2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 406-417
Francisco Wagner Soares Oliveira ◽  
Eugeniano Brito Martins ◽  
Siziê Maria de Albuquerque ◽  
Ana Carolina Costa Pereira

Resumo: A história da matemática como campo de investigação cientifica tem possibilitado, por meio da observação e análise em tratados históricos que carregam em seu conteúdo e contexto uma gama de informações, a produção de narrativas historiográficas das quais são elencados desdobramentos para o ensino. Tal fato tem ocorrido a partir do pressuposto de que a incorporação de elementos da história em sala pode fornecer subsídios ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Visto isso, mediante a proximidade com a educação básica, em especial com o ensino médio, desenvolveu-se esse estudo na tentativa de identificar a aproximação das escritas baseadas na história da matemática presentes em livros didáticos do ensino médio com as vertentes historiográficas tradicional e atualizada. Nessa perspectiva, a pesquisa ora realizada foi de cunho qualitativa documental com uma contribuição bibliográfica. Verificou-se nesse estudo que os textos, em que informações da história são elucidadas, possuem características que condizem com a vertente historiográfica tradicional. Em nenhuma das alusões feitas à história foi possível observar um domínio de características que a indicasse como próxima a uma escrita da história nos moldes da vertente atualizada.Palavras-chave: Ensino de matemática. Livro didático. Escrita da história da matemática. Abstract: Tradução do resumo para o Inglês. The history of mathematics as a field of scientific investigation has made possible through observation and analysis in treaties and / or works that carry in their content and context a range of information to the production of some historiographical narratives, of which they are sometimes listed and / or some of its implications for teaching. This fact has occurred from the assumption that the incorporation of elements of the story into room may possibly provide subsidies to the teaching and learning process. Given this, and through proximity to basic education, especially with secondary education, this study was developed in an attempt to identify the approximation of the writings based on the history of mathematics present in high school textbooks with the traditional and updated historiographic aspect. From this perspective, the research carried out was qualitative documentary with a bibliographical contribution. It was mentioned in this study that the texts, in which information of the story are elucidated, have characteristics that correspond to the traditional historiographic aspect, in none of the allusions made history was it possible to observe a domain of characteristics that indicated it as close to a writing of history in the molds of the updated slope.Keywords: Teaching mathematics. Textbook. Math history writing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 19
Patrícia Rodrigues Da Silva ◽  
Keith Valéria De Oliveira Barbosa

Propomos neste artigo uma reflexão sobre a emergência dos estudos sobre história da África e sua inserção no ensino básico. A experiência vivenciada no PIBID (Programa Institucional de Iniciação à Docência), na Universidade Federal do Amazonas, possibilitou refletir sobre as contribuições e importância da História da África no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de História, e no processo de formação de professores de História. Palavras-chave: História da África; Educação étnico-racial; Literacia histórica, Consciência histórica. Abstract:In this paper, we propose a reflection on the rising of studies on the African history and its insertion in basic education. The lived experiences in PIBID (Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching), at the Federal University of Amazonas, started a reflection process around the contribution and the relevance of African History, into the African History teaching and learning process and in the history teacher formation process.Keywords: History of African; Ethnic-racial Education; Historical Literacy; Historical Awareness.

2000 ◽  
Vol 93 (8) ◽  
pp. 728

The Historical Modules Project, a part of the Institute in the History of Mathematics and Its Use in Teaching (IHMT), is sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and supported by the National Science Foundation. In the project, eighteen high school teachers and six college teachers with experience in the history of mathematics have been working in six teams to develop modules for various topics in the secondary mathematics curriculum. These modules are intended to show teachers how to use the history of mathematics in teaching mathematics.

2000 ◽  
Vol 93 (8) ◽  
pp. 704-706
Gerald L. Marshall ◽  
Beverly S. Rich

Over the last five years, interest in the role of history in teaching mathematics has grown markedly. A National Science Foundation–supported Mathematical Association of America Institute on the History of Mathematics and Its Use in Teaching was founded in summer 1995 to explore how the history of mathematics can be used in the classroom. It has produced modules for use in high school and college mathematics teaching. A study on this topic has been authorized by the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction and was the centerpiece of the most recent International Congress in Mathematics Education (ICME), which was held in Japan in the year 2000.

2021 ◽  
pp. 91-102
Samuel Baah-Duodu ◽  
Seth Borbye ◽  
Ebenezer Someah-Addae ◽  
Francis Cornelius Ennin ◽  
Vivian Osei-Buabeng

History of mathematics (HOM) was incorporated into peer teaching during lesson study as a strategy to augment the mathematics self-efficacy of female pre-service teachers in Ghana. An overview of studies on methodological approaches of integrating the history of mathematics into the teaching and learning process was presented. Mathematics Self-efficacy Scale and Grade Descriptor Grid were used to assess 12 female pre-service teachers' confidence level and performance respectively during lesson study. Results revealed that pre-service teachers exhibited a moderate self-efficacy level as well as moderately good performance in lesson instruction. A web-based questionnaire item responded by participants revealed that integrating HOM into lessons has the potential to improve teachers' self-efficacy. The impact of the study included: change of pre-service teachers' perception about teaching mathematics, a positive attitude towards mathematics, broadened conceptual knowledge and exposure to the multiplicity of problem-solving approaches. It was recommended that innovative pedagogical strategies should be adopted to enhance females' self-efficacy towards teaching mathematics. Also, teachers need to participate in lesson study as a professional collaboration which can improve their pedagogical knowledge. Further studies should investigate the relationship between prospective female teachers' self-efficacy and their mathematics achievement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Gita Ernita ◽  
Tini Apriliani

Teachers are facilitators that assist students to make the learning process easier and more comfortale. Techer question is a part of learning process. The  aim  of  this  research  is to  find out the types  of  questions  asked  by teachers  in  teaching  and  learning  process.  This  research  is  descriptive  research.  Participant of this research are two English teachers at SMP PGRI Bandung. The  data  collection  used  two  instruments  namely    audio  recording  and  note taking.  From  this  research,  researcher  found  that  open ended questions are mostly occur in the classroom beside ; yes/no questions, short answer   questions,   display   questions,   referential   questions   and   non   retrieval questions. During research, there are three kind of languages used by teachers, they are English, mixed English –Indonesian, and Indonesian.

2021 ◽  
pp. 113-114
Melise Maia Ribeiro

The objective of this research is to know new decisions about the teaching and learning process in the context of the pandemic in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The pandemic suspended classroom classes at more than 200 schools, causing the reorganization of pedagogical practices in distance education. The result was the applicability of the Special Regime of Non-Attendance Classes adopted by the Government of Amazonas (Aula em Casa Project). It is concluded that new directions can be taken from formal education in view of this new reality.

Rosimeire Aparecida Soares Borges ◽  
Cristiano José de Oliveira

Este estudo histórico investigou apropriações das propostas reformistas da Escola Nova no que tange ao ensino da Aritmética para a escola primária em cinco cadernos de um aluno, de terceiro e quarto anos do curso primário, dos anos de 1952 e 1953, respectivamente, e no primeiro volume do manual didático “Práticas Escolares” que teve sua primeira edição em 1940 e décima edição em 1965, de autoria de Antonio D’Ávila. Utiliza-se como base teórico-metodológica a História Cultural na direção de dar significado às apropriações que foram feitas em relação à aritmética da escola primária em tempos da Escola Nova. Há uma predominância da resolução de problemas aritméticos ligados ao cotidiano dos alunos, indicando uma preocupação com a abstração dos conceitos com foco em uma aritmética prática, que tinha por finalidade preparar o aluno para a vida fora da escola após quatro anos de estudo no curso primário. Observa-se uma valorização do aluno como indivíduo, com respeito ao seu ritmo e dificuldades apresentadas na aprendizagem da Aritmética, um dos aspectos marcantes da Escola Nova, o aluno considerado como protagonista do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, podendo interagir no meio social em uma formação mais humana.Palavras-chave: Aritmética. Ensino Primário. Manual Didático para Professores. Cadernos de aluno. Cultura escolar. História da Educação Matemática.AbstractThis historical study investigated appropriations of the New School for the teaching of Arithmetic for the primary school in five books of a student, of the third and the fourth years of the primary course, of the years of 1952 and 1953, respectively, And in the first Volume of the didactic manual “School Practices” that had its first edition in 1940 and tenth edition in 1965, authored by Antonio D’Ávila. It is used as a theoretical-methodological basis for the Cultural History in the direction of provide meaning the appropriations that were made in relation to the primary school in times of the New School. There is a predominance of solving arithmetic problems related to students’ daily life, indicating a preoccupation with an abstraction of concepts with a focus on an arithmetic practice, whose purpose was to prepare a student for the life outside of school after four years of primary school. It is observed the evaluation of the student as an individual, with respect to its rhythm and difficulties presented in the learning of Arithmetic, one of the markers of the New School, the student considered the protagonist of the process of teaching and learning, being able To interact in the social environment in a more humane formation.Keywords: Arithmetic. Primary school. Didactic Manual for Teachers. Books of a student. School culture. History of Mathematics Education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ratih Apri Sari ◽  
Bachrudin Musthafa ◽  
Fazri Nur Yusuf

AbstrakPembelajaran berbasis proyek merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang direkomendasikan untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran menurut kurikulum 2013. Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan pelaksanaan pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Guru SMK harus mampu mengembangkan model pembelajaran yang dapat menghasilkan aspek keterampilan kerja. Salah satu masalah paling kritis dalam proses belajar mengajar Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan adalah keengganan dan kreativitas guru yang kurang untuk menemukan cara agar pembelajaran lebih kreatif dan menyenangkan. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman siswa tentang suatu materi yang telah diajarkan dalam proses belajar mengajar, guru harus memberikan tugas kepada siswa. Penugasan dapat dilakukan dengan model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek (PjBL). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi guru tentang pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam desain deskriptif kualitatif yang melibatkan tiga guru Bahasa Inggris SMK di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, Provinsi Riau sebagai responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa guru memiliki persepsi positif terhadap pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis proyek perlu dilakukan oleh guru di kelas Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu model dalam proses belajar mengajar karena berfokus pada siswa.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek, Persepsi Guru, dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. AbstractProject-based learning is one of the recommended learning models to be used in learning according to the 2013 curriculum. The implementation of the learning process in Vocational High Schools have different characteristics from the implementation of learning in Senior High Schools. Vocational high school teachers must be able to develop learning models that can produce aspects of work skills. One of the most critical problems in teaching and learning English at Vocational High School is teachers’ unwillingness and less creativity to find ways to make learning more creative and fun. To find out what extent students understand about the material that has been taught in the teaching and learning process, the teachers must give assignments to the students. The assignments can be done with the model Project-Based Learning. The aim of this study was to investigate how teachers’ perception about project-based learning. This research conducted in descriptive qualitative design which involved three vocational high school English teachers in Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province as respondents. This research used semi-structured interview as an instrument to collect the data. The result of the analysis showed that teachers have positive perception toward project-based learning. The conclusion can be drawn that project-based learning was needed to do by the teachers in EFL classroom as one of the models in teaching and learning process because its focus on student-centered.Keywords: Project-Based Learning, Teachers’ Perception, and Vocational High School.How to cite (APA Style): Sari, R., Musthafa,B., Yusuf, F.N. (2021).  Persepsi Guru terhadap Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.  Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 21 (2), 2021. 1-11. doi: https://10.17509/jpp.v21i2.36972

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 249
Kadaruddin Kadaruddin

This research was design to know the effect of learning model multimedia-based toward the students’ English ablility at senior high school of Kolaka Regency. The question of the research was “Is there an effect of learning model multimedia-based toward the students’ English ablility at senior high school of Kolaka Regency? The objective of the research was to find out the data whether the learning model multimedia-based has an effect toward the students’ English ablility at senior high school of Kolaka Regency. The significant of the research was expected the model can be used as reference learning model to improve the students’ English ablility.<strong> </strong>The design of the research was pre-experimental design. The research was conducted at the first-class students of Senior High School 1 Wundulako in Kolaka District. The data were collected by using English test which given at the pre-test and the post-test.<strong> </strong>In analysed the students’ test result, which the mean score of pre-test was 33,8806 and the mean score of post-test was 69,4058, while the t-table 18,55&gt;2,042 t-test. Its mean that the learning model multimedia-based has an effect toward the students’ English ablility. Refering to the findings and discussions of the research, it can be concluded that the learning model multimedia-based has an effect toward the students’ English ablility at senior high school of Kolaka Regency. It was based on the mean score in pre-test and post-test.Based on the conclusion of the research, the researcher suggests to the teacher, especially English teacher in Kolaka Regency to use learning model multimedia-based in teaching and learning process to improve the students’ English ability.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Titik Haryati ◽  
Rosalina Ginting ◽  
Suwarno Widodo ◽  
Kiki Aryaningrum ◽  
Bambang Kumoro

Abstract There are still a few handouts created by the teachers. In fact, teachers feel lazy to make a handout to succeed their teaching and learning process, especially civic teachers who are still low in understanding how to make and design their own handout. A handout is an instrument that teachers supposed to writing it. By writing a handout, teacher can explore his material based on the problems faced in the class. That is way; the Team thought that we need to give them something to train them in writing their own teaching handout. This community service was given to civic teachers of senior high school who has the important role in tranfering knowledge about civic subject. This activity had some sessions, there were; lecturing, discussion, questions answer and feedback. It hopes that by understanding the way in designing a teaching handout, they will be encouraged to make their own handout to support their teaching learning process in the classroom. ?é?á Key words : a teaching handout, a civic subject ?é?á

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