2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 201
Cipta Endyana

Desa Cileunyi Wetan termasuk pada subdas Citarik dimana terdapat aliran anak-anak sungainya bermuara di Sungai Citarum. Isu lingkungan yang berkembang antara lain isu mengenai lahan kritis, konservasi air, sampah dan limbah pertanian, serta mitigasi bencana. Pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakter dan perkembangan kondisi lingkungan dan sosial ekonomi Desa Cileunyi Wetan berdasarkan pada kelima isu tersebut dengan mengurutkan prioritas isu agar dapat diketahui solusi efektif dari permasalahan yang berkembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk pengambilan sample adalah dengan menggunakan Snowball sampling dan Active Citizen Focus Group Discussion, sedangkan untuk membuat analisa menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan peran warga aktif. Hasil dan temuan dari pengabdian ini adalah urutan isu dengan menitikberatkan pada permasalahan sampah dan sanitasi, serta lahan kritis, yang dianggap sebagai faktor utama yang memberikan kontribusi yang besar pada permasalahan longsor dan banjir, serta konservasi air. Peran warga menjadi sangat penting dalam pengelolaan lingkungan untuk mengentaskan permasalahan tersebut, harus ditekankan pentingnya peran warga untuk dapat mengurangi permasalahan sampah dan sanitasi ini dengan meningkatkan perekonomian warga melalui pemanfaatan limbah dan penggunaan sanitasi yang tepat guna. Selain itu, diperlukan pengelolaan yang baik dan strategi dalam peningkatan produk olahan limbah dengan design dan fungsi produk agar dapat bersaing di pasar nasional maupun global. Oleh karena itu, selain sosialisasi dan penerapan hasil riset pada sektor pengolahan limbah menjadi produk yang diminati publik, dan kreatifitas design serta kualitas produk juga diperlukan tata kelola yang lebih jelas dan pasti, serta dukungan investasi dan pemasaran produksi. Kesemua ini mengerucut pada pengembangan BUMDES baik pengelolaannya dan jaringan usahanya.  Cileunyi Wetan village is a part of the Citarik subwatershed where it’s many streams disembogue in the Citarum River. The enviromental issues that has arisen includes critical lands, water conservation, garbage and agricultural waste, and disarte mitigation. This social service targets to identify the character and development of the environment and social economy of CIleunyi Wetan village based on the 5 aforementioned issues. Whilst also prioritzing issues in order to identify an effective solution to the miriad of developing issues. The research method used to collect samples is the Snowball sampling and Active Citizen Focus Group Discussion, whilst the analysis was conducted through a qualitative method with an active citizen role. The results and findings of the social service is that the priorities start at garbage and sanitation, critical land, which is seen as a major factor in landslides and floods, and finally water conservation. The role of the public becomes vital in environmental management in order to alleviate the issues, there needs to be emphasis on the role of the public in decreasing the garbage and sanitation issues through waste utilization and good sanitation practices, which in turn can increase the publics economy. There also needs to be good management and strategy in order to increase the value of the waste that is recycled. Especially design and functional aspects that will facilitate the products competitiveness nationally and globally. |Therefore, other than socialization and implementation of the research results in the waste recycling sector. And the creative designs and quality products, there is a need for better governance, and investment support and marketing. All this boils down to the development of the BUMDES, in its management and its networking.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Imanuel Christian Undap ◽  
Lintje Kalangi ◽  
Hendrik Manossoh

Abstract. National Health Insurance (JKN) program in Indonesia was commenced in early 2014. JKN is organized by BPJS as regulated by law. To implement this, JKN Health Facilities role of First Instance (FKTP) belonging to the local government is, thus, very important. As compensation for this implementation, FKTP will then be paid by BPJS, known as capitation funds. Capitation Fund Financial Management in Bitung Municipality FKTP have encountered many problems implying  the provision of health services.The purpose of this study is to analyze the financial management of local revenue capitation funds of JKN FKTP Bitung Government Municipality, including to identify the problems  and solutions. JKN capitation funds are received from BPJS routinely and regularly received by FKTP. However, it is its management experiencing problems. This study is a qualitative exploratory research. The qualitative data were obtained by interviews, observation and documentation study, including a focus group discussion (FGD). Data validity and reliability were examined by triangulation. Data were then analysed by thematic analysis and interpreted to draw conclusions.The results show that the capitation fund management of JKN FKTP Bitung Government Municipality has not followed yet the regulation Therefore, the implications for the health service FKTP is not maximized for public. Other consequences that occur due to the condition of financial management according to regulations, has led to the very low capitation budget absorption of its programs and activities. Keywords:  National Insurance Health (JKN), FKTP , Capitation Fund Abstrak. Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) di Indonesia mulai berlaku pada tahun 2014 dan sesuai amanat undang – undang penyelenggara JKN adalah BPJS. Dalam pelaksanaan JKN ini peran Fasitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama (FKTP) milik pemerintah daerah sangat penting. Sebagai kompensasi dari pelaksanaan ini maka FKTP akan mendapatakan pembayaran dari BPJS yang dikenal dengan dana kapitasi. Pengelolaan Keuangan Dana Kapitasi di FKTP Pemerintah Kota Bitung menemui banyak hambatan yang berimplikasi pada penyerapan anggaran kegiatan FKTP dan penyediaan jasa pelayanan kesehatan oleh FKTP.Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengelolaan keuangan pendapatan daerah dana kapitasi JKN FKTP Pemerintah Kota Bitung serta mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang terjadi dan solusi yang dapat diambil. Dana kapitasi JKN yang diterima dari BPJS secara rutin dan teratur diterima oleh FKTP akan tetapi dalam pengelolaannya ternyata mengalami kendala.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif eksploratif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dengan wawancara , observasi dan studi dokumentasi juga dengan focus group discussion (FGD) .Validitas dan reliabilitas data ditentukan dengan trianggulasi data untuk kemudian data yang diperoleh dilakukan analisa secara tematik serta intepretasi dalam rangka  penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian menunjukan penganggaran dana kapitasi JKN oleh FKTP dilakukan dan tersentralisasi di Dinas Kesehatan sementara pelaksanaan pengelolaan  dana kapitasi JKN FKTP Pemerintah Kota Bitung belum mengikuti regulasi yang mengatur, sehingga berimplikasi pada tidak maksimalnya pelayanan kesehatan FKTP pada masyarakat . Akibat lain yang terjadi karena kondisi pengelolaan keuangan yang tidak sesuai regulasi menyebabkan program dan kegiatan yang bersumber dari dana kapitasi JKN ini  penyerapan anggaran sangat rendah. Kata Kunci : Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) , FKTP, Dana Kapitasi

Wahana ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-168
Titik Setyaningsih ◽  
Andi Asrihapsari ◽  
Doddy Setiawan

This study aims to explore transparency and accountability of political parties in Surakarta. This study uses a qualitative method. Data were gathered through focus group discussion. The findings show that political parties do not understand financial report of this entity’s financial assistance under PSAK 45 and they use simple bookkeeping. Political parties’s financial assistance is not audited by external auditor and there are some audit findings. The transparency principle is not achieved because financial report only for internal parties. This study raises one interesting result that political parties need the role of accountant to make their reports more accountable.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1354067X1989493
Subaita Zubair ◽  
Urwah Ali

The present psychological anthropological study tends to explore the perception of single men and their understanding of cultural role regarding post-marriage body between both genders. A qualitative methodology of in-depth interviews and one focus group discussion were employed. The sample included late adolescents (aged 18–24) and early adults (24–34) from Islamabad and Rawalpindi (Pakistan). Purposive sampling was applied and thematic analysis was used as a qualitative paradigm. The number of respondents comprised of 17 males of which each 7 were gym-goers. Results highlighted that Pakistani culture has its biased and paradoxical ways when it comes to expectations genders face with regard to body after marriage. Overall, males have an upper hand when it comes to body image both pre and post marriage. With the female body, men associate modesty and role of spouse and with their own body its supremacy. Expectations are not much held for men with regard to body image, but if they are looking after their body, it is all out of their own will, needs, reason and to some extent on spouse demand.

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-17
Vicki Ebbeck ◽  
Keegan E. Fitzgerald

The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of enacting the Way of the Bodhisattva (Chödrön, 2005) lessons in compassion with larger women, particularly in reference to their physical activity behaviors. Three women provided ongoing and detailed information with regard to their experiences engaging with the lessons over a 6-week period. Individual weekly interviews, journal entries, a focus group discussion with all women following the program, and researcher field notes in combination offered triangulated information that was analyzed by two researchers. The findings suggested that the women benefited from the program, although assuming the role of a bodhisattva did prove to be challenging in the time available and perhaps was most beneficial in facilitating the process of self-reflection.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 418
Elfi Elfi ◽  
Yeni Fitrianingsih

Komunikasi orang tua tentang seksual adalah interaksi antara satu orang tua dan satu remaja di mana orang tua secara sadar berusaha untuk memberikan informasi tentang seksual atau kontrasepsi. Protektor yang mempengaruhi perilaku seksual berisiko pada remaja adalah individu, keluarga, teman sebaya, lingkungan sekolah dan komunitas/lingkungan sekitar. Komunikasi orang tua merupakan salah faktor protektif terhadap perilaku seksual remaja yang berisiko.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui efektifitas Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dalam peranan komunikasi orang tua terhadap perilaku seksual remaja di SMAN 3 Kota Cirebon Tahun 2016. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental dengan pendekatan kuantitatif.Sampel terbagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok kelompok perlakuan (FGD) 10 orang dan pada kelompok kontrol 10 orang Instrumen berupa kuesioner yang diadopsi dari penelitian Amran AA tahun 2010. Hasil diketahui bahwa sebagian besar peranan komunikasi orangtua terhadap perilaku seksual remaja adalah tinggi. Terdapat perilaku seksual berisiko tinggi sebanyak 3,7% dan terdapat peningkatan peranan komunikasi orangtua pada kedua kelompok. Hasil uji statistik independent t test didapatkan hasil yang signifikan (p

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Maslamah Maslamah

This research was motivated by the  competitions phenomenon between  universities  to get the public/stakeholders trust. That’s the public trust have more influence on development of educational institution. Based on those phenomena, Researcher chose the Magister Program of  PAI (Islamic Education) IAIN (State Islamic Institution) Surakarta as field of research. The Magister Program of PAI (MPAI) as new program must built good image for stakeholders.This research was conducted to reveal the perception of Stakeholders on the Magister Program of PAI IAIN Surakarta. This research used qualitative design to analyze  data. The data was obtained through  interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and used the triangulation technic to obtain the data’s validity .The results of this research are the stakeholders internal judged that, 1. MPAI can accommodates the hopes of the graduates of S1,  and teachers in the surrounding area can continue their studies to Magister program; 2. the vision, mission and MPAI curriculum will be able to respon community demans in the future; 3. MPAI still does not have adequate  facilities yet; 4  some stakeholders see that most of the MPAI lectures had the feasibility standard to teach at MPAI; but others don’t agree with the judge.   Key word: Perseption, Stakeholders.

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 221
Puji Lestari ◽  
Umi Pratiwi ◽  
Permata Ulfah

This study aims to identify organizational factors which focused on the SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) in order to develop e-governance to strengthen transparency and accountability in the management of zakat in Zakat Management Organization in Banyumas. Data were collected through interviews and focus group discussion (FGD) technique. With snowball sampling, nine zakat management organizations in Banyumas were selected. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the organization of zakat in Banyumas have strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and obstacles in managing zakat. Other results showed the lack of using of internet-based media in the dissemination of programs and accountability in managing of zakat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-110
Muhardi Muhardi ◽  
Dedih Surana ◽  
Nandang Ihwanuddin ◽  
Handri Handri

The objective of this research is to analyze the role of internal initiative driven by pesantren leaders and external development provided by the government in building pesantren entrepreneurship. This research was conducted by utilizing a descriptive qualitative method, with a sample of 5 pesantrens in Garut Regency, Indonesia. The data obtained in this research was collected through focus group discussion (FGD) with a number of stakeholdrs as informant namely leaders of the 5 pesantrens taken as sample along with a couple of their students. Based on field study, we discovered that the success of pesantren in building entrepreneurship activities are dominantly determined by internal initiative and creativity driven by entrepreneurs/managers/ initiators of pesantren, supported by their students. Other pesantrens that have succeeded to build their economic independencies have also received assistance from the government through one pesantren one product (OPOP) program as external development driving factor, which motivated these pesantrens to contribute and to help the government to achieve the goals of this program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 225-230
Anisah Ardiana ◽  
Alfid Tri Afandi ◽  
Ninna Rohmawati ◽  
Ardiyan Dwi Masahida

Abstract: Stunting refers to a chronic undernutrition that make children look smaller than children in their age. In the program of community service, role of cadre (a health volunteer) is very important to disseminate the information about stunting to community. Increase cadre’s knowledge and encourage them to be more confidence when giving the information to community about stunting and local food that can meet childreen nutrition requirement to prevent stunting in community. This program is the second year program of community service to continue the evaluation from last year program. This program is specilally for cadre in Sumberkalong village. Each meeting was conducted through focus discussion group about prevention of stunting. Then, cadres disseminated the information to community including, pregnant women, newly marriage couple and toddler moms by visiting their home or door-to-door. There were 10 cadres who participate in the communitity service in the phase of year 1 until year 2 thouroughly. Three cadres were active and often asked some questions during meeting sessions. Some others were active if they were encouraged to ask or to give an opinion. Cadres explained that cadres' knowledge increase after joining several meeting session and focus group discussion. The cadres disseminated the information to the community with confidence. Program of community service which using a focus group discussion is considered effective to increased cadres’ knowledge. Focus group discussion can be employed in encouraging cadres in the community service program.Keywords: cadre’s knowledge;  focus group discussion; stunting.Abstrak: Stunting merupakan kondisi gagal tumbuh pada tubuh dan otak yang diakibatkan keadaan kurang gizi dalam waktu yang lama. Sehingga, anak stunted memiliki tubuh yang lebih pendek dari anak normal seusianya. Peran kader kesehatan sangat penting dalam mendesiminasikan informasi kesehatan, termasuk informasi terkait pencegahan stunting anak balita di masyarakat, untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kader kesehatan dan kemampuan kader kesehatan tentang stunting dan zat gizi lokal yang dapat membantu pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi untuk mencegah stunting di masyarakat. Kegiatan ini merupakan program pengabdian kepada masyarakan tahun ke-2 yang berfokus pada pemberdayaan kader kesehatan Desa Sumberkalong Kecamata Kalisat Kabupaten Jember. Setiap pertemuan kegiatan dilaksanakn Focus Group Discussion (FGD) bersama para kader kesehatan yang membahas pencegahan stunting. Kemudian, kader kesehatan mendesiminasikan informaasi yang telah diperoleh dari tim pelaksana program pengabdian kepada masyarakat, meliputi ibu-ibu yang memiliki anak usia balita, ibu hamil dan pasangan usia subur dengan melakukan kunjungan ke secara door-to-door ke rumah. Terdapat 10 kader kesehatan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tahun ke-1 dan tahun ke-2. Sebanyak 3 kader yang aktif bertanya selama proses pertemuan dengan tim pelaksana pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Sebagain kader bertanya atau memberikan pendapatnya jika diminta. Seluruh kader menyampaikan bahwa pengetahuan kader meningkat selama mengikuti rangkaian pertemuan dan FGD.Kata kunci: Focus Group Discussion (FGD); pengetahuan kader; stunting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-77
Hairunnisa Hairunnisa ◽  
Irsalinda Wesa Nurrahim ◽  
Shiba Syahidah Syahidah ◽  
Ahmad Naufal Rifaldi ◽  
Muhammad Naufal Al-Hadad

Mahasiswa S1 Psikologi merupakan bagian dari masa depan bangsa yang diharapkan mampu memberikan teladan dalam kepemimpinan di masyarakat luas. Setiap prilaku dan ucapan yang disampaikan diharapkan menjadi contoh dan teladan yang baik untuk masyarakatnya. Agar hal tersebut terlaksana dengan baik maka diperlukan dan menjadi keharusan untuk dibekali keterampilan berbicara yang baik dan santun, sehingga mereka mampu menjadi tenaga-tenaga pamong yang handal, kompeten, tangguh dan professional dalam menangani permasalahan-permasalahan masyarakat dan memberikan pelayanan kepada public. Strategi yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pelatihan Public Speaking untuk profesi psikologi ini ialah menggunakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). FGD itu sendiri ialah diskusi terfokus dari suatu grup dalam membahas suatu masalah tertentu. Diharapkan setelah ini Mahasiswa mendapatkan manfaat secara komprehensif dalam keterampilan dasar dan lanjutan untuk penerapan kepiawaian berbicara yang baik dan santun dihadapan public sehingga menjadi motivator/interest rekan sejawat di lingkungan kampus.    Kata Kunci : Profesi Psikologi, Ilmu komunikasi, Public Speaking Abstract: Undergraduate Psychology students are part of the nation's future who are expected to be able to provide role models in leadership in the wider community. Every behavior and speech conveyed is expected to be a good example and role model for the community. In order for this to be carried out properly, it is necessary and imperative to be equipped with good and polite speaking skills, so that they are able to become reliable, competent, tough and professional civil servants in dealing with community problems and providing services to the public. The strategy used in the Public Speaking training for the psychology profession is to use a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). FGD itself is a focused discussion of a group in discussing a particular problem. It is hoped that after this students will get comprehensive benefits in basic and advanced skills for the application of good and polite speaking skills in front of the public so that it becomes a motivator / interest for colleagues in the campus environment.   Keyword: Profession Psychology, Communication Studies, Public Speaking

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