scholarly journals Mitos Keris dalam Novel Hunus Karya Sunaryono Basuki Ks

2018 ◽  
pp. 572
Sri Septi Dwi Jayanti Putri ◽  
Maria Matildis Banda ◽  
Sri Jumadiah

The object of this study was the novel Hunus by Sunaryono Basuki Ks. The novel Hunus was analyzed by using theory of structure and theory of literature sociology. The using of theory of literature sociology in this study was proper because the novel Hunus had an intense social depiction of traditional belief about the supernatural power of kris. The problems of study discussed were the structure of the novel and the myth of kris within the aspects of culture, religion, and education that were revealed in the novel Hunus. The structure of the novel Hunus encompassed: plots, characterization, and backgrounds. The plots of the novel Hunus used the plot of mix. The characterization was divided into the main character and the additional characters, the main character was Anthony Wright, and the additional characters were Anak Agung Ngurah Ari Maharani, Wayan, Husni, and Ida Bagus Sudiara. The background of place happened in Jakarta and England, the background of time was in 1990’s, and the background of social told about the life of Balinese people. The myth of kris in the novel Hunus was focused on three aspects; they were the aspects of culture, religion, and education. The aspect of culture discussed about the ceremony of Tumpek Landep. In the novel, it was explained about the procedures of Balinese people in purifying heirlooms, in this case it was kris, on the ceremony of Tumpek Landep. The aspect of religion discussed about the religious background of the characters who believed in the myth of kris. Tony with his personal religious principle considered that the myth of kris was just a fairytale or superstition which only applied to the people who believed it. Meanwhile Gung Ari (Tony’s wife) was Hindu that she believed in the myth of kris from generation to generation in the form of religious advice that had to be believed as customs which had existed in Balinese society. Then, his thought changed when he experienced the spiritual power of kris that "killed" everytime being impaled. Meanwhile Gung Ari (Tony's wife) was Hindu that she believed in the myth of kris from generation to generation in the form of spiritual advice or the ritual of Tumpek Landep that had to be believed. The aspect of education discussed about the education obtained by the religious characters that influenced the perspective towards the myth of kris that happened in the conflict of the novel. Getting the same formal education, but Gung Ari obtained an informal education from her family about the myth of kris. The myth of kris in the novel Hunus taught us that we must respect every faith in a society even though we were not born and grown in the belief of that myth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-116
Muhammad Rosyid H.W.

Penelitian ini bertujuan membahas hubungan intertekstual novel Candra Kirana karya Ajip Rosidi dengan "Tjerita Panji Angreni". Unsur apa saja dan bagaimana novel Candra Kirana memiliki hubungan intertekstual dengan "Tjerita Panji Angreni' sebagai teks hipogramnya adalah pertanyaan penelitian ini. Dalam menelaah hubungan intertekstual ini, penulis menggunakan teori intertekstual Michael Riffaterre yang menitikberatkan pada analisis isi dengan metode pembacaan heuristik dan hermeneutik. Temuan penelitian ini adalah bahwa novel Candra Kirana menunjukkan hubungan intertekstual dengan Tjerita Panji Angreni melalui unsur tema, citra tokoh, dan alur cerita. Meskipun demikian, novel Candra Kirana juga mentransformasikan makna-makna progresif yang berbeda dengan "Tjerita Panji Angreni", seperti makna nasionalisme yang berupa cinta akan kerajaan, makna kesetaraan gender yang berupa kesetiaan laki-laki, keberanian, kekuatan, perjuangan dan ketidakpasrahan perempuan, makna kerakyatan dengan pelibatan tokoh utama dari kalangan rakyat dan makna religiusitas yang berbentuk dasar niat Panji dalam mencari pasangan hidup.[Intertextuality on Novel Candra Kirana and "Tjerita Panji Angreni": Riffaterres Perspective] This research aims to discuss the intertextuality of Candra Kirana novel by Ajip Rosidi with "Tjerita Panji Angreni". What elements and to what extend Candra Kirana novel has an intertextual relationship with Tjerita Panji Angreni as the hipogram text were the questions of this research. In examining this intertextual relationship, the writer used Michael Riffaterre's intertextual theory which focused on content analysis with heuristic and hermeneutic readings. The findings of this study were that the novel Candra Kirana showed intertextuality with the "Tjerita Panji Angreni" through elements of themes, character images, and story lines. Even so, Candra Kirana's novel also transformed progressive meanings that differ from the Tjerita Panji Angreni such as the meaning of nationalism in the form of love for the kingdom, the meaning of gender equality in the form of male loyalty, courage, strength, struggle and women's insecurity, the meaning of populist with engagement the main character of the people and the meaning of religiosity in the form of Panji's intention in finding a life partner.Keywords: intertextuality; novel; "Tjerita Panji Angreni"

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-165
E. V. Kapinos

The article relates to the last novel by D. A. Prigov “Katya the Chinese” (published in 2007), based on the memories of the writer’s wife, N. G. Burova from Harbin, who was born and grew up in the Russian China and left it in 1950s. The main task of the article is to show what stylistic techniques, plots, motives, subtexts allow to recreate the atmosphere of the Russian China and the generalized image of the East. The narration synthesizes the memories of the people of Harbin and recognizable storylines of D. A. Prigov’s work (such, for example, as a fantastic bestiary). In the subtext of the novel the following works are found: feuilleton by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “Nikudykin the Commtied”, pro- totyped by the “futurist of life” V. Goltsshmidt, who traveled in 1918–1920s with lectures on Siberia and the Far East, V. Nabokov’s novel “The Gift” with his father’s Asian journey (the plot about his father in “The Gift” influenced the plot about the girl’s father in “Katya the Chinese”), the “Chinese” stories by J. L. Borges “The Garden of Forking Paths” and “The Analytical language of John Wilkins”, etc. In Prigov’s narrative, a particular role is played by an autobiographical excerpt about the Tashkent artist A. N. Volkov and an insertion novel about the “Monastery of Flying Cats”, in- tentionally inaccurately stylized by Prigov as a Chinese legend. Many motifs and subtexts of the novel pass through the prism of the child’s consciousness (the “girl’s”, who is the main character of the novel), which gives the image of the Russian East, along with documentary, fantastic features.

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Muhammad Arif

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konteks deradikalisasi Islam melalui pendidikan multikultural berbasis kearifan lokal. Untuk maksud tersebut, dilakukan penelitian mendalam pada masyarakat Cigugur. Penelitian menghasilkan temuan bahwa sikap toleran, saling menghargai, saling menghormati, dan bahkan saling bekerja sama yang tercipta dalam kehidupan masyarakat Cigugur yang multi agama dan multikultural didukung oleh aktualisasi pendidikan multikultural berbasis kearifan lokal yang mencakup tiga dimensi, yakni dimensi waktu, dimensi tempat, dan dimensi isi. Menurut dimensi waktu, pendidikan diselenggarakan dalam tiga fase, yakni sateuacan nitis (sebelum nitis), sateuacan boboran (sebelum lahir), dan saatosna boboran (setelah lahir). Menurut dimensi tempat, masyarakat Cigugur menyelenggarakan pendidikan di lingkungan keluarga (pendidikan informal), lingkungan sekolah (pendidikan formal), dan lingkungan masyarakat (pendidikan nonformal). Sementara, menurut dimensi isi, terdapat etika sebagai pedoman dan tuntunan berperilaku sosial yakni berupa cara ciri manusia dan cara ciri bangsa. This article aims to describe the context of the de-radicalization of Islam through multicultural education based on local wisdom. For this purpose, conducted in-depth research on Cigugur society. The study produced findings that tolerance, mutual respect, and even cooperate with each other in Cigugur society that’s multi-religious and multicultural, supported by the actualization of multicultural education based on local wisdom that includes three dimensions, namely the dimension of time, the dimensions of the place, and dimensional content. According to the dimension of time, education was held in three phases, namely “sateuacan nitis” (before mariage), “sateuacan boboran” (before birth), and “saatosna boboran” (after birth). According to the dimensions of the place, the people Cigugur education in the family environment (informal education), school environment (formal education) and community (non-formal education). Meanwhile, according to the dimensions of the content, there are ethical guidelines and guidance in social behavior, namely “cara ciri manusia” and “cara-ciri bangsa”.

2018 ◽  
pp. 115
Lita Kartika ◽  
I Ketut Sudewa ◽  
I G.A.A Mas Triadnyani

Novel of Burung-Burung Migran by Miranda Harlan and Sutik A.S. is selected as the object of study for several reasons. First, BBM novel contains social issues of migrant workers' lives which is reflected in the story. Second, the novel of BBM tells a conflict how hard the lives of the migrant workers who are fighting for survival. The issues discussed are structural and social aspects of the lives of migrant workers contained in the BBM novel. The theory used in this analysis, namely structural theory that emphasizes the elements of the plot, characterization, and setting. Followed by the theory of sociology of literature that prioritizes literary text as a review in accordance with the theory of Sapardi Djoko Damono. Methods and techniques used in this study are three, namely: (1) methods and techniques of data collection, used literature review which methods and techniques used are the techniques of reading, record; (2) methods and techniques of data analysis used descriptive analysis and then proceed with reading and listening techniques; (3) methods and techniques of presenting the results of data analysis described in the format of a good and correct thesis writing. Based on the results of the analysis can be concluded that, according to Nurgiyantoro structure analysis includes three aspects namely, characterization, plot, and setting. Characterization is divided into main character and additional characters. The main character is Sutik, additional characters, namely: Yamin, Mak-Bapak, Asih, A Beng & A Nyi, Chow & Tessa, Bang Man, Sumiati. Characterization includes three elements namely, physiological, psychological and sociological elements. The plot is divided into three stages, namely the initial stage, middle stage, and the final stage. Chronological plot is used in the BBM novel. The setting is divided into three, i.e. the place, time, and social background. Setting of places, including: Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Setting of time is around the year of 1976-2010. Social background tells the society of Tretes Village. The moral aspects of migrant workers that were revealed in this novel is the problem of good and bad moral. The social aspect deals with Sutik's relationship with family, society, and individual. There are two aspects of education, namely formal education and informal education. The cultural aspect describes the behavior of people in Indonesia and in Malaysia. Economic aspects of the BBM novel reveal the problems of changed level of prosperity in the societies in which Sutik’s live in that is Tretes village.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
M Ihsan Dacholfany

The non-formal education of an education service that is not limited by age, time, gender, race (ethnicity, descent), economy, socio-cultural conditions, religion and so on, although formal education is an essential component of lifelong education, Informal education in the framework of lifelong educational services for the community is needed now and in the future. Herewith the Researcher uses analytic descriptive method with case study variation. Descriptive analytic method is a method of research that emphasizes the effort to obtain information about the status or symptoms at the time of the study, provide an overview of the phenomena, also further explain the relationship, and draw the meaning of a desired problem. The research in Learning centers al-Suroya in which there is Non Formal Education which is carried out especially Package B and Package C and others can fulfill a function in the effort to serve the needs of society outside the school system, the main target of non formal education and is needed by the community especially the people who want Continuing education, as well as developing the ability of interest and talent as well as training, in the hope that this program is implemented in accordance with the ability of the community despite many obstacles.

2019 ◽  
Vol 168 ◽  
pp. 461-473
Jelena Jovanović (Vulović)

The motif of death in Serbian modernist novels: Newcomers by Milutin UskokovićThis paper discusses the way the motif of death is shaped in the novel Newcomers by Milutin Uskoković, whose narrative strategies represent well the poetics of prose texts from the beginning of the 20th century. Analysis is conducted based on the conclusions of classical, but also postclassical specifically, cognitive narratology. The central point of this research is the domination of internal focalization which, by changing the narrator’s position, significantly changes the position and function of the main character. All other features of the text derive precisely from creating this kind of narrative situation. A short history of reading this text is provided within the study of narrative procedures that shaped the motif of death in the aforementioned novel. This should point towards a new shift in its interpretation, which was enabled by the achievements of contemporary theory of literature.  Мотив смерти в романах сербского модерна:Пришельци Милутина УскоковичаВ статье рассматриваются способы описания мотива смерти в романах сербского модернизма. Самым значительным среди ряда романов считается роман Милутинa Ускоковичa „Пришельцы“, иллюстрирующий поэтику прозаических текстов начала прошлого века, в которых мотивы исчезновения такие как физическая смерть, отъезд, безумие были почти неизбежными. В анализе автор опирается на выводы классической, но и постклассической точнее когнитивной нарратологии. Объектом исследования, прежде всего, является доминирование внутренней фокализации, заменяющей место повествователя, что в конечном итоге в значительной мере, меняет позицию и функцию героя. Кроме исследования наративных стратегий, в статье представлен обзор рецепции этого текста, прослеживается динамика в восприятии романа, которая оформлена в соответствии с принципами современной теории литературы.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 164
Hanif Ivo Khusri Wardani ◽  
Rina Ratih Sri Sudaryani

Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan citra perempuan pada tokoh utama dalam novel “Kala” karya Stefani Bella dan Syahid Muhammad dengan kajian feminisme ideologis. Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik kepustakaan dan teknik baca-catat serta metode membaca sebagai perempuan. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: (1) citra fisik Lara adalah perempuan dewasa yang sederhana, apa adanya, dan tidak suka bersolek, (2) citra psikis Lara adalah perempuan yang berjiwa kuat, tegar, tanggung jawab, dan mandiri, (3) citra sosial Lara dalam keluarga adalah anak perempuan yang berbakti kepada orang tuanya, dan (4) citra sosial Lara dalam masyarakat adalah perempuan yang ramah, mudah bergaul, dan aktif berkegiatan. Sosok perempuan dalam novel “Kala” ini menggambarkan sosok perempuan yang berhasil menyetarakan kedudukannya dengan laki-laki khususnya dalam bidang pekerjaan di ranah publik. Ketidakadilan yang dihadapinya karena jenis kelamin tidak menjadikan perempuan lemah dan terpuruk tetapi membangkitkan semangatnya menjadi perempuan yang mandiri.Katakunci: citra, perempuan, feminis ideologisAbstract:The study aimed to describe the woman’s image reflected by the main character of Kala, a novel written by Stefani Bella and Syahid Muhammad. The woman’s image was viewed from an ideological feminism approach. The research was descriptive qualitative of which the data were collected through library study and note-taking, as well as reading as woman. The study results in several findings. First, Lara’s physical image was described as modest, natural, and not keen on prinking herself. Second, psychologically, Lara’s image was strong, tough, responsible, and independent. Third, Lara’s social image in the family was filial to her parents, and fourth, Lara’s social image in society was described as friendly, sociable, and active. The woman’s figure in the novel shows the one who is able to equalize the position with men, especially in occupations related to the people. The inequality as experienced by the character should not weaken women. Instead, it should encourage women to be independent.Keywords: image, women, ideological feminism

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Dwi Masdi Widada

<p><em>The phrase that describes that a science should be pursued even to China. Novel Assalamualaikum Beijing provides an overview of the presence of Islam in the Bamboo Curtain country. Islamic civilization has appeared some time ago in China. The novel is intentionally prove that Islam was, and triumphed in China. Islam not only had triumphed in Europe, especially Andalusia (now Spain). Travelling around the main character of China as a columnist Asma Indonesia provided a glimmer of hope, strength, and love of the teachings of Islam. Islam never lived and interacted with the people of China. Chinese Muslim faces with hoods and eyes sipitnya show relationships and interactions among the Muslims. Islam in China is known as "pure religion of the sky" .In this novel, the reader is also treated to the values </em><em></em><em>of Islamic education, the history of Islam, and the messages of Islam. Building a mosque in China a sign of the existence of Islam. One of the mosques and Muslim villages in China. This shows the triumph of Islam in the past. The value of education and the propagation of Islam seen in self Zhongwen figures. He was fascinated with friends Mus'ab bin Umair handsome and willing to remove the sparkling world for his new love in Islam</em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Islamic Civilization, Islamic Education Value, China</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 342-350
N. Vinky Rahman ◽  
Esra Monica Aruan

Performing Art and Culture Center is a building that functions as a center of activity to accommodate the creativity of the community in the field of art as well as public space facilities in the city of Medan. The center for arts and culture is expected to be able to respond to the problem of Medan City in providing community space and informal education facilities so that this function aims as a community space that can accommodate artistic activities with adequate facilities. The method used in designing this project is a data collection through field surveys and literature studies. This project is one of the functions in the revitalization of the Integrated Hamdan Area in Medan Maimun District. To reflect the concept of revival and as an innovative design, the theme of this project is contemporary architecture. This project will be a non-formal education facility that is educational and entertaining. With this function, Performing Arts and Culture can increase tourism in Medan, a place to create value for the creativity of the community, increase the sensitivity of the people of Medan city towards traditional and modern cultural arts, and make Medan a cultured city.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-72
Octavia Putri ◽  
Safitri Hariani

This research is to  analyze  the bravery of a woman in facing gender inequality in Danielle Steel's Novel The Right Time. Alexandra Winslow is a young woman who has a dream to be a crime thriller story writer. During the journey of realizing her dream as a writer, she should be brave to face discrimination from male crime thriller writers and gender inequality from society. This research is completed by the use of descriptive qualitative method. The data are obtained by quoting related quotations from the story of the novel. Then, the data analysis is conducted by classifying the data related to the research problems of this study. The results show that there are three types of bravery done by the main character: bravery to fight against marginalization, abolish stereotype and thwart violence. Winslow's ability to write is not in doubt. Those who know Winslow closely and have read her writings find Winslow's writing to be extraordinary. Thanking to the support of the people around him, Winslow dares to continue her dream of becoming a famous writer even though she has to hide behind the identity of a man.

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