Urgensi Kurikulum Gender dalam Pendidikan

1970 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 420-533
Khusnul Khotimah

One of education goal is how to realize fair society, by not discriminate one sex. But the reality exist discrimination at education that necessitate several effort to solve it, on of it is by formulating curriculum that have gender perspective. Curriculum is a development of vision and mission of educational institution that want to realize education goal. Gender curriculum is based on an assumption that woman and man are equal in education, and have equal opportunity to get education. In its application, gender curri­culum can be formulated implicitly (hidden curriculum), or explicitly (overt curriculum). However, to explain gender problems we recommend explicit way. 

1970 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-132 ◽  
Muhammad Nurhalim

Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana upayamengoptimalkan kurikulum aktual dan kurikulum tersembunyi dalam kurikulum 2013. Hal itu dilakukan agar setiap lembaga pendidikan tidak hanya berkutat pada pengoptimalan rencana atau kurikulum idealnya saja, tetapi juga perlu pengoptimalanpelaksanaan atau kurikulum aktualnya dan juga pengoptimalan setiap sesuatu yang mendukung pelaksanaannya tersebut atau pengoptimalan kurikulum tersembunyinya. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis mencoba memberikan altenatif nyata bagaimana agar kedua bentuk kurikulum baik kurikulum aktual maupun kurikulum tersembunyi mampu dengan tepat mengoptimalkan hasil sebagaimana yang diharapkan dalam Kurikulum 2013. This paperis intended to describe how the efforts to optimize theactual curriculum and the hidden curriculum in the 2013 curriculum. This is done so that every educational institution is not only focused on the optimization of plan or curriculum ideally, but also need to be optimized to implement or actual curriculum and also optimizing everything that supports the implementation or optimization of the hidden curriculum. In this paper, the author tries to give a real alternative how to keep both forms of curriculum. Both actual and hidden curriculum will be able to precisely optimize the results as expected in 2013 curriculum.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Latifah Hanum

<strong>Abstrak: </strong>Artikel ini mengkaji kedudukan perempuan di lembaga pendidikan Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah di Sumatera Utara. Organisasi Al Washliyah merupakan organisasi Islam tradisional yang menganut mazhab Ahlussunnahwaljamaah dalam bidang akidah dan Syâfi‘iyah dalam bidang fikih. Afiliasi organisasi ini dalam kedua mazhab tersebut disinyalir akan tidak memberikan kedudukan yang setara antara perempuan dengan laki-laki. Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kualitatif dimana data penelitian diperoleh dari kegiatan telaah dokumen dan observasi. Kajian ini mengajukan temuan bahwa lembaga pendidikan Al Washliyah yang dikelola oleh Majelis Pendidikan Al Washliyah ternyata belum memberikan porsi signifikan bagi kaum perempuan dalam struktur organisasinya. Tidak pernah ditemukan perempuan menjadi ketua atau sekretaris majelis, kecuali sebagai bendahara. Tetapi, kaum perempuan telah dilibatkan sebagai manajer di lembaga pendidikan Al Washliyah. Sebab, beberapa jabatan pimpinan madrasah, sekolah, dan perguruan tinggi Al Washliyah dipegang oleh kaum perempuan. Tenaga pendidik di lembaga pendidikan Al Washliyah telah banyak diisi oleh kaum perempuan. Sebagian guru dan dosen perempuan Al Washliyah telah memiliki ijazah master. Memang, beberapa dari mereka dipercayakan sebagai manajer dengan tanggung jawab yang besar. <br /><strong> </strong><br /><strong>Abstract:  Women in Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah Educational Institution</strong>. This article examines women’s position in Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah educational institutions in North Sumatra. Al Washliyah organization is a traditional Islamic organization that practices the <em>Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamâ‘ah</em> theology and Shâfi‘i school of law. It has been alledged that these school of theology and law would not allow equal opportunity for man and woman. Nevertheless, this study—which mainly based on document review and observation—found that that was not exactly the case. While it is true that in Al Washliyah Education Council women are under respresented, the condition is much better in educational institutions. In Al Washliyah educational institutions, it is common to find female teachers and lecturers with master degrees. Indeed, some of them are entrusted as managers with substantial responsibilities. <br /> <br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong><strong> </strong>gender, perempuan, Al Washliyah, madrasah, Sumatera Utara

Susana Cámara ◽  
Ana Guil Bozal ◽  
Consuelo Flecha

Abstract.Culture of gender in education sector and its implications on sexism in educational institution is a research that the University of Seville has studied and has leaded in the last years. In this paper, we show the first step of an investigation, leaded by Ana Guil Bozal, financed by Instituto de la Mujer (Prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres, evitando el sexismo en las instituciones educativas, 2013-2015) where we study the relation between the culture of gender and different ways of discrimination based on gender matters, specially violence. From the Doing Gender Theory (West & Zimmerman, 1987) point of view applied to an educational sector, there are different aspects that we could identify and that affect institutions from a gender perspective. The Doing Gender model identifies three levels: socio-cultural, relation and personal. In this first step of the project, we analyze the relational and personal level. Also, we added in our analysis the resources level, not included in the Doing Gender Theory, and where we study the human and economic resources available to work in gender area in educational organizations. There are relations between the people involved in education, mainly as follows: students, teachers and management team; then, their own system of values, attitudes and behavior; human resources with specifically training in gender matters and the economic resources. Violence against women can be face with education which must include a gender perspective. All the aspect involved in the daily education practices have reflected on the position of women in society.Keywords: Culture of Gender, Doing Gender, Gender ViolenceResumen.La Universidad de Sevilla ha estudiado y liderado diferentes líneas de investigación sobre la relación existente entre el sexismo y algunos aspectos presentes en las instituciones educativas. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la primera fase de un proyecto, financiado por el Instituto de la Mujer (Prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres, evitando el sexismo en las instituciones educativas, 2013-2015) en el que -de cara a la prevención- estudiamos la relación entre la Cultura de Género y las diferentes formas de discriminación por razón del género, especialmente la violencia. Como marco teórico para nuestro estudio hemos utilizado el modelo Doing Gender (West & Zimmerman, 1987), que mantiene que el género se manifiesta en tres planos: Socio-cultural, Relacional y Personal. En una primera fase del proyecto, analizamos los niveles relacional y personal. También incluimos un plano, al que llamamos plano de recursos, no contemplado en el modelo original y en el que indagamos sobre los medios humanos y económicos disponibles para el trabajo en el área de género en las instituciones educativas. En este documento se presentan los resultados iniciales de esta primera fase que servirán de base para la construcción de un modelo que permita evaluar la cultura de género de las instituciones educativas y así fomentar la prevención de las diferentes formas de discriminación por razón del género, entre ellas la violencia.Palabras clave: Cultura de Género, Doing Gender, Violencia de Género

Muhammad Munawir Pohan

The principal is the central figure in the improvement of the quality of education in schools. Success or failure of an educational institution, especially in the educational unit will be greatly influenced by the competence of the head of the school, Education Minister Regulation No. 13 Year 2007 on the Standards for school / madrassa confirmed that a school / madrasah principal must have five dimensions of minimum competencies, namely: personal competence, managerial, entrepreneurial, supervision, and social. Head of school / madrasah is a teacher who is assigned additional principals / madrasah that he also should have the requisite competence competence of teachers, namely: pedagogic competence, personality, social, and professional. Based on these facts, it becomes very important for the principal master the competencies of school principals in an effort to improve the quality of education in the educational unit. Hinted at by the opinion that one of the principal as educational administrators need to complete their education with knowledge leadership insights and anticipatory attitude to changes that occur in people's lives, including the development of macro-level policies. Being the change and development of the most actual today is the higher aspirations of the people for education, and the incessant demands of education policies that include improved aspects of equal opportunity, quality, efficiency and relevance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
Annika Rudman ◽  
Theodora Mkali

Against the background of recent political developments in Malawi, this article provides a gender perspective on Malawian women’s participation in political life. It focuses on the position of women as candidates for political office and explores what determines women’s positioning, the hurdles that exist in their path when entering the political domain and, correspondingly, the obligations that the state has to level the playing field to overcome such hurdles. As a point of departure, it is proposed that Malawi, which since the coming into force of the 1994 Constitution is democratically organised, cannot be deemed fully democratic and legitimate if women and men do not have an equal opportunity to serve their communities through parliamentary representation. Malawi has ratified the African Charter, the Maputo Protocol and the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance. Therefore, it is bound by a multitude of international provisions which promote and protect democracy and women’s rights to political participation. The objective of this article is to analyse how effective the Malawian government has been in implementing women’s political rights as guaranteed under regional human rights law. Using the method of positionality to unveil discrimination and disadvantage, the authors’ arguments presented in this article depart from the idea that internal change can be grounded on legal interventions which implement the legal obligations set out in the African Charter, the  Maputo Protocol and the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Afifatul Munawiroh ◽  
M. Khoirul Hadi Al Asy Ari

The majority of pesantren, the oldest Islamic educational institution in Indonesia, are still giving a priority to men for most important positions and roles in managing the pesantren. However, there is an interesting phenomenon at Pesantren Roudhotul Qur'an in Jember, East Java, where Nyai Mulazimah took unusual position as a leader of the pesantren, as well as the teacher of Tafsir Jalalain, the most influential tafsir books at pesantren. One of her contribution is conducting a reading of Tafsir Jalalain using a gender approach. This article aims to analyze the role of Nyai Mulazimah and her influences on shaping socio-religious traditions within her pesantren, especially related to the interpretation of the Qur'an (tafsir). This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation and in-depth interviews with Mrs. Nyai Mulazimah and several students. The results reveal that the presence of Nyai Mulazimah as a teacher, who makes an interpretation of the Qur’an using a gender perspective, has created a new distinction to the tradition of teaching a tafsir within a pesantren which has been dominated by men. Therefore, this also gives rise to more diverse perspectives on the interpretation of certain verses within the pesantren, especially those related to the role and social position of women.Mayoritas pesantren di Indonesia masih memprioritaskan laki-laki pada posisi dan peran-peran penting di pondok pesantren. Salah satu fenomena menarik di Pondok Pesantren Roudhotul Qur’an di Jember adalah keberadan Bu Nyai Mulazimah sebagai pemimpin pondok sekaligus pengajar Tafsir Jalalain. Melalui peran Bu Nyai Mulazimah, pengajaran Tafsir Jalalain diajarkan dengan pendekatan gender. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Bu Nyai tersebut dan pengaruhnya terhadap tradisi sosial-keagamaan di pesantren khususnya dalam konteks penafsiran al-Qur’an. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan wawancara  mendalam terhadap Bu Nyai Mulazimah dan beberapa santri. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa keberadaan Bu Nyai Mulazimah sebagai pengajar tafsir dengan perspektif gender telah memberikan nuansa baru dalam tradisi pengajaran tafsir di pesantren yang selama ini didominasi oleh kaum laki-laki. Sehingga, hal ini memunculkan sudut pandang yang lebih beragam tentang tafsir ayat-ayat tertentu di pesantren, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan peran dan posisi sosial perempuan dalam masyarakat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Wawan Setiawan

Islam education environment is faced with quite serious problem, and the solutions must be sought immediately. The education that given by family environment, madrasah environment, and community environment has not shown significant results. At least it can be seen that a lot of madrasah’s students who still do misconductthat is not accordance with the value of Islam it self. In other hand, they good in academic, but in other condition they have not been able to apply Islamic value in their life. There are still madrasah student who steal, hurt teacher even their parent and other immoral acts. Hidden curriculum so far has not placed it should be, it’s mean the existence of hidden curriculum has not been optimally implemented in Islamic education environment. Islamic educational institution are stiil focused on the ideal curriculum and actual curriculum. Whereas  through of  hidden curriculum there found moral values, religious and culture that can be instilled the student.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-348
Zaenal Arifin ◽  
Moh. Turmudi

This article is the result of study focused on discussing the various of educational character methods in Indonesian pesantren. Where judging from the history of the pesantren is actually an educational institution that has holistic and integrative potential. During this time pesantren have played a strategic role in planting character values ​​in society. This character can be seen from the tradition of Islamic education in pesantren which is prioritizes processes rather than the results. Trust in baraka for pesantren is alleged to be a pioneer of planting character values. But so far, character education that was developed in formal schools by the Indonesian government, in fact, did not involve the pesantren and or did not pay much attentions to the results of research concerning character education in pesantren in particular and the tradition of boarding education in general. So that research becomes very urgent to continue to exploring the potential of  pesantren in terms of planting character values ​​continuously. The results of this study indicate that there are four variants of the method of character education in pesantren, namely; hidden curriculum, habituation, ta’zir tradition (punishment), real life, exemplary, application of religious culture, and barakah is indicated as psychologycal reward.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Ana Maulida Sabila ◽  
Happy Susanto ◽  
Anip Dwi Saputro

Colonialism in a matter of centuries that accrued in Indonesia had its impact in every aspect of life, including the education of the nation's children. The pre-independence period did not provide free space for Islamic Education and led it to a setback. This dilemma Gave birth to Reformers who would revitalize the education system in Indonesia. One of them was Imam Zarkasyi, together with his two brothers KH Ahmad Sahal and KH Zainuddin Gontor Fanani by establishing Pondok Modern Darussalam (PMDG). An educational institution in the form of a boarding school that integrates the madrasa system with the boarding system, Thus making it a 'modern' in its era. This integration has implications for the application of the day accompanied by a boarding schooling system, the implementation of written and hidden curriculum and various methods adapted to the milieu by design Gontory's. With this, the thoughts of the leaders of the renewal of Islamic Education are important to study to find an ideal model of education in Indonesia. Based on the results of the study, Imam Zarkasyi's educational thinking is relevant for the development of Islamic Education in Indonesia in the aspects of the system and institutions, aims, educators, students, and the educational situation.Kolonialisme dalam hitungan abad yang terjadi di Indonesia membawa dampak tersendiri dalam setiap sendi kehidupan, tak terkecuali pendidikan anak bangsa. Masa pra-kemerdekaan tak memberikan ruang bebas bagi Pendidikan Islam dan mengantarkannya pada roda kemunduran. Dilema inilah yang melahirkan para pembaharu yang akan merevitalisasi sistem pendidikan di Indonesia. Salah satunya Imam Zarkasyi, bersama kedua saudaranya KH Ahmad Sahal dan KH Zainuddin Fanani dengan mendirikan Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor (PMDG). Sebuah lembaga pendidikan berbentuk pesantren yang mengintegrasikan sistem madrasah dengen sistem pesantren, sehingga menjadikannya bercorak ‘modern’ pada zamannya. Integrasi tersebut berimplikasi pada penerapan day-schooling diiringi dengan boarding system, pemberlakuan written and hidden curriculum dan berbagai metode yang disesuaikan dengan milieu by design Gontory. Dengan ini, pemikiran para tokoh pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam penting untuk dikaji demi menemukan model pendidikan ideal di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka pemikiran pendidikan Imam Zarkasyi relevan bagi pengembangan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia dalam aspek sistem dan kelembagaan, tujuan, pendidik, peserta didik, dan situasi pendidikan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-151
Ahmad Sulhan

Abstrak: Kegiatan manajemen hubungan masyarakat mencakup fungsi-fungsi pokok manajemen secara umum, berfungsi dan bertujuan menciptakan dan mengembangkan persepsi terbaik bagi suatu organisasi lembaga pendidikan yang kegiatannya langsung ataupun tidak langsung mempunyai dampak bagi masa depan organisasi lembaga pendidikan itu. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggali dan menggambarkan "Manajemen Hubungan Masyarakat dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat Sekitar di MA At-Tahzib Kekait Gunungsari" dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsep manajemen hubungan masyarakat di MA At-Tahzib Kekait Gunungsari, bagaimana kondisi umum bentuk partisipasi masyarakat di MA At-Tahzib Kekait Gunungsari dan bagaimana model peran manajemen humas dalam meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat sekitar di MA At-Tahzib Kekait Gunungsari. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan metode pengumpulan datanya menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipan, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisa dengan tiga tahap yaitu verifikasi data, display data dan reduksi data. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep manajemen hubungan madrasah dengan masyarakat internal yang efektif memberikan konstribusi terhadap kelancaran hubungan madrasah dengan masyarakat eksternal. Melalui kebebasan berkomunikasi dilingkungan internal madrasah, semua warga madrasah mempunyai kesempatan yang sama untuk berkreasi dan mengeluarkan pendapat. Dengan demikian, lahirlah sejumlah kegiatan hubungan madrasah dengan masyarakat untuk menggalang partisipasi masyarakat. Kondisi umum bentuk partisipasi masyarakat melalui manajemen humas dimulai dengan perencanaan partisipatif dan pengorganisasian dalam bentuk panitia pelaksana dengan melibatkan semua unsur madrasah yang terkait. Proses selanjutnya adalah pengaktifan dalam bentuk komunikasi dan pelaksana kegiatan. Komunikasi yang paling akrab dilakukan madrasah dengan komite madrasah yang bertujuan menyerap aspirasi ide, dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Proses terakhir manajemen humas adalah pengendalian yang dilakukan terhadap proses kegiatan dan hasil kegiatan humas. Model peran manajemen humas dalam meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat sekitar di MA At-Tahzib Kekait Gunungsari difasilitasi dan digalang oleh komite madrasah. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam bentuk pengambilan keputusan, pelaksanaan program, pengambilan manfaat,dan evaluasi. Abstract: Public relations management activities cover the main functions of management in general, functioning and aims to create and develop the best perception for an organization of educational institution whose activities directly or indirectly have an impact on the future of the educational institution organization. This research was conducted to explore and describe "Public Relations Management in Increasing the Participation of Surrounding People in MA At-Tahzib Kekait Gunungsari" with the aim to know how is the concept of public relations management in MA At-Tahzib Kekait Gunungsari; how are the general conditions of community participation in MA At Tahzib Kekait Gunungsari; and how is the role model of public relations management in increasing the participation of surrounding communities in MA At-Tahzib Kekait Gunungsari. This type of research uses a qualitative approach, and the method of data collection uses in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Then the data is analyzed in three stages namely data verification, data display and data reduction. The results of this study indicates that the concept of madrasah relationship management with an effective internal society contributes to the smoothness of madrasah relationships with external communities. Through the freedom of communication within the internal madrasah, all madrasah residents have the equal opportunity to be creative and to express their opinions. Thus, a number of madrasah relationship activities were established with the community to mobilize the community participation. The general condition of community participation’s form through public relations management is begun with participatory planning and organizing in the form of the organizing committee by involving all elements of the related madrasah. The next process is the activation of communication form and executing activities. The most familiar communication of madrasahs with madrasah committees aimed at absorbing the aspirations of ideas, and the needs of society. The last process of public relations management is the control performed on the process of activities and the results of public relations activities. The role model of public relations management in increasing the participation of surrounding communities in MA At-Tahzib Kekait Gunungsari is facilitated and mobilized by the madrasah committee. While the community participations are shown in decision-making, program implementation, benefit-taking, and evaluation.   Kata Kunci: manajemen, humas, partisipasi, masyarakat      

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