scholarly journals A survey on the influence of applying office automation system on employees’ knowledge and attitude about Influenza in Tehran University of Medical Sciences

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 6
Samaneh Safarani ◽  
Ali Ahangar ◽  
Ahmad Fayaz-Bakhsh

Abstract Introduction: Influenza is a highly contagious disease and is common in cold seasons. High prevalence of influenza in workplace causes severe economic damages.Thus any employer would be interested in preventing this by using appropriate tools. Tele Medicine means using information and communication technology tools to prevent primary, secondary and thirdly of diseases. Influenza illness in primary prevention can be achieved by tele educating target group, and change their knowledge as well as attitude and behavior in this goal by sending message on automation system or e-mail. In this study, the researcher is following the above listed equipment to increase awareness of target group about influenza disease. Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental study and was done in 2009-2010. The target group (40 employees) were selected from headquarter units in Tehran University of Medical Sciences using stratified – random sampling method and we respected all ethical principles. We used two approximately similar questionnaires as Pre- test and Post- test to gather data. The reliability of the questionnaires is determined at 90% by Cronbach's alpha test, and then for analyzing the data, they were entered in SPSS software version 16.For analyzing the data, We used: Independent Sample T- Test, One Way ANOVA and Paired Sample T-Test and linear Regression methods. Results: The Mean age of the study group was 34.82 years old. 30% of them were men and 70% were women overall. The mean of answers changed from 35.33 to 42.52 after the intervention (the intervention was sending information about influenza and its way of spreading and so on for surveying its effect on increasing the knowledge of employees) indicates significant differences in these results, so the intervention was effective. Age, academic educational level and the field of educational study did not have any significant relation with changes in knowledge and attitude of the study group, but gender significantly was related to the results. Conclusion: From findings of the research, we saw that this method can be useful for such programs like increasing knowledge about viruses' illnesses. Also we can conclude that with this species plans and the correct use of information and communication technology, particularly in the health field, we can expect not only reduction in different diseases in the future; but also if we follow this trend in long time, we will see increase in knowledge of employees, changes in their attitude and finally by its repeating and continuing we may predict reducing in many organizational costs, medical treatment costs and many other expenses. At last we can suggest using these programs for many other problems in health matters, and many other subjects which influence the costs and benefits of a system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 167-181
Maria Erna ◽  
Irfandi Irfandi ◽  
Rasmiwetti Rasmiwetti

The implementation of learning media based on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) on chemistry was found to be very low. For this reason, ICT-based chemistry learning media which utilized autoplay application were developed in this research. The validated product of the learning media based by autoplay on chemistry can be implemented as a learning medium to improve students' communicative character. This research was designed by using the Plomp model in the form of Research and Development (R&D). Data of this research were collected by validation sheets, questionnaire responses (teachers and students), and communicative observation sheets with descriptive statistical analyses and independent sample t test. The validity results showed that the average percentage from media expert and material expert judgment were 88.25% and 91.69% with a category of valid. Moreover, the results of the response of teachers and students respectively obtained an average percentage score of 85% and 81% with a category of very interesting. Then, the results of the independent sample t test for 0,000 <0.05 indicated that there were significant differences in the communicative character of students before and after the use of learning media based on autoplay on chemistry with a percentage of 72.25%.

2014 ◽  
pp. 226-237
Rahmi Rivalina dan Oos M. Anwas

diterima: 07 Mei 2013; dikembalikan untuk direvisi: 13 Mei 2013; disetujui: 30 Mei 2013Abstrak: Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) telah mempengaruhi sistem perpustakaan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengkaji tentang fungsi perpustakan konvensional di era teknologi informasi dan komunikasi; 2) mengkaji manfaat TIK dalam mengoptimalkan peran perpustakaan di era informasi; dan 3) mengkaji perbedaan perpustakaan konvensional dan perpustakaan digital. Berdasarkan hasil kajian diketahui bahwa perpustakaan konvensional tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai tempat pencari informasi tetapi juga berfungsi sebagai fungsi edukatif, informatif, penelitian, kultural, dan fungsi rekreasi sehingga perpustakaan tersebut masih tetap diperlukan. Manfaat TIK dalam mengoptimalkan peran perpustakaan; layanan lebih cepat dan lebih luas; pustakawan lebih mudah mengelola bahan pustaka dan memberikan layanan kepada pengguna; dan meningkatkan profesionalisme pustakawan. Perpustakaan konvesional cendrung belum banyak tersentuh teknologi, hampir semua dilakukan manual. Sedangkan perpustakaan otomasi pengelolaan lebih terasa cepat dan dapat memberikan pelayanan maksimal dengan menggunakan teknologi. Perpustakaan otomasi adalah bagian dari sistem digitalisasi, perpustakaan yang lebih terfokus pada sistem automasi dalam operasional dan layanan perpustakaan sehari-hari, sedangkan perpustakaan digital fokusnya adalah pada sistem pengelolaan koleksi digital.Kata-kata Kunci: Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, perpustakaan konvensional, perpustakaan otomasi, perpustakaan digital, perpustakaanAbstract: The development of information and communication technology (ICT) has influenced the library system. This paper is aimed: 1) to examine the function of library in information and communication technology era; 2) to examine the utilization of information and communication technology in optimal the role of library in information era; 3) to examine the difference between conventional and automation library. Based on the result of examining is known conventional library not only has function as the place to get information but also as eduative, informative, research, culture and recreation so that the library still is needed.The utilization of information and communication technology to optimalize the role of library: service rapidly and widely; librarians are easier to process data and document and give the service to the users; to improve professionalism librarians. The conventional library tends lack of technology almost the activity as done manually. Whereas the automation library processing data more rapid n give the maxzimaze using technology. This library automation system is part of digital system, it focused to automation system, operational and service to the user while digital library focused to content it more for retrival information system. Keyword: Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, perpustakaan konvensional, perpustakaan otomasi, perpustakaan digital, perpustakaan

Onwubuya Sunday Kelvin ◽  
Inyiama H.C.

This paper focuses on the implications of Information and Communication Technology on Tax administration in the growth and development of Nigeria’s economy. Three research questions and three hypothesis guided the study. The study was a descriptive survey design with a population of 180 respondents randomly sampled and selected among the staff of Federal Board of Internal Revenue and State Board of Internal Revenue in Delta State. A six point likert type of questionnaire was developed, validated and administered to the respondents through simple random sampling technique. The responses gathered were coded and analyzed using independent t-test statistics for data analysis. Three null hypothesis were formulated and tested at critical t-test value of 1.96 at 0.05 level of significance. Based on the findings that resulted from this study, it was concluded that the availabilities of ICT tools/facilities, the use of Information and Communication Technology, and the presence of ICT tax administrators will lead to better, effective and efficient running of the day-to-day tax related activities, filing of tax returns, tax processing and computations of tax payment liabilities. It was also recommended that Government should equip the nation’s tax offices and agencies with adequate ICT tools and facilities and also seminars and workshops should occasionally be organized to acquaint tax administrators and the relevant tax agencies on the practical use and applications of ICT tools and facilities in enhancing tax compliance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Tri Yuliani

Information and communication technology is the most important part of IAIN Batusangkar library. The development of e-library or digital library in IAIN Batusangkar library is a solution to overcome various phenomena such as individual phenomenon, the distance location, social environment demanding fast and accurate information needs without having to visit the library and data collection requirement that can be accessed at any time. Responding to this phenomenon, IAIN Batusangkar Library developed a computerized automation system directed to improve the service process to the user library with good quality and speed, as well as to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of library management. The approach used is internet-based visualization. Digital Library is built by using Zi-shof e-library application of e-campus model. In the Digital Library is available a variety of collection of books, theses, journals, and research reports. The development of E-Library can be accessed either by students or not through the campus application of IAIN Batusangkar with the access library port http: //pustaka.iainbatusangkar. It answered a challenge and an important goal for an institution to develope the library in the future.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-81
Muhammad Ihsaan Fathoni ◽  
Eko Marpanaji

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan pengembangan produk media pembelajaran e-book interaktif TIK yang layak pada peserta didik kelas X SMK N 2 Yogyakarta, dan (2) mengetahui efektifitas produk media pembelajaran e-book interaktif TIK terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik kelas X SMK N 2 Yogyakarta.Penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu langkah yang dikembangkan oleh Alessi & Trollip. Prosedur pengembangan terdiri dari dari tiga fase, yaitu perencanaan, desain, dan pengembangan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan lembar validasi produk untuk ahli media, lembar validasi produk untuk ahli materi, kuisioner untuk pengguna, dan tes hasil belajar. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran e-book interaktif TIK dinilai sangat baik yang diperoleh melalui uji alpha dan uji beta, sehingga layak digunakan sebagai sumber belajar peserta didik. Uji efektivitas menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran e-book interaktif TIK lebih efektif daripada pembelajaran TIK biasa. Rerata N-gain antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol menunjukkan bahwa nilai nilai kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol dan berbeda secara signifikan.Kata kunci: TIK, e-book, interaktif DEVELOPING INTERACTIVE E-BOOK ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) LESSON FOR  GRADE OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLAbstractThis study aimed to: (1) describe the development of instructional media products based on appropriate ICT interactive e-book on students for  grade of SMK N 2 Yogyakarta, and (2) to know the effectiveness of ICT interactive e-book based learning e-book products on participants' learning outcomes for 10th grade of SMK N 2 Yogyakarta. This development research refers to the steps developed by Alessi & Trollip. The development procedure consisted of three phases, namely planning, design, and development. Data collection was performed using product validation sheets for media experts, product validation sheets for material experts, questionnaires for users, and learning result tests. The data analysis techniques used qualitative and quantitative descriptive techniques. The result of the research showed that ICT interactive e-book learning media was very good which was proved through alpha test and beta test, so it was suitable to be used as a learning resource for learners. The effectiveness test showed that the use of interactive ICT e-book learning media was more effective than regular ICT learning. The mean N-gain between the experimental class and the control class indicated that the value of the experiment class grade was higher than the control class and differed significantly.Keywords: ICT, e-book, interactive

Equals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-112
Rezky Amaliah ◽  
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
A. Muhajir Nasir

Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik kelas X SMK Kebangsaan Indonesia Maros pada materi geometri yakni 30 peserta didik (51,72%) dari 58 peserta didik yang belum memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) yang telah ditentukan yaitu 75. Peserta didik masih kesulitan memvisualisasikan dan mengeksplorasi bangun tiga dimensi dikarenakan mereka hanya menghafal karakteristik bangun tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh hasil belajar peserta didik setelah diajar dengan menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis Information and Communication Technology (ICT) dalam hal ini aplikasi geogebra pada materi geometri. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas X SMK Kebangsaan Indonesia Maros. Sampel diambil sebanyak 26 orang dari 58 peserta didik dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purposive. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes hasil belajar dalam hal ini yang dinilai adalah aspek pengetahuan. Pengujian prasyarat analisis menggunakan uji normalitas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Paired Sample t-test. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai Pretest 42,73 dengan standar deviasi 8,784 sedangkan rata-rata nilai Posttest 81,61 dengan standar deviasi 6,788. Rata-rata skor gain ternormalisasi 0,69 dari data hasil belajar termasuk kategori sedang. Berdasarkan Uji-t, diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,000 < dari yaitu 0,025 yang berarti ada pengaruh hasil belajar matematika peserta didik setelah diajar menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis Information and Communcation Technology (ICT) pada materi geometri, tes akhir juga memperlihatkan bahwa 23 dari 26 peserta didik (88,46%) telah mencapai KKM mata pelajaran matematika di SMK Kebangsaan Indonesia Maros.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 3405-3414

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based teaching always helps the learners to aware with new trends and technologies. The flexibility and ease of using this technology brings new dimensions to the learners. The effectiveness of the learning depends on the content of e-learning material and its proper organization. ICT based Teaching approaches provides better understanding of the subjects to the learners in descriptive ways. The E-learning contents may includes text, audio, video graphics and animation or the combination of all of the above .The performance of learners may be improve when learning materials includes Information and Communication Technology. There are various approaches to compare the effectiveness of learning. One of the method of comparing traditional teaching and ICT based teaching is pre-test, post-test intervention. In this paper pre-test, post-test intervention approaches of comparison of traditional and ICT based teaching / learning has been used. In this approach student’s t-Test is used to show the improvement on learning. Here, the t-value uses ‘-value statistical chart’ at 90% confidence level. The whole work is divided in to two sections; the former approach calculates the student’s performance in different subjects of computer science & engineering (CSE) with normal class room teaching while the latter approach calculated the student’s performance after ICT based learning. An experimental circumstance has been established for a group of 18 Post graduates students of computer science; for these purpose 10 different subjects of computer science has been taken in to considerations. When these students appeared in the test after normal teaching, their score were recorded.. When these students appeared in the test after ICT based teaching in the same subjects with the different set of question papers, their secured marks were again recorded. The t-test has been calculated with the help of the scores obtained by students using ICT based Teaching and normal class room teaching. This pre-test, post-test intervention provides better understanding of the subject in latter ICT based learning approaches. From experimental results of t-test we are in position to say that the ICT based learning approaches are better as compared to the normal traditional class room learning approaches.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-76
Oghenovo kelvin Onoriode ◽  
Oghenetega Ivwighreghweta

It is absolutely essential for a library to posses the resources that will enable it to meet its goals. Automation can therefore help in better management of the library collection and acquisition process. However, the use of computers and other peripherals to do what has been done with the justification of reduced cost and better performance form the nucleus of this paper. In Conclusion, Librarians must analyses their needs and plan the selection and implementation of automation system (Information and Communication Technology) that support the mission and priorities of the institution

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 270
Ahmad Zainuri

The purpose of preliminary research is to describe the level of pedagogical competencies of State Islamic Elementary School (MIN) teachers in Palembang City. This type of research is quantitative research with an explorative approach and data analysis through descriptive statistics. Based on the results of the study with a sample of 85 teachers at the MIN City of Palembang, it is found that nine pedagogical dimensions are still in the sufficient category, where the mean score is 281.03. The only dimensions of pedagogic competence in a good category are utilizing information and communication technology for the benefit of learning. Based on these results, it is necessary to increase the dimensions of teacher pedagogical competencies to be better because teachers who have good pedagogical competence are one of the factors in motivating and influencing student learning outcomes. Through this research, it is expected that it can be used as a reference for interested parties and also for further researchers in improving teacher competencies, especially pedagogical competencies.

2012 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 222-231 ◽  
Nina Hansen ◽  
Tom Postmes ◽  
Nikita van der Vinne ◽  
Wendy van Thiel

This paper studies whether and how information and communication technology (ICT) changes self-construal and cultural values in a developing country. Ethiopian children were given laptops in the context of an ICT for development scheme. We compared children who used laptops (n = 69) with a control group without laptops (n = 76) and a second control group of children whose laptop had broken down (n = 24). Results confirmed that after 1 year of laptop usage, the children’s self-concept had become more independent and children endorsed individualist values more strongly. Interestingly, the impact of laptop usage on cultural values was mediated by self-construal (moderated mediation). Importantly, modernization did not “crowd out” traditional culture: ICT usage was not associated with a reduction in traditional expressions (interdependent self-construal, collectivist values). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

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