scholarly journals PKM Pengembangan Bisnis Sulaman Sebagai Industri Kecil Keunggulan Daerah dan Budaya Minang Kabau Di Kanagarian Panampuang Kabupaten Agam Sumatera Barat

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 1014
Erni Masdupi ◽  
Rosyeni Rasyid ◽  
Rahmiati Rahmiati

The embroidery business is a business that has been hereditary in the village of Ampek Angkek, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province. But in its development this business still faces several obstacles such as the motives, design, and diversification of embroidery products that are still limited, besides that there has not been a common goal in quality among craftsmen as business owners with their sewing children. Therefore the purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of embroidery business partners in developing variations in motifs, designs, and diversification of embroidery products, and can improve the quality and quantity of embroidery products to be highly competitive while remaining grounded in the unique characteristics of Minang. Kabau. This activity was carried out by providing training and mentoring on techniques and how to make various variations of embroidery motifs and designs, as well as developing product diversification. The results of the activity showed an increase in partner knowledge and skills in making various variations of motifs and designs of embroidery products. Furthermore, the product diversification in the form of tablecloths, chair cushions and tissue boxes, with the right embroidery layout and quality as expected.Keywords: Craft embroidery, Product diversification, Quality standards

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Yeni Erita

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze any form of treatment patron of the client in the cinnamon trade in Nagari Pasar Tanah Datar. The research is a qualitative research, the naturalistic or natural, it is done on a particular natural background, and has a particular case. The results of the research are: 1). Rooted historically to trading activity in the village market, especially with the Client Patron export commodities traders. 2). Having a wide network klientisasi in control of the business, has the ability to build reciprocity to strengthen social insurance with business partners. 3). Patron business network and market traders in villages Clients who trade export crops can be used as a base to develop the agricultural product processing industry whose market is wide open in the ASEAN and China. 4). The creation of a network of business groups klientisasi to village markets can be a forerunner to form a business network Minangkabau to compete with China's business network, in exploiting investment opportunities provided by the government of West Sumatra. 5). With the capability of reciprocity and social insurance held so far, can create business linkages (business leakage) with groups of businesses along the corridor of Sumatra.Keywords: Treatment, clients, cinnamon

ICCD ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 569-577
Tukhas Shilul Imaroh

Activities to encourage people to be creative and independent with entrepreneurship can be done through partnerships that will provide convenience and become more excited. Rawa Buaya village community partner with the PKK and Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak (RPTRA), conduct entrepreneurial activity for economic independence and help one of Jakarta government programs. Residents carry out the production process if there is a desire or order, therefore the scale of production and marketing needs to be improved. Production process activities carried out have not been continuously indicated that the community does not understand entrepreneurship. For this reason, an understanding of entrepreneurial knowledge is needed in the production process, starting from the right production planning, readiness of raw materials and product diversification in building a business independently of the community, especially the residents of Rawa Buaya village. The activity begins with the provision of entrepreneurial understanding, the right production process and the need for product diversification so that it can make a continuous effort to increase economic independence. Entrepreneurial become the motor of economic and capable of creating jobs, more hope will boost economic growth and contribute to the reduction of unemployment through various development activities production of ornamental flowers and seeds of refined products in the village of Rawa Buaya Palm is expected to increase the number of SME entrepreneurs.

Jurnal HAM ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Donny Michael Situmorang

AbstrakBerangkat dari Nawa Cita ketiga yaitu “membangun Indonesia dari pinggiran dengan memperkuat daerah-daerah dan desa dalam kerangka Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia” dan kesadaran untuk melaksanakan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengakuan hak atas asal usul masyarakat desa serta melihat peta keragaman kesiapan kelembagaan desa dan fisibilitas mengenai pengelolaan dana desa, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Dari data lapangan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Undang-Undang No.6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa berupaya mengkoreksi kesalahan-kesalahan Negara dalam mengatur desa dan masyarakat hukum adat. Undang-Undang desa ingin mengembalikan hak asal usul yang melekat pada desa adat untuk mengurus kehidupan masyarakat hukum adat dan pengurusan wilayah masyarakat hukum adatnya (hak ulayat). Negara perlu memberikan sarana dan prasarana kepada setiap lembaga adat agar lembaga adat dalam mengelola masyarakat adat serta adat istiadatnya dapat berjalan dengan baik. Untuk itu, perlu ada payung hukum untuk menampung keistimewaan desa adat dibeberapa daerah. Selain itu juga, perlu diatur secara khusus didalam peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai penetapan anggaran khusus terhadap lembaga-lembaga adat, sehingga lambat laun keberadaan lembaga adat ini tidak akan hilang.Kata kunci: Revitalisasi, Pemerintahan Desa, Sumatera Barat.AbstractBased on the third Nawa Cita it is “to build Indonesia by strengthening areas and villages within the framework of The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia” and awareness to implement the Act No. 6 2014 about Village. The purpose of this research is to know the recognition of the origin of rural community rights and to look at the map of the diversity of Village institutional readiness and feasibility on the village funds management, by using the qualitative method. From the data the field we can conclude that the act of no.6 year 2014 village about trying to emend state mistakes in regulating village and community adat law.The act of village want to restore the right of the origin of attached to customary village to take care of the lives of the customary law and management of the region of law community custom (unalienated rights). The state needs to give of facilities and infrastructure to every customary institutions that create a conducive customary in managing indigenous people as well as customary to take place. For that, there should be a legal framework for accommodate village customary privileges of several regions .It is also, needs to be regulated specifically in the legislation regarding the stipulation of a special budget against customary institutions, so which gradually customary the existence of this institution will be lost.Keywords: Revitalization, Village Administration, West Sumatra

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Sri Wahjuni Latifah

Implementation of the service was conducted in the village ofSekarpuro Malang. Activity focused on the environment RW9 because has some excellent potential that crops ofvegetables and spices. Each house is required to havevegetables and spices for minimal ten kinds, peppers,tomatoes, cabbage, basil, kale, spinach, mustard greens, beansand eggplant. While these types of spices are grown include:turmeric, saffron and white, kencur, ginger, white ginger, redginger, galangal, lemon grass andothers.The problems faced by partners are: (1)lack of knowledge inthe healthy beverage processing and medicinal herbs, so thatproduct quality standards and the sale price hasn‘tcomptetive.(2) Lack of knowledge and skills of members in the field ofmarketing that they are pessimistic to sell to a wider marketProgram execution method of empowerment that carried thepotential members of the group and the potential of the naturalresources of the area environment. Based on the targetaudience who have been in service activities, it can be formedof two businesses that making herbal drinks such as cidertoga, passion fruit syrup and traditional herbal medicinemanufacture that produces fresh herbs and herbal instant. Inthe field of production has developed into six types ofproducts from only two types of products. While in thegeneral field of business licenses has been done so that theproduct is expected to be accepted by the market. In the fieldof marketing has made the introduction of products with avariety of activities and models of traditional marketing is stilldone through leaflets, door to door and exhibits SMEs.Besides, available change over hygienes packaging andlabeling. Administration and finance training activities hashelped entrepreneurs in setting records with good activity, andcan be used to determine accurately the costofproduction.

Abdiana Ilosa ◽  
Saipul Al Sukri ◽  
Rudiadi Rudiadi

Village officials have a great obligation and responsibility to help the Village Head carry out his duties, obligations and provide the best service to the community. The selection of the right village officials will support the implementation of these tasks and obligations. Considering the position of the village apparatus that is so important, the recruitment process, procedures and requirements that are appropriate for the candidate village apparatus are needed.The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation and constraints of the principle of transparency in the appointment of the sontang cubadak Nagari village in Pasaman, West Sumatra. Data collection in this study used interview techniques (key informants). While the types and sources of data used in this study are primary and secondary data. From there the data is then analyzed in a qualitative descriptive way. The results of this study provide evidence that transparency does not occur in the process of appointing Sontang Cubadak Nagari. This happens because of the lack of transparency in the selection, recruitment of candidates for the device. This is evidenced from the many people of Sontang Cubadak village who do not know the process and only know the results of the appointment. In addition, the supervision of the sub-district and the lack of good communication between the Nagari government and the community also caused the failure of the appointment of the Sontang Cubadak village government apparatus. Keyword: Regional Autonomy, Transparency Principle, Nagari’s Officer

Jurnal HAM ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Donny Michael Situmorang

AbstrakBerangkat dari Nawa Cita ketiga yaitu “membangun Indonesia dari pinggiran dengan memperkuat daerah-daerah dan desa dalam kerangka Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia” dan kesadaran untuk melaksanakan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengakuan hak atas asal usul masyarakat desa serta melihat peta keragaman kesiapan kelembagaan desa dan fisibilitas mengenai pengelolaan dana desa, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Dari data lapangan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Undang-Undang No.6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa berupaya mengkoreksi kesalahan-kesalahan Negara dalam mengatur desa dan masyarakat hukum adat. Undang-Undang desa ingin mengembalikan hak asal usul yang melekat pada desa adat untuk mengurus kehidupan masyarakat hukum adat dan pengurusan wilayah masyarakat hukum adatnya (hak ulayat). Negara perlu memberikan sarana dan prasarana kepada setiap lembaga adat agar lembaga adat dalam mengelola masyarakat adat serta adat istiadatnya dapat berjalan dengan baik. Untuk itu, perlu ada payung hukum untuk menampung keistimewaan desa adat dibeberapa daerah. Selain itu juga, perlu diatur secara khusus didalam peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai penetapan anggaran khusus terhadap lembaga-lembaga adat, sehingga lambat laun keberadaan lembaga adat ini tidak akan hilang.Kata kunci: Revitalisasi, Pemerintahan Desa, Sumatera Barat.AbstractBased on the third Nawa Cita it is “to build Indonesia by strengthening areas and villages within the framework of The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia” and awareness to implement the Act No. 6 2014 about Village. The purpose of this research is to know the recognition of the origin of rural community rights and to look at the map of the diversity of Village institutional readiness and feasibility on the village funds management, by using the qualitative method. From the data the field we can conclude that the act of no.6 year 2014 village about trying to emend state mistakes in regulating village and community adat law.The act of village want to restore the right of the origin of attached to customary village to take care of the lives of the customary law and management of the region of law community custom (unalienated rights). The state needs to give of facilities and infrastructure to every customary institutions that create a conducive customary in managing indigenous people as well as customary to take place. For that, there should be a legal framework for accommodate village customary privileges of several regions .It is also, needs to be regulated specifically in the legislation regarding the stipulation of a special budget against customary institutions, so which gradually customary the existence of this institution will be lost.Keywords: Revitalization, Village Administration, West Sumatra

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-132
Betha Rahmasari

This article aims to find out the developmentidea or paradigm through village financial management based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. In this study, the researcher used a normative research methodby examining the village regulations in depth. Primary legal materials are authoritatuve legal materials in the form of laws and regulations. Village dependence is the most obvious violence against village income or financial sources. Various financial assistance from the government has made the village dependent on financial sources from the government. The use of regional development funds is intended to support activities in the management of Regional Development organizations. Therefore, development funds should be managed properly and smoothly, as well as can be used effectively to increase the people economy in the regions. This research shows that the law was made to regulate and support the development of local economic potential as well as the sustainable use of natural resources and the environment, and that the village community has the right to obtain information and monitor the planning and implementation of village development.

2002 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 495-517
Irini Renieri

This article explores household formation among the Greek Orthodox population of a mixed village of Cappadocia inhabited by Muslims, as well. The village, Çukur, was located on the right bank of the river Kızılırmak, 49 kilometers north–northwest of Kayseri.1 I aim to show that complex forms of household formation were the main type of social organization and were especially durable over time, with a high average household membership. I attempt to clarify whether the predominance of extended households—which, as other studies have shown, is not that common in the Asian portion of the Ottoman Empire—was related to the Christian character of this section of the Çukur population, or whether the agricultural basis of the village economy played a more important role.

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 39-70
Cristian Micu

"Shepherding on Argeș Valley – spatial coordinates This paper presents the essential elements that define the spatial coordinate characteristic of shepherding which is practised in the sub-Carpathian villages on the Argeș Valley, following the documentary attestations of the villages, the genesis and evolution of the village boundaries, the evolution of land ownership and the right to use lands (in condominium or individually). Also within the spatial coordinate, there are researched the traditional ways in which the potential of the rural land fund is highlighted, as a result of its geomorphological, pedological, climatic qualities, etc., the study taking into consideration all the areal types with pastoral potential, not only those on the administrative territory of the villages, but also those in the mountain area destined for summer grazing. If for the presentation of origins, attestations, borderline fixation of the villages from the studied areal, documents, monographic studies and other categories of specialized works have been used, for the understanding of the manner of pastoral, individual and especially collective exploitation of the land fund by the village communities, of valorizing the fodder qualities of the different types of surfaces, it was necessary to carry out field research in the three targeted villages: Albeștii de Argeș, Corbeni and Arefu, all in the Argeș County. The visit of sheepfolds from Lespezi, Lipitoarea, Ciocanu, Podeanu, Oticu, in the alpine hollow of the Făgăraș Mountains, were necessary both for studying some elements related to the spatial coordinate (sheepfold location, daily travel routes, travel routes from the village hearth to the mountains, etc.) as well as for conducting interviews, based on an elaborate questionnaire, interviews generating unique and extremely useful information also for researching the other coordinates of the pastoral system practiced in the area. Keywords: shepherding, Argeș Valley, spatial coordinate, pastoral system, field research "

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 523-542
Sri Ayu Saputri ◽  
Nurzi Sebrina ◽  
Vita Fitria Sari

This study aims to determine how Administration, Reporting and Accountability of Dana Nagari in Batang Anai District, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra Province. There are three (3) aspects in village funds, administration, reporting and accountability. To achieve these objectives, descriptive qualitative research methods are used. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study show: (1) Administration carried out by the treasurer in the form of receipts and expenditures which are recorded in the general cash book, bank book, income details book, and financing details book which is equipped with receipts. (2) Reporting that the delay in disbursing village funds was due to the late regulation of the Regulations of the Regent of Padang Pariaman which caused the disbursement of stage I and phase II village funds to be delayed too late. (3) Accountability Submission of accountability reports to the public through various media, such as websites and billboards. Submission through this media can make it easier for the public to obtain information about the performance of the village government.

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