2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Ahmad Fauzan Yusman ◽  
Neviyarni Suhaili

This article discusses the character arrangement of students, in this case students, from learning pop music to students. Compiled with quantitative methods with literature review. The main problem here is that there are too many types of music available at this time, one of which is pop music. In this day and age, pop music has been worldwide from an early age until adults love pop music, thus allowing pop music to be well received. Learning the art of music in services is to provide direct experience in the learning process for students, including other learning such as literature and language learning, skills and others. The formation of student character by learning pop music will determine the character of students from each song in pop music. In the 2013 curriculum, several materials were stipulated that support teachers to provide opportunities for students to develop character through learning pop music, including in the subject of Cultural Arts for junior high school level.Keywords: character, students, pop music

Humanus ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Ardipal Ardipal

Character building is the main focus of Curriculum 2013. However, this effort is almost replaced by the program of mental revolution “relaunched” by Joko Widodo in his campaign and it has been one of his programs today. Arts education is often underestimated; in fact, it has a major role in shaping the character of the nation. Therefore, this research aims to identify problems in character building of Indonesia’s human resource through arts education. Research findings show that teachers’ concept on art education in elementary schools is one of the factors that influence the success of the Cultural Arts learning at the elementary level. Currently, most teachers view that art education includes activities to make students sing, draw, and/or make crafts at early age. This understanding is needed to be revolutionized as Curriculum 2013 mandates changes in concepts and patterns of learning for the good characters of the next generation, such as independent, good natured, and ready to face the future. Furthermore, it describes and identified the problems encountered in learning the art of music in elementary school, which underlies the need for arts education in mental revolution of the young generation as a potential future leaders.Keywords: art education problems, character building, elementary school, Curriculum 2013

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2a) ◽  
pp. 66-77
Suriadi Samsuri

ABSTRAK   Pendidikan karakter harus dimulai sejak dini. Karena anak-anak adalah generasi penerus bangsa. Pembentukan karakter sejak usia dini sangat mempengaruhi karakter masa depan bangsa ini. Membangun karakter akan tumbuh dengan baik, jika dalam proses pertumbuhan mereka mendapat perhatian dan bimbingan dari orang tua dan sekolah. Mengelola karakter anak-anak tidak cukup hanya melalui pembelajaran di kelas, tetapi sekolah harus menerapkan sebuah pembelajaran melalui pembiasaan atau budaya sekolah. Kegiatan pembiasaan yang dilakukan oleh Madrasah Tebas Parit Jawai, Kabupaten Sambas bukan hanya memberikan perintah, tetapi guru memberikan contoh praktis secara langsung  kepada anak-anak   Kata Kunci : Manajemen, Karakter, Anak.   ABSTRACT   Character education must begin early. Because children are the future generation of the nation. Formation of characters from an early age greatly influences the future character of this nation. Character building will grow well, if in the process of growth they get attention and guidance from parents and school. Managing children's character is not enough to only be taught through classroom subjects, but schools also apply it through habituation or school culture. Habitual activities carried out by the Parit Jawai Private Islamic Junior High School Madrasah Tebas, Sambas District are not just orders, but the teacher gives direct or exemplary practice to the children. Keyword:  Management, Character, Childrent

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Tengku Silvana Sinar ◽  
T. Thirhaya Zein ◽  
Rudy Sofyan ◽  
T. Mira Rozanna

Creativity Skill of Art and Culture Program (PKKSB) aims to give a training in dancing, pantun reciting and Malay cultural drama to the Junior High School and Islamic Junior High School students of Sinar Serdang which located in Perbaungan, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatera. As its name, PKKSB has goals to make the students be able in appreciating traditional culture and local wisdom through Malay dance, pantun reciting and drama. By providing the training, the students now have experiences in expressing, creating, and appreciating the art and publicly performing Cultural Arts  in an event held by the governing boards of Serdang Bedagai Regency. This Cultural Arts Performance is held with the aim of conserving and developing the culture for young generations or wider communities. Keywords : art creativity, culture, local wisdom, character building

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-248
Esti Rahmah Pratiwi

Character building for student should be applied in the early age. It is important because early age is the crucial time for student to develop their potential ability. The purpose of this research is to determine the real form of character building through hidden curriculum theory. The research uses a quantitative method. The results showed that: 1) the implementation of the hidden curriculum in SMP IT (integrated Islamic of junior high school) Masjid Syuhada belong in a good category. With the highest percentage value of 29.54%, the group score indicates as good criteria. 2) Character building in the 2 grade of SMP IT (integrated Islamic of junior high school) Masjid Syuhada categorized as good enough, with the highest percentage value of 27, 28%. The group score indicates as good enough criteria. 3) There is a positive and significant influence of hidden curriculum in the student's character, as if the score of hidden curriculum increased by 0.649. Hidden curriculum influence 52.7% in student’s characteristic, while 47.3% are influenced by other factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 551-557
Vitri Angraini Hardi ◽  
Lusi Marleni

This aim of this research is to provide an insight on English as foreign language learning at elementary school level. Since the English is learned as foreign language in Indonesia, the shifting of English in Indonesia curriculum is one of the interested research focus. It is explicitly declared in Curriculum 2013 that English is taught as an extracurricular subject in Indonesia elementary school. The government does not obligate the elementary students to learn English. The elementary schools have an opportunity to decide English to be included as a subject in the curriculum. The shifting of the government’s consideration in deciding the starting focus of English learning at junior high school level is the maturity level of learners in learning a foreign language. Dealing with the stated focus, a critical overview on the foreign language learning is conducted. Several research reported that learning a foreign language is better to be started at the early age because of the early age students are easier to imitate the new language. The way of thinking in imitating stages is assumed as the best time to start learning a foreign language. In another point, several research reported that maturity level of learners is the essential point to be considered because learning a foreign language need is not only imitating the language but also understanding the culture, combining linguistics aspects and so on. Despite the fact on the different views of scholars, both of the parties agree on the focus of learning a language is not a matter of age. The contributions of several factors are also part of the supported system in learning foreign language. In term of English foreign language learning, different age-level have to be given different learning input. An early age students should be given speaking and listening topics due to the students do not involve the critical thinking process. Meanwhile, the mature students are better to be provided reading and writing topic due to the depth thinking phase is in theirs. 

2013 ◽  
Vol 284-287 ◽  
pp. 3554-3558
Hui Yi Liang ◽  
Chih Chien Yang

This study uses quantitative methods to rate content and teaching on a phonics program delivered by computer assisted language learning (CALL). Data was obtained by Questionnaire and analysed using GM (0,N) model of Grey Theory. Results showed a high effectiveness rating and underlined the value of computer assisted language learning in the continuing education programs in the subject University.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-151
Ulfa Rahmaningsih ◽  
Yunus Abu Bakar ◽  
Ali Wafa

The teaching process that still uses traditional methods has an impact to students. One of that impact is the obstructed of student’s ability to master speaking skills, whereas the main function of language learning is as  a communication tool. Therefore, researchers want to provide one way to improve the ability to speak Arabic, namely by using the Boardroom application. By using this application, the process of teaching Arabic in the classroom will be more innovative and raises student’s corage in their Arabic  speaking skills.  This research was conducted on eight grade students of the Belang Islamic junior high school, Kancheng Madiun. This study uses quantitative methods. The data collection process will be carried out by interviews, questionares, tests and drawings. Whit this method of data collection, the researchers will get more validity and depth data in the field.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 175
Ali Nurdin

This research aims to get information, review and analyze about the influence of learning environment in the formation of student character, research is done using quantitative methods analyzed with descriptive and inference analysis, research is done on teachers in Junior High School (Junior High School) State in Jatisampurna, Bekasi City, West Java. From the results of the study found that there is a positive and significant influence between the family environment on the formation of student character, there is a positive and significant influence between the school environment on the formation of student character, and there is a positive and significant influence between the community environment (social) on the formation of student character. Thus, the improvement of the quality and character of students can be carried out by the implementation of a conducive and quality learning environment. Students who live, get along and interact in a good learning environment will also form good self-quality that will directly affect students in acting and have a good impact in the formation of the character of the student, thus resulting in students of character.

1982 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 373-375 ◽  
James L. Fitch ◽  
Thomas F. Williams ◽  
Josephine E. Etienne

The critical need to identify children with hearing loss and provide treatment at the earliest possible age has become increasingly apparent in recent years (Northern & Downs, 1978). Reduction of the auditory signal during the critical language-learning period can severely limit the child's potential for developing a complete, effective communication system. Identification and treatment of children having handicapping conditions at an early age has gained impetus through the Handicapped Children's Early Education Program (HCEEP) projects funded by the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped (BEH).

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Fatin Rohmah Wahidah ◽  
Farida Kurniawati

The purpose of this study was to determine the application of self-regulated learning interventions to increase learning motivation and learning abilities in junior high school students who come from families with low socioeconomic levels. The intervention was given for five sessions through psychoeducation and assignments. The subject of this study is a male, 15 years old. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data analysis using triangulation techniques. The results of the analysis of observations, interviews, and assignment documents show that there are differences before and after the subject was given intervention. In general, self-regulated learning intervention has a positive impact on learning motivation and learning abilities of the subject. Several factors that support and inhibit intervention were explained. Some suggestions are given to develop the further intervention.

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