scholarly journals Higher Education in Developing Countries: Financial Aspects in Uzbekistan

Akhmadbek Yusupov ◽  
Nodir Jumaev ◽  
Dilshodjon Rakhmonov

We conducted this study to assess the impact of non-public payments on the system of higher education. In Uzbekistan, funding for the higher education system is widely used in the form of budgetary funds, student's (parents') own funds and educational loans. In January-February 2017, the survey was conducted in four higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan. They are: Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Tashkent Railway Institute, Tashkent Institute of Finance and Tashkent State University of Economics. A total of 288 students participated. We have identified correlation interactions using the Pearson Chi-Square test. Conclusions on the interdependence or mutual independence of the answers to these questions were formulated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Ekaterine Gulua

The work is dedicated to analyzing the management challenges of higher education institutions, which are discussed from two different angles: the management process and its supporting - ergonomic and infrastructural issues. The work is accomplished under the auspices of the Human Potential Management Laboratory at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. The present work is a continuation of the previous research items, which were devoted to studying the perceptions of university challenges. The work is based on the qualitative analysis of the Georgian higher education system and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University management mechanisms, also the research analysis on the attitude towards the current challenges of TSU Economics and Business Faculty students and the academic personnel. 62% of the total composition of the academic personnel participated in the surve. The questionnaire included 48 closed and two open questions. The data was developed in the program "SPSS-Statistics”. Preliminary hypotheses have been verified by statistical methods. Person correlation test, the Chi-square tests and linear regression, namely the ANOVA test are used to analyse the results. The analysis of the challenges based on the qualitative and quantitative research became the basis of searching ways to improve the management strategy of higher educational institutions. The challenges identified in the work and the suggested recommendations will help the stakeholders interested in the issue/field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-26
Ivan Luchian

Abstract The current pandemic crisis is unique in its kind, becoming a global cataclysm with a multilateral impact and an extended spread over time. Affecting all aspects of human activity, this crisis has inevitably affected the higher education system, and its consequences are manifesting both locally and internationally. The purpose of this paper was to establish the influence of crisis on the economic situation of higher education institutions. After studying of different institutions reports, analytical presentations of authors from different countries, as well as the author's communication with colleagues from different educational institutions during online academic meetings, it became possible to compile a complex picture of economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis on higher education system. The research results showed an extremely uneven spread of the economic effects of the pandemic crisis. Thus, the least COVID-19 crisis has affected universities in industrially developed countries and the disastrous impact will manifested in developing countries. In addition, a dependence of evolution of economic situation of educational institutions of a complex of important factors was detected. It is about of change in living standard of the population, the capacity of the local authorities to manage the consequences of the pandemic, the changes in higher education policies, presiding students to do higher education, managerial ability to manage the economic and financial status of higher education institutions and others. Likewise, certain ways of solving economic problems have been outlined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Jannie Pretorius ◽  
Mariëtte Koen ◽  
Robert Schall

Positive humour can facilitate learning. From an educational perspective, it is important to examine how, when and why humour elicits a positive feeling in students, which, in its turn, creates an environment conducive to learning. Previous studies in humour research have focused on the generally perceived impact of humour in educational settings. Reflection on this idea gives rise to two questions. Will the use of intentional humour as a pedagogical tool indeed be perceived as such by students? Also, will a lecture containing positive humour affirm the impact of humour reported in academic literature? The researchers therefore decided that a lecture containing intentional humoristic elements would be presented to two groups of students with a view to determining their responses. To accomplish this, a mixed-methods approach was used, one employing a concurrent embedded nested design to explore the role and impact of intentional humour in two higher-education classrooms. A Likert-scale survey exploring six themes was developed regarding the impact of humour, as identified by Lovorn and Holaway (2015). Open spaces were provided to allow participants to expand quantitative responses. While the Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test statistic was used to analyse the quantitative data, content analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data. The theoretical framework for this paper was drawn from the instructional humour process theory (IHPT). Trustworthiness was gauged by applying Lincoln and Guba’s (1985) model of trustworthiness. The findings of the paper are in line with Lovorn and Holaway’s (2015) research, which suggests that when lecturers take advantage of the positive attributes of humour, it has the power to fuel both students’ engagement and their learning.

Е.В. Павлова ◽  
Э.А. Щеглова

Современное образовательное пространство динамично, что требует от студентов способностей быстро приспосабливаться к происходящим преобразованиям. Актуальность статьи обусловлена тем, что психологические качества, во многом определяющие отношение человека к изменениям и являющиеся ресурсом вовлеченности в условиях неопределенности (ригидность, толерантность к неопределенности, готовность к инновационной деятельности, мотивация достижения) студентов Дальневосточных вузов, изучены недостаточно. На основе проведенного эмпирического исследования на базе Амурского государственного университета и Дальневосточного федерального университета показано, что у значительной части студентов обоих учебных заведений умеренно выражены актуальная и установочная ригидность, присутствует умеренное эмоциональное непринятие новизны. Студенты в большинстве своем проявляют толерантность к неопределенности, но обучающиеся регионального вуза в большей степени ориентированы на правила и нормы. К инновационной деятельности на среднем и выше среднего уровнях готовы практически все обучающиеся, однако у студентов регионального вуза выше готовность к изменениям. Около половины респондентов мотивированы на достижение успеха. Полученные результаты позволяют сделать вывод, что большинство студентов в целом положительно относятся к изменениям, различия между студентами регионального и федерального вузов по рассматриваемым параметрам минимальны. Статья предназначена для работников системы высшего образования, руководителей образовательных организаций, исследователей. The modern educational space is dynamic, which requires students to be able to adopt quickly to the ongoing transformations. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that psychological qualities that largely determine a person's attitude to change and are a resource of involvement in conditions of uncertainty (rigidity, tolerance to uncertainty, readiness for innovation, motivation for success) of students of Far Eastern universities have not been sufficiently studied. On the basis of an empirical study conducted on the basis of Amur State University and the Far Eastern Federal University, it was shown that a significant part of the students of both educational institutions have moderately expressed actual and attitudinal rigidity, there is a moderate emotional rejection of novelty. Most of the students show a tolerance for uncertainty, but the students of the regional university are more oriented towards rules and norms. Almost all students are ready for innovative activities at the middle and above average levels, however, students of a regional university are more willing to changes. About half of the respondents are motivated to achieve success. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the majority of students, in general, have a positive attitude towards the changes, the differences between students of regional and federal universities in the parameters under consideration are minimal. The article is intended for employees of the higher education system, heads of educational organizations, researchers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 291 ◽  
pp. 05040
Elena Molokova

The article is devoted to the assessment of the role of higher education in ensuring socio-economic sustainability of society development. Based on the analysis of international and Russian legal acts, it identifies the main indicators that allow analyzing the impact of higher education system on the implementation of sustainable development goals. Particular attention is paid to assessment of accessibility of education. Based on the analysis of statistical data, it is concluded that there is a problem of differentiation of regions and territories in terms of access to higher education due to uneven location of educational institutions, different density of students, low inter-regional mobility of population and disproportions in incomes of the population. Regional differentiation in access to higher education in Russia leads to a number of socio-economic problems that reduce the sustainability of regional development, including the outflow of young people and uncompensated labour migration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 174-180
Denis Pogonyshev ◽  
Tatiana Storchak ◽  
Nadezhda Nemchinova ◽  
Irina Pogonysheva

Currently, cooperation between business community and higher education institutions is a priority trend of the Russian higher education system. We consider the European practices of cooperation between universities and potential employers which is being implemented in the Russian HEIs within the project “Evaluation of Quality of Cooperation in Education Ecosystem as a Mechanism for Building Professional Competencies - E3M” approved for funding within the European Commission Tempus IV in 2013. The paper dwells upon the state of cooperation between Nizhnevartovsk State University and local business community, considering new market conditions, and offers solutions to the challenges of productive cooperation with potential employers with the view of the best practices implemented by European partner universities and project consortium members. Keywords: cooperation, quality of education, employers, university

Yuhemy Zurizah Yuhemy Zurizah

ABSTRAK   WHO memperkirakan di negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh memperkirakan terjadinya KIPI menjadi lima kelompok penyebab yaitu kesalahan program (27%), reaksi suntikan (28,7%), reaksi vaksin (21%) koinsiden (17,8%) dan efek samping toksilitas (5,5%). Pengetahuan ibu tentang KIPI adalah bagaimana cara mengatasinya apabila kejadian tersebut terjadi dirumah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu tentang penanganan kejadian ikutan pasca imunisasi pada bayi Peneliti menggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil uji chi-square diperoleh p value (0,001) < α (0,05), hal ini menunjukkan bahwa  ada hubungan bermakna antara pengetahuan dengan penanganan KIPI diharapkan lebih memprioritaskan program kesehatan dalam upaya bagaimana penanganan  terjadinya KIPI. Diharapkan bagi institusi pendidikan agar dapat meningkatkan penyediaan sumber-sumber referensi tentang penelitian terkait dan jurnal kesehatan lainnya serta buku-buku pedoman khususnya mengenai metodelogi penelitian, agar dapat menunjang secara lebih dalam pelaksanaan penelitian selanjutnya.   ABSTRACK   WHO estimates that in developing countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh estimates the occurrence of KIPI into five groups of causes of program error (27%), injection reactions (28.7%), vaccine reactions (21%) coincidence (17.8%) and toxic side effects (5.5%). Mother's knowledge about KIPI is how to overcome if the incident happened at home. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between mother's knowledge about the handling of post-immunization occurrence in baby. Researcher use analytical method with cross sectional approach. The result of this research showed that chi-square test obtained p value (0.001) <α (0,05), it shows that there is a significant correlation between knowledge and handling of KIPI expected to prioritize health program in the effort of handling KIPI. It is desirable for educational institutions to improve the provision of reference resources on related research and other health journals as well as specific guidebooks on research methodology, in order to better support the further implementation of the research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Ekaterine Gulua

The work is dedicated to analyzing the management challenges of higher education institutions, which are discussed from two different angles: the management process and its supporting - ergonomic and infrastructural issues. The work is accomplished under the auspices of the Human Potential Management Laboratory at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. The present work is a continuation of the previous research items, which were devoted to studying the perceptions of university challenges. The work is based on the qualitative analysis of the Georgian higher education system and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University management mechanisms, also the research analysis on the attitude towards the current challenges of TSU Economics and Business Faculty students and the academic personnel. 62% of the total composition of the academic personnel participated in the surve. The questionnaire included 48 closed and two open questions. The data was developed in the program "SPSS-Statistics”. Preliminary hypotheses have been verified by statistical methods. Person correlation test, the Chi-square tests and linear regression, namely the ANOVA test are used to analyse the results. The analysis of the challenges based on the qualitative and quantitative research became the basis of searching ways to improve the management strategy of higher educational institutions. The challenges identified in the work and the suggested recommendations will help the stakeholders interested in the issue/field.

Valerii P. Leonov ◽  
Mariya G. Bokan ◽  
Nina V. Ponomareva

On the publishing of scientific and informational almanac «Power of a Book: Library. Publishing House. Institute of Higher Education» by Far Eastern State University.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Siluvai Raja

Education has been considered as an indispensable asset of every individual, community and nation today. Indias higher education system is the third largest in the world, after China and the United States (World Bank). Tamil Nadu occupies the first place in terms of possession of higher educational institutions in the private sector in the country with over 46 percent(27) universities, 94 percent(464) professional colleges and 65 percent(383) arts and science colleges(2011). Studies to understand the profile of the entrepreneurs providing higher education either in India or Tamil Nadu were hardly available. This paper attempts to map the demographic profile of the entrepreneurs providing higher education in Arts and Science colleges in Tamil Nadu through an empirical analysis, carried out among 25 entrepreneurs spread across the state. This paper presents a summary of major inferences of the analysis.

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