2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Iko Agustina Boangmanalu

ABSTRAK   Karya sastra sebagai dokumen sosial menjadi wadah refleksi yang efektif. Fungsi didaktif karya sastra menyuluh pembaca secara tidak langsung. Pendidikan diberikan lewat permenungan juga mengaitkannya dengan pengalaman pribadi maupun kondisi masyarakat di zaman pembaca. Pendekatan sastra dengan cara demikian sudah ada sejak zaman Plato yang dikembangkan oleh Marxis. Karya sastra dipandang sebagai cerminan masyarakat di era tertentu. Pendekatan ini disebut mimesis, sudah lama ditinggalkan peneliti sastra, tetapi perlu dikembangkan lagi untuk mengenali dan menghargai keragaman budaya masyarakat Indonesia. Robohnya Surau Kami adalah cerpen yang mengandung nilai kemanusiaan, kasih, dan menggambarkan fenomena beribadah yang masih ditemui di zaman ini. Kepekaan dan cara penulis mengkritik persoalan masyarakat yang sensitif menjadi kekuatan cerpen ini. Selain itu, penokohan dan konflik terasa nyata sekalipun ada dialog manusia dengan Tuhan setelah kematian. Penulis menunjukkan kematangannya dalam memaparkan persoalan nyata yang akrab di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Penutup cerita pun menimbulkan keheranan. Hal tersebut memberi pengalaman membaca yang bermakna dan kesan yang mendalam bagi pembaca sehingga dapat menjadi penggugah minat baca yang efektif bagi mahasiswa, khususnya Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia.   Kata Kunci: refleksi, karya sastra, minat baca ABSTRACT   Literary work as a social document becomes an effective reflection media. The 'Didaktif' function of literary work indirectly informs readers. Education is given through reflection and it is also connected with personal experiences or society conditions in the reader era. This kind of literature approaching had been existing since the Plato era which was developed by Marxis. Literary work is viewed as a society reflection in a certain era. This approaching is called Mimesis which has long been abandoned by researchers but it needs to be developed to recognice and to appreciate the society's cultural diversity. Robohnya surau kami is a short story containing values of humanity and love end it describes a worship phenomenon which we still find in this era. The sensitivity and the way the writer criticizes society problem becomes the strength of this short story. In additions, characters decision and the conflict seem real though there is a dialogue between human and God after death. The writer shows his high capability in delivering real problems occurring in the community. The story closing makes a surprise. That gives a valuable reading experience and a deep impression so that it attracts students to have an effective reading interest, especially Indonesia Language department students.   Key words: reflection, literature, reading interest

2014 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 130
Kinayati Djojosuroto

At Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), literature is a part of Indonesian Letters and Language class. Literature can refine manners, enrich aesthetic experience, and improve the knowledge of students. Literature teaching increases their ability in understanding, enjoying, loving, and appreciating literary work, and also to help their development of psychological aspects towards shaping their character as a whole. Regarding reading interest, students were helped in understanding and comprehending sufi short story when they mastered the adequate vocabulary. The sufi short story as a work of literature is rich of life values, either local or spiritual ones. Sufi value  belongs to spiritual value  assessed to develop a person’s spiritual state. This study used the survey method with correlation technique. The respondents were tested on vocabulary mastery, given quiz for reading interest, and also taken essay test for the ability to comprehend sufi short story. It was done in MTs Kampung Jawa, Tondano, Minahasa.  Based on the analysis of the hypothesis test, all of the alternative hypothesizes (H1) given in this research were accepted. This means that the ability to comprehend sufi short story (Y) can be improved by developing the mastery of vocabulary (X1) and reading interest (X2).

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Umar Fauzan

<p>This study aims at analyzing the structure of Arni Lightning’s  short story Peanut &amp; Sparky plays an essential part in a literary work which explores the plot, setting, characters, conflict and other elements of the story. Instead of that, by conducting this analysis, it could make the narration comprehensible for the readers and also to catcth the meaning which the writer wants to convey. The short story Peanut &amp; Sparky was published in April 2015 in America. This analysis captures the writer’s intention of fabricating the story through its premise,theme, character, moral value, setting. The study reveals that conducting structural analysis is supposed to be a good way in understanding literary works.</p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em>: Structural, analysis, Short Story,Literature </em><strong>  </strong>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Asep Muhyidin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis aspek kohesi gramatikal konjungsi dalan cerita pendek Titian Pelangi karya Helvy Tiana Rosa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif -deskriptif. Berdasarkan uraian hasil dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa wacana cerpen berjudul Titian Pelangi karya Helvy Tiana Rosa ini memiliki tingkat kohesi yang cukup baik ditinjau dari aspek gramatikal konjungsi. Dalam wacana cerpen ini ditemukan piranti kohesi gramatikal konjungsi sebanyak 158 buah yang terdiri atas: 1) hubungan penambahan; 2) hubungan peningkatan; 3) hubungan pertentangan; 4) hubungan waktu; 5) hubungan syarat; 6)hubungan tujuan; 7) hubungan kausal atau sebab akibat; 8) hubungan pemilihan; dan 9) hubungan memperlihatkan cara. Kata Kunci: kohesi gramatika, konjungsi, analisis wacana, cerita pendekABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the aspects of conjunction grammatical cohesions in the short story of “Titian Pelangi” by Helvy Tiana Rosa. The research method is qualitative analysis technique to characterize descriptive presentation of data obtained by the research. The result showed short story “Titian Pelangi” has a fairly good degree of cohesions in terms of grammatical conjunction cohesion. In this short story discourse, the number of conjection grammatical cohesions is as many as 158 pairs of sentences. Grammatical cohesions in the aspect of conjunctions include: 1) conjunction relation additions; 2) conjunction enchancement relationship; 3) conjunction relationship contradictions ; 4) time relationship conjunction; 5) terms relationship conjunction relationship terms ; 6) conjunction relationship goals; 7) conjunction of causality; 8) conjunction of election relations ;and 9) conjunctionrelationship way.

Pujangga ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Kasno Kasno

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Berbicara tentang kritik sastra, secara umum, selain untuk menghakimi karya sastra, juga memiliki fungsi <br />untuk mengkaji dan menafsirkan nilai karya sastra baik novel, cerpen, maupun puisi. Tujuan penulisan<br />ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menafsirkan nilai karya sastra yakni Puisi-Puisi Langit Biru yang<br />mencerminkan adanya kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup karena pencemaran udara. Teori yang<br />diterapkan untuk mendeskripsikan adalah kritik pandangan ”Tiga M Krit ik Sastra Sawo Manila:<br />Menghibur, Mendidik, dan Mencerdaskan. Metode penulisan ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yaitu<br />menafsirkan nilai-nilai puisi, menghibur, mendidik, dan mencerdaskan dalam Puisi-Puisi Langit Biru.<br />Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dalam karya sastra khususnya dalam puisi karya Ahmad Nurullah dan<br />Naning Pranoto terdapat makna yang mengangkat pentingnya lingkungan hidup bagi kehidupan manusia<br />atas pencemaran udara dan lingkungan yang kurang sehat.</p><p>Kata Kunci: Kritik Sastra, Puisi, Menghibur, Mendidik, Mencerdaskan</p><p><br />ABSTRACT <br />Generally, literary criticism function for both judging literary work and interpreting novel, short story,<br />and poetry. This article aims at describing and interpreting ‘Puisi-Puisi langit Biru’which is reflecting the<br />concern for the environment due to air pollution. This article used the three M Sawo Manila: Menghibur, <br />Mendidik, and Mencerdaskan (Entertaining, Educating, and Developing Mind) Theory. The method <br />of the study employs descriptive qualitative, which is interpreting the values of poetry, those are <br />Menghibur, Mendidik, and Mencerdaskan (Entertaining, Educating, and Developing Mind). The result<br />shows that in literary works, poems written by Ahmad Nurullah and Naning Pranoto, there are meanings <br />that raise the importance of the environment for human life for air pollution and an unhealthy environment.<br /> <br />Key Words: Literary Criticism, Poetry, Entertaining, Educating, Developing Mind</p>

Enrique Sánchez Costa

Este artículo aborda desde un punto de vista comparatista la novela poemática ayaliana Luz de domingo, cotejándola con la libre adaptación al cine llevada a cabo por José Luis Garci. Si el escritor pergeñó una novela corta, intelectual, una parábola con la que denunciar los males endémicos que arrastraba la sociedad española, el director ha sorbido el espíritu de la novela, pero tratándola desde su particular punto de vista. De esta manera veremos como un mismo tema –el sufrimiento del justo a manos de los caciques– puede afrontarse desde ópticas diferentes, incidiendo en unos u otros aspectos, y de qué manera puede recrearse una obra literaria por medio del lenguaje y las técnicas cinematográficas. Palabras clave: Ramón Pérez de Ayala; novela poemática; novela lírica; Luz de domingo; José Luis Garci; película.   This article trackles, from a comparative point of view, Perez de Ayala’s poematic novel Luz de domingo, in comparison with its movie adaptation directed by José Luis Garci. If the writer drew an intellectual short story, a parable about the endemic diseases dragged by Spanish society, the director has sipped the spirit of the novel, but focusing it from his particular interests. Thus, we shall see how the same issue –the righteous’ suffering at the hands of the tyrants– can be tacked through different lenses, focusing on some other aspects, and how a literary work can be recreated through language and film techniques. Key words: Ramón Pérez de Ayala; poematic novel; lyrical novel; Luz de domingo; José Luis Garci; film.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Harry Sumbayu ◽  
Amrin Saragih ◽  
Syahron Lubis

This study addresses the translation of passive voice in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban into Bahasa Indonesia. The study was based on descriptive qualitative approach. The data were collected by applying documentary techniques. There were three chapters taken as the source of the data. They were chapters 1, 8 and 15. The findings indicated that there were two types of passive voices as a product of passive voices’ translation in Bahasa Indonesia. The passive voice retained as passive one in TL was more dominantly translated into passive voice type one than type two in TL. It caused the use of prefix di+verb base, prefix di+verb base suffix i, and prefix di +verb base+ suffix+ kan are able to represent the meaning of the SL literally and culturally. The changing of English passive voice into Bahasa Indonesia active voice when they were translated indicated that the translator has attempted to find the closest natural equivalent of the source language in aspect of grammar, style, and cultural value. In essence naturalization rate of an expression is a matter of looking for matches in level lexical categories, grammatical categories, semantic, and cultural context.   Key words: translation, passive voice, English, Bahasa Indonesia.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Julisah Izar ◽  
Siti Aisah Ginting

This study dealt with the attitudes of university students of Batubara towards Batubara Malay language. The data were collected from 20 university students of Batubara in Medan. The instruments used for collecting the data were observation sheet, questionnaire sheet and depth interview. The data were analyzed by Moleong’s theory. The findings showed that the respondents’ attitudes were: 12 (60%) negative and 8 (40%) positive. The attitudes levels of university students included in negative and positive attitudes namely in: receiving 11 (55%) negative and 9 (45%) positive, responding 12 (60%) negative and 8 positive, valuing 10 (50%) negative and 10 (50%)  positive,  organizing 12 (60%) positive and 8 (40%) negative, and internalizing values 12 (60%) negative and 8 (40%) positive. The factors influenced the university students’ attitudes were language disloyalty 12 (60%) negative and 8 (40%) positive, language pride lack 14 (70%) negative and 7 (30%) positive, in the unawareness of the norms 11 (55%) negative and 9 (45%) positive. Bahasa Indonesia is dominantly spoken by the university students of Batubara in Medan which caused they have less frequency in using their Batubara Malay language with their friends who are from same region in Medan. Key words: Attitudes, University Students of Batubara, Batubara Malay Language

Nina Bosak

The demonolexis in Yu. Andrukhovych’s long short story “Recreatsii” (“Recreations”) has been analyzed in the article. In the course of the research there have been outlined the following lexical-semantic groups of demonomens: toponymic and onomastic names, modified lexemes, names of the rituals, genuine Ukrainian demonomens, obscene words and expressions, demonomens of Biblical origin, names from the world mythology and general demonolexis. The special lexical-semantic group has been formed by non personificated demonomens, which serve to convey the peculiarities of the contemporary Ukrainian writers’ mentality, their habits through speech. Such nomens help to reveal the protagonist’s soul, show the positive and negative sides of his personal ego, demonstrate the duality of the human perception of the world, indicate the causes of phobias, emotions, sensations. Key words: demonolexis, demonomen, lexical-semantic group, non personificated demonomen.

René Pawera ◽  
Monika Lavrovičová ◽  
Lucia Húsenicová

An important element of the management of modern companies and organizations is the proper use of diversity management and equal opportunities, aimed at eliminating discrimination in the labor market. The paper summarizes the starting points for these processes in the labor market. It describes the tendencies of the development of the solved problem in the context of the labor market conditions of the Slovak Republic. Key words: labor market inequality, equal opportunities management, diversity management

Zhusupbek kyzy Aida

Abstract. Thе article aims at researching the concept “knowledge” used in phraseological units which is one of the key concepts in Кyrgyz and English world view. The comparative analysis of the concept “knowledge” in Kyrgyz and English linguistic world view reveals differences and similarities in its content. In addition, the research also shows that Kyrgyz phraseological units differ a lot from the English due to several particular features like cultural diversity, language peculiarities and linguistic world view. Various examples related to the concept “knowledge” are used demonstrating the difficulties in translation and the differences in meaning of the concept “knowledge” in phraseological units in Kyrgyz and English world view. Key words: concept, linguistic world view, phraseological units, idioms, phrase, proverbs and sayings, phraseology, equivalents, knowledge, translation.

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