Svitlana Maslova

The choice of an essay as the object of analysis presents significant difficulties for the researcher, since even the definition of the genre in the theory of literature is still not set; there is no integral concept of the genre, the views of literary scholars on essays are extremely contradictory. Unlike existing theoretical and practical studies on various literary genres, the essay seems to be an insufficiently studied object of analysis in the linguistic and translation perspectives, which determines the relevance of the paper. The objective of the study is to determine the features of the translation of a publicist essay on the example of the translation of the literary work of I. Brodsky “Reflection on a Spawn of Hell” from Russian into English. To achieve this objective, the following tasks are to be solved: 1) to identify the main stylistic features of the essay by I. Brodsky; 2) to determine the specifics of its translation into English. The dominant function of the essay is the influencing one. It is implemented by referring to the emotional-figurative way of the addressee’s perception of the world. The stylistic features of I. Brodsky’s publicist essay, characterizing it as a resource of stylistic expressiveness, fully agree with the influencing function of the type of the text under study: syntactic constructions with inverted word order, rhetorical questions, quotations, complex sentences with a number of homogeneous members, elliptical constructions, gradation, stylistically coloured vocabulary, a combination of stylistically reduced and colloquial vocabulary aimed at achieving maximum expressiveness. The translator renders the stylistic features of the source text by selecting functional analogues in the target language. Difficulties arise when reproducing the cultural realities of the original linguistic culture. The appellative type of the text, which an essay is, requires significant linguocultural adaptation of the realities of the source language to the socio-cultural background of the target language. The translation under study tends to reproduce only the outer shell of definite lexemes and phrases, which are bearers of factual information and have a significant pragmatic potential in the original text. Despite the complexity and cultural richness of the text itself, with its specific words and conceptual system, the translator does not fully pragmatically adapt the significant elements of the source text, which affects the adequacy of its translation. In our opinion, translation errors prevent reproduction of the author’s communicative intentions in full. We consider the prospects for further developments in the expansion of research materials in order to obtain general conclusions regarding the peculiarities of the translation of an essay as a genre and the specifics of rendering the individual author’s style in translation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 248
Ibtehaj Mohammed Akhoirsheda

The Old Man and the Sea is a novel that is written by the American author Ernest Hemingway, . The novel is full of religious utterances and symbols. Different translators have translated this novel into various languages. Gabrielle Wahbeh is a Christian Egyptian writer who translated this novel into Arabic.  By reading the source text and the translated text, I can tell that Wahbe’s translation of the novel differs from the original text in regards to religious terms paraphrasing them. The results show that none of the Arabic idioms used in this study have equivalences in English language and so, what is shown are the paraphrased meaning for each  My study will be based on the comparison and analysis of the translation including some examples from the source text into Arabic. The main aim for this study is to highlight Venuti’s translation strategy “domestication “that has been used in translating this novel into Arabic.   Translation is the process of rendering a unit from one language (Source Language) into another (Target Language). When it comes to idioms (fixed expressions consisting of two words or more giving a meaning different from the meaning of the individual words), the translators are going to face a number of troubles. This study focuses on translating the Arabic idioms . The methodology of this study is based on a number of statements collected verbally or through written texts and expressing the meaning by paraphrasing them. The results show that none of the Arabic idioms used in this study have equivalences in English language and so, what is shown are the paraphrased meaning for each.

Babel ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-309
Bakri Al-Azzam ◽  
Aladdin Al-Kharabsheh

This paper investigates the possibility of translating, into English, Antara’s <i>Fakhr</i> (self-exaltation), as a prominent theme in his renowned <i>Mu‘allaqa</i>. The theoretical framework rests on the supposition that a literary work in general and pre-Islamic poetry in particular must be examined within its socio-cultural, spatio-temporal context as a total meaningful structure which entails the semantics and pragmatics of the text.<p>Examining this theme in three selected translations, the analysis shows that the source text has proved that <i>Fakhr</i> (self-exaltation), as a conventional constituent of Antara’s <i>Mu‘allaqa</i>, presents a remarkable degree of sophistication which poses serious translation challenges.<p>The discussion also reveals that, owing to the daunting complexity of incongruence and distance between the cultures of the two languages, the translations have only managed to maintain the textual import, but have not satisfactorily captured the socio-cultural denominations and implications, a perceptible translation erroneousness, which impeded straddling the required semantic effect and the required reader’s response in the target language version.<p>The paper draws the conclusion that the socio-cultural, spatio-temporal context can provide a broader frame of reference for analyzing, interpreting and translating the original Mu‘allaqa in a completely new, contemporary setting of transmission and reception.<p>

Literator ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-26
W. Cloete ◽  
M. Wenzel

The translation of “cultural identity” in a novel such as “Kringe in ’n bos” contributes towards the definition of a uniquely South African representation of time and space in the global context. When translation is studied as a product of its socio-historical context, the translator is faced with problems of translating ideology and cultural identity in literature. Realia constitute a particular challenge to the translator because, according to the definition, precise equivalents of these words do not exist in other languages, which could cause shifts in the target language text. This article considers the concept of translatability and concludes that, despite the problems encountered, an adequate and satisfactory German translation from the Afrikaans original should be possible. The question of translatability assumes an interesting dimension as the Afrikaans novel was translated into English by the author herself. The privileged position of author-translator granted Matthee a near-perfect understanding of the different layers of meaning and intention of the source text and eliminated the gap between the author and translator. However, one gains the impression that the German translator (Stege) resorted to transference as a strategy to avoid translation and it emerges that most instances of definite mistranslations are, indeed, attributable to Stege’s unfamiliarity with the South African context.

أكمل خزيري عبد الرحمن (Akmal Khuzairy Abd. Rahman)

ملخص البحث:   تحاول هذه الدراسة تحديد الملامح العامة لترجمة القرآن الكريم إلى اللغة الملايوية من خلال تاريخ نشأتها وتطورها، وتركز على خصائص تلك الترجمات والأساليب اللغوية التي أثرت في اللغة الهدف نتيجة الترجمة. لقد ترجم القرآن الكريم اللغة الملايوية منذ القرن السابع الميلادي ومرت بمراحل تنوعت وتغيرت فيها أساليب المترجمين، وطرقهم في التعامل مع القرآن الكريم، ورغم هذه التطورات التي طرأت على أساليب اللغة الهدف فقد لوحظ بأن هؤلاء المترجمين اشتركوا في بعض المبادئ التي تخص بكيفية تعاملهم بالنص القرآني، ولمثل هذه الدراسة أهمية لوضع الملاحظات العامة بشأن ترجمة القرآن الكريم إلى إحدى لغات المسلمين. وجدت الدراسة بعض النتائج المهمة في مجال الترجمة إلى الملايوية، وهي كما يأتي: الاستفادة من التاريخ والخصائص والأساليب لترجمات القرآن الكريم إلى اللغة الملايوية، وأن وجود مراحل متعددة في ترجمات كاملة باللغة الملايوية دليل ساطع على استمرارية تواصل مسلمي المنطقة وتعاملهم مع القرآن الكريم الذي نزل بلغة قريش (العربية الفصحى أو الفصيحة)، وأن اعتمادهم على الترجمات لم يهدف إلى تبديل النص القرآني بما لديهم من الترجمات، وأنها لا يمكن أن تكون بدائل للأصل لديمومة تطور اللغة الملايوية التي في حد ذاتها تذهب بعنصري الثبات والإقرار من تلك الترجمات الملاوية، أن المترجمين للقرآن الكريم إلى الملايوية التزموا بالترجمة التي تميل إلى النص الأصل، وتمسكوا بجعل ترجماتهم في خدمة معاني القرآن الكريم.الكلمات المفتاحية: ترجمة القرآن الكريم– اللغة الملايوية– الخصائص الأسلوبية– مبادئ الترجمة– أساليب ملايوية جديدة. Abstract:This study attempts to determine the general characteristics of the translation of the holy Koran into Malay language through its history and development. It focuses on the characteristics of those translations and language styles that influenced the target language as well. The holy Koran had been translated since the seventeenth century and went through the periods of time that witnessed the change in the styles of the translators and their approaches in dealing with its verses. Notwithstanding these developments that were brought upon the target language, the translators did share some common grounds in dealing with the sacredness of the holy Koran. The study is important as it tries to come up with general observations on how the holy Koran was translated in one of the biggest language of the Muslims. It concludes that the various stages of translation indicated the continuity of the efforts to translate the holy Koran and the Muslims interaction with the holy revelation in this part of the world. Their dependence on the translation is not with the purpose of substituting the original as these translations will never be able to replace the original due the constant development of the target language that deny the stability of language style. Finally the translations were carried out under the shade of the original text and with the source text orientation. Keywords: Translation of the Holy Koran– Malay Language– Characteristics of Styles– Principles of Translation– New Malay Language Styles. Abstrak:Kajian ini berusaha untuk menentukan sifat-sifat umum bagi proses penterjemahan al-Quran kepada bahasa Melayu iaitu dengan menumpukan kepada sejarah perkembangannya. Kajian ini turut memfokuskan kepada ciri-ciri penterjemahan tersebut dan penggunaan gaya bahasa yang mempengaruhi bahasa sasaran. Hakikatnya, al-Quran telah diterjemah ke dalam bahasa Melayu sejak kurun ketujuh. Proses penterjemahan ini telah melalui beberapa peringkat yang menyaksikan perubahan pada penggunaan gaya bahasa dan pendekatan para penterjemah dalam menterjemahkan al-Quran. Namun demikian, para penterjemah berkongsi pandangan yang sama dalam menggunakan prinsip-prinsip berkaitan dengan penterjemahan al-Quran. Kajian ini penting kerana menonjolkan pemerhatian umum tentang bagaimana ayat-ayat al-Quran diterjemahkan ke dalam salah satu bahasa yang digunakan secara meluas oleh orang Islam. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa proses penterjemahan yang telah melalui pelbagai peringkat menunjukkan kesinambungan usaha dalam menterjemahkan al-Quran dan wujud interaksi antara orang Islam dan al-Quran. Kebergantungan mereka dalam proses penterjemahan bukan bertujuan untuk menukar maksud yang terkandung dalam ayat-ayat al-Quran, bahkan hasil terjemahan tidak akan sekali-kali boleh menggantikan keaslian ayat al-Quran yang bersifat kekal dan tetap. Justeru, para penterjemah dilihat lebih memelihara bahasa asal, namun dalam masa yang sama masih menjaga maksud yang terkandung dalam ayat al-Quran supaya kesucian al-Quran terpelihara.Kata Kunci: Penterjemahan Ayat-ayat al-Quran- Bahasa Melayu- Ciri-ciri Gaya Bahasa- Prinsip Penterjemahan- Gaya Bahasa Melayu yang Baru.          

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-154
Shushanik Paronyan

The topic of the present paper concerns cultural translation and focuses on the cross-cultural aspect of pragmatic equivalence. It is based on the hypothesis that the pragmatic framework of the literary work, i.e.  the deliberate choice of  tied verbal actions and the interpretations of these actions, forms  an important slot in the overall structure of cultural context and displays the artistic literary idea of the writer.  Hence the research work clearly shows that literary translation should adequately transmit the intentions and ideas encoded in the original text to the readers from the respective culture. The cross-cultural pragmatic analysis of the speech act sequences and reporting words carried out on the material of a literary work in English and its Armenian translation has enabled us to determine that the violation of pragmatic coherence of the source text distorts the cultural context planned by the author.

Sheker A. Kulieva ◽  
Umeda A. Ovezova

Somerset Maugham is one of the most “emotionally intense” authors in English literature. His greatest works always reveal the “inner life of the individual” (E. Etkind), a person’s susceptibility to various transformations under the influence of feelings and states (“Theater”, “Of Human Bondage”, “The Moon and Sixpence”). At the same time, the emotions being retransmitted when translating a literary text is one of the most difficult tasks in translation theory. As representatives of the architectonic to comprehend the world, emotions are always culturally specific and often do not have equivalents in another mentality and another language. Such are, for example, the English-language concepts (which, in turn, “explain” the emotion) “melancholia”, “blues” and others. The purpose of this work is to explain semantically the category of “emotionality” and understand its ideological and thematic significance in a literary text by comparing the material of two languages — the original English and Russian as the target language. The methods we have taken in the process of working on the text: descriptive, explanatory, emotion thematisation, denotative analysis, emotive analysis, hermeneutic, conceptual, and selective (method of sampling passionary couplings that is slots). Research hypothesis: The category of emotionality is involved in the reconstruction of characters’ images at the level of text perception (the theory of respondents). The means to retransmit emotions when translating a text depends on the mental attitudes of different ethnic groups, therefore, it is necessary to identify “intersection points” that are equally acceptable both for the original text and for its translation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-222
Günil Özlem Ayaydın Cebe

In the 19th century, Turcophone communities of the Ottoman Empire displayed a keen interest in European fiction. This study questions whether translating European works was simply linguistic substitution or rather had intrinsic dimensions such as cultural appropriation. It also investigates the reciprocity of literary production, and offers some observations on how translation influences and inspires “the making of literature”. The methods used are mainly based on statistical interpretation of bibliographic data and comparative sociological analysis. Turkish works printed in Arabic, Armenian and Greek alphabets are the objects of investigation. The findings demonstrate that translation in the Ottoman mind is actually an active literary appropriation primarily due to differences in the criterion of “modern fiction” from European standards where the differences are exaggerated by the Ottoman notion of translation, lending the translator liberating space and opportunity to interfere with the original text. Moreover, the intermingling between the oral and print cultures that obscures the definition of literary genres adds another level of complexity. It is also revealed that the millets of the Empire affected each other’s choice and taste resulting in a web of interactions that exhibit the literary market and literary “canon” of the period.

Babel ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-244 ◽  
Raquel Orgeira Crespo

In this paper I examine an original text, The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster, and its translation into Spanish. The source text chosen displays a wealth of instances of symbolic names, rhymes, wordplay, idioms, cultural references, colloquialisms and other stylistic features which are hard to transfer to Spanish without a significant loss of information. I attempt to identify those phenomena and discuss how the translator confronted them. I am particularly concerned with the lexical level. The conclusion of my paper is that the assessment of the translation problems posed by this literary work reveals the possibility of achieving an acceptable version at the readership’s level. This kind of studies are useful for the subsequent systematisation of strategies for the translational problems found in any literary text.

Marisa Díez Arroyo

This paper explores the persuasive power of phraseological units (PUs) in cosmetics leaflets written either in English or French, together with their translation into French or English, respectively, as well as into Spanish. The approach rests upon, firstly, the concept of genre, determined, in agreement with Swales (1990), on the basis of the purpose of the text. Cosmetics leaflets are argued to be a manifestation of advertising. Hence, their ultimate aim is to persuade the (potential) buyer about the benefits of the product. Secondly, the occurrence of the phraseological units in this type of genre has important consequences for rhetoric and stylistics. Thirdly, we deal with the definition of phraseological units and their relation to metaphor, which will permit us to study how persuasion is achieved through this particular text type. Finally, by comparing the source text with its translation into two other languages, we analyse whether the translator has grasped the stylistic effect of the phraseological units and has succeeded in conveying a similar value in the target language text.

Stylistyka ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 25-40
Ольга В. Евтушенко

Starting with the definition of style by K.A. Dolinin, the article proposes to reflect on the perspectives of an interdisciplinary approach to stylistic research, using primarily the achievements of psychology and philosophy, as the style of a literary work is the result of the subject’s choices, which in turn result from his/her individual way of thinking. The interdisciplinary approach will also allow for more effective aesthetic assessment of the work. The article analyses three literary texts based on memories: The childhood years of Bagrov-grandson, serving as a continuation of the Family Chronicle by S.T. Aksakov, The Life of Arsenyev by I.A. Bunin and Be Like Children by V.A. Sharov. On the example of language constructions forming the concept of MEMORY, the researcher shows the factors that influence the choice of language means that ultimately create the individual style of the author. The study proves that this choice is influenced by non-linguistic factors: the situational context, era, the author’s professional and personal experience and education, philosophicaland aesthetic ideas, and other important circumstances that guide the artist’s thinking. Genre rules and current tastes are also of importance. The study shows that the ratio of the number of language constructions regarding experience memory and information memory can characterize the individual style of a given author. It also proves that a broader interdisciplinary view of style allows to see more determinants of the aesthetic value of a work. Among them are: the harmonious structure of the text including its spatial and temporal organization, and the compliance with the broadly understood norm that involves not only the linguistic but also the mental layer of the text, as expressed by appropriately selected means.

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