2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Evi Susilawati

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan keaktifan mahasiswa dalam menganalisis video  pembelajaran  melalui strategi  pembelajaran webinar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri atas empat tahapan yaitu: (a) tahap perencanaan, (b) tahap pelaksanaan,(c) tahap observasi, (d) tahap analisis dan refleksi. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah mahasiswa semester VI Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Terbuka kelompok belajar Kota Medan pada tahun pelajaran 2020.1. Pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan pada matakuliah  Pemantapan Kemampuan Mengajar dengan jumlah mahsiswa 12 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data pada data kuantitaif menggunakan instrumen tes kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menganalisis video pembelajaran dalam bentuk pilihan berganda, dan pada data kualitatif menggunakan hasil observasi keaktifan mahasiswa dalam menganilisis video pembelajaran dikelas webinar dan keaktifan dosen dalam mengajar dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran webinar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan keaktifan mahasiswa dalam menganalisis video pembelajaran dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran webinar.Kata Kunci:Keaktifan Mahasiswa,  VideoPembelajaran, Strategi Pembelajaran Webinar Abstract: This study aims to increase student activity in analyzing instructional videos through a webinar strategy. This research is a classroom action research consisting of four stages namely: (a) the planning stage, (b) the implementation stage, (c) the observation stage, (d) the analysis and reflection stage. The subjects in the study were students of the 6th semester of the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, the Open University of the Medan City study group in the 2020.1.  school year. The implementation of this classroom action research was carried out in the Teaching Ability Consolidation course with a total of 12 students. The technique of collecting data on quantitative data uses a student ability test instrument in analyzing learning videos in the form of multiple choices, and qualitative data uses the results of observations of student activeness in analyzing learning videos in the webinar class and lecturer activeness in teaching using webinar learning strategies. The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in student activeness in analyzing learning videos using webinar learning strategies.Keywords: Student Activity, Learning Videos, Webinar Learning Strategies

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 222
Ayu Gustia Ningsih ◽  
Dwi Christina Rahayuninggrum

Findings from the results of the author's interviews with Indonesian language lecturers as well as level 1 students of the D3 Nutrition Science Study Program of the Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health in Padang are, students have not been able to write news, because of the following things. First, they have the lack of students' ability in writing. Second, students are less able to develop the elements of building news. Third, ineffective learning media used by lecturers. Based on the aforementioned problems, the authors think it is important to carry out classroom action research aimed at improving the ability to write news with serial images of students of level 1 of the D3 Nutrition Science program at the Health Ministry of Health in Padang. The selection of this serial image media is thought to be appropriate for learning to write news, because through this image media students are motivated because the media can be touched, seen and observed. In addition, the use of image media is thought to be easy for students to understand so students will more easily express their ideas or ideas in writing news. This class was chosen because the ability to write news in learning is low when compared to other classes, this is evidenced by the acquisition of the results of the writing test exposition of semester I of the academic year 2017/2018. The type of this research is classroom action research with the research subject level 1 of the Nutrition D III Study Program with 39 students. The research was carried out in semester 2 of the 2018/2019 school year. Data collection tools used were student activity observation sheets and final tests. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive and analysis of learning outcomes. This research consisted of two cycles and each cycle was held twice. The results of the study in each cycle are pre-cycle with an average value of 70.87 students, the first cycle with an average value of 86.46 students and the second cycle 93.74, this shows student activity tends to increase. Furthermore, it was concluded that lectures on learning to write news with serial image media can increase the activity and learning outcomes of students in level 1 of the D III Nutrition Study Program of the Health Ministry of Health in Padang. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 30
Afrahamiryano Afrahamiryano

<p>Training of Classroom Action Research is an effort to increase the understanding and skills of teachers in preparing the research proposal, conducting research, as well as a research report. This training is subject teachers at SDN 04 IX Korong totaling 19 people. The training was conducted by the lecture method which collaborated with guided exercises. The use of this method is effective to increase the interest of teachers in writing, because every teacher guided continuous and programmed. This training provides a positive impact for teachers at SDN 04 Korong IX. It is seen from the 19 teachers who attended the training, there are 11 teachers who successfully complete the Class Action Research to stage the final report. It shows that 57.9% of teachers at SDN 04 IX Korong able to do research and have a high enough motivation to produce the scientific work. So based on this study, it can be concluded that the training of classroom action research which is continuous and effective programmed to build capabilities and professionalism of teachers.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-23
Chrisnaji Banindra Yudha ◽  
Ilmi Noor Rahmad

Education has the core of the interaction between educators and students in helping students master educational goals. Educational interactions can take place in the family, school, and community environment, which will support students to develop their educational experience.  Classroom action research is described as an effort to examine the learning activities of students by carrying out a planned action by the teacher and analyzing the effect of actions to improve and improve the quality of learning.     The activity method used in community service activities is (1) lectures, used by the service team to convey the principles of classroom action research, classroom action research procedures, implementation of classroom action research, and procedures for writing classroom action research reports. The lecture was supported by the use of laptops and LCDs to display service materials for a limited time. (2) Demonstration, used by the service team in the hope that participants can start practicing problem formulation in the learning process that can be solved through classroom action research, class action research proposal design, to writing class action research reports.   The conclusion of this community service, namely (1) the community service activities carried out by the Research Team for the Primary School Teacher Education Department with the lecture and demonstration method have been able to improve the understanding of teachers of SDN Cibitung Kulon 01 Bogor about classroom action research and it is hoped that the teacher can simultaneously write the report, (2) writing reports Classroom action research is expected as an effort to develop the profession and at the same time assist teachers in achieving the credit score required for promotion.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Sabrun Sabrun

The subjects of this study are students of class VIII A which amounted to 35 people. This classroom action research consists of 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of the planning stage, action implementation, observation, and reflection. Based on the result of observation analysis of student activity on cycle I meeting I got total score and average as much 37 and 2.31 categorized "Simply Active", meeting II increased to 42 and 2,63 "Active" category. While in the second cycle of meeting I the total score and the average of 48 and 3.00 categorized "Active", at the second meeting increased to 60 and 3.75 with the category "Highly Active". For the results of the analysis of teacher activity in the first cycle of meeting I obtained the total score and the average of 16 and 3.20, the second meeting increased to 18 and 3.60 with the category "Good". While in the second cycle of meeting I obtained the total score and the average of 19 and 3.80, the second meeting increased to 20 and 4.00 with the category of "Very Good". Furthermore, the students' classical learning completeness in the first cycle is 51.43% and in cycle II increases to 85.71%. So it can be concluded that the implementation of active learning model type Everyone Is A Teacher Here can improve the learning outcomes of students of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Sakra Barat lesson 2016/2017.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Rohani Rohani ◽  
Agus Muliadi ◽  
Siti Nurhidayati

LKS which has been applied in schools has made students less developed scientific abilities. Worksheets that are used seem monotonous, use a colorless image, so it looks less attractive. Student worksheets are only given to be done by students, without having to guide students in solving problems contained in worksheets, and the worksheet does not contain what students have to do such as observing, analyzing, synthesizing, solving problems because there is no guidance to conduct experiments and scientific attitudes . So that makes students less able to think scientifically in learning, for that applied Experiment Based Biology Worksheet where Experiment Based Biology Worksheet can increase student activity. The purpose of this study is to apply biological worksheets to improve students' scientific abilities. This research includes Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists of 2 cycles, each cycle has 4 stages including; planning, implementing, observing, evaluating, and reflecting. The instruments in this study were the learning implementation observation sheet (RPP) and the scientific ability test sheet. Research data were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study showed that the results of the implementation of the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) in cycle 1 reached 75% in the good category and in cycle 2 it reached 90% in the very good category, while the students' scientific ability data in the first cycle reached 49.06 with the less scientific category , increased in second cycle reached 79.57 with the scientific category. The results of the study concluded that the application of experiment-based worksheet could improve students' scientific abilities.

Al-Lisan ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Eka Resty Novieta Sari ◽  
Rizal Ula Ananta Fauzi

This study aims is to apply the learning model by using prezi to improve understanding of English courses. This research was conducted at the PGRI university of Madiun in the Academic Year of 2017/2018. The research subjects were students of Primary School Teacher Education. This study uses a classroom action research design (classroom action research) was used to solve learning problems in the classroom that seeks to study and reflect in depth some aspects of learning. This research was divided into two cycles that are adjusted to the time allocation and topic chosen. Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the implementation of prezi media can improve understanding of English class 2B material, Primary School Teacher Education Study Program. This increase was shown by the achievement of the average understanding of the concept of the first cycle of 73 with 69% completeness and in the second cycle of 83 with 94% completeness. So it can be concluded that there has been an increase of 25%. This shows that the application of the learning model using this prezi media can improve students' understanding.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 441
Lisnarwati Lisnarwati

This research is based on the low ability to write deductive paragraph, the average result of deductive paregrat writing ability obtained by students is 27,55 or with failure category. To improve the learning outcomes, the researcher performs improvement research by applying the drill merode. This research is a classroom action research conducted in class III C SD Negeri 006 Kubang Jaya, Kecamatan Siak Hulu, Kabupaten Kampar, this research is done in two cycles, using four stages: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The result of research stated that the ability of writing paragraphs and learning activities has increased, in cycle I the activity of teacher get score 28 (46,6%), in cycle II activity of teacher have increase with score 57 (95,00%), while in activity of sisswa in cycle I get score 1395 (80,20%), in cycle II student activity have increase with score 1478 (84,90%). The ability to write a deductive paragraph of students also experienced an increase, in the first cycle average writing ability of students is 43.89 with the category less, and in the second cycle average writing ability of students is 68.03 with enough category. Based on the results of this study can be concluded that the ability to write a paragraph deductive students class III C SD Negeri 006 Kubang Jaya, Kecamatan Siak Hulu, Kabupaten Kampar, increased after applied drill method.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 72
Mariyana '

This research is motivated by the idea of the low ability determining principal grade IV SDN015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam. Goals to be achieved in this research is to determine ideagrade IV principal of SDN 015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam through the application of thetechniques implemented for 1 month. This research was conducted in SDN 015 PagaranTapah Darussalam. Classes are meticulous researchers are class IV by the number ofstudents as many as 24 people. This classroom action research was started in early August2016. This form of research is classroom action research. The research instrument consists ofinstruments teacher and student activity sheets and achievement test. Based on the research,the conclusion to this research the skills of students in the ability to determine the main ideahas increased. On preliminary data low category with a percentage of 54.2% while in sikus Ifirst encounter increased to 65.1% low category, at a second meeting to 68.8% and thesecond cycle increased to 81.3% categorized as moderate and kemablai increased in thesecond meeting be 85.7% higher category

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 293
Sarminah Sarminah

The background of this research is the low of science learning result of grade 6 students of SDN 004 TembilahanKota. The purpose of this study is to improve the learning outcomes of science students of grade VI SDN 004Tembilahan Kota with the application of contextual approach. This research was conducted in class VI SDN004 Tembilahan Kota. This research is a Classroom Action Research with two cycles. The subjects of thisresearch are the sixth grade students of SDN 004 Tembilahan Kota lesson year which consist of 30 people with16 men and 14 women. Based on the results of the research from the teacher activity sheets appear to increase ateach meeting. At the first meeting of cycle I 64.3%, the second meeting of cycle I was 67.86%. At the firstmeeting of cycle II 71,43%, and second meeting of cycle II 78,57%. While the student activity also increasesevery meeting. At the first meeting of cycle I 67,86%, second meeting of cycle I 71,43%. At the first meeting ofthe second cycle of 75%, and the second meeting II cycle 78.57%. The learning outcomes in the first cycleincreased by 12.8% from the base score of 67.83% to 76.5%. In the second cycle increased by 17.2% to 79.5%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Asmaria Asmaria

This research is motivated by the low interest students learning civics class II SDN 015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam. Goals to be achieved in this research is to improve the interest in learning civics grade II SDN 015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam through the use media pictures conducted during one month. This research was conducted in SDN 015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam. Classes are meticulous researcher is a class II half of the number of students as many as 20 people. This classroom action research was started in early august 2015. This form of research is classroom action research. The research instrument consists of instruments teacher and student activity sheets and achievement test. Based on the analysis and discussion can be concluded that the success of the study is known of improving learning at each meeting for each cycle. The first cycle of the first meeting of student interests is still considered low by percentage of 48.3%. The first meeting of the second cycle increased with the percentage of 58,3%, in the first meeting of the second cycle also increases with the percentage of 70,8%, student interest in the percentage reached 80,00% or higher category. Thus the research hypothesis that says the use of media images can increase increase student interest in learning civics class II SDN 015 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam "unacceptable"

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