scholarly journals Cerpen “Sukri Membawa Pisau Belati” Karya Hamsad Rangkuti: Analisis Semiotik

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-36
Yeni Mulyani Supriatin

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan makna cerpen “Sukri Membawa Pisau Belati” karya Hamsad Rangkuti dengan pendekatan semiotik yang dikembangkan oleh Riffatere dan Culler. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cerpen “Sukri Membawa Pisau Belati” karya Hamsad Rangkuti mengungkapkan situasi psikologis kepribadian manusia yang muncul ke permukaan di antara dua kesadaran, yaitu kesadaran faktual dan arus bawah sadar. Situasi psikologis kepribadi­an manusia yang dialami protagonis merupakan pengaktualan teori Freud yang dituangkan dalam genre cerpen Abstract: This study aims to reveal the meaning of the short story entitled “Sukri Membawa Pisau Belati” written by Hamsad Rangkuti using Riffatere and Culler perspective. The results show that the short story entitled "Sukri Membawa Pisau Belati" by Hamsad Rangkuti reveals the psychological situation of the human personality emerging between two awareness, which are factual and current awareness. The psychological situation experienced by the protagonists is the application of Freud's theory as outlined in the genre of stories. Key Words: heuristic, hermeneutics, and current awareness

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (12) ◽  
pp. 87-90
Ilaha Adil Majidova ◽  

Utopia is a common literary theme, especially in a speculative and science-fiction genre. Authors use utopian genre to explore what a perfect society would look like. Utopian fiction is set in a perfect world, while a dystopian novel drops its main character into a world where everything seems to have gone wrong. Dystopian fiction can challenge readers to think differently about current world. The article is devoted to the etymology of dystopia genre within Ray Bradbury’s creativity. In his short stories he tried to show the depth of his imagination. In Ray Bradbury’s fiction the world is a terrible place. He exposes the destructive side of technological progress and paradoxes of human personality in a grotty society. Key words: science-fiction, utopia, dystopia, prognosis, short story

Nina Bosak

The demonolexis in Yu. Andrukhovych’s long short story “Recreatsii” (“Recreations”) has been analyzed in the article. In the course of the research there have been outlined the following lexical-semantic groups of demonomens: toponymic and onomastic names, modified lexemes, names of the rituals, genuine Ukrainian demonomens, obscene words and expressions, demonomens of Biblical origin, names from the world mythology and general demonolexis. The special lexical-semantic group has been formed by non personificated demonomens, which serve to convey the peculiarities of the contemporary Ukrainian writers’ mentality, their habits through speech. Such nomens help to reveal the protagonist’s soul, show the positive and negative sides of his personal ego, demonstrate the duality of the human perception of the world, indicate the causes of phobias, emotions, sensations. Key words: demonolexis, demonomen, lexical-semantic group, non personificated demonomen.

Rahmah Binti Ahmad Haji Othman

ملخص البحث: هذه المقالة تُعْنى بدراسة صورة البطولة في قصة "أحراج يعبد" بقلم روضة الهدهد، فمشاهدُ القصة مستوحاة من الواقع وبطلُها عزّ الدين القسَّام الذي قام بأدوار بطولية متعدّدة؛ أمّا مكانُ الحَبْكة ففلسطين وزمانُها بين عام 1920-1935م، والحَبْكةُ نفسها تتمثل في سلسلة من دراما المقاومة والتضحية وبذل الغالي والنفيس في سبيل تحرير الأرض والوطن والشعب من اليهود والصهاينة المغتصبين. وترمي هذه المقالة إلى وضْعِ عرضٍ تحليلي لقصة بطولية معاصرة واقعية بين أيدي القراء وخاصةً الأطفال منهم، والغرض من ذلك ربطُ القراءِ بواقعهم الذي يُعاينونه؛ وتربيةُ وغرسُ عنصر التضحية في نفوس أطفالنا منذ نعومة أظفارهم من جهةٍ، وتوعيةُ شبابنا في بذل المُهج والأموال في سبيل الحفاظ على الكرامة واسترداد الحقوق وخاصة ً الأراضي المحتلة في فلسطين من جهة أخرى. تُعنى المقالةُ أيضاً بالإطار النظري للقصة. توصلت الدراسة إلى أن هناك نقصاً في نماذج الأبطال الذين نتمثل بهم في مؤلفاتنا، وأن الشهيد عزّ الدين القسَّام قد نال شهادته، وأظهر بطولته في القتال ضدّ اليهود وإخوانه الذين كانوا أمثلة حيّة يحتذى بهم، كل الأبطال في هذه القصص العشرة يتصفون بالبطولة الجهادية، وهم الأبطال المجاهدون. الكلمات المفتاحية: البطولة- الشهيد – المجاهد – المثقّف -  القروية.   Abstract: This article investigates the images of heroic figures in Rawdah al-Hudhud’s short story, entitled The Forest of Yaʿbud. Izzedine al-Qassam, the protagonist in the story performs the heroic roles of a martyr, combatant, intellectual, countryman, nationalist and educator who feed the minds of his disciples and followers with knowledge and their souls with love of sacrifice. The plot of the story whose setting is Palestine and which occurred between 1920 -1935 consists of a series of drama replete with resistance, sacrifice, and dedication of the most precious thing for the sake of liberating one’s homeland and people from the Jews and Zionist occupation. Thus, the article presents the readers with an analytical presentation of a heroic-driven story taken from facts of our contemporary life insofar as to bring the readers closer to the reality they live. This article is also concerned with the theoretical framework of the story whereby the researcher sets to define some concepts contained in it. To fulfill this, the researchers apply the analytical approach whereby all heroic scenes in the story are analyzed. The study found that there is a shortage in the Champions models who represents them in books, and the Martyr Izzedine al-Qassam had obtained his testimony, showed heroism in the fight against the Jews with his brothers, whom were living examples to follow them, all the heroes in these ten stories are characterized tournament jihadist, they are heroes Mujahideen.   Key words: Heroic - Martyr - Mujahid - Dducator - Rural.   Abstrak: Makalah ini merupakan kupasan terhadap gambaran watak-watak keperwiraan di dalam cerpen nukilan Rawdah al-Hudhud berjudul ‘Aḥrāj Ya‘bud (Hutan ya‘ud). ‘Izuddīn al-Qassām protagonis cerita menonjolkan kepelbagaian watak yang meliputi seorang shahid, pejuang, cendiakiawan, negarawan, pejuang nasionalis dan juga seorang pendidik menyemaikan jiwa-jiwa murid dan pengikutnya dengan pengetahuan serta kecintaan terhadap pengorbanan. Plot penceritaan berlatarkan Palestin sekitar tahun-tahun 1920 sehingga 1935 yang mengandungi beberapa drama yang penuh dengan penentangan, pengorbanan dan dedikasi kepada tanahair tercinta untuk memerdekakan penduduknya daripada pendudukan Yahudi dan regim Zionis. Oleh itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa cerita yang penuh nilai keperwiraan ini dengan memberikan kerangka yang berteraskan kepada fakta-fakta semasa untuk mendekatkan pembaca kepada realiti kehidupan mereka. Kajian ini juga mengambil kira kerangka teoretikal cerita tersebut untuk tujuan mentakrifkan beberapa konsep yang terkandung di dalamnya. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, pendekatan analitikal digunapakai dengan menganalisa keseluruhan babak keperwiraan cerita. Kajian mendapati terdapat kekurangan dalam model-model perwira yang ditampilkan oleh penulis; Izzudin al-Qaasam adalah seorang wira yang telah mendapat shahid, menunjukkan keberanian bersama dengan rakan-rakan perjuangannya dalam menentang  Yahudi sehingga menjadi ikon yang menjadi inspirasi perjuangan generasi seterusnya; kesemua wira-wira di dalam kesepuluh-sepuluh cerita tersebut mempunyai watak wira yang berjihad oleh itu mereka dianggap sebagai wira-wira jihad.   Kata kunci: keperwiraan –shahid – pejuang jihad – pendidik – pendalaman.

2008 ◽  
Adilson dos Santos

RESUMO: O presente trabalho objetiva apresentar uma leitura de “Palhaço da boca verde”, do livro Tutaméia (Terceiras Estórias), sob a perspectiva do duplo. São três os artistas que fazem parte do enredo, compondo a complexa situação de um triângulo amoroso: Mema Verguedo, X. Ruysconcellos e Ona Pomona. Tais personagens – cada qual à sua maneira – são seres cindidos. No que se refere à X. Ruysconcellos, sob a pele do palhaço Ritripas, este procura fugir da realidade. No que diz respeito às figuras femininas, uma atua como o alter ego da outra. Embora X. Ruysconcellos demonstre inicial interesse por Ona Pomona, ao final da narrativa, ele descobre ser Mema Verguedo a sua metade faltante. Neste momento, cada um dos amantes reencontra a sua própria androginia. ABSTRACT: This essay analyses the short story “Palhaço da boca verde”, presented in the book Tutaméia (Terceiras Estórias), under the perspective of the double. Mema Verguedo, X. Ruysconcellos and Ona Pomona are the three artists who take part in the plot, composing a complex situation of a love triangle. These characters – each one in a different way – are divided beings. Regarding X. Ruysconcellos, by playing the role of the clown Ritripas, he tries to escape from reality. With reference to the female figures, one acts as the alter ego of the other. Although X. Ruysconcellos shows initial interest to Ona Pomona, at the end of the narrative, he discovers that Mema Verguedo is his missing half. In this moment, both lovers meet again their own androgyny. KEY-WORDS: João Guimarães Rosa – Short story – Double

Al-Burz ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Dr. Muhammad Ali Dinakhel

According to a proverbial saying of Mattew Arnold, literature is the reflection of society. Following this idea it is true that the best reflection of a culture and society is found in the literature of that very community. Writers reflect culture in their writings because they can’t live without being influenced by the environment in which they live. Environment has its influence upon writers and that is why a writer or poet directly or indirectly describes his environment and culture. As compare to poetry, culture is visibly seen in prose. Same is the case of the reflection of Brahui culture in its prose. We easily know about the main cultural tenets of Brahui people through their literature. Their life-style, customs, food, education, professions, religion etc. are found in the prose of Brahui Literature. Modern genres in Brahui Prose, like novel, short story, drama etc. are the main sources of Brahui Culture. This article attempts to analyse modern genres of prose like novel, drama, short story and so on in Brahui language to discover and point out main features of Brahui Culture. Key Words: Brahui, Culture, Balochistan, Literature, Prose

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-181
Kukuh Yudha Karnanta

Artikel berjudul Struktural (dan) Semantik: Teropong Strukturalisme dan Aplikasi Teori Nratif A.J. Greimas merupakan upaya untuk menguji kontribusi dan relevansi strukturalisme, baik sebagai teori, metode, maupun paradigma, dalam perkembangan kajian sastra dan budaya mutakhir. Adapun Struktural Semantik adalah buku yang ditulis A.J. Greimas, salah seorang strukturalis yang teorinya tentang naratif teks kerap digunakan. Penelitian ini disusun dengan metode deskripsi kritis yang dikonkretkan dengan aplikasi teori A.J. Greimas terhadap teks cerpen “Filosofi Kopi” untuk menunjukkan jangkauan serta limitasi teori yang didasarkan pada paradigma strukturalisme tersebut. Hasilnya, strukturalisme sebagai suatu teori dan metode berhasil mengidentifikasi makna secara rigid, namun tidak atau kurang mampu mengelaborasi makna secara lebih kompleks. Meskipun demikian, strukturalisme tetap perlu dilakukan sebagai salah satu tahap analisis yang darinya elaborasi dimungkinkan terjadi. Abstract: The article entitled Structural (and) Semantic: Perspective on Structuralism and the Application of A.J Greimas’ Narrative Theory examines the relevance of structuralism as well as its contribution either as a theory, method, or paradigm, in the development of contemporary literature and cultural studies. Structural Semantic is a book written by A.J. Greimas, a structuralist whose narrative theory is widely used. This research used critical descriptive method, concreted by Greimas' theory applied to a short story entitled “Filosofi Kopi”, in order to reveal its scope and limitation based on the paradigm of the structuralism. The result suggested that structuralism, both as theory and method, could identify meaning rigidly, yet structuralism could not elaborate meaning more complexly. However, structuralism is still necessary as a stage of analysis from which elaboration is possible. Key Words: structuralism, narrative, paradigm, actan

Afrika Focus ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Owen G. Mordaunt

This paper deals with Ngugi wa Thiong'o's portrayal of the protagonist in his short story "Minutes of Glory". Wanjiru finds herself trapped in an urban setting and is a victim of her situation and low self-esteem. The story is a poignant and touching study of this young woman who is battling with an identity problem and is seeking acceptance in a post-independence setting where women are exploited by men of the New Africa elite. She is regarded as "a wounded bird in flight: a forced landing now and then but nevertheless wobbling from place to place ..." The story affirms female self-realization rather than perpetual self-alienation, and that validates the persistence in attaining her desired goal. KEY WORDS: Kenya, literature, psychology, short story 

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Iko Agustina Boangmanalu

ABSTRAK   Karya sastra sebagai dokumen sosial menjadi wadah refleksi yang efektif. Fungsi didaktif karya sastra menyuluh pembaca secara tidak langsung. Pendidikan diberikan lewat permenungan juga mengaitkannya dengan pengalaman pribadi maupun kondisi masyarakat di zaman pembaca. Pendekatan sastra dengan cara demikian sudah ada sejak zaman Plato yang dikembangkan oleh Marxis. Karya sastra dipandang sebagai cerminan masyarakat di era tertentu. Pendekatan ini disebut mimesis, sudah lama ditinggalkan peneliti sastra, tetapi perlu dikembangkan lagi untuk mengenali dan menghargai keragaman budaya masyarakat Indonesia. Robohnya Surau Kami adalah cerpen yang mengandung nilai kemanusiaan, kasih, dan menggambarkan fenomena beribadah yang masih ditemui di zaman ini. Kepekaan dan cara penulis mengkritik persoalan masyarakat yang sensitif menjadi kekuatan cerpen ini. Selain itu, penokohan dan konflik terasa nyata sekalipun ada dialog manusia dengan Tuhan setelah kematian. Penulis menunjukkan kematangannya dalam memaparkan persoalan nyata yang akrab di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Penutup cerita pun menimbulkan keheranan. Hal tersebut memberi pengalaman membaca yang bermakna dan kesan yang mendalam bagi pembaca sehingga dapat menjadi penggugah minat baca yang efektif bagi mahasiswa, khususnya Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia.   Kata Kunci: refleksi, karya sastra, minat baca ABSTRACT   Literary work as a social document becomes an effective reflection media. The 'Didaktif' function of literary work indirectly informs readers. Education is given through reflection and it is also connected with personal experiences or society conditions in the reader era. This kind of literature approaching had been existing since the Plato era which was developed by Marxis. Literary work is viewed as a society reflection in a certain era. This approaching is called Mimesis which has long been abandoned by researchers but it needs to be developed to recognice and to appreciate the society's cultural diversity. Robohnya surau kami is a short story containing values of humanity and love end it describes a worship phenomenon which we still find in this era. The sensitivity and the way the writer criticizes society problem becomes the strength of this short story. In additions, characters decision and the conflict seem real though there is a dialogue between human and God after death. The writer shows his high capability in delivering real problems occurring in the community. The story closing makes a surprise. That gives a valuable reading experience and a deep impression so that it attracts students to have an effective reading interest, especially Indonesia Language department students.   Key words: reflection, literature, reading interest

Yasnur Asri

This research aims at identifying the effectiveness of the use of ‘content area strategy’ in teaching creative writing. Based on the action performed in the class it was found that the content area strategy was able to enhance students’ ability in writing short stories. The effectiveness was recognized from the average scores achieved in writing short stories both in describing the content of the story and the element of the story, and in language use.. Key words: short story, content area strategy

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-29
Dara Windiyarti

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji perjuangan perempuan bangsawan Bali mempertahankan martabat dan harga dirinya dalam cerpen “Sagra” karya Oka Rusmini yang terbit tahun 2004. Dalam cerpen ini, perempuan berusaha menempatkan dirinya sesuai dengan status sosialnya masing-masing. Teori yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah teori psikoanalisis sosial. Dalam teori ini dijelaskan bahwa tingkah laku manusia sebagian besar digerakan oleh daya-daya psikodinamik seperti motif-­motif, konflik-­konflik, dan kecemasan-kecemasan. Dijelaskan pula bahwa dalam diri manusia terdapat kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang bersifat dualistik, yang dapat dipenuhi dengan mengembangkan kesadaran. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik kepustakaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah deskriptif analisis. Pembahasan ini menghasilkan hal-­hal berikut. Pertama, adanya kondisi eksistensi tokoh perempuan yang dilematis, menciptakan berbagai peristiwa yang mendorong munculnya konflik batin tokoh-tokoh perempuan lainnya. Kedua, tindakan‐tindakan melalui pendekatan humanistik yang dilakukan tokoh perempuan bangsawan mampu mengurangi konflik batinnya dan mempertahankan martabat dan harga dirinya. Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze the Balinese noblewomen's struggle in maintaining their dignity and selfesteem in the short story "Sagra" by Oka Rusmini published in 2004. In this short story, the women tried to put themself according to their own social status. The theory used in this study is the social theory of psychoanalysis. This theory explains that human behavior is largely driven by forces such as psychodynamic motives, conflicts, and anxieties. It is also explained that human beings have dualistic needs which can be satisfied by developing awareness. The data were collected by using librarian technique. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis. This discussion results in the following points. First, there is a condition in which a dilemmatic female figure exists; it creates a variety of events that encourage inner conflict of other woman figures. Secondly, the actions undertaken through a humanistic approach by female noble characters are able to reduce their inner conflicts and maintain their dignity and pride. Key Words: woman struggle; maintaining pride and dignity; social psychoanalysis

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