year 2015/2016 on the material of Solar System. The result of reaserch showed: (1) The all content of the lesson plan, such RPP, BAS, LKS, Media KIT about Solar System, and Learning Aspects of Knowledge Test Results are feasible; level of legibility BAS and LKS categorized well; (2) Development content of lesson plans is practice to used, shown by implementation of content of lessonplan up to 100%; (3) The lesson is effective, achievement learning objectives and indicators is shown by all of students can reach the completeness criteria; The students activity is studen centered, average of students activity about observed is 84,67%, 65,33% for questioning, 84,5% for collecting information, 83,17% for associating information, and 100% for communicating; result study of students shown there is increasing mastery of concept on the solar system material with categorie of gain scor is high. Based on the result and discussion of this study concluded that the device of science learning based on scientific method that use media kit of solar system feasible, practice, and effective for use in study.Key Words: Kit Media, Science Learning, Scientific, dan Mastery of Concept.ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Kit Media Pembelajaran IPA berbasis saintifik yang layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep materi tata surya pada siswa kelas VI SD.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, dengan model ADDIE. Desain uji coba terbatas menggunakan one group pretest-posttest design dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek ujicoba ini adalah siswa kelas VI SDN 3 Kedungwinangun, Kebumen, tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 dengan materi tata surya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Perangkat pembelajaran yang meliputi RPP, LKS, BAS, Kit Media Tata Surya, Tes Penguasaan Konsep valid; tingkat keterbacaan BAS dan LKS berkategori baik; (2) Perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan praktis digunakan, ditunjukkan dengan terlaksananya kegiatan pembelajaran dengan persentase keterlaksanaan sebesar 100%; (3) Pembelajaran berlangsung efektif, pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran dan indikator ditunjukkan dengan tercapainya kriteria ketuntasan sebesar 100% dari jumlah siswa, aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran lebih dominan yang ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata aktivitas siswa untuk kegiatan mengamati sebesar 84,67%, menanya sebesar 65,33%, mengumpulkan informasi 84,5%, mengolah informasi 83,17%, dan mengkomunikasikan 100%; hasil belajar siswa menunjukkan adanya peningkatan penguasaan konsep siswa mengenai materi tata surya meningkat dengan kategori gain skor tinggi.Berdasarkan hasil dan diskusi penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran IPA berbasis saintifik yang menggunakan Kit Media IPA Tata Surya valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran.Kata Kunci: Kit Media, Pembelajaran IPA, Saintifik, dan Penguasaan Konsep.ABSTRACTThis research aims to produce Media Kit Science Learning Based on Scientific Method that feasible to improve mastery of concept on the material of Solar System in Grade 6th elementary school. This reaserch is a developmental reasearch, wich model reasearch is ADDIE. Limited try out design using one group pretest-posttest design with quantitative descriptive analysis techniques and descriptive qualitative. The try out subject that used in this reaserch are students Grade 6th of Elementary School 3 Kedungwinangun, Kebumen, academic year 2015/2016 on the material of Solar System. The result of reaserch showed: (1) The all content of the lesson plan, such RPP, BAS, LKS, Media KIT about Solar System, and Learning Aspects of Knowledge Test Results are feasible; level of legibility BAS and LKS categorized well; (2) Development content of lesson plans is practice to used, shown by implementation of content of lessonplan up to 100%; (3) The lesson is effective, achievement learning objectives and indicators is shown by all of students can reach the completeness criteria; The students activity is studen centered, average of students activity about observed is 84,67%, 65,33% for questioning, 84,5% for collecting information, 83,17% for associating information, and 100% for communicating; result study of students shown there is increasing mastery of concept on the solar system material with categorie of gain scor is high. Based on the result and discussion of this study concluded that the device of science learning based on scientific method that use media kit of solar system feasible, practice, and effective for use in study. Key Words: Kit Media, Science Learning, Scientific, dan Mastery of Concept. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Kit Media Pembelajaran IPA berbasis saintifik yang layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep materi tata surya pada siswa kelas VI SD.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, dengan model ADDIE. Desain uji coba terbatas menggunakan one group pretest-posttest design dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek ujicoba ini adalah siswa kelas VI SDN 3 Kedungwinangun, Kebumen, tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 dengan materi tata surya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Perangkat pembelajaran yang meliputi RPP, LKS, BAS, Kit Media Tata Surya, Tes Penguasaan Konsep valid; tingkat keterbacaan BAS dan LKS berkategori baik; (2) Perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan praktis digunakan, ditunjukkan dengan terlaksananya kegiatan pembelajaran dengan persentase keterlaksanaan sebesar 100%; (3) Pembelajaran berlangsung efektif, pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran dan indikator ditunjukkan dengan tercapainya kriteria ketuntasan sebesar 100% dari jumlah siswa, aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran lebih dominan yang ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata aktivitas siswa untuk kegiatan mengamati sebesar 84,67%, menanya sebesar 65,33%, mengumpulkan informasi 84,5%, mengolah informasi 83,17%, dan mengkomunikasikan 100%; hasil belajar siswa menunjukkan adanya peningkatan penguasaan konsep siswa mengenai materi tata surya meningkat dengan kategori gain skor tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil dan diskusi penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran IPA berbasis saintifik yang menggunakan Kit Media IPA Tata Surya valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: Kit Media, Pembelajaran IPA, Saintifik, dan Penguasaan Konsep.

Ika Oktaviana ◽  
Sutiman B Sumitro ◽  
Umie Lestari

The purpose of the research and development is to produce teaching materials such as textbooks supporting course in Biotechnology research based on the characterization of the sperm membrane proteins for students who take a course in Biotechnology. This research is a research and development, where the results of research become the teaching materials developed supporting Biotechnology course. Development models have prepared using ADDIE Model. Sources of data in this research include laboratory research and validation of the results sheet of Biotechnology material experts, instructional design experts, the media, and the trials in students. The analysis is used descriptive analysis and quantitative descriptive exploratory. The results of the research have developed become teaching materials like text books supporting courses and have been validated by the Biotechnology, the biotechnology material experts, instructional design experts, the media, the individual testing, and group trials. Based on the results of the validation material have obtained value of 89.56%, the results of the design validation and media experts to get the value of 93.75%, it means that the teaching materials has been developed which suitable to be used as a teaching material support biotechnology course. While the experiments performed to get a data the percentage of students that are equal to 88.98% and included in the category of “very good”, but still need to be revised based on advices and comments from students.

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