2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Dewi Ayu Sulistya

The Research to motivate students learning and helping teacher to give theory by Quantum Teaching Development model by using audio visual media software based on camtasia studio 8, as a valid and practical learning media. The type of Research Used is Research and Development. The procedure in this development study apply the according to Borg and Gall with initial research and information collection, planning, product draft development, initial field trials, revision test of the results. The result of media validation at first stage media expert was 57,5% and stage 2 was 91,25%, second media expert validation was 95%, material validation result in first material expert of phase 1 was 55,71, and phase 2 was 95 , 71%, second material expert validation 95,71%, student response question 93,75%. Then camtasia based on audio visual media with quantum teaching media is valid and ready for field trial. Then the questionnaire responses of students as much as 92.68% and questionnaire teacher response learning media and learning materials 97% and 100%. So it can be concluded that the development of quantum teaching based on camtasia learning video is valid and practical so that motivated learning besides feasible use learning in Elementary School.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-166
Dewi Ayu Sulistya

The Research to motivate students learning and helping teacher to give theory by Quantum Teaching Development model by using audio visual media software based on camtasia studio 8, as a valid and practical learning media. The type of Research Used is Research and Development. The procedure in this development study apply the according to Borg and Gall with initial research and information collection, planning, product draft development, initial field trials, revision test of the results. The result of media validation at first stage media expert was 57,5% and stage 2 was 91,25%, second media expert validation was 95%, material validation result in first material expert of phase 1 was 55,71, and phase 2 was 95 , 71%, second material expert validation 95,71%, student response question 93,75%. Then camtasia based on audio visual media with quantum teaching media is valid and ready for field trial. Then the questionnaire responses of students as much as 92.68% and questionnaire teacher response learning media and learning materials 97% and 100%. So it can be concluded that the development of quantum teaching based on camtasia learning video is valid and practical so that motivated learning besides feasible use learning in Elementary School.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Badiatun Nisail Fadilah ◽  
Jazim Ahmad ◽  
Nurul Farida

The purpose of this research is to produce an E-module based on Contextual Teaching and Learning in Geometry Transformation material that is valid and practical so that it can be used as one of the mathematics learning resources, especially the material of transformation geometry. The type of research used is research and development. The model used is the Plomp model. The stages used in this development model only phase 1 to phase 4, namely is a preliminary investigation, design, realization/construction, evaluation, and revision. The types of questionnaires used were expert validation and a student response questionnaire. Based on the results of expert validation the results of the material and the language expert validation percentage were 83.08% (very feasible category), design experts 86.11% (very feasible category) so that the overall material and language validation results and design were 84.56 % (very decent category). The results of the small group trials obtained from the student questionnaire responses to the mathematics E-Module were 88.6% (very practical category). Based on the results, it can be concluded that the E-Module mathematics based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on the transformation geometry material assisted by Flipbook Maker is very feasible and very practical to be used as one of the sources of mathematics learning, especially on geometry material transformation.

Agatha Saputri ◽  
Sukirno Sukirno ◽  
Heri Kurniawan ◽  
Taufik Probowasito

This study aims to: (1) develop android game-based learning media “Go Accounting” in trading company accounting learning (2) reveal the feasibility of the develop learning media according to material experts, media experts, teachers, and student. This study is research and development that refers to the ADDIE model. The subjects of the trial are the students of class XI accounting of vocational high school. The data collection is done through interviews and questionnaire. The instruments used are interview guide, expert validation questionnaire, teacher response questionnaire, and student response questionnaire. The feasibility of the develop learning media is analyzed using the quantitative 5 category conversion. The result of this study is Android game-based learning media “Go Accounting”. The development of learning media is feasible according to material experts, media experts, teachers, and students each of whom subsequently gave a score of 4.18, 4.35, 4.70, and 4.22.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Mochamad Desta Pradana

Abstract: One of the efforts to solve learning problems is by developing instructional resources. One of them is instructional tutorial. Based on the field observation, subject of photo media for Instruction (photography) in graduate program PBA of STAIN Kediri still employes instructional media (utilization). Thus, there is a need to develop media of instructional tutorial (by desaign) in order to overcome errors in delivering instructional messages. The aim of this study is to produce instructional media of subject of photo media for Instruction (photography) in the form of tutorial, lecturer guidance and students’ guidance which is expected to be able to help students gain knowledge of facts, concepts, and proper shooting procedures. The tutorial media is developed in terms of the study of the instructional technology which is based on the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model is a systematic instructional design model consisting of five phases: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. Furthermore, the product of the development of the instructional interactive multimedia will be evaluated. There are six steps in the evaluation phase: (1) judgement of the matter expert/ the material expert, (2) judgement of the design expert, (3) judgement of the media expert, (4) individual trials, (5) small group trials, (6) large group trials/ field trials. The result of expert validation for this instructional media tutorial indicates that it is properly designed, 73%. The result of media expert validation shows that it is very properly designed, 83%. The result of design expert validation shows that it is very properly designed, 82%. Personal validation is on the proper category, 70%. Result of small group validation is on proper category, 70%. Moreover, the result for big group test or field test is on the very proper category, 95%. Suggestion proposed related with the use and developing of media tutorial is (1) lecturers should be more creative and innovative in delivering instructional messages contained in this tutorial in order to make learning to be more attractive, fun, and creative, (2) there is a need to develop instructional media for subject of photo media instruction (photography) or other subjects, (3) the use of designed in media tutorial should be more interesting to make learning more interactive and interesting

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Elfrida Rif’atul Chusniah ◽  
Rini Setianingsih

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan komik matematika berbasis kontekstual untuk materi lingkaran yang berkualitas baik berdasarkan tiga kriteria, yaitu valid, praktis, dan efektif. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D). Prosedur-prosedur pengembangan yang digunakan meliputi empat langkah: (1) melakukan perencanaan produk yang akandikembangkan, (2) mengembangkan produk awal, (3) validasi dan revisi produk, (4) uji coba lapangan skala kecil dan revisi. Uji coba komik dilakukan secara terbatas oleh 10 siswa kelas VIII SMP. Teknik pengumpulan data yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket, sedangkan instrumen penelitian yangdigunakan meliputi lembar validasi, angket penggunaan media, dan angket respon siswa. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komik matematika dinyatakan valid dengan skor kevalidan 4 oleh ahli media dan 3,9 oleh ahli materi dari skor maksimum 5 sehingga dikategorikan valid, komik matematika dinyatakan praktis dengan hasil analisis persentase kepraktisan 76,28 % dan komik matematika dinyatakan efektif degan hasil analisis persentase keefektifan 79,4%, sehingga dikategorikan efektif. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka media komik ini memiliki kualitas yang baik sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai satu upaya atau alternatif media dalam proses pembelajaran sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dan menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan bagi siswa.Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran, komik matematika, lingkaranThis research is a research that aims to develop contextual based mathematical comics for good quality circle material based on three criteria, namely valid, practical, and effective. The design of this research is Research and Development (R&D). The development procedures used include four steps: (1) conducting product planning to be developed, (2) developing initial products, (3) product validation and revision, (4) small-scale field trials and revisions. Comic trials are limited to 10 students in grade VIII SMP. Data collection techniques applied in this study were questionnaires, while the research instruments used included validation sheets, media use questionnaires, and student response questionnaires. The research data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that mathematics comics are declared valid with a validity score of 4 by media experts and 3.9 by material experts from a maximum score of 5 so that they are categorized valid, mathematical comics are declared practical with the results of a practicality percentage analysis of 76.28% and mathematical comics are declared effective with the result of the analysis of the effectiveness percentage is 79.4%, so it is categorized as effective. Based on these results, this comic media has good quality so that it can be used as an alternative media used by teachers in the teaching and learning process in an effort to improve the quality of education and create a pleasant atmosphere for students.Keywords: learning media, mathematical comics, circles

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-52
Eti Setyaningsih ◽  
Ari Sunandar ◽  
Anandita Eka Setiadi

ABSTRACT. Based on the results of interviews with biology teachers of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak, that not implemented yet local potential based learning is because of limited information. This research aims to develop local potential of West Kalimantan based booklet media on biodiversity material in Grade X of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak.. Media development of this booklet used the Brog&Gall model development method, with stages:(1) Research and data collection,(2) planning,(3) Initial product development,(4) Initial field trials,(5) initial product repairs, and (6) field trials. The results research phase (1) that the book and worksheets teacher have not shown local potential, stage (2) the designed booklet contains core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, objectives, contents, evaluations, and bibliography, stage (3) shows the validity booklets on language aspects 85.3% (very valid), material aspects 95.3% (very valid) and media aspects 90.6% (very valid), stage (4) student responses was 85,7% (very positive) and the teacher's response was 88.7% (very positive). Then stage (5) and stage (6), student responses 90.0% (very positive) and teachers 90.4% (very positive), it concluded that developed booklet media valid and received very positive response from students and teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Ferry Kurniawan ◽  
Moh. Mahfud Effendi ◽  
Siti Khoiruli Ummah

The purpose of this research is to develop smart binoculars learning media for trigonometry material in Vocational Schools so that it can help and facilitate mathematics teachers in explaining one of the concepts of trigonometry material. The type of research used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) while the development of instructional media refers to the modified Borg and Gall model, namely research and collection, planning, product draft development, expert validation, small-scale trials. The development has three criteria, namely valid, practical and effective. The results showed that obtained from filling out the validation sheet by the material expert and media expert validators were in the valid category. Furthermore, the practicality of smart binoculars learning media based on student response questionnaire the average student is satisfied with the learning experience using learning media and for the effectiveness of smart binoculars learning media get positive things because the evaluation of ten samples of students gets grades above minimal completeness criteria.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 206
Rahma Anugraheny ◽  
Muakibatul Hasanah ◽  
Wahyudi Siswanto

<div align="center"><table width="645" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="439"><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Teaching materials are the most important component in learning. This research and development aims to produce products and test the validity, systematics, communicativeness, and attractiveness of short story writing teaching materials with prophetic values. This study adapted the seven steps of the Borg and Gall development model, namely (1) information collection, (2) planning, (3) product development, (4) initial field trials, (5) initial product revisions, (6) field trials, (7) final product revisions. The results of the effectiveness test obtained a value of t = 7.191 with sig. 0,000 which means &lt;0.05. Thus, the score of students has increased significantly in writing short stories after using teaching materials to write short stories containing prophetic values.</p><p><strong>Abstrak:</strong><em> </em>Bahan ajar merupakan komponen terpenting dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk dan menguji validitas, sistematika, kekomunikatifan, dan kemenarikan bahan ajar menulis cerita pendek bermuatan nilai-nilai kenabian. Penelitian ini mengadaptasi tujuh langkah model pengembangan Borg dan Gall, yaitu (1) pengumpulan informasi, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan produk, (4) uji coba lapangan awal, (5) revisi produk awal, (6) uji coba lapangan, (7) revisi produk akhir. Hasil uji keefektifan didapat nilai t = 7,191 dengan <em>sig. </em>0,000 yang berarti &lt;0,05. Dengan demikian, skor peserta didik mengalami peningkatan dalam menulis cerita pendek secara signifikan setelah menggunakan bahan ajar menulis cerita pendek bermuatan nilai-nilai kenabian.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 391-406
Ruqiah Ganda Putri Panjaitan* ◽  
Galih Albarra Shidiq ◽  
Wulan Muhar Pratiwi ◽  
Yokhebed Yokhebed

The excretion system are completely abstractive and complex, so it is desirable a tool that can visualize the excretion process and enable students to understand the modules well. The using of picture storybook is potential to increase the interest and activities of students. The response is a measurable reaction produced by somebody in analyzing an object that can generate an attitude. So, the purpose of this study is to investigate students’ responses to the picture storybook as a part of the teaching material which can facilitate students' thinking. This study involved the seven steps: the introduction, planning, and development of the initial product, initial field trial, revision on the main product, field trial, and revision on the operational product. The field trial was conducted to determine students’ responses to the dimension of cognitive, affective, and conative aspects through exploring three secondary schools around Pontianak, Indonesia.  Subjects in this study were students in grade 8 who had been educated with an excretion system with a total number of three students in each school for the initial field trials; while there were 12 students from each school for the main field trials. Instruments used in this study were a validation paper and a student response form. The results of the initial field trial showed the cognitive aspects (84.57%); the affective aspects (89.38%); and the conative aspects (89.46%). The implication of this research was about the possibility to use a picture storybook for increasing students' interests in science learning that we examined by the subject categories

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Eca Seponsah ◽  
Raudhatul Fadhilah ◽  
Dedeh Kurniasih

The low knowledge of student learning outcomes in the binary compound nomenclature for class X MIA at SMA Negeri 1 Tekarang is due to the difficulty and confusion of students in writing the names for binary compound nomenclature. One of the factors for the success of the learning method is the use of appropriate learning media. A learning medium is needed, namely the Jarumia learning media to make it easier for students to understand the concept of chemical compound nomenclature. This study aims to develop the Jarumia learning media in the binary compound nomenclature for class XI at SMA Negeri 1 Tekarang which is valid and practical. The instruments used were validation sheets and teacher and student response questionnaires. This type of research is the ADDIE (Analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation) model of Research and Development (R&D). The results of the analysis show that the Jarumia learning media developed is valid with an average value of 0.93 with high criteria. The percentage of the results of the questionnaire responses to the initial field trials and the main field trials were 89.74% and 85.45%, respectively, with very practical criteria. Thus, the needle learning media developed is suitable for use as a learning medium on compound nomenclature material, especially in the binary compound sub-material.

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