2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Waston Waston ◽  
Miftahudin Rois

The background of this research is the discovery of educators often less understood aspects of child psychology in education. Komnas PA via Media Center, noted that the majority of child abuse occurs in the immediate environment such as home and school, 62 percent of child abuse occur in the immediate environment of family and school environment, the remaining 38 percent in the public space, coupled with the state of Islamic education that was not based on the psychology of Islam. The purpose of this study is to describe the rationale Zakiyah about children's education, and invented the concept of children's education in psychology perspective of Islam, and its implications for Islamic education. This type of research library research, data collection techniques using the documentation, after the data is collected and analyzed by descriptive analysis and content analysis. The first results of this study: Zakiyah have a view of the basic concepts of human has three main dimensions, namely, physical, psychological, spiritual. Zakiyah refer to mankind as a pedagogic, then the pedagogical process Zakiyah grounded on the theory of convergence. Parenting education in children should be in accordance with the child's psychological condition, namely the authoritative style. Second: to educate the perspective piskologi Islam, will make children more healthy soul to those who have a peak physical condition, mental aptitude intellectual (IQ) is high, the health condition of the soul / kepibadian mature and stable in mental emosinalnya (EQ), integrity high personality (mental-social), and has the firmness of faith and Islam. Third, the psychological concepts of Islam which has four dimensions, it will have implications for the study of Islam, namely to create a balanced growth of the human personality as a whole, by training the soul, a mind, physical, ruhaniahnya, because basically the entire education should pursue the growth of human potential.Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah sering ditemukannya para pendidik yang kurang memahami aspek-aspek psikologi anak dalam pendidikan. Komnas PA melalui Pusdatin, mencatat, sebagian besar kekerasan anak terjadi di lingkungan terdekat seperti rumah dan sekolah, 62 persen kekerasan terhadap anak terjadi di lingkungan terdekat keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah, selebihnya 38 persen di ruang publik, ditambah lagi dengan  keadaan pendidikan Islam  yang ternyata tidak dilandasi dengan psikologi Islam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dasar pemikiran Zakiyah tentang pendidikan anak, dan menemukan konsep pendidikan anak dalam perspektif psikologi Islam, serta implikasinya terhadap pendidikan Islam. Jenis penelitian ini library research, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi, setelah data terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif dan content analysis. Hasil penelitian ini yang pertama: Zakiyah memiliki pandangan terhadap konsep dasar manusia yang memiliki tiga dimensi utama yaitu, fisik, psikis, spiritual. Zakiyah menyebut manusia sebagai makhluk pedagogik, kemudian pada proses pedagogiknya Zakiyah melandaskan pada teori konvergensi. Pola asuh pendidikan pada anak harus sesuai dengan kondisi psikologis anak, yaitu dengan gaya autoritatif.  Kedua: mendidik dengan persepektif piskologi Islam, akan menjadikan anak lebih sehat jiwanya yaitu mereka yang memiliki kondisi fisik yang prima, kecerdasan mental intelektual (IQ) yang tinggi, kondisi kesehatan jiwa/kepibadian yang matang dan stabil dalam mental emosinalnya (EQ), mempunyai integritas kepribadian yang tinggi (mental-sosial), dan mempunyai keteguhan iman dan Islam. Ketiga, konsep psikologi Islam yang memiliki empat dimensi itu, akan berimplikasi pada pendidikan Islam, yaitu menciptakan keseimbangan pertumbuhan kepribadian manusia secara menyeluruh, dengan cara melatih jiwa, akal pikiran, fisik, ruhaniahnya, karena pada dasarnya pendidikan harus mengupayakan tumbuhnya seluruh potensi manusia.

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 38-60
Dewi Maharani

This research aims to describe and analyze various aspects of children's education and find the concept of children's education in the perspective of psychology and Islamic education. This type of library research research, data collection techniques using documentation, after the data collected and then analyzed with descriptive analysis and content analysis. The results show the first: the conception of children's education in a psychological perspective has four main dimensions namely, physical, psychological, spiritual, and social-cultural. Parenting education of children must be in accordance with the psychological condition of children with authoritative style. Second: educating with the perspective of Islamic education, will make children more healthy souls namely those who have excellent physical requirements, higher intellectual mental intelligence (IQ), mental health conditions / personality that develops and is stable in their emotional emotional mentality (EQ) is high (mental-social) and have the strength of faith and Islam. Third: The important role of psychology in Islamic education is to bridge the process of delivering knowledge so that it pays more attention to the psychology of each individual or student, because this will determine the parents or educators in transferring knowledge given to children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-33
Halimatus Sa'diyah

Of several problems in the Millennial era, one of them is the westernization of science, including Islamic education. So it is necessary to find a solution by Islamizing science as conceptualized by Ismail Radji al-Faruqi. This research is a library research using qualitative descriptive analysis. Data was collected from various kinds of reading sources in the form of scientific articles and books and other supporting references, then ancarried content analysis was in-depthout to find solutions to educational problems in the millennial era. The results of the research show that the concept of Islamic education Ismail Radji al-Faruqi is a leading Muslim intellectual who has responded positively to the development of science and technology, but he still puts the principle of tauhid in his idea of ​​Islamization of science. Through a work plan arranged systematically with five objectives and twelve stages al-Faruqi was able to realize his program. It is important to review the concept of education to be re-realized in the current millennial era.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-64
Umi Baroroh

Abstract: This research was conducted to find out how reward and punishment according to Irawati certainly does not conflict with the value of Islamic education. This is a library research the data of which were taken from several works of Irawati Istadi and direct interviews with her. The researcher also took some data from several researchers who discussed Irawati Istadi's thoughts and from Islamic education figures whose thoughts had relevance to the research theme. Content analysis methods is applied to draw conclusions. From this research, it can be concluded that the concept of reward and punishment according to Irawati Istadi turns out to be compatible with the Islamic education. However, in Irawati's thought, there are also some differences shows the development of thoughts from previous figures of Islamic education and certainly did not conflict with the values of Islamic education. Keywords: reward, punishment, Islamic education, Irawati Istadi, educator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Asrizal Saiin

The study in this manuscript discusses the impact on the educational equalization system of Pesantren Salafiyah and designs how Pesantren Salafiyah has always existed in the world of modern education. This research belongs to the type of qualitative study using the document analysis method. The form of data analysis used is descriptive analysis. The research approach method in this paper is library research. This study is divided into four methods, namely, the method of determining the subject, the form of the study, the method of data collection, and the method of data analysis. The result is the ability of Pesantren Salafiyah to make certain accommodations and concessions to find a pattern that they consider appropriate enough to face modernization and changes that are increasingly fast and have a broad impact without sacrificing the essence and other basic things in the existence of the pesantren, so that Pesantren Salafiyah still exists in the midst of the hustle and bustle of modernizing Islamic education

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Fahri Aldin ◽  
Yosep Farhan Dafik Sahal

This study aims to (1) determine the meaning of Sufism education; (2) knowing the values ​​of Sufism education contained in the film "99 Kali Rindu"; (3) to determine the relevance of the values ​​of Sufism education in the film "99 Kali Rindu" with Islamic education today. The method used in this data analysis is descriptive analysis method, while the data collection techniques used in this data collection are documentation techniques and library research. The collected data were then analyzed by unit processing. In the film 99 Kali Rindu, after doing the research it can be concluded that: (1) the definition of sufism is the teaching or belief that knowledge of truth and Allah can be achieved by means of mental vision of reflection, (2) the film has sufism educational values ​​that can be applied to students. these values ​​are: (a) divine value (deity), (b) insaniyah (human) values, (c) natural value (nature), (3) the relevance of sufism education in islamic education is that it has a relevant relationship, which is applied to schools and educational institutions. The dialogue excerpt made by Azhari Zain in his film 99 Kali Rindu, contains the values ​​of Sufism education which are in accordance with the material taught at schools and educational institutions such as Akidah Akhlak, Al-Quran Hadith, and other Islamic education. The values ​​in it are very important to be instilled in students, so that they can become a generation that fights for and advances this nation with knowledge and morals

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Radinal Mukhtar Harahap

<p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Studi ini mengkaji pemikiran Sayyid Usman tentang etika pendidikan dalam perspektif Islam. Studi ini perlu dilakukan mengingat belum banyak studi tentang tokoh lokal dari Nusantara yang berkontribusi dalam bidang pendidikan Islam. Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kepustakaan yang mengandalkan metode analisis isi, dan mengajukan temuan bahwa Sayyid Usman menulis sebuah karya dalam bidang etika yang berjudul Âdâb al-Insân. Kitab ini relatif kurang diteliti dalam sudut pandang pendidikan Islam. Berdasarkan telaah terhadap naskah Nusantara ini, penulisnya menegaskan bahwa pendidikan merupakan solusi utama dalam rangka memperbaiki adab orang-orang jahat dengan mengajarkan serangkaian adab yang melingkupi aspek kepribadian, sosial dan profesionalitas. Studi ini berkontribusi dalam penguatan gugusan literatur dalam bidang pendidikan Islam mengingat tidak banyak tokoh Nusantara yang dikenalkan dan dikaji di perguruan tinggi Islam.</p><p><strong>Abstract: Paedagogical Narrative from Betawi Land: Sayyid Usman’s Thoughts on Educational Ethics</strong>. This study examines Sayyid Usman’s thinking concerning the ethics of education in an Islamic perspective. This study is necessary considering the scarcity of research on local scholars who have contributed to the field of Islamic education. This article is the result of library research that relies on the method of content analysis, and proposes findings that Sayyid Usman wrote a work in the field of ethics, entitled Âdâb al-Insân. This book is relatively under-researched in the perspective of Islamic education. Based on a review of this archipelago script, the author emphasizes that education is the main solution in improving the ethics of bad people by teaching a series of âdâb which covers aspects of personality, social and professionalism. This study contributes to the strengthening of the literature in the field of Islamic education considering that there are not many Nusantara figures introduced and studied in Islamic Higher Education institutions.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> pendidikan, etika, Nusantara, Betawi, Sayyid Usman</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-24
Juarman Juarman ◽  
Arivaie Rahman ◽  
Sri Erdawati

This article discussed educators from the perspective of the Al-Quran and Islamic education. Educators are an important element in the Islamic education system. Educators are determinants of the intellectual and moral success of students. So it is interesting to ask how educators in the perspective of the Al-Quran and Islamic education. To answer these research questions, this study used library research and descriptive-analysis methods. The results of this study revealed that the subject of educators according to the Al-Quran is very diverse and forms a hierarchy, Allah, Rasulullah, parents, and teachers. Whereas the predicate that is usually carried by an educator in the Islamic education tradition is Ustadz, Mu'allim, Mursyid, Murabbi, Mudarris, and Mu'addib. Each of these names has almost the same meaning but has its own definitions and characteristics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-59
Durhan Durhan

This research is a library research with a qualitative research approach. Data analysis used in the research is content and descriptive analysis. And the object of data tracking uses literature studies such as books, journals, articles and other literatures related with the materials in this study. In this research it is explained some cases related with Islamic education. So far Islamic education has been always identified with a forum that only offers and presents Islamic studies and it is considered allergic to general materials, one of them is the material of Democracy. So, in this research the researcher tries to raise the internalization of democracy in Islamic education. The research aims to contribute positively to Islamic education in Indonesia so that the practice of democracy in Islamic education can be running well.The conclusion of this research shows that the practice of democracy in Islamic education hasn't been perfect. As a comparison, in this study the researcher presents a form of education in abroad that has tried early to internalize the concept of democracy into Islamic education. There are three countries that have succeeded in internalizing democratic practices into Islamic education. They are Islamic education in Pakistan, Egypt and Turkey. These countries are proper to be comparison studies because the practice of democracy in education is running smoothly and perfectly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-255
Mery Misri Atin

Abstract: This article is the result of research on the novel of Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2 by Habiburrahman El Shirazy which aims to describe the values of aqeedah in the novel. This research is library research using a qualitative approach that is interpreted descriptive analysis. The data collection method used by the writer is the documentation method. Then the data analyzed by the researcher uses content analysis techniques. The results showed that the aqeedah aspect found the values of aqeedah in the pillars of faith such as believing in Allah, believing in the angels of Allah, believing in the books of Allah, believing in the messengers of Allah, believing in the last day, and believing in destiny (qadha and qadar).   Keywords: Nilai-nilai, aqidah, dan novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2.  

Ernawati Ernawati

Forming an ideal household requires spiritual mental, intellectual, and physical preparation to go through the life in order to achieve harmony of the family which aresakinah, mawaddah, warrahmah. Therefore, Islamic education in the household is very necessary, as it is stated in the works of Cahyadi Takariawan about applicative household. Problem of this research is, How is Islamic education concept in the household? How is household educational concept in the perspective of Cahyadi Takariawan?  Is there any relevance between Islamic education in the household and Cahyadi persepectives in the modern era?  This is a library research. The approach used is qualitative descriptive analysis. Primary data of this research is some works of Cahyadi Takariawan which have something to do with household. Secondary data is some other books which are relevant to the main problem. Data collection technique was done by using documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis was done by using descriptive analysis, content analysis, and symmetric association analysis.This research reveals three conclusions: Firstly, Islamic education concept in the household is dealing with meaning and scope of education, urgency of education, foundation of education, goal of education, and target of education. Secondly, household educational concept in the perspective of Cahyadi Takariawan  related to meaning and scope of education, urgency of education, foundation of education, goal of education, and target of education. Thirdly, relevance between Islamic education in the household  and Cahyadi perspectives in the modern era, they are pre marriage, marriage, and post marriage, harmonic couple, and samara family (sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah).

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