scholarly journals Pandangan Masyarakat mengenai Keberadaan Tinggalan Arkeologi di Kawasan Kota Lama Gorontalo

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-178
Irfanuddin Wahid Marzuki ◽  
Putra Kamajaya ◽  
Nurachman Iriyanto ◽  
Ajeng Wulandari

Kawasan Kota Lama Gorontalo memiliki banyak tinggalan arkeologi berupa bangunan-bangunan indis dan kolonial, yang saat ini mengalami ancaman karena perkembangan kota dan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali persepsi masyarakat awam mengenai tinggalan-tinggalan arkeologi di kawasan Kota Lama Gorontalo. Banyaknya bangunan kolonial membuktikan kota Gorontalo telah ada dan berperan penting sejak lama masa kolonial. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan penalaran induktif. Tahap pengumpulan data memadukan antara studi pustaka dan pengamatan lapangan serta wawancara. Selain itu, untuk mendapatkan masukan dari para ahli dilakukan FGD yang melibatkan peneliti dari Balai Arkeologi, BPNB, akademisi, pemerintah daerah, guru, BPCB, dan professional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian masyarakat masih ada yang belum mengetahui kawasan Kota Lama, meskipun mereka beraktivitas di kawasan tersebut. Upaya sosialisasi kepada masyarakat mengenai kawasan Kota Lama diperlukan sehingga masyarakat menyadari keberadaan kawasan Kota Lama dan potensi arkeologi yang dimilikinya, pelestarian serta pengembangan kawasan. Stakeholder atau pemangku kepentingan di kawasan Kota Lama Gorontalo dapat dikelompokkan menjadi empat, yaitu; pemain kunci (pemerintah), subjek (pemilik/pemakai), pendukung (akademisi, LSM, budayawan), dan pengikut lain (masyarakat umum). Masing-masing stakeholder (pemangku kepentingan) memiliki fungsi dan peran sendiri-sendiri, sehingga perlu dikoordinasi dan disinergikan agar sesuai dengan tujuan, yaitu pelestarian dan pengelolaan kawasan yang sesuai dengan kondisi sosial budaya Gorontalo. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan dasar untuk kegiatan penelitian ke depan mengenai pengelolaan kawasan baik oleh Balai Arkeologi Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, akademisi, maupun pihak Pemerintah Daerah.   Kota Lama Gorontalo has many archaeological remains indis and colonial buildings, which are currently experiencing threats due to urban and economic developments. This study aims to explore the general public's perception of archaeological remains in the Kota Lama Gorontalo. The number of colonial buildings in Gorontalo proves that Gorontalo has existed and played an important role since the long colonial period. This research is descriptive with inductive reasoning. The data collection combines literature study and field observations and interviews. In addition, to get input from experts, an FGD was conducted which involved researchers from the Balai Arkeologi, BPNB, academics, local government, teachers, BPCB, and professionals. The results showed that some people still do not know Kota Lama, even though they are active in this area. Socialization efforts to the public regarding Kota Lama are needed so that people are aware of the existence of Kota Lama and its archaeological potential, preservation and development of the area. Stakeholders in Kota Lama Gorontalo can be grouped into four, namely; key players (government), subjects (owners / users), supporters (academics, NGOs, cultural observers), and other followers (general public). Each stakeholder (stakeholder) has its own function and role, so it needs to be coordinated and synergized so that it is in accordance with the objectives, namely the preservation and management of the area in accordance with the socio-cultural conditions of Gorontalo. The results of this study can be used as the basis for future research activities regarding area management by the Balai Arkeologi Sulawesi Utara Province, academics, and the local government.

2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 419-462 ◽  
Marta Rinaldi ◽  
Roberto Montanari ◽  
Eleonora Bottani

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a business process reengineering (BPR) approach to a public administration of Italy, to first assess the efficiency of the administration, then to redesign its internal processes, to improve the current performance. Design/methodology/approach – A detailed mapping of the AS IS processes of the public administration was initially carried out, together with the collection of the relevant data. Then, a simulation model was designed to support the BPR approach. In particular, the model was exploited to assess the performance of the AS IS scenario of the organization, then to investigate numerous TO BE process configurations and evaluate the achievable performance improvements. Findings – From the study, it emerged that the current efficiency level of the public administration examined has potentials to be significantly improved. For instance, by maintaining its current workforce, the public administration could consider the opportunity of providing additional services to the citizens or to serve citizens from the neighbouring municipalities. Otherwise, the organization could consider a reorganization and reduction of its current workforce, at the same time keeping the service level to its citizens almost unchanged. Research limitations/implications – Results of this study cannot be fully generalized, since the whole analysis is grounded on specific public administration. Moreover, although the simulation outcomes of the TO BE processes show interesting improvements compared to the AS IS scenario, the TO BE configurations were not (yet) implemented in practice. Therefore, the results provided should be confirmed in future research activities. Practical implications – The case study allowed deriving some useful guidelines to improve the efficiency of the public administration examined, as well as to identify some TO BE configurations that could be implemented in practice. Originality/value – Scientific literature includes a limited number of studies that evaluate the efficiency of public organizations in real contexts. Moreover, no studies target public administrations in Italy. Therefore, this case study represents an interesting addition to the literature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-154
Nyoman Arisanti ◽  
Nyoman Sunarya

Terdapat tiga daerah aliran sungai (DAS) yang mengandung tinggalan arkeologi yang tinggi, antara lain adalah DAS Pakerisan, DAS Wos, dan DAS Petanu. Salah satu tinggalan arkeologi masa prasejarah yang ditemukan pada DAS Petanu adalah sarkofagus. Sarkofagus DAS Petanu masih difungsikan oleh penduduk setempat sampai saat ini. Sarkofagus masuk kembali dalam sistem konteks sekali lagi, setelah melalui serangkaian proses pembentukan budaya, dan perubahan fungsi dalam tatanan kehidupan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami proses pembentukan budaya yang terjadi pada sarkofagus. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan fungsi sarkofagus dan faktor yang melatarbelakangi perubahan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan induktif-kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Sarkofagus telah mengalami berbagai proses mulai dari buat, pakai, buang, hingga digunakan kembali oleh masyarakat setempat saat ini. Terlepas dari signifikansinya dalam sistem ideologis, sarkofagus telah mengalami pergeseran fungsi dari konteks pemakaman menjadi ritus keagamaan yang lebih sakral. Perubahan fungsi sarkofagus ini disebabkan karena adanya perubahan ideologi masyarakat masa kini, dan adanya kepercayaan mengenai kekuatan benda kuno dalam masyarakat Hindu di Bali. There are three river catchments (DAS) that present abundant archaeological remains, including the Pakerisan, the Wos, and the Petanu. One of the prehistoric archaeological remains found in the Petanu river catchment is a sarcophagus. The sarcophagi of the Petanu river catchment are still used by local residents today. After going through a series of processes of cultural formation and changes in function in people’s living structure, once again the Petanu sarcophagi re-enters a context system. This study aims to comprehend the cultural formation process that has affected the purpose of the Petanu sarcophagi. Further, this study also aims to determine changes in the function of sarcophagi and the factors which caused the changes. This study uses qualitative-inductive reasoning. Data was collected by interview, observation, and literature study. The sarcophagi have undergone various processes ranging from making, using, disposing of, to being reused by the local community today. Despite its significance in the ideological system, the sarcophagus has undergone a shift in function from the context of a funeral to that of a more sacred religious rite. Such alteration in the function of the sarcophagus is due to changes in the ideology of today's society, and the belief in the power of ancient objects in Hindu society in Bali.

2021 ◽  
Bagus Candra Ramadhan ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

The Book Sejarah Kereta Api Yogyakarta 1917-1942 was published as a complement to reading about the railroad network that had existed in the kingdom during the colonial period. In addition, this book is a means of education for the public that trains are not just transportation for mobility from one place to another. However, trains can be a vital element and influence the social, economic, political and cultural conditions in a society. The author also hopes that today's society will not forget about the great contribution that the railroad network has made.

Aditama Aditama ◽  
Nadira Bella Rachmanti ◽  
Siti Rohmah Soekarba

This paper analyzes a film as one of the media with the ability to convey certain messages to the public. Films can reflect the social and cultural conditions of society, thereby they can be used to spread the current ideas, views, and ideologies of a country. Films in Turkey are part of a culture that has developed rapidly and has become an entertainment for the people. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk reformed and turned Turkey into a new country with the ideology of secularism, controlling religious institutions and expressions. This journal article aims to describe the implementation of Turkish secular ideology in the country's cultural settings, namely censorship of religious elements in Turkish films from 1939 to 1990. The method used in this article is critical descriptive through literature study. This article concludes that censorship is not only practiced to maintain secularism in Turkey, but also to protect the religion itself.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-106
Sonya Martha Kawer

The process of colonization to the eastern region of Indonesia has left many archaeological remains in the areas that became the center or connecting power. Biak Noemfoor become one of the important areas of colonization. Colonial heritage in Biak Noemfoor found, such as: the former home of the Netherlands, the former home of America, attributes wars, currency, and caves hideout Japanese army during World War II. To identify the findings, this study used qualitative methods by applying the techniques of interview, observation, and literature study. The findings intended to be utilized as educational materials Papua historical colonial period. In addition, this study also aims to demonstrate the historic sites that need to be maintained and preserved or developed as a historical tourist attraction. AbstrakProses kolonisasi ke wilayah timur Indonesia telah meninggalkan banyak tinggalan arkeologi di daerah-daerah yang menjadi pusat atau penghubung kekuasaannya. Biak Numfor menjadi salah satu daerah penting kolonisasi. Peninggalan kolonial di Biak Numfor yang ditemukan, berupa: bekas rumah Belanda, bekas rumah Amerika, atribut perang, mata uang, dan gua-gua tempat persembunyian tentara Jepang pada saat Perang Dunia II. Untuk mengidentifikasi temuan, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menerapkan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Hasil temuan ditujukan untuk dapat didayagunakan sebagai bahan pendidikan sejarah Papua masa penjajahan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan menunjukkan situs bersejarah yang perlu dijaga dan dilestarikan dan atau dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata sejarah.

1993 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 523-536 ◽  
Donald C. Menzel

This paper seeks to contribute to a small but growing body of empirical based knowledge of government ethics. The study objectives are (1) to document the extent to which ethics induced stress exists in public organizations, (2) to examine a set of variables that, separately and collectively, may foster or mitigate ethics induced stress in the public workplace, and (3) to offer suggestions, if not guidance about future research in this largely unchartered area. The study population consists of employees of a medium size city and a large urban county. The findings suggest that ethics induced stress, although not severe, is commonplace. Additionally, the results of this study indicate that there is a strong relationship between the emphasis placed on organizational values such as excellence and teamwork and lower levels of ethics stress in the workplace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Karel Charvat ◽  
Vaclav Safar ◽  
Hana Kubickova ◽  
Sarka Horakova ◽  
Tomas Mildorf

The EO4Agri Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) is a set of recommendations for future research activities in the area of Earth observation for agriculture. The EO4AGRI project provides support to all agri-food sectors based on new uses of COPERNICUS data. At first, part of the deliverable collected user needs from previous work are summarised including gaps in data, delivery platforms and knowledge management. Another input was an analysis of the current political framework and its influence on future agriculture. The implementation of the European Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require future collaboration of the public and private sectors. The main part of the SRA is a list of recommendations for future activities in the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), Horizon Europe (Annex 4 and Annex 6) and the Digital Europe programmes. It is not a revision of these programmes, but additional recommendations or tasks which are important to consider in updating the future programmes.

Marlene Kunst

Abstract. Comments sections under news articles have become popular spaces for audience members to oppose the mainstream media’s perspective on political issues by expressing alternative views. This kind of challenge to mainstream discourses is a necessary element of proper deliberation. However, due to heuristic information processing and the public concern about disinformation online, readers of comments sections may be inherently skeptical about user comments that counter the views of mainstream media. Consequently, commenters with alternative views may participate in discussions from a position of disadvantage because their contributions are scrutinized particularly critically. Nevertheless, this effect has hitherto not been empirically established. To address this gap, a multifactorial, between-subjects experimental study ( N = 166) was conducted that investigated how participants assess the credibility and argument quality of media-dissonant user comments relative to media-congruent user comments. The findings revealed that media-dissonant user comments are, indeed, disadvantaged in online discussions, as they are assessed as less credible and more poorly argued than media-congruent user comments. Moreover, the findings showed that the higher the participants’ level of media trust, the worse the assessment of media-dissonant user comments relative to media-congruent user comments. Normative implications and avenues for future research are discussed.

2017 ◽  
pp. 5-29 ◽  
Cristian Carini ◽  
Laura Rocca ◽  
Claudio Teodori ◽  
Monica Veneziani

The European Commission initiated a discussion on the expediency of using the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), based on the IAS/IFRS, as a common base for harmonizing the public sector accounting systems of the member states. However, literature suggests that accounting is not neutral with respect to the economic, social and political dimensions. In the perspective of evolution of the accounting regulation outlined, balanced between accountability, with the need to represent phenomena for reporting pur-poses, and decisionmaking issues, which concentrates on the quantitative importance of the values, the paper aims to analyse the effects of the application of different criteria for the definition of the reporting entity of the local government consolidated financial statements (CFS). The Italian PCA 4/4, the test of control and the financial accountability approaches are examined. The evidence that emerged from the case studies examined identifies several criticalities in the Italian PCA 4/4 and support the thesis that the financial accountability approach is more effective in providing a complete representation of the public resources entrusted to and managed by the group, whereas the control approach better approximates quantification of the group results in terms of central government surveillance. The analysis highlights the importance of the post implementation review period and the opportunity to contextualize the adoption of the consolidated financial statement in the broader spectrum of the accounting harmonization process, participating in the process of definition of the European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS).

2016 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Edward Hutagalung

The fi nancial relationship between central and local government can be defi ned as a system that regulates how some funds were divided among various levels of government as well as how to fi ndsources of local empowerment to support the activities of the public sector.Fiscal decentralization is the delegation of authority granted by the central government to theregions to make policy in the area of   fi nancial management.One of the main pillars of regional autonomy is a regional authority to independently manage thefi nancial area. State of Indonesia as a unitary state of Indonesia adheres to a combination of elementsof recognition for local authorities to independently manage fi nances combined with the element oftransferring fi scal authority and supervision of the fi scal policy area.General Allocation Fund an area allocated on the basis of the fi scal gap and basic allocation whilethe fi scal gap is reduced by the fi scal needs of local fi scal capacity. Fiscal capacity of local sources offunding that comes from the area of   regional revenue and Tax Sharing Funds outside the ReforestationFund.The results showed that the strengthening of local fi scal capacity is in line with regional autonomy.

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