scholarly journals The Interpersonal Meanings of Words and Images in Ads: An Intersemiotic Complementary View

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 22
K Khristianto ◽  
Fina Khanifa

This study aims to find out the interpersonal meaning and the intersemiotic complementary in public service advertisement of selected violence against children prevention campaign. Employing Royce’s intersemiotic complementary framework (2001), it analyzed how the visual and verbal signs work together to create common messages sent to the public as viewers/readers. Based on the analysis, it is found out that the five aspects of visual features --visual contact, social distance, involvement, power relation, and modality—have worked together to construct the interpersonal meaning. The close up shot showing the detail of the bruises on the nose emphasizing a high modality; it represents a high naturality. The boy in bruises looks directly at viewers’ eyes, demanding a help from them. The equal frame on the picture tells the readers that the boy can be part of every one’s life. It may happen in any place and the readers are asked to do take an action. In terms of verbal features, the declarative sentences are used to inform the facts. It is to highlite the clear message in the image, saying that such a violence may be taken by a mother who inherits the boy’s nose—the one who actually loves him very much, but the situation has changed her a lot. Through the way the producers organize the verbal text the readers may take their action to stop the child abuse. Both visual and verbal modes are contributes to convey interpersonal meaning. The intersemiotic complementary in the advertisement is realized interpersonally through the meanings projected in both modes through the reinforcement of address.

Jonathan Stutz

AbstractWith the present paper I would like to discuss a particular form of procession which we may term mocking parades, a collective ritual aimed at ridiculing cultic objects from competing religious communities. The cases presented here are contextualized within incidents of pagan/Christian violence in Alexandria between the 4th and 5th centuries, entailing in one case the destruction of the Serapeum and in another the pillaging of the Isis shrine at Menouthis on the outskirts of Alexandria. As the literary accounts on these events suggest, such collective forms of mockery played an important role in the context of mob violence in general and of violence against sacred objects in particular. However, while historiographical and hagiographical sources from the period suggest that pagan statues underwent systematic destruction and mutilation, we can infer from the archaeological evidence a vast range of uses and re-adaptation of pagan statuary in the urban space, assuming among other functions that of decorating public spaces. I would like to build on the thesis that the parading of sacred images played a prominent role in the discourse on the value of pagan statuary in the public space. On the one hand, the statues carried through the streets became themselves objects of mockery and violence, involving the population of the city in a collective ritual of exorcism. On the other hand, the images paraded in the mocking parades could also become a means through which the urban space could become subject to new interpretations. Entering in visual contact with the still visible vestiges of the pagan past, with the temples and the statuary of the city, the “image of the city” became affected itself by the images paraded through the streets, as though to remind the inhabitants that the still-visible elements of Alexandria’s pagan topography now stood as defeated witnesses to Christianity’s victory.

Harius Eko saputra

Almost every day, in various mass media, especially in newspapers, it is found that there are so many complaints and unsatisfactory opinions from the community, as the customer, towards the current implementation of public service. These complaints and unsatisfactory opinions can describe how bad the quality of the current public service is, which is benefited by the community. It may be the right time for the community to be treated as citizens, who will have rights and give priority to their rights for being served afterwards. They are not anymore being considered as clients who previously have no any choice in choosing and in determining what kind of service that they really want to. There are so many results from research, seminar and writings that are conducted by experts in which their works talk about the implementation of a good and qualified public service. Currently, however, the qualified public service has not yet implemented as should have been. The implementation of public service still acts as however it please to be and only emphasize on its own interest without considering the consumer’s importance as the party that should really be served as well as possible. For this reason, a research, which is done in Service Integrated Unit of the Jember Regency, tries to find out any factors affecting quality of the public services. The main core of the public service implementation is the quality of norm of the service executor. The matter that should be realized is that the executor is the person who should serve for the community, and the community is the one who should be served as well as possible.Keywords: Implementation of public service, legislatif

2003 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-233
Brian Brewer

The public administration principles characteristic of many Commonwealth countries served as the foundations for building the Hong Kong civil service. These have continued to operate in line with the `one country two systems' concept under which Hong Kong has been administered, since 1997, as a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China. Career employment, hierarchy and public service values combined to provide an overarching unity to a system that nevertheless has developed considerable differentiation over time. This article examines the developments that are currently modifying Hong Kong's public sector. The discussion draws on documentary sources and a recently completed qualitative study on the experiences and perspectives of senior Hong Kong managers working in a dozen government departments and agencies. The discussion addresses questions about whether greater differentiation across government departments, in combination with increasing differential within these organizations, will ultimately bring about the demise of the traditional civil service system.

Pary M. Azize ◽  
Farida A. Kadir ◽  
Lavin Luqman Othman

Child abuse commonly underpins adult depression. Child abuse is classified into four categories; physical, sexual, mental and neglect. This paper will study and discuss the rate of depression caused by child abuse at the time of the abuse, the data collected from the first section of the survey, which consisted of two categorical questions. There are two questions that this research will try to answer; have more females experienced one or multiple types of abuse during their childhood compared to male? And have the ones who have experienced abuse suffered from a degree of depression at the time of the abuse. The depression test that consisted of four questions that determined the participant’s depression percentage The result and tables have been duplicated from the Public Service Pension Plan (PSPP), 21 females and 36 males participated in the survey. In total 57 students answered the questions that were sent through email.  73% of the participants said that they were not abused as a child in any of the forms. 27% of the participants have been abused in one or more of the ways as a child., further, 71.4% of the abuse were physical followed by mental and neglect (28%. 28%, respectively). Likely there were zero records of sexual abuse.  Most of the abuse was happening around age 1-5  years and less likely on age 1-5 and above. Females become more depressed than males. 57.2% of the abused children were suffering from anxiety followed by an interruption in their relationship and low self esteem It can be concluded that more female were abused as a child. We can see that the constant (Male) is 49.29 and the female participants are 26.34 more than the constant. This proves that females become more depressed than men. Therefore, much work will need to Protect the children from harm.

Elena Bakhtairova

The article presents a comparative analysis of the public service organization systems of the partner countries of Russia in the Eurasian Economic Union: Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. On the one hand, these countries are united by the common Soviet past, and, on the other hand, they are working on the formation of a common economic space, which is indirectly influenced by all the state institutions of these countries, including the Institute of public service. The modern paradigm of public service consists in focusing on the active, technological component as opposed to the traditional political approach. The article describes the conditions for moving away from the current political approach and, on the basis of a comparative analysis of legislation and practice of the organization of public service, concludes how close the countries are to the new paradigm.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Lina Dwi Istiqomah ◽  
Nyoman Serikat Putra Jaya ◽  
Duwi Aryadi

Child abuse is increasingly happening every day. Even cases of child abuse are mostly perpetrated by parents. Many people who know, but those who do know just tend to leave and seem unconcerned because of the notion that violence is not their problem. There is also an assumption that violence against children is one of the methods of education given by parents to children. So it is not right for other parties to interfere in the problem of educating children. The existence of these assumptions makes people become indifferent and allow violence. The problem is there is a criminal threat for those who allow child abuse. In this article, the normative legal approach is to use literature or literature studies and qualitative descriptive analysis of the problem. This research shows the ignorance of the public regarding the threat of crime because of acts of omitting violence against children which is known to make child violence increase and have a greater impact in the future. Regarding the omission of violence against children itself has been regulated in Article 78 of the Child Protection Act, whereby anyone who does not allow violence against children can be subject to criminal threats.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 66
Rohana Thahier

The high level of public complaints against bureaucracy shows that on the one hand the quality of bureaucratic service has, in public opinion, been found wanting. At the same time, public awareness has continued to grow, with consumers demanding they have rights to receive high quality service (Dwiyanto, 2002). The quality of public service is lacking. Often bribes are required, services are not guaranteed, and procedures are over-complicated. The perceptions of the public human resource sector are various: Professionalism is lacking, corruption, collusion and nepotism run rampant, wages are insufficient, service to the public is over-complicated, relationships are based on a patrion-client system, there is lack of creativity and innovation, not to mention other potential negative perceptions which essentially show that this system is still weak in Indonesia.  All this motivates us to reform the public human resources sector of Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi (Reformation of Bureaucracy).

Mª Concepción CAMPOS ACUÑA

Laburpena: Azterlan honen helburua da administrazio publikoaren eredu berriari buruzko ikuspegia ematea, bi ardatz oinarri hartuta: berrikuntza eta adimen artifiziala. Alde batetik, berrikuntza delako administrazioak bilatu behar duen balio erantsia, bere jarrera tradizionala alde batera utzita, eta, bestetik, teknologien abangoardiarekin bat egiteko premia larritik abiatuta (adimen artifiziala) kasu honetan, gainera, berrikuntzaren eragile izanik . Hori guztia, sortzen diren eztabaida etiko sakonak ikuspegi juridikotik aztertuta, eta erronkei aurre eginez, bai zerbitzu publikoa bermatzeko eta bai herritarrek beren eskubideak libreki baliatzeko eta administrazioarekin dituzten harremanetan bazterketarik ez jasateko. Resumen: En el presente estudio pretende ofrecerse un enfoque del nuevo modelo de administración pública sobre dos ejes: innovación e inteligencia artificial. Por un lado, desde la perspectiva de la innovación como valor añadido que la administración debe buscar frente a su posición tradicional y, por otro, desde la imperiosa necesidad de sumarse a la vanguardia de las tecnologías en clave de inteligencia artificial, en este caso, además, como motor de innovación. Todo ello desde un análisis en perspectiva jurídica, desde los retos que se plantean para garantizar no sólo el servicio público, sino el libre ejercicio de sus derechos por la ciudadanía y la no discriminación en su relación con la administración, ante los profundos debates éticos que aparecen. Abstract: In the present study, we intend to offer an approach to the new model of public administration on two axes: innovation and artificial intelligence. On the one hand, from the perspective of innovation as an added value that the administration must seek in the face of its traditional position and, on the other, from the imperative need to join the vanguard of technologies in the key of artificial intelligence, in this case, also as an innovation engine. All this from an analysis in legal perspective, from the challenges that are posed to guarantee not only the public service, but the free exercise of their rights by citizenship and non-discrimination in their relationship with the administration, before the profound ethical debates that appear.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 170-184
Muazzinah ◽  
Nurvadila Malia ◽  

This research is to find out what innovations exist in the Public Service Mall of Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia. This type of research uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach, namely by describing the results of research and analyzing so that the results obtained from informants are employees of the Banda Aceh City Public Service Mall, employees of the One-Stop Investment and Integrated Service Office and employees of the Population and Civil Registration Service at the Public Service Mall and the community as supporting informants who provide services at the Banda Aceh City Public Service Mall. The results of this study indicate that the innovation of the Banda Aceh City Public Service Mall can be said to be in accordance with the innovation guidelines criteria set by PERMENPAN-RB No. 30 of 2014 which consists of Quality, Transparency, Accountability, Easy, Fast, Proper, Fair and Participatory. So that the results obtained that the Public Service Innovation of Banda Aceh City has novelty or innovation in service.

Renata Hellwig Ferreira

Resumo: O presente trabalho visa a analisar a aplicabilidade do instituto da sucessão trabalhista brasileiro na atividade notarial e registral. Tal questão mostra-se pertinente, uma vez que o mencionado instituto do direito laboral opera-se, em suma, quando há substituição do empregador, com mudança na propriedade da empresa ou alteração na sua estrutura jurídica, ainda que haja ruptura na continuidade da atividade empresarial. Os serviços notariais e registrais, no entanto, possuem regime jurídico próprio, diverso daquele aplicado à empresa, sendo a responsabilidade trabalhista do titular da serventia (tabelião ou registrador), tendo em mente que a serventia não tem personalidade jurídica. Ocorre que, atualmente, o instituto justrabalhista é interpretado extensivamente, abarcando novas situações. Desse modo, ante as peculiaridades desse serviço público delegado, prestado em caráter privado, sendo o delegatário nomeado pelo Poder Público, após aprovação em concurso público, cabe trazer à baila questões como se há ruptura da cadeia sucessória entre a extinção da delegação a um e a nomeação de outro, nesse sentido não se caracterizando a sucessão, ou se há elementos suficientes para caracterizá-la, bem como se o sucessor responde pelos débitos quando não há continuidade da prestação de serviços e, ainda, se a extinção da delegação desincumbe totalmente o sucedido. Palavras-chave: Sucessão trabalhista; Atividade notarial e registral; Substituição; Delegação; Solidariedade Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the applicability of the Brazilian labor succession institute in the notary and registry services. Such question is relevant, once that the mentioned institute of Labor Law occurs, in short, when there is a substitution of the employer, with a change in the property of the corporation or a modification in its legal structure, even if there is a rupture in the continuity of the corporative activity. The notary and registry services, however, have a distinct juridical regime, different from the one applied to the corporation, being the labor liability of the one entitled of the public service (the notary or the register), having in mind that the public service has no legal personality. Occurs that, nowadays, the labor institute is interpreted extensively, covering new situations. This way, by the peculiarities of this delegated public service, provided in a private nature, being the delegate named by the Public Authorities, after a competitive tendering, can be moot questions like if there is a rupture of the succession chain between the extinction of the delegation to one and the naming of another, in this sense not characterizing the succession, or if there are enough elements to characterize it, as well if the successor is liable for unpaid debts when there is no continuity in the providing of the public service, and, still, if the extinction of the delegation brings no liability for the successor. Keywords: Labor Succession; Notary and Registry Services; Substitution; Delegation; Solidarity. 

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