scholarly journals Hegemoni Ideologi Feodalistis dalam Karya Sastra Berlatar Sosiokultural Bali

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
I Kadek Adhi Dwipayana ◽  
Gede Sidi Artajaya

This study examines forms of feudalistic ideological hegemony and character resistance against them in literary works set against Balinese sociocultural. This research has a theoretical contribution to the development of science especially about sociological discourse in literature. This study uses a critical descriptive qualitative research design that moves from a functional approach to literary works with Balinese sociocultural background. The primary data sources in this study were the novels of Tarian Bumi (2007) by Oka Rusmini, Incest (2008) by I Wayan Artika, and short story Ketika Kentongan Dipukul di Bale Banjar (1969) by Rasta Sindhu. The study concludes that the feudalistic ideological hegemony in Balinese sociocultural literary works are represented by customary matters of adat and the caste system. The characters resistance against them are carried out in various ways ranging from being strong, independent, showing mimicry attitude; masculinity and sexual disorientation, and being reactionary.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 343-364
Darsita Suparno

Abstrak Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menggambarkan pemakaian deiksis dalam teks terjemahan berbahasa Indonesia dari bahasa sumbernya, bahasa Arab. Deiksis dipahami sebagai bagian dari studi pragmatik, dengan begitu deiksis merupakan salah satu objek bidang kajian dari pragmatik. Masalah dalam penelitian ini: 1) bagaimanakah jenis-jenis deiksis; 2) bagaimanakan maksud dibalik penggunaan deiksis sosial pada kumpulan cerpen Al-Kabuus. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) untuk mendeskripsikan aneka jenis deiksis, 2) mendeskripsikan maksud penggunaan deiksis sosial pada kumpulan cerpen Al-Kabuus. Objek penelitian yang dikaji adalah jenis, maksud serta hubungan deiksis sosial dengan  yang terdapat pada cerpen Al-Kabuus. Subjek penelitiannya adalah cerpen karya Najib Kailani yang diterjemahkan oleh Zuriyati. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kata, frase, klausa, kalimat yang di dalamnya terdapat jenis dan maksud penggunaan deiksis sosial dalam cerpen Al-Kabuus. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 20 cerpen dari Al-Kabuus diperoleh 60 deiksis sosial, terdapat 5 deiksis sosial jenis gelar, 4 deiksis sosial jenis jabatan, 12 deiksis sosial jenis profesi, dan terdapat 36 deiksis sosial jenis julukan.---Abstract This study attempted to describe the use of deixis in Indonesian language translation text from the source language, Arabic. Deixis understood as part of a pragmatic study, so deixis is one of the object field of study of pragmatics. The problem in this research: 1) how the types of deixis; 2) how is the intention behind the use of social deixis on a collection of short stories Al-Kabuus. Goals to be achieved in this research are: 1) to describe the various types of deixis, 2) describe the intended use of social deixis on a collection of short stories Al-Kabuus. The object of research by reviewing the type, purpose and relationship with the social deixis contained in Al-Kabuus short stories. Subject of research is the short story by Najib Kailani translated by Zuriyati. The data in this study are words, phrases, clauses, sentences in which there are different types and the intended use of social deixis in short stories Al-Kabuus. Sources of data in this study consisted of primary data sources and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques in this study using documentation. The results of this study indicate that as many as 20 short stories from Al-Kabuus obtained 60 social deixis, social deixis there are 5 types of titles, positions four types of social deixis, social deixis 12 kinds of professions, and social deixis there are 36 kinds of nicknames.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Anwar Efendi

This study aims to describe similarities in literary works written by authors with different cultural backgrounds, namely Indonesian and Indian. The data sources were Selamat Jalan Nek!, a short story by Danarto (an Indonesian author), and Pohon by Monaj Das (an Indian author). The comparative analysis was done by thoroughly reading and comprehending them, identifying similarity points in the structural aspect, and comparing and interpreting such points. The findings show that sequences of events constituting the plots of the two short stories have similarities from the beginning to the end. The ways the authors present the characters are similar, especially in physiological and sociological aspects of the characters. The themes are also similar, namely conflicts between modernity represented by the young generation and traditionality represented by the old generation. The datashow that the similarities are attributable to analogy.

Shanty Bahar Ising ◽  
Mujiono Mujiono

This study aims to find out, describe and analyze the democratic leadership of the Principal in improving achievement at the Palangka Raya Model State Madrasah (MAN). The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The researcher wanted to describe the Principal's democratic leadership in improving achievement at the Palangka Raya Model State Islamic Senior High School (MAN). Primary data sources (person) are the Principal, Teachers (Teachers) and Students of MAN Model Palangka Raya. Whereas secondary data sources are the data in the Palangka Raya Model MAN and supporting literature. The results of the study show that the Principal's leadership in improving achievement in the Palangka Raya Model MAN is very democratic, this condition can be seen from: (1) Principals are happy to receive suggestions, opinions and even criticism from subordinates both delivered by students and teachers through suggestion boxes and in the teacher council meeting, (2) the Principal always strives to prioritize teamwork cooperation in an effort to achieve the goal by appointing the instructor teacher, trainer teacher and mentor teacher and conducting deliberation in planning, implementing and evaluating activities, (3) the Principal always tries to make subordinates more success than him, which is realized by including teachers in seminars, workshops, training and competitions so that they get achievements both locally and nationally, and (4) Principals always try to develop their personal capacity as good leaders in conceptual skills, human skill and technical skill.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Nanny Sri Lestari

<p>Sebuah peristiwa, dalam kehidupan manusia, dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi penulisan sebuah cerita. Pengarang, sebagai bagian dari masyarakatnya, mengangkat relung-relung kehidupan manusia, ke dalam sebuah cerita. Namun harus dipahami, bahwa pengalaman pengarang dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari, juga mempengaruhi subjek yang ditulisnya. Saat ini tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi, bahwa teknologi komunikasi yang sangat canggih, telah mempengaruhi perkembangan karya sastra. Media penulisan karya sastra, tidak lagi melalui media cetak seperti kertas tetapi sudah melalui peralatan modern yang sesuai jamannya. Namun demikian ragam karya sastra prosa, seperti cerita pendek, justru mampu mengisi ruang media kommunikasi tersebut. Dua orang pengarang, yang menulis cerita pendek di media masa, berusaha mengangkat isu tentang lingkungan. Isu yang diangkat, lebih menekankan kepada masalah lingkungan alam dengan mengangkat isu tentang pohon sebagai bagian dari kehidupan manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menelusuri struktur cerita pendek yang mengangkat isu lingkungan dalam jalinan ceritanya. Untuk memenuhi tujuan penelitian, langkah awal dari penelitian ini, adalah melakukan pendekatan struktur cerita, yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan pencarian makna cerita tersebut. Sering sekali di balik sebuah cerita ada pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada masyarakat pembacanya. Bentuk pesan tersebut tersirat, dalam jalinan struktur cerita pendek tersebut. Pesan yang disampaikan, dalam kedua cerita pendek tersebut,  adalah pesan tentang lingkungan alam, yang  saat ini tidak pernah diperhatikan oleh masyarakat. Dengan alasan, kebutuhan ekonomi yang sangat dominan.</p><p><em>An event, in human life, can be an inspiration for writing a story. The author, as a part of his society, lifts the niches of human life, into a story. But it must be understood, that the author's experience in everyday life, also affects the subject he wrote.</em><em> </em><em>Today it is undeniable, that highly sophisticated communication technology, has influenced the development of literary works. Media writing literature, no longer through print media such as paper but have been through modern equipment that fit his era.</em><em> </em><em>However, the variety of prose literary works, such as short stories, is able to fill the media space communications. Two authors, who write short stories in the mass media, try to raise issues about the environment. Issues raised, more emphasis on the issue of the natural environment by raising the issue, about the tree as part of human life. The purpose of this research, is to trace the structure of short stories, which raised environmental issues in the composition of the story. To fulfill the purpose of research, the first step of this research, is to approach the structure of the story, which is then linked with the search for the meaning of the story. Very often, behind a story, there is a message to be conveyed to the readers. The form of the message is implied, in the composition of the short story structure. The message conveyed, in both short stories, is a message about the natural environment, which today is never noticed by society. The message conveyed, in both short stories, is a message about the natural environment, which today is never noticed by society.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 59
Susanti Krismon ◽  
Syukri Iska

This article discusses the implementation of wages in agriculture in Nagari Bukit Kandung Subdistrict X Koto Atas, Solok Regency in a review of muamalah fiqh. The type of research is field research (field research). The data sources consist of primary data sources, namely from farmers and farm laborers who were carried out to 8 people and 4 farm workers, while the secondary data were obtained from documents in the form of the Bukit Kandung Nagari Profile that were related to this research, which could provide information or data. Addition to strengthen the primary data. Data collection techniques that the author uses are observation, interviews and documentation. The data processing that the author uses is qualitative. Based on the results of this study, the implementation of wages in agriculture carried out in Nagari Bukit Kandung District X Koto Diatas Solok Regency is farm laborers who ask for their wages to be given in advance before they carry out their work without an agreement to give their wages at the beginning. Because farm laborers ask for their wages to be given at the beginning, many farm workers work not as expected by farmers and there are also farm workers who are not on time to do the work that should be done. According to the muamalah fiqh review, the implementation of wages in agriculture in Nagari Bukit Kandung is not allowed because there is an element of gharar in the contract and there are parties who are disadvantaged in the contract, namely the owner of the fields.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-119
Muhammad Yasser Iqbal Daulay ◽  
Fachri Eka Saputra ◽  
Sularsih Anggarawati

Ecotourism offers a different form of travel than mass tourism. Ecotourism also provides a learning process to protect and care for nature, and improve the welfare of local communities around or within the ecotourism destination. This study was conducted to find the right approach to developing ecotourism. The main focus is given to the potential of regional ecotourism, including human, cultural, and supporting resources. Research is also conducted to determine the perspective of tourists because meeting their needs cannot be sustainably separated from business goals. This study uses data sources grouped into two, namely primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through several instruments such as surveys, interviews, and observations.Keywords: Social innovation, ecological tourism, entrepreneurial innovation, 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-284
Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  
Mawardi Dalimunthe

The purpose of this study is to find out the concept of khilafah according to Sayyid Quthub and Taqiyuddin al-Nabhani, differences and legal basis. This study is a library model, with primary data sources, the Zhilalal-Qur'anic Tafseer and Nizham Al-Hukmi Fi Al-Islam and qualitative descriptive analysis methods. The result is the thought of the concept of khilafah according to sayyid Quthub: 1). The concept of the ruler / caliph, that who becomes the ruler of the choice of the Muslims, acts in absolute freedom, but that person gets the authority because he constantly applies the law of Allah Almighty. 2). The Islamic government system, the Supra Nasional government (the unity of the entire Islamic world). 3). The pillars of his Islamic government: a). Justice of the ruler; b). People's obedience; c). Consultation between the people and the authorities. Thought of the concept of the Caliphate according to Taqiyuddin Al-Nabhani: 1). The concept of the ruler / caliph is a person who represents the Ummah in government affairs and power and in applying syara 'laws. 2). The system of government is khilafah. 3). The pillars of his Islamic government: a). Sovereignty in the hands of syara '; b). Power of the people; c). To appoint a legal Caliph fardlu for all Muslims; d). Only Khailfah has the right to carry out tabanni (adoption) against syara 'laws; e) The Caliph has the right to make constitutions and all other laws. The differences in the concept of khilafah are both: 1). According to Sayyid Quthub, if the ruler fails, then the ruler can be dismissed if the Muslims are no longer satisfied with him. This statement gives a signal that the people get rid of the rulers who no longer fulfill their functions (zhalim rulers). It is different from the opinion of Taqiyuddin al-Nabhani. An Amir al-mu'minin (Khalifah), even though he is responsible before the people and his representatives, but the people and their representatives are not entitled to dismiss him. Nor will the Caliph be dismissed, except when deviating from Shara law. The one who determined the dismissal was only the Mazhalim court. 2). The system of Islamic government according to Sayyid Quthub does not question any system of government in accordance with the system of conditions of society, but this government is characterized by respect for the supremacy of Islamic law (shari'ah). Whereas According to Taqiyuddin Al-Nabhani that the system of Islamic government is khilafah. 3). The pillars of Islamic government according to Sayyid Quthub and Taqiyyuddin al-Nabhani, points three parts a and b at the above conclusions are: 1). Sayyid Quthub: a). Justice of the ruler; b). People's obedience; c). Consultation between the people and the authorities. 2). Taqiyyuddin al-Nabhani: a). Sovereignty in the hands of syara; b). Power of the people; c). To appoint a legal Caliph fardlu for all Muslims; d). Only Khailfah has the right to do tabanni (adoption) against the laws of shara; e). The Caliph has the right to make constitutions and all other laws. The legal bases for determining the Caliphate according to both: 1). The legal basis for the establishment of the Caliphate according to Sayyid Quthub: 1). Ruler, Qur'an Surah (2) al-Baqarah verse 30; 2). Islamic Government System, Qur'an Surah (24) an-Nur verse 55; 3). Pillars of Islamic Government, Qur'an Surah (4) an-Nisa 'verse 58. 2). The legal basis for the establishment of the Caliphate according to Taqiyyuddin al-Nabhani: 1). Ruler, hadith of Muslim history from Abu Said Al khudri, Hadith no. 1853 and Muslims from Abdullah Bin Amru Bin Ash, Hadith no. 1844; 2). Islamic Government System, Al-Qur'an surah an-Nisa '(4) verse 59, an-Nisa' (4) verse 65. Muslim, saheeh Muslim, volumes, 3 pp., 1459 and 1480; 3). Islamic Pillars of Government al-Qur'an surah An-Nisa (3) verse 65, and Surah An-Nisa (3) verses': 5.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Dudy Syafruddin

Literature is a product of culture keeping abreast of human mind. Literary works is a means for the authors to express the social phenomenon in his life. The discourses about postmodernism in the second half of twentieth century, as a part of the story of human mind, was a profound interest for the Authors. In Indonesia, the postmodern discourse has come up in the 1960s. This paper involves the elements of Postmodernism in the short story “Abacadabra” written by Danarto. The dominant elements in this short story are parody, fragmentary, and historiographic metafiction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 372
Ni Made Ary Widiastini ◽  
Siti Annisa Silvia Rosa ◽  
Roni Ekha Putera ◽  
Gabriella Susilowati ◽  
Totok Hari Wibowo

This study aims to determine the form of resilience of women tourism workers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data sources are primary data from interviews with various parties, including hotel owners, hotel associations and hotel employees, while secondary data sources are documentation data. Data analysis was performed using an interactive model. The spread of the corona virus globally has affected various lines of community life, including in Bali. Hotels are the tourist facilities in Bali that are most affected. The decline in tourist visits, causing hotel occupancy rates to experience a drastic drop which resulted in layoffs. The finding of this research is that job termination for female employees occurs in almost every hotel in Bali. However, the termination of employment was responded creatively. In an effort to maintain a life for themselves and their families, women who are affected by hotel employees, especially those who have worked in the food and beverage division, react by adjusting to the conditions that occur. They make various types of food that are sold online using WhatsApp, I.G. and F.B. social media. The attitude of women who are former hotel workers in the food and beverage division in Bali towards termination of employment shows that creativity is driven by the spirit of survival as a modality that needs to be supported and worthy of being a good practice as well as a model on develop women’s capacities during pandemic Covid-19 and new normal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-136
M. Fairuz Rosyid ◽  
Nur Syahid

The purpose of this research to examine the development ofcommunicative curriculum conducted by arabic institutions Dar MuhibAl-‘Arobiyah. The data were collected through correspondence anddocumentation. The method of this research is qualitative, the data analysisuses data triangulation, that is: data reduction, data presentation, andconclusion. The primary data sources in this study were teachers, students,and curriculum documents. The result of this research can be concluded thatthe development of communicative arabic language Dar Muhibbi al ’Arabiyyahstated not effective. It cause the methods, media, and evaluations used thatare used not relevant to the communicative objectives that have been decided.The Methods, media, and evaluations are more directed to memorizing manyvocabulary thah the practice of using sentences in dialogue. Suggestions: 1)The communicative learning focused on the process of producing senteceswith multiplying conversations; 2)The asatidz/teachers to apply the processof developing curriculum by existing frameworks example, Hilda Tabamodel.

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