2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 689
Adek Cerah Kurnia Azis

AbstrakPermasalahan mendasar dari kedua Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) yang menjadi mitra pada Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah relatif rendahnya pengetahuan serta pengalaman untuk berwirausaha terutama mengutamakan potensi di bidang kerajinan. Mengingat di lokasi setempat banyak sampah-sampah anorganik yang belum dioptimalkan kegunaannya. Sampah ini justru dibakar dan dibiarkan begitu saja, padahal “pembakaran plastik tidak sempurna dan akan menghasilkan gas yang akan terurai diudara menjadi dioksin yaitu bahan beracun”. Sementara banyak produk-produk yang bisa dihasilkan dari sampah tersebut seperti kerajinan, yaitu berupa aneka macam ragam tas. Oleh karena itu tim pelaksana melakukan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada para anggota yang terlibat atau yang bergabung di kedua PKH. Dimana kegiatan ini untuk memanfaakan sampah anorganik (kantong plastik, botol minuman, makanan, dan produk kecantikan, plastik sachet makanan, minuman, dan produk kecantikan) menjadi karya kerajinan tas yang bernilai guna dan jual.Kata kunci: PKH, sampah anorganik, kerajinan tasAbstractThe fundamental problem of the two Hope Family Programs (PKH) that become partners in this Community Service Program is the relatively low level of knowledge and experience for entrepreneurship, especially prioritizing the potential in the craft field. Considering that in the local location there are many inorganic wastes that have not been optimized for use. This waste is actually burned and left unchecked, even though "plastic combustion is not perfect and will produce gas that will break down into the air into dioxins which are toxic substances". While many products that can be produced from such waste are like crafts, which are various kinds of bags. Therefore the implementing team carried out Community Service activities through training and mentoring to the members involved or who joined the second PKH. Where this activity is used for inorganic waste (plastic bags, bottled drinks, food, and beauty products, plastic sachets of food, drinks, and beauty products) is a worthwhile and selling bag craft.Keywords: PKH, inorganic waste, bag crafts

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Miftachul Jannah ◽  
Swasti Artanti

Community service program with the topic "Counseling Pregnant Women with Fe Tablets, Nutrition for Pregnant Women and Dangerous Signs of Pregnant Women in Jenggot, Pekalongan City" is aimed at Trimester II and III pregnant women to provide about pregnant women's knowledge about the benefits of Fe tablets , nutritional needs during pregnancy and pregnancy danger signs in the area of Jenggot, Pekalongan city. It is important to educate pregnant women about the benefits of Fe tablets during pregnancy because hemoglobin is needed for the body of pregnant women. During pregnancy, a pregnant woman needs to have high nutritious food and is sufficient for herself and her fetus. If a pregnant woman lacks nutrition and iron during pregnancy, it will cause problems, both for the mother and the fetus. Family and environmental factors will greatly affect pregnant women. Hopefully, pregnant women will have no abstinence to eat. This activity can be sustainable and encourage pregnant women to care during pregnancy whether to take Fe tablets, eat nutritious foods and understand the danger signs during pregnancy. In addition, a Pre Test and Post Test were conducted to determine the level of knowledge before and after counseling. The results obtained are that there is a significant increase in pregnant women in Jenggot, Pekalongan after counseling about Fe tablets, nutrition of pregnant women and pregnancy danger signs.

Herry Agoes Hermadi ◽  
Sunaryo Hadi Warsito

The aim of the 2019 KKN BBM Community Service Program is to overcome the problems found in the Surabaya Urban area Jagir Wonokromo, namely the low capacity of the people's economic income, low knowledge and understanding of environmental management, environmental hygiene, especially health, defecation, which deserves to be called ODF. (open defecation free) which only uses public toilets in a small closed channel this seems the same as ODF. The solution is for the residents to be able to overcome ODF problems. Training and mentoring are conducted by KKN students in how the methods and methods carried out in communities that have been developed are used for deodorizing and at the same time destroying human excrement as a biofermentor that will be inserted into septic tanks containing feces so that the process of crushing the stool quickly and immediately eliminating pungent odors and circulating septic tanks into groundwater and not polluting the environment. With the pilot of Anti-Odor and Anti-Fully WC in Jagir Wonokromo Kelurahan, it is expected that there will be a change in the low level of knowledge and understanding of environmental management and environmental cleanliness, especially the health of defecation methods that are worth mentioning as not yet ODF which only uses closed public lavatories. As a solution is the Citizens to be able to overcome the ODF problem by building a toilet independently later and will have a sense of shame and obedience to environmental cleanliness.AbstrakTujuan Program Pengabdian Masyarakat KKN BBM 2019 ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah yang dijumpai di daerah Perkotaan Surabaya Kelurahan Jagir Wonokromo, yaitu rendahnya kapasitas pendapatan ekonomi warga, rendahnya akan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang pengelolaan lingkungan kebersihan lingkungan terutama kesehatan cara buang air besar yang layak disebut belum ODF (open defecation free) yang hanya menggunakan wc umum secara tertutup kesaluran kecil hal ini nampaknya sama saja dengan ODF. Sebagai solusinya adalah Warga untuk dapat mengatasi masalah ODF. Dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan oleh mahaswiswa KKN bagamana cara dan metoda yang dilakukan di masyarakat yang sudah berkembang digunakkan penghilang bau dan sekaligus penghancur kotoran Manusia sebagai biofermentor yang akan dimasukkan kedalam septic tank yang berisi tinja agar terjadi proses penghancuran tinja secara cepat dan langsung menghilangkan bau yang menyengat dan mengalirkkan septik tank ke dalam air tanah dan tidak mencemari lingkungan. Dengan adanya percontohan WC Anti Bau Dan Anti Penuh Di Kelurahan Jagir Wonokromo di harapkan terjadi perubahan rendahnya akan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang pengelolaan lingkungan k3ebersihan lingkungan terutama kesehatan cara buang air besar yang layak disebut belum ODF yang hanya menggunakan wc umum secara tertutup. Sebagai solusinya adalah Warga untuk dapat  mengatasi masalah odf dengan melakukan pembangunan wc secra mandiri kelak dan akan mempunyai rasa malu dan patuh terhadap kebersihan lingkungan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-34
Hilda Prajayanti ◽  
Maslikhah Maslikhah

Community service program with the topic "Counseling about the Dangers of Using Narcotics, Psychotropics and Addictive Drugs in MAS Yapensa, Jenggot-Pekalongan City" is intended to provide knowledge about the dangers of Narcotics in madrasa aliyah. The importance of providing education about the dangers of drug abuse early on is one of preventive steps. Drugs abuse now do not only attack the age of 20 years and over. Because starting from elementary students also must be aware of the dangers of drug trafficking. Its circulation is not only from a closed place but it can be from relationships, internet cafes and so on. Therefore, it can be said that in order to fortify himself from drugs abuse, the role of parents' attention is very important. It is completed by good religious knowledge and the role and education of schools. Moreover, environmental factors will greatly affect children. It is hoped that in the future this activity can be sustainable and encourage adolescents to be free from drugs. In addition, a pre-test and post-test were conducted to determine the level of knowledge before and after counseling. The results obtained are that there is a significant increase in students of MAS Yapensa, Jenggot-City Pekalongan after counseling about the Dangers of Drugs abuse.

Arie Kusuma Paksi ◽  
Nanik Prasetyoningsih

Program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menguatkan gerakan pengelolaan sampah di Pedukuhan Sembung dan Kembang, Kabupaten Sleman. Apalagi berdasarkan hasil penelitian awal terdapat 10 persen program bank sampah yang tidak aktif. Melalui serangkaian kegiatan pengabdian, yang melibatkan penyuluhan, workshop, kunjungan lapangan dan monitoring, dan fokus pada pengenalan dan penguatan prinsip shadaqoh demi tujuan sosial keagamaan dalam pengelolaan sampah, berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan motivasi para pengelola bank sampah di Pedukuhan Sembung dan Kembang. Hal ini berarti program pengeloaan sampah perlu menekankan spirit tujuan sosial keagaamaan sehingga mendapat dukungan dari banyak pihak terutama warga sekitar. Kata kunci: Penguatan, Pengelolaan, Sampah kering, Kesehatan lingkungan, Pemanasan global ABSTRACT This community service program aims to strengthen the waste management movement in Sembung and Kembang Villages at Sleman Regency. Moreover, based on the results of initial research, 10 percent of the waste bank program is inactive. Through a series of community service activities, which involve counseling, workshops, field visits and monitoring, and focus on introducing and strengthening the principles of shadaqoh for the sake of socio-religious goals in waste management, influencing the level of knowledge and motivation of the waste bank managers in Sembung and Kembang Villages. local people. This means that the future waste management program needs to emphasize the spirit of social and religious goals so that it gets support from many parties, especially the local communities. Keywords: Strengthen, Management, Dry waste, Environmental health, Global warming

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Irma Suswati ◽  
Anisa Putri Maulida

A proper handwashing practice in Indonesia is around 49, 8%. A report from Basic Health Research 2018 recorded that Indonesians did not practice proper handwashing. This article aims to determine level of knowledge, number, and type of bacteria on hands. This community service program was conducted to 20 participants of the Regional Office of ‘Aisyiyah Malang through handwashing promotion using cleaners (such as soap, wet tissue, and hand sanitizer) to be applied to media called Nutrients Agar Plate (NAP). Then, the participants were to do gram staining to count number, type, and morphology of bacteria. The method implemented was desciptive data analysis. Finding shows that in the aspect of knowledge level, 75% of the participants were able to answer all questions correctly after the handwashing promotion program. On the count, there were 154 colonies of bacteria growing on unwashed fingers; 8 colonies on the fingers using hand sanitizer; 36 colonies on the fingers washed with soap, and 29 colonies with wet tissue. Handwashing habits provides knowledge to individuals of healthy living behaviour to prevent bacterial growth. It is concluded that hands washed with soap and running water, hand sanitizer, and wet tissue can actually reduce number of bacterial colonies as they contain bactericidal or bacteriostatic chemicals. Types of bacteria from coccus and Gram-positive rods are Staphylococcus, Streptococcus or Corynebacterium.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 1261-1267
Dodi Mulyadi ◽  
Heri Dwi Santoso ◽  
Diana Hardiyanti ◽  
Yunita Nugraheni ◽  
Budi Tri Santosa ◽  

A person's literacy level in a certain matter of how high his ability or skill in their spesific field. However, the problem faced by partners is the low level of English literacy in supporting learning. The priority of the program to be implemented is to improve (1) English literacy skills, (2) mastery of storytelling techniques, and (3) public speaking skills. Participatory methods, training, mentoring for partners, and evaluative were applied in the implementation of this activity. The output of this community service program is an increase in mastery of English literacy and speaking English in public, as well as knowledge of storytelling techniques.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 979-983
Dyah Puji Astuti ◽  
Kusumastuti Kusumastuti ◽  
Rosmawati Rosmawati

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed many things, including the policy direction for the schedule of examinations for pregnant women, which was initially at least four times during pregnancy to one time, as long as the pregnancy is not problematic. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many pregnant women are reluctant to check their pregnancy at the hospital for fear of contracting the Corona virus, even though pregnancy checks still need to be carried out regularly. The purpose of this community service is to provide training to health cadres regarding emergencies in pregnancy so that cadres can provide assistance in order to identify emergency conditions during pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method of activities carried out is cadre training and assistance to pregnant women. The results showed that after the training activities, the level of knowledge of cadres on emergency services in pregnant women increased and pregnant women in the high risk category were 53.7%. In conclusion, this community service program has succeeded in increasing the knowledge of cadres in assisting pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Danang Prastyo ◽  
Rarasaning Satianingsih ◽  
Ida Sulistyawati ◽  
Arif Mahya Fanny

Professional teachers can be seen from the ability of teachers to produce quality Classroom Action Research (CAR). If seen not all teachers are able to produce research in accordance with CAR standards. Through Community Service Program, Unipa Surabaya PGSD Study Program with the theme of Classroom Action Research Writing (CAR) for Elementary School Teachers in Gayungan II Elementary School in Surabaya is expected to help teachers in producing quality CAR. From the results of the training that has been carried out, it seems that the enthusiasm of the SDN Gayungan 2 Surabaya teacher in following the CAR was very good. The majority of participants felt they needed to get CAR training. Participants feel the benefits after receiving CAR training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Erfan Karyadiputra ◽  
Galih Mahalisa ◽  
Abdurrahman Sidik ◽  
Muhammad Rais Wathani

The problems faced by the children of Banjarmasin Al-Ashr Orphanage are almost the same as those faced by other orphanages in the city of Banjarmasin, namely, lack funds and personnel or volunteers who help and guide orphanage children to develop their skills and creativity as a provision in carrying out life after the completion of the orphanage. The purpose of this community service program is to make the children of the Al-Ashr Orphanage have a strong and more independent motivation by providing them with the knowledge and skills they will use to prepare themselves for the future. While the target of this activity is to make the children of the Al-Ashr Orphanage have design skills in making invitations, brochures, and banners as well as online businesses. The method used is training and guidance, where training is carried out with presentations and practices.

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