scholarly journals Kehidupan Buruh Migran dalam Novel Burung-Burung Migran Karya Miranda Harlan dan Sutik A.S.

2018 ◽  
pp. 115
Lita Kartika ◽  
I Ketut Sudewa ◽  
I G.A.A Mas Triadnyani

Novel of Burung-Burung Migran by Miranda Harlan and Sutik A.S. is selected as the object of study for several reasons. First, BBM novel contains social issues of migrant workers' lives which is reflected in the story. Second, the novel of BBM tells a conflict how hard the lives of the migrant workers who are fighting for survival. The issues discussed are structural and social aspects of the lives of migrant workers contained in the BBM novel. The theory used in this analysis, namely structural theory that emphasizes the elements of the plot, characterization, and setting. Followed by the theory of sociology of literature that prioritizes literary text as a review in accordance with the theory of Sapardi Djoko Damono. Methods and techniques used in this study are three, namely: (1) methods and techniques of data collection, used literature review which methods and techniques used are the techniques of reading, record; (2) methods and techniques of data analysis used descriptive analysis and then proceed with reading and listening techniques; (3) methods and techniques of presenting the results of data analysis described in the format of a good and correct thesis writing. Based on the results of the analysis can be concluded that, according to Nurgiyantoro structure analysis includes three aspects namely, characterization, plot, and setting. Characterization is divided into main character and additional characters. The main character is Sutik, additional characters, namely: Yamin, Mak-Bapak, Asih, A Beng & A Nyi, Chow & Tessa, Bang Man, Sumiati. Characterization includes three elements namely, physiological, psychological and sociological elements. The plot is divided into three stages, namely the initial stage, middle stage, and the final stage. Chronological plot is used in the BBM novel. The setting is divided into three, i.e. the place, time, and social background. Setting of places, including: Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Setting of time is around the year of 1976-2010. Social background tells the society of Tretes Village. The moral aspects of migrant workers that were revealed in this novel is the problem of good and bad moral. The social aspect deals with Sutik's relationship with family, society, and individual. There are two aspects of education, namely formal education and informal education. The cultural aspect describes the behavior of people in Indonesia and in Malaysia. Economic aspects of the BBM novel reveal the problems of changed level of prosperity in the societies in which Sutik’s live in that is Tretes village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012094
D C Hidayat ◽  
Surati ◽  
Sylviani ◽  
N Sakuntaladewi ◽  
K Ariawan ◽  

Abstract Customary forest utilization to improve the indigenous (adat) community welfare must be in line with local wisdom and preserving ecological function, even though they are no longer part of the state forest. In term of sustainable customary forest management, knowledge related to customary forest utilization and community welfare is getting significant to be study object. The paper aims to identify and analyse the determinants of indigenous community’s income. It was conducted in indigenous community of Kasepuhan Karang, Banten in 2018. Data collection was taken by purposive sampling, processed by ordinal logistic correlation and descriptive analysis. The results show the indigenous community has high level of dependence on the forest through on and off farm. From the respondents, the average income from forest use is below the regional minimum wage. While from the partial test results, it is concluded the land owned area and the livelihood type have a significant positive effect on the income level. Therefore, land distribution should be well managed due to conservation issue and livelihoods diversification to increase income level. Nonetheless, formal education level undetermined on income level. Informal education, capacity building of the community regarding to sustainable customary forest management needs to be organized.

Ni Luh Putu Erma Mertaningrum ◽  
Wayan - Windia ◽  
Ratna Komala Dewi

ABSTRACT In an effort to agro-tourism development at Subak Uma Lambing, it is necessary to analyze the potential, form of development, and suitability between the ideal situation and the actual situation of subak. Based on that, it is necessary to do analysis based on the concept of Tri Hita Karana. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential,  the  form of agro-tourism  development,  and  the suitability between the ideal situation and the actual situation at Subak Uma Lambing related to the agro-tourism development based on Tri Hita Karana concept. This research used pekaseh and tourism actors as a main informant, and the member of subak as respondent. Methods and techniques of data collection used are observation, in-depth interviews, questionaires, documentation, and triangulation. Data analysis methods and techniques used are qualitative descriptive analysis, and matrices analysis of relationships between technology sub-systems and cultural sub- systems. The results showed that Subak Uma Lambing has the potential of tourist attraction,  transportation  type,  electricity  flow  and  lighting.  Roads,  parking  lots, health facilities, food and beverage kiosks, souvenir shops, lodging, and accessibility based on distance and ease with other tourist locations. Agro-tourism is developed using an mindset aspect, social aspect, and artifacts aspect with alternative forms of agro-tourism is tracking, jogging, cycling, metekap, nandur, manyi, feeding cows, feeding fish, fishing trips, fruits and vegetables picking tours, studying rindic instruments, watching ritual activities, enjoy typical Balinese food, mejejahitan, capil wraping, traditional games, entertainment Balinese Dance and stay at krama subak home. In general, the application of the concept of Tri Hita Karana approaching the ideal situation, but on the relationship of social sub-system with sub-organoware system has not reached the ideal. In this study, it is advisable to maintain the cleanliness of irrigation channels, as well as to improve and equip facilit ies and infrastructure. An agreement needs to be made on manners, local government and tourism bureaus, collaboration between subak institution and krama to realizing the artifact aspects.

2018 ◽  
pp. 572
Sri Septi Dwi Jayanti Putri ◽  
Maria Matildis Banda ◽  
Sri Jumadiah

The object of this study was the novel Hunus by Sunaryono Basuki Ks. The novel Hunus was analyzed by using theory of structure and theory of literature sociology. The using of theory of literature sociology in this study was proper because the novel Hunus had an intense social depiction of traditional belief about the supernatural power of kris. The problems of study discussed were the structure of the novel and the myth of kris within the aspects of culture, religion, and education that were revealed in the novel Hunus. The structure of the novel Hunus encompassed: plots, characterization, and backgrounds. The plots of the novel Hunus used the plot of mix. The characterization was divided into the main character and the additional characters, the main character was Anthony Wright, and the additional characters were Anak Agung Ngurah Ari Maharani, Wayan, Husni, and Ida Bagus Sudiara. The background of place happened in Jakarta and England, the background of time was in 1990’s, and the background of social told about the life of Balinese people. The myth of kris in the novel Hunus was focused on three aspects; they were the aspects of culture, religion, and education. The aspect of culture discussed about the ceremony of Tumpek Landep. In the novel, it was explained about the procedures of Balinese people in purifying heirlooms, in this case it was kris, on the ceremony of Tumpek Landep. The aspect of religion discussed about the religious background of the characters who believed in the myth of kris. Tony with his personal religious principle considered that the myth of kris was just a fairytale or superstition which only applied to the people who believed it. Meanwhile Gung Ari (Tony’s wife) was Hindu that she believed in the myth of kris from generation to generation in the form of religious advice that had to be believed as customs which had existed in Balinese society. Then, his thought changed when he experienced the spiritual power of kris that "killed" everytime being impaled. Meanwhile Gung Ari (Tony's wife) was Hindu that she believed in the myth of kris from generation to generation in the form of spiritual advice or the ritual of Tumpek Landep that had to be believed. The aspect of education discussed about the education obtained by the religious characters that influenced the perspective towards the myth of kris that happened in the conflict of the novel. Getting the same formal education, but Gung Ari obtained an informal education from her family about the myth of kris. The myth of kris in the novel Hunus taught us that we must respect every faith in a society even though we were not born and grown in the belief of that myth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Bambang Tri Murdianto

This research examines the inner conflict of the main character in the short story The Doctor and the Doctor’s wife by Ernest Hemingway. The purpose of this study is to describe the inner conflict and background of inner conflict in the short story The Doctor and the Doctor’s wife. This reasearch is qualitative. The research method is descriptive analysis, Descriptive analyzes carried out by way of description of the facts which are then followed by analysis. By looking at the data contained in the short story The Doctor and the Doctor’s wife by Ernest Hemingway, in which it is to reveal inner conflict of the main character, background of inner conflict, eksternal factor and internal factor. From the conclusion of the data analysis, inner conflict of the main character is emergence of fear, hesitancy, and anger caused by non-fulfillment of  physiological needs, honor, security, self-actualization on main character. The inner conflict event influenced by aspect id,ego, and superego.  Inner conflict the main character is more concerned with statisfying the id with ego. Superego functioning resulting in only in some cases.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
I Wayan Pande Sumardika

This study uses Kidung Tunjung Biru as object. The problems raised in this study include structure and the meaning of Kidung Tunjung Biru. Theory which was employed in this study is a structural theory and semiotic theory. Methods and techniques used in this study were divided into three phases, (1) the stage of data collection method is used to read assisted with translation techniques, (2) the stage of data analysis used descriptive analysis method, and (3) the stage of presentation of the results of the analysis used informal and formal methods. The results obtained from this study is structure of Kidung Tunjung Biru consisting of: metrum and languages. The meaning contained in Kidung Tunjung Biru, consisting of: flowers in a symbolic;the expression of love; and the concept of kalepasan (unity of God and Human).

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Husna Nashihin

<p><em>This article is a field research that uses the phenomenology approach. Data analysis used in tihis article is qualitative analysis. Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School is an orphanage-specific boarding school. The internalization of independence character for santri is one of the main goals. This research has the following backgrounds; First, there is still a moral decadence in society today. Second, it is necessary to develop character education using habituation methods based on activities. Third, Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School has implemented character habituation based on the management of pesantren activities. Fourth, the Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School is an orphanage-specific boarding school, so there is a demand for santri to be more independent. Fifth, the character of independence becomes the main character instilled in this pesantren. Sixth, there is no research on the habituation of the character of independence in the Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. Furthermore, there are three urgent things to study, namely; first, the concept of character education at Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. Second, the basic of the internalization of the character of the santri in Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. Third, the habituation of the character of the independence of the santri at the Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School. The concept of character education in the pesantren is in line with the theoretical conception of character education. There are seven activities in Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School, namely; formal education and yellow book teaching, recitation and routine mujahadah, incidental activities, donations, cooking and cathering for serving food, management of kyai’s houses, and cleanliness of the boarding. Habituation of the character of independence is carried out by managing all this seven pesantren activities independently.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Character Habituation; Independence of Santri; Zuhriyah Islamic Boarding School</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Nanang Nanang ◽  
Hendri Tanjung ◽  
Ibdalsyah Ibdalsyah

The focus of the problem in this study is the assessment of health assessments by analyzing the performance of managers and managers, the strategy in developing the BMT Swadaya Indigenous in community empowerment cooperation program with PT. Holcim Indonesia, seen from the influence on improving the welfare of Klapanunggal people.� The approach used in this research is by searching and collecting data, as well as library study which concerns the theories about micro finance institutions, syari'ah financial services products and others related to BMT Swadaya Indigenous with various existing patterns. Processing and data analysis in this study using qualitative descriptive analysis method to measure the analysis that includes characteristics, behavior and financing system. In this case we use SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).� Based on the results of data analysis conducted in this study gives the conclusion that corporate social responsibility can give effect to the improvement of people's life welfare. This happens because in the CSR capital participation can minimize the social issues that are warm in the community. CSR contribution in community economic development is to involve all components of society in corporate CSR activities. This has been done by PT. Holcim Indonesia by initiating the establishment of BMT Swadaya Indigenous through fund participation as revolving capital of empowerment to the community has illustrated the success in the implementation of corporate CSR. And based on the results of data analysis and discussion that has been done in the previous chapters, the General Level of Health Performance BMT Swadaya Indigenous included in the category Fair Enough.� Based on the research findings BMT SP need to improve efficiency, reserve fund disbursement is more proportional, it takes a policy strategy that is more concerned with local values of the community and the need for participation of all levels of society and expanded so that parties who have never get CSR program the company can feel also corporate CSR activities .

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 266-280

Abstract:This research aims as follow to determine the processes, outcomes and constraintsfaced by Hindu family in growing responsible behavior in Mataram City. This research is almedto knowfaced by Hindu family in growing responsible behavior.This study was a qualitative research by using sociological approach. Data were collected by using observation, interview,and document study.Data analysis in this research was conducted during and after datacollection by using qualitative data analysis of groove model developed by Miles and Hubermanwith reduction stage, data presentation and verification. Data analysis is presented in the formof reduction, classification, display and interpretation. The findings of the study were 1) theprocess of embodying responsible behavior of early childhood namely: (a) formal education, (b)non-formal education, and(c) informal education, 2) the result of embodying responsible behaviorof early childhood is there were significant changes of children’s attitude. Their children becomeemphatic towards others, more friendly, more diligent, and more discipline. 3) The obstacles, ofHindu family appeared because of internal and external factor. It is advisable: every Hindu familyshould begin to develop good behavior toward their children from an early age. Key words: Growing, responsible behavior, early childhood. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses, hasil dan hambatan-hambatan yangdihadapi dalam penumbuhkembangan perilaku bertanggungjawab anak usia dini pada keluargaHindu di Kota Mataram.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatansosiologis, penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive dan teknikpengumpulan data yang dipergunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan studidokumentasi.Analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan selama dan sesudah pengumpulan datadengan menggunakan analisis data kualitatif model alur yang dikembangkan oleh Miles danHuberman dengan tahapan reduksi, penyajian data dan verifikasi. Analisis data disajikan dalambentuk reduksi, klasifikasi, display dan interpretasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1)Proses menumbuhkembangkan perilaku bertanggungjawab anak usia dini melalui: (a) PendidikanFormal, (b) Pendidikan Non Formal, dan (c) Pendidikan Informal. 2) Hasil penumbuhkembanganperilaku bertanggungjawab anak usia dini, diketahui bahwa terjadi perubahan yang sangatsignifikan terhadap perilaku anak. Anak menjadi lebih berempaty terhadap orang lain, lebih ramah,lebih rajin dan lebih disiplin, 3) Hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi, yaitu karena muncul darifaktor internal anak dan dari faktor Eksternal. Kata Kunci: Penumbuhkembangan, bertanggungjawab, anak usia dini

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
M. Arif Hidayat, Ali Anwar, Noer Hidayah

The background of the non-formal education is the improvement of informal education, the complement of formal education. Sanggar itself is a place of art activities, as an effort to improve the skills of the students built studio. To do that research on non-formal education as an effort to improve the skills of street children who become guided in the studio. The type of research used in this study is field research, using a qualitative approach. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive done by data reduction and data exposure. The result of this research is that the Bodol studio provides skills that match the interests and talents possessed by the sanggar children. The skills possessed by the assisted children of the studio are the skills of playing music. Efforts made by the studio to improve skills: provide assistance, have books that can support, the availability of supporting tools and the support of interests and talents owned by the child who became the guard studio.Keywords: Non Formal Education, Skills and Street Children

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2003-2010
Samsudin Samsudin ◽  
Widiati Isana ◽  
Yasmin Astri

This article examines Abdurrahman Wahid's (often referred to as Gus Dur) views on transformative Islamic education. This is a qualitative study conducted in a library. This research compiled a collection of Gus Dur's writings on transformative Islamic education. The data collection technique used in this study was content analysis. In comparison, the authors used procedures for compiling, connecting, reducing, presenting, and withdrawing data during the data analysis process. According to Abdurrahman Wahid's thinking, this study discovered two concepts of transformative Islamic education: peace education and multicultural education. In informal education, Gus Dur's idea of peace education can be implemented through a sociopolitical lens through cooperative learning strategies. In contrast, in non-formal education, it can be implemented through dialogue and deliberation strategies. Multicultural education is Gus Dur's vision of education to foster heterogeneity in Indonesian society. Because, as Gus Dur points out, Indonesia is made up of numerous ethnic groups, tribes, cultures, and religions. As a result, the Indonesian people face the possibility of conflict over religion, ethnicity, and culture. 

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