scholarly journals Pengembangan Scrapbook Sebagai Media Karya Kreatif dan Art Therapy

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-112
Yemima Yoke Handakara

Pandemi virus Corona (COVID-19) yang berkepanjangan membuat masyarakat merasa jenuh dan bosan. Adanya kebijakan Work From Home (WFH) membuat masyarakat mau tidak mau membatasi ruang gerak mereka. Keadaan perekonomian masyarakat yang terpuruk juga membuat keadaan menjadi semakin sulit bagi kebanyakan orang. Satu per satu tren kreatif sebagai ungkapan menghibur diri bermunculan. Salah satunya scrapbook yang bukan hanya sebagai media pengasah kreatifitas, tetapi juga bisa menjadi media menulis (diary). Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk membuat kreasi scrapbook sebagai media kreasi sekaligus sebagai alat art therapy. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode pendekatan estetika dan metode penelitian Practice Based Research.The prolonged Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic has made people feel bored and bored. The existence of the Work From Home (WFH) Policy has made people not want to limit their space. The deteriorating state of the community's economy also made things even more difficult for most people. One by one, creative trends as expressions of self-entertainment emerge. One of them is scrapbook, which is not only a creative media sharpener, but also a written media (diary). This research aims to make scrapbook creations as a creative medium as a therapeutic art tool. The research was conducted using an aesthetic approach and practical research based research methods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-47
Sitti Aisyah. M Aisyah ◽  

The Corona virus pandemic exploited by irresponsible elements.  They do a cunning business strategy, which is to hoard goods, in fiqhi terms known as iḥtikār. In the Islamic view, iḥtikār is a prohibited business practice and will be met with a painful punishment in the afterlife.  The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding about the impact of COVID 19 on the practice of buying and selling (iḥtikār).  This paper uses qualitative research methods in the form of library reseach using the shar'i approach.  From this study it can be concluded that the behavior of hoarding goods with the aim of reselling them at high prices to obtain large profits.  In Islamic Shari'ah, iḥtikār‘s law is haram because it contains elements that harm others.  This is very clearly stated in QS al-Humazah/109: 1-2 and punished by sin as stipulated in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-147
Patricia Robin

Mass media workers have a good ability to convey ideas to be enjoyed by a wide and heterogeneous audience. Their talents and interests are not arbitrary. They have taken special education in college and graduated with a related bachelor's degree. However, their intellectual abilities are not accompanied by the ability to appreciate and reward themselves, which should deserve a decent income or a comfortable working environment. In the name of capitalism which was finally realized in the form of alienation, they carried out the work with great pride even though it was apparent. This study uses qualitative research methods by collecting data through interviews of one of the televisions workers. Based on the research results, it is clearly illustrated how the mass media workers consider that completely devoting themselves to companies that have provided opportunities and income is something that is worth doing. Moreover, there is special pride when they are able to contribute in providing education and information to the wider community. This confirms false awareness that arises from a mass media worker.   Kata Kunci: Buruh Kreatif Media massa, Ekonomi Politik Media, Kapitalisme, Alienasi

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Imtihan Hanom ◽  
Rachel Aleyda Rozefy ◽  
Hilmiyani Taqiyyah Filasta

Work From Home (WFH) is a system chosen by the government in 2020 due to the spread of the Corona virus, with this system it is hoped that it can maintain social distance, namely reducing people's mobility, maintaining physical distance, and reducing crowds so that it is expected to reduce the risk of corona virus transmission. and employee safety. The WFH system has high flexibility, this is to support employee balance between work and life. The work system that changed to WFH in a short period of time made workers experience stressful conditions such as feelings of anxiety or worry for a long time, especially when they lived under the same roof with many people. In carrying out WFH, workers need a comfortable place to work to help focus on work. One of the things that play a role in creating a sense of comfort when working is the application of ergonomic rules. This study looks for any variables that can affect WFH activities and which variables most affect WFH activities. The application of ergonomics, especially macro ergonomics in WFH activities, is considered appropriate to be able to solve various problems in WFH activities. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by conducting a study through distributing questionnaires to respondents who are doing WFH. From the results of the study, it was found that the comfort of workers in carrying out WFH activities is closely related to ergonomics in a residential house. The results of this study can be used as a reference for designing a suitable workspace for WFH activities, and as a reference for further research with a similar focus of study. Keyword: Interior, Ergonomic, Working From Home

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
H. Zuhri

Discussing the Islam in the context of everyday life, in various aspects, perspectives, and wide variety of geo- graphical field, can be replicated with the term of Living Islam. Islam in the society is now understood by a set of methodologies and scientific paradigms and has been carried out by intellectuals from both internal Islam such as Akbar S. Ahmed and from external Islam as Islamic anthropology or anthropology about Islam. Whatever the name suggests, anthropology still impressed only the human dimension, Living Islam offers a comprehensive perspective and integrated with various other scientific disciplines. This paper seeks to define living Islam in society theoretically with a framework of thought and practical research methods that can be used as a guide for research on Living Islam.

2021 ◽  
Dewi meylinta

Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan olehcorona virus, yang menjadi krisis kesehatan dunia karena penyebarannya yang sangat cepat(WHO, 2020). COVID-19 mulai terjadi pada bulan Desember 2019, wabah virus ini pertama kaliterjadi di kota Wuhan di Provinsi Hubei Tengah Cina (Holshue et al, 2020). Pada tanggal 11Januari Cina mengumumkan kematian COVID-19 pertamanya. Covid-19 telah menyebar keberbagai negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Merebaknya wabah ini pun meningkatkan jumlahkasus positif terjangkit Covid-19. Akibatnya, di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia mengalamidampak krisis kesehatan dan ekonomi.Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan sebagian besar orang merasa khawatir atau takut yangberlebihan dan berpikir yang tidak masuk akal. Tidak jarang mereka memiliki kecurigaan danprasangka pada orang yang memiliki tanda-tanda penderita Covid-19. Hal tersebut semakinmembuat orang semakin berusaha mencari berita mengenai Covid-19, dan tidak dapat memilahberita yang akurat sehingga memunculkan kecemasan. Keadaan demikian membuat seseorangmengalami stress. Stres dan kecemasan adalah reaksi terhadap situasi yang mengancam dan takterduga seperti dalam wabah pandemi koronavirus. Sehingga mengalami sulit tidur, sakit kepala,dan gangguan fisik lainnya. Inilah yang disebut kondisi stress."Kebijakan belajar dari rumah, bekerja dari rumah, dan ibadah di rumah terus digencarkan untukmengurangi penyebaran Covid-19," demikian disampaikan Presiden Joko Widodo. (Kompas, 6Maret 2020). Kebijakan tersebut diambil dalam kondisi darurat pandemi Covid-19 yang jumlahkasusnya terus bertambah. Sehingga untuk mengurangi potensi penyebaran Covid-19 kebijakantersebut tepat, meski dalam perjalanannya menimbulkan masalah baru bagi kalangan masyarakat,baik pelajar, pekerja/karyawan, dan seluruh rakyat, oleh karena seluruh kegiatan harus dilakukan di rumah, yang dikenal dengan istilah Work From Home (WFH) dan menerapkan socialdistancing. Hal tersebut semakin memicu terjadinya stress pada masyarakat

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 473-485
Maximiliane Reifenscheid ◽  
Katja Möhring

Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten in der Bevölkerung hinsichtlich der Sorgen vor einer Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus in den drei Alltagssituationen Arztbesuch, Einkauf und Arbeit. Während ältere Menschen vor allem beim Einkaufen besorgt sind, haben Personen mit Vorerkrankungen auch bei Arztbesuchen und bei der Arbeit erhöhte Sorgen vor einer Ansteckung. Besonders in frauendominierten Berufen wie im Gesundheits- und Bildungsbereich sind die Ansteckungssorgen deutlich ausgeprägt. Die Möglichkeit ganz oder auch nur teilweise von zu Hause arbeiten zu können, geht mit verringerten Ansteckungssorgen einher. Allerdings ist diese Möglichkeit ungleich verteilt. Beispielsweise haben Personen mit Vorerkrankungen keine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit von zu Hause zu arbeiten. Abstract: Concerns about Infection with the Corona Virus in Everyday Situations. What are the Differences in the Population? This article examines differences in the population with regard to concerns about an infection with the Corona virus in the three everyday situations doctor’s visit, shopping, and work. While older people are more concerned when shopping, people with pre-existing diseases also have heightened concerns about infection during doctoral appointments and at work. Concerns about infection at work are particularly pronounced in female-dominated occupations, such as health care and education. Working exclusively from home or even just partially helps to reduce worries. However, the possibility to work from home is unevenly distributed. For example, individuals with pre-existing conditions are not more likely to work from home.

2021 ◽  
Luthfi abdurrahman

Saat ini keadaan Indonesia mengalami kondisi tidak baik yang disebabkan oleh virus Covid-19 yang berasal dari Wuhan Cina. (WHO, 2020) menyatakan bahwa virus ini penularannya sangat cepat dan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Virus ini menyerang infeksi saluran pernapasan seperti batuk dan pilek namun sifatnya lebih mematikan. Berdasarkan data (Worldometer, 2020) Coronavirus Casses menyatakan 2.176.744 Pasien yang terpapar virus ini dan beberapa meninggal dunia sehingga wabah penyebaran virus ini disebut dengan pandemi Covid-19 dunia. Penyebaran virus ini bisa ditempat umum atau kerumunan, Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit (CDC) Amerika Serikat mengatakan penyebaran virus ini melalui kontak fisik seperti berjabat tangan maka dianjurkan agar mencuci tangan dengan benar dan baik sesuai langkah serta menggunakan masker jika keluar rumah untuk pencegahan penyebaran Corona Virus. Akibat dari pandemi Covid-19 membuat pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan baru demi menghentikan pemencaran Covid-19 yaitu mengimplementasikan ajakan masyarakat untuk melaksanakan Physical Distancing atau memberi jarak dengan orang lain sejauh satu meter dan menghindari kerumunan dan berbagai acara pertemuan yang menimbulkan perkumpulan (Covid-19, 2020). Selain itu pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan untuk Dirumah Saja seperti kerja dirumah atau Work From Home (WFH) dan kegiatan apapun yang berhubungan dengan perkumpulan atau pertemuan ditiadakan dan diganti dengan media online. (Kemendikbud, 2020) mengeluarkan Surat Edaran tentang Pembelajaran secara Daring dan Bekerja dari Rumah dalam Rangka Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19. Pembelajaran daring di Indonesia sebenarnya sudah diterapkan oleh beberapa pendidik sebelum pemberlakuan social distancing oleh pemerintah. Namun istilah pembelajaran daring semakin populer setelah social distancing. Pembelajaran daring yang diterapkan lebih cenderung pada bentuk penugasan via aplikasi. Siswa diberikan tugas- tugas untuk diselesaikan kemudian dikoreksi oleh guru sebagai bentuk penilaian dan diberikan komentar sebagai bentuk evaluasi (Syarifudin, 2020). Minat memiliki banyak efek positif pada proses dan hasil pembelajaran (Krapp, 2002), tingkat minat yang tinggi akan menyebabkan tingkat perhatian dan tingkat kesiapan siswa terlibat dalam objek pembelajaran sehingga menimbulkan kemungkinan keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran (Krapp, 1999).

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