scholarly journals Penyuluhan tentang Bahaya Penggunaan Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Obat-Obat Adiktif di MAS Yapensa Jenggot Kota Pekalongan

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-34
Hilda Prajayanti ◽  
Maslikhah Maslikhah

Community service program with the topic "Counseling about the Dangers of Using Narcotics, Psychotropics and Addictive Drugs in MAS Yapensa, Jenggot-Pekalongan City" is intended to provide knowledge about the dangers of Narcotics in madrasa aliyah. The importance of providing education about the dangers of drug abuse early on is one of preventive steps. Drugs abuse now do not only attack the age of 20 years and over. Because starting from elementary students also must be aware of the dangers of drug trafficking. Its circulation is not only from a closed place but it can be from relationships, internet cafes and so on. Therefore, it can be said that in order to fortify himself from drugs abuse, the role of parents' attention is very important. It is completed by good religious knowledge and the role and education of schools. Moreover, environmental factors will greatly affect children. It is hoped that in the future this activity can be sustainable and encourage adolescents to be free from drugs. In addition, a pre-test and post-test were conducted to determine the level of knowledge before and after counseling. The results obtained are that there is a significant increase in students of MAS Yapensa, Jenggot-City Pekalongan after counseling about the Dangers of Drugs abuse.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Miftachul Jannah ◽  
Swasti Artanti

Community service program with the topic "Counseling Pregnant Women with Fe Tablets, Nutrition for Pregnant Women and Dangerous Signs of Pregnant Women in Jenggot, Pekalongan City" is aimed at Trimester II and III pregnant women to provide about pregnant women's knowledge about the benefits of Fe tablets , nutritional needs during pregnancy and pregnancy danger signs in the area of Jenggot, Pekalongan city. It is important to educate pregnant women about the benefits of Fe tablets during pregnancy because hemoglobin is needed for the body of pregnant women. During pregnancy, a pregnant woman needs to have high nutritious food and is sufficient for herself and her fetus. If a pregnant woman lacks nutrition and iron during pregnancy, it will cause problems, both for the mother and the fetus. Family and environmental factors will greatly affect pregnant women. Hopefully, pregnant women will have no abstinence to eat. This activity can be sustainable and encourage pregnant women to care during pregnancy whether to take Fe tablets, eat nutritious foods and understand the danger signs during pregnancy. In addition, a Pre Test and Post Test were conducted to determine the level of knowledge before and after counseling. The results obtained are that there is a significant increase in pregnant women in Jenggot, Pekalongan after counseling about Fe tablets, nutrition of pregnant women and pregnancy danger signs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 8
Cecep Eli Kosasih ◽  
Tetti Solehati ◽  
Chandra Isabela Purba

AbstractStroke patients face a number of problems that include physical, social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual which can cause a decrease in their well-being. Strengthening the role of the family, family support, and preparation for care by the family at home is needed. One effort is to increase the knowledge of stroke patients and families through health education. This study aimed to determine the effect of health education on the knowledge of stroke patients and families on the role, support, and preparation of care at home. The research method used a quasi-experimental design with a one group pre-post test design. The study was conducted at Al Islam Bandung Hospital in 2018. Respondents consisted of 16 stroke patients and 16 stroke family families. The instrument uses a questionnaire. Data analysis using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that before and after the intervention there were significant mean differences in the level of knowledge of patients from 7.94 to 10.38 (p = 0.002), but in the variable readiness of stroke patients there was no significant difference in average seen from the mean value of 14.25 became 15.88 (p = 0.411). In the patient's family, it was shown that before and after the intervention there was a significant of mean difference in the level of knowledge from 5.19 to 6.81 (p = 0.012). Conclusion: health education has been shown to be influential in increasing the level of knowledge of patients and their families regarding stroke, readiness, the role of family carers for stroke patients, psychological support, and preparation for the care of stroke patients at home. However,health education does not affect the level of readiness of stroke patients for transition. Suggestion: readiness to accept the transition in stroke patients is not enough only by health education alone but family participation is needed in providing support to these patients therefore it is recommended that nurses always support the family to support stroke patients. AbstrakPasien stroke menghadapi sejumlah masalah yang mencakup fisik, sosial, emosional, psikologis, dan spiritual yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan kesejateraannya. Diperlukan penguatan peran keluarga, dukungan keluarga, serta persiapan perawatan oleh keluarga di rumah. Salah satu upayanya adalah dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan pasien stroke dan keluarga melalui edukasi kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh edukasi kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan pasien stroke dan keluarga akan peran, dukungan, dan persiapan perawatan. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain quasi eksperiment dengan rancangan one group pre-post test design. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Al Islam Bandung pada tahun 2018. Responden terdiri dari 16 pasien stroke dan 16 keluarga pasien stroke. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebelum dan setelah intervensi terdapat perbedaan rata-rata yang signifikan tingkat pengetahuan pasien dari 7,94 menjadi 10,38 (p = 0,002), tetapi pada variabel kesiapan  pasien stroke tidak  terdapat perbedaan rata-rata yang signifikan terlihat dari rata-rata nilai 14,25 menjadi 15,88 (p = 0,411). Pada keluarga pasien menunjukan bahwa sebelum dan setelah intervensi terdapat perbedaan rata-rata tingkat pengetahuan yang signifikan dari 5,19 menjadi 6,81 (p = 0,012). Simpulan: edukasi kesehatan terbukti berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan tingkat pengetahuan pasien dan keluarganya mengenai stroke, kesiapan, peran keluarga pengasuh pasien stroke, dukungan psikologis, dan persiapan perawatan pasien stroke di rumah. Edukasi Kesehatan tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kesiapan pasien stroke untuk transisi. Saran : kesiapan untuk menerima transisi pada pasien stroke tidak cukup dengan edukasi kesehatan saja tapi diperlukan peran serta keluarga dalam memberikan dukungan kepada pasien tersebut oleh karena itu disarankan agar perawat selalu mensupport keluarga agar melakukan dukunganpada pasien stroke.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 733-741
Novian A Yudhaswara ◽  
M Ibraar Ayatullah ◽  
Novelia G So o ◽  
Irwan Budiana ◽  
Norma Tiku Kambuno

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that causes death, and is the third leading cause of death in Indonesia. The increase in cases of tuberculosis infection is still a major health problem in Naibonat Village, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Treatment failure, among others, was caused by patient non-compliance in ingesting drugs. It is hoped that the presence of supervisors to swallow drugs for TB patients is expected to help reduce TB infection cases. In Indonesian, a person who supervisors to swallow drugs is called “PMO” or “Pengawas menelan obat (PMO)” . Church Youth is an educated / educated group that is expected to have the ability to function as PMO. The purpose of this activity is to carry out PMO training for STO. Yohanes Maria Vianey Naibonat church youth through the method of lectures, discussions and microscopic training. The level of knowledge was measured using a questionnaire in the pre-test and post-test training. Youth who have been trained will be directed to become PMO’s for their families and closest neighbors who suffer from TB as well as agents of change in changing healthy behavior to prevent TB infection. The results of the activity showed a change in the level of knowledge before and after training from72% enough category to be good 89%. It was concluded that empowering church youth as PMO is an effort to suppress the increase in TB cases. The provision of PMO training can increase level of knowledge about TB so that regular and scheduled training will increase the ability and understanding of the role of PMO in reducing the incidence of TB in the community.

Nazarwin Saputra ◽  
Abul A’la Al Maududi ◽  
Nur Armilah Sadiah

Kasus tuberkulosis masih menjadi masalah kesehatan yang serius baik global maupun lokal. Penanggulangan tuberkulosis telah diatur dalam peraturan menteri kesehatan nomor 67 tahun 2016 diantaranya pengendalian risiko salah satunya promosi kesehatan untuk pencegahan. Pesantren sabilunnajat ciamis belum pernah dilakukan program penyuluhan kesehatan dan sebagai dukungan program kementerian kesehatan maka dilakukan pengabdian masyarakat dalam bentuk penyuluhan kesehatan untuk pencegahan tuberkulosis. Metode pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dilanjutkan sesi tanya jawab dengan sasaran para santri di Pondok Pesantren Sabilunnajat Ciamis. Pengabdian masyarakat ini diselenggarakan pada tanggal 21 hingga 23 Februari 2020. Sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan santri diberikan pre test dan post test. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan antara sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan kesehatan pencegahan penyakit tuberkulosis di Pondok Pesantren Sabilunnajat. Kegiatan lainnya yang dilakukan yaitu pengobatan gratis untuk santri. Disarankan kepada pihak sabilunnajat agar selalu menjaga kesehatan dan menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat kepada para santri.---Tuberculosis is still a serious health problem both globally and locally. Tuberculosis prevention has been regulated in the Minister of Health Regulation number 67 of 2016 including risk control, one of which is health promotion for prevention. The pesantren sabilunnajat ciamis has never done a health education program and as a support of the ministry of health program, community service is carried out in the  form of health education for  tuberculosis  prevention. The method of community  service  is carried out by the lecture method followed by a question and answer session targeting the students at the  Sabilunnajat  Ciamis  Islamic  Boarding  School.  This  community  service  was  held  from  21  to  23 February  2020.  Before  and  after  counseling  students  were  given  pre-test  and  post-test.  The  results show that there are differences in the level of knowledge between before and after health education on tuberculosis prevention at Sabilunnajat Islamic Boarding School. Other activities undertaken are free medical treatment for students. It is recommended to the sabilunnajat to always maintain health and apply clean and healthy living behaviors to the students.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 192-199
Erika Martining Wardani ◽  
Difran Nobel Bistara ◽  
Riezky Faisal Nugroho

ABSTRAK Wabah covid-19 telah dinyatakan sebagai darurat kesehatan global karena adanya laporan ribuan kasus dan bukti penularan dari manusia ke manusia. Salah satu upaya preventif adalah dengan imunisasi.Masyarakat perlu mengetahui tentang imunisasi untuk mencegah covid-19 dengan baik maka perlu diberikan komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi saat pandemi yang efektif dengan webinar sehingga masyarakat dapat mengaksesnya dari rumah tanpa harus berkerumun. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang imunisasi untuk mencegah covid-19. Tingkat pengetahuan dinilai setelah peserta mengisi kuesioner melalui google form dengan melakukan perbandingan nilai pre test sebelum kegiatan dan post test setelah kegiatan. Berdasarkan hasil pre test yang diikuti oleh 66 responden dapat dinyatakan bahwa hasil pre test tentang pentingnya imunisasi sebesar 14 responden (21,2%) mengerti tentang imunisasi untuk mencegah covid-19 sedangkan berdasarkan hasil post test terdapat 54 responden (81,8%). Hasil uji statistik didapatkan p=0.001, artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan masyarakat sebelum dengan setelah diberikan komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi menggunakan webinar. Pengabdian masyarakat dengan webinar series ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan status kesehatan masyarakat terutama capaian vaksin di wilayah Kelurahan Bongkaran, Kec Pabean Cantikan, Surabayasehingga diharapkan dapat menurunkan penularan infeksi covid-19. Kata kunci: komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi, covid-19.  ABSTRACT The covid-19 outbreak has been declared a global health emergency due to reports of thousands of cases and evidence of human-to-human transmission. One of the preventive efforts is immunization. The community needs to know about immunization to prevent covid-19 well, so it is necessary to provide communication, information, and education to overcome these problems. Effective communication, information, and education during the pandemic with webinars so that people can access them from home without having to crowd. The purpose of community service is to increase public knowledge about immunization to prevent covid-19. The level of knowledge was assessed after the participants filled out the questionnaire through the google form by comparing the pre-test scores before the activity and the post-test after the activity. Based on the results of the pre-test which was attended by 66 respondents, it can be stated that the results of the pre-test about the importance of immunization were 14 respondents (21.2%) understood about immunization to prevent covid-19, while based on the post-test results there were 54 respondents (81.8%). Statistical test results obtained p = 0.001, meaning that there is a significant difference between public knowledge before and after being given communication, information, and education using webinars. Community service with this webinar series is expected to improve public health status, especially vaccine achievements in the Bongkaran Village area, Pabean Cantikan District, Surabaya so that it is expected to reduce the transmission of Covid-19 infections. Keywords: communication, information, and education, covid-19.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 931-937
Qori Hajidah Arianti ◽  
Ifa Elok Magfiroh Oktaviani ◽  
Ria Safitri ◽  
Mochammad Ilyas Junjunan

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new type of coronavirus that causes disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, and can lead to death. This community service is intended to provide understanding and knowledge about the prevention and transmission of COVID-19 to the wider community. This health education webinar community service activity is carried out online via Zoom. The material presented was about preventing and transmitting the virus during a pandemic according to the perception of COVID-19 survivors. Prior to the implementation of the educational webinar, participants were asked to register as well as fill out a questionnaire to measure the level of knowledge about preventing the transmission of COVID-19 (pre-test). Then at the end of the meeting, participants were asked to fill out the attendance list, and then fill out the questionnaire again (post-test). The results of the educational activity questionnaire showed that there was a good change in the level of knowledge between before and after being given educational materials with an average pre-test score of 63.84 and a post-test of 91.53 from 13 participants. So it can be concluded that this education can confirm audiovisually which can change the level of knowledge for the better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-122
Maimun Maimun ◽  
Ahmad Lahmi ◽  
Syaflin Halim

Researchers found problems in the practice of the role of teachers and parents during online learning for students. Based on these conditions, the role of teachers and parents becomes what students need during learning. Therefore, the author raised this qualitative research with the title `The Role of Teachers and Parents in Learning Morals during the Covid-19 Pandemic at MTsN 2 Pasaman: A Case Study of Student Interest in Learning.` Problem formulation: (1) What is the role of teachers and other people? parents in online learning of morals during the covid 19 pandemic to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman? (2) What is the role of teachers and parents in fostering interest in religious learning, especially moral aqidah to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman? to students of MTsN 2 Pasaman. (2) The role of teachers and parents in cultivating interest in learning Islam, especially the moral creed towards the students of MTsN 2 Pasaman.Research method: This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Descriptive research aims to make research results real, accurate, and systematic about a series of real events and characteristics of certain regions and communities. Data collection techniques apply interview, observation, and documentation methods. The results of this study were determined by the level of knowledge, the presence of parents, and interaction. So, students who have parents with religious knowledge are also good, and are more at home, then the role of parents can be given as a whole in learning morals. On the other hand, students who have parents with less knowledge or religious knowledge, and are busy working, have a limited role in learning activities for their children's morals and beliefs. Parents provide motivation, messages, advice, sanctions (punishments) and rewards (rewards) to their children. This is done to foster interest in learning the religion of their children who study at school or at home. Therefore, parents have performed their roles as motivators, educators, discipline enforcers, and regulators or controllers. All of these roles are carried out differently for each parent, depending on the level of knowledge and religious basis, as well as the intensity of the meeting between parents and children in interacting while at home.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-130
Nurfitri Bustamam ◽  
Duma Lumban Tobing ◽  
Evin Novianti

In the Academic Year 2020/2021 learning face-to-face for school students in most parts of Indonesia is prohibited to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID)-19. Instead, a school from home (SFH) is implemented. As a result, the use of gadgets by school students increases not only for learning activities, but also for communication, entertainment/recreation, and socializing. Excessive use of the gadget will increase the risk of developing health problems both physically and mentally. Based on this, the school collaborated with a team from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health Sciences Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta to carry out community service activities with the theme "School of Gadget-Friendly.” This activity aimed to 1) Increase students' knowledge of health problems both physically and mentally due to excessive use of gadgets and 2) Students implement efforts to prevent/reduce the risk of health problems when they are using gadgets. Partners of this activity were students of Islamic Junior High School Dian Didaktika grades 8 and 9. Education to students by the team was carried out from the school studio using google meet. Before and after education, students were given a pre & post-test to measure the level of knowledge. A week later the students were asked to fill out a checklist related to their activities using the gadget. School teachers were also asked for their opinions regarding the activity. The results of this activity were an increase in students' knowledge regarding the use of gadgets and most students have made any efforts to stay healthy when using gadgets during SFH. The school teacher argued that this community service activity was a provision for students to be able to use gadgets wisely so that they remained healthy during SFH.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Bismi Widi Hastari ◽  
Dyah Gandasari ◽  
Harry Harry

Tani Maju farmer group is one of the farming groups located in Rorotan Village, Cilincing District, North Jakarta City Administration. This group has a lot of sheep and advanced management. Despite they manage their sheep well, they are not well informed on how to manage the sewage from their castles (faces and urine). So far, they just throw away the sewage or gave them to fellow farmers. This study aimed to analyze the level of farmers' knowledge in making use of sheep's urine to be degraded into bio urine in the Maju Farmer group. Data was collected through the pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using paired t-test and Wilcoxon statistical software (IBM SPSS Statistics 25). The results of the study showed that farmers' knowledge in sewage (Urine) management increased; there is a significant difference in farmers' level of knowledge in bio urine production before and after bio urine extension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 526-533
Lestari Sudaryanti ◽  
Amellia Mardhika ◽  
Arina Qona’ah ◽  
Anestasia Pangestu Mei Tyas ◽  
Muhammad Ardian Cahya Laksana

COVID-19 has been declared by WHO as a global pandemic. COVID-19 affects various lines of human life, especially the health aspect. East Java has ranked second in the COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. One of the efforts made to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is through clean and healthy activities and behaviors stay at home causes people to be limited in their activities except for very important purposes, especially activities for pregnant women. Pregnant women must and should carry out regular antenatal care checks. COVID-19 causes anxiety problems and worries for pregnant women to leave the house, including having pregnancy checks. But the mother is also worried about the condition and development of the fetus. This will increase the risk of maternal and infant mortality and the SDGs target in the third objective will not be met. This community service aims to provide knowledge related to antenatal care to high-risk using Poedji Rochyati Score Card (score 6-10) and very high-risk pregnant women (score 12) during the COVID-19 period. The method used in the implementation of this community service is material from resource persons, implementation of health education, and evaluation. The pregnant women were very enthusiastic about participating in this event, it was seen from the questions given to the team and vice versa. The results of the questionnaire show that there are differences in the level of knowledge of pregnant women for pre-test and post-test.

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