2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-111
Hidayat ◽  
Muhammad Amir ◽  

Every education should experience a new innovation designed to teach special skills, beliefs and concepts to become better. The 2013 curriculum emphasizes performance assessments to determine the achievement of student competencies that include knowledge, skills and attitudes, the focus of educational assessments is the successful learning of learners to achieve the competencies defined in this case teachers can enrich ideas and ideas to help optimize student thinking skills. IPA Learning provides students to develop curiosity, knowledge, improve process skills, and awareness to appreciate the nature of God's creation and preserve the surrounding natural environment as well as the basis for continuing to a higher level of education.The main objective of Problem Based Learning (PBL) is the ability to think critical and problem solving skills while developing learners ' ability to actively build their own knowledge. The PBL is also intended to develop the independence of learning and the social skills of learners that are formed when they work to identify relevant information, strategies, and learning resources to resolve problems. The research method used is research and Development to produce a specific product, and to test the effectiveness of the product. Research and Development aims to improve the quality of education and develop and validate the outcomes of education. The study obtained pre-test and post-test value data which will be carried out by the process of data processing using SPSS 2.4 i.e. the T test in pairs (Paired-Samples T Test) wasobtained that the average value of Pre-Test 68.4 and the average Post-Test value of 87.8. Number of 15 students. Deviation Freedom 14 value sig. 2 tailled 0.000 with a degree of confidence 95%. Where the lowest grade pre-test students are 60 and the highest 75 while the lowest post-test students are 85 andthe highest 93. Based on the results it shows that the grades of students increased by 19.4% or 291 points. It can be said that the PBL model SCIENCE subject reference book developed can improve student learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 199
Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Marisa Ambarwati ◽  
Endang Indarini

The purpose of this study is to develop a web-based learning game media to improve problem-solving skills in two-dimensional figure. Research method with R & D use the ASSURE development model consisting of 6 steps, that is 1) analyze learners, 2) state objectives, 3) select method, media, and materials, 4) utilize media and materials, 5) require learner participation, 6) evaluated and revise. The validity of the product is assessed by the experts with the expert validation sheets. The practicality of the product was tested by a limited trial of 10 students followed by interviews to see student responses. The Product effectiveness was seen from one class trial with one group pretest-posttest design and the results were analyzed using the Paired-Samples T-Test. The results of this study are in the form of web-based game learning media to improve problem-solving skills in flat-build material. The Learning media is proved valid based on the expert media, material, and learning tests. Learning media was also proved practical based on the results of interviews by 10 students. Learning media is proved effective based on the Paired Samples T-Test which was taken from the results of the pretest and post test

Af'idah Af'idah ◽  
Miftahuddin Miftahuddin ◽  
Taufiqur Rohman

This research is motivated by the unavailability of teaching materials module for students. This research is a research and development, which the aims to produce a product of teaching materials such as Literacy Al-Qur'an Module effectively and efficiently. The subjects of this study were 23 fifth grade students of SD Rogomulyo 02 Kaliwungu District and accompanied by two validation experts. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and test (Pretest and Posttest). The method for developing of literacy Al-Qur'an module uses Research and development steps developed by Borg and Gall. This steps are consist of 1) preliminary research, 2) product design, 3) validation, 4) product application, and 5) analysis.The results of this study indicate that, literacy al-Qur'an modules compiled by researchers, can improve learning achievement from the averages value of students above the KKM (Minimum completeness criteria). The conclusion is based on the processing of pre-test data of 64.52 and post-test of 77.86 using Paired Samples T-Test data resulting in an average correlation data of 0.806 and a significance value of 0,000. The results of the calculation of Paired Samples T-Test found the value of Sig. (2 tailed) is 0,000 ˂ 0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is an influence on using of literacy al-Qur'an module for students, it's proven any differences in the average between pre-test and post-test results of students or have comply the KKM (Minimum completeness criteria) in schools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Y. Yuhana ◽  
M. Maridi ◽  
Sri Dwiastuti

A proper learning media is critically needed in improving students’ critical thinking skill. This research and development aims were: 1) determining the characteristics of inquiry-learning-based module; 2) observing the feasibility of inquiry-learning-based module prototype, and 3) figuring out the effectiveness of the inquiry-learning-based module developedin improving students’ critical thinking on Anatomy Structure and Bacteria Physiology materials. This research and development used 4-D model with four stages, namely: 1) defining; 2) designing; 3) developing; and 4) disseminating. The data analysis technique used were descriptive statistics in term of percentage and inferential statistics i.e. paired samples t-test. The results showed that the module developed was very decent based on the averge scores given by all expert validators (90.73%) as well as education practitioners (91.99%). Moreover, students critical thinking skills was improved by using this module as the t-test analysis results (sig. < .05). Thus, the is suggested to implement inquiry-learning based module to achieve better students’ learning achievement, particularly in Anatomy Structure and Bacteria Physiology materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-75
Nurhaningtyas Agustin ◽  
Lafifatun Ni’mah

Mathematics is one of the subjects that trains students to think critically, logically, analytically, systematically, and creatively. One of the regulations of the Minister of Nation Education No.23 of 2006 years, about “graduate competency standards” is to have the ability to cooperate. One way to develop students’s critical thinking skills is to apply student oriented learning with open learning, Open Ended. The method in this study is an experimental method by applying an Open Ended learning model. The purpose of this study was to obtain data or information about the influence and general picture of students critical thinking skills after the application of Open Ended learning in teaching and learning in the classroom. In addition to get an overview of students respones to the application of Open Ended. This study took the population class V MI Al-Falahiyah Kedungrejo-Kerek-Tuban lesson years 2019/2020. This study uses the population as a score of data because the number of students studied is less than 100 students. Namely fifth grade students, amuting to 20 students. The instruments used as data collection were questionnaires and test of mathematical critical thinking skills in fraction subjects. The statistical test used was a t-test with a pre test and post test one group design. Students whos responded to learning with who Open Ended model with a score range’s of 25-27by 10%, a range scores of 28-30 by 15%, a range scores 31-33 by 30%, a range scores of 34-36 by 15%, and 37-39 by 30%. With 11 students who responded well, and 9 students who responded very good, to the Open Ended learning model. Hypothesis test results with the t-test t hitung >  t tabel (2,109>2,029). While the average value of students mathematic critical thinking ability of students is categorized as moderate or sufficient.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Suryana Iskandar

Abstract. The This topic has been proposed based on the condition that the competitive ability of SMK graduates in automotive field was lower than the current need job market. According to (Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011:15 ) the condition of Competitiveness of Indonesia today is on the 44th rank out of 132 countries in the world and still below countries in the ASEAN region. One of the skills needed by learners in facing the tight competition is the critical thinking to solve a problem. This competence has not been reached, because the model of teaching implemented by the teachers today is still conventional. The research has been conducted to find the answer of the question : What kind of learning model that could improve students ' critical thinking skills in vocational subjects of vocational competence Light Vehicle Engineering? The method used in accordance with the objective is the Research and Development model. The Research and development is a type of research that combines qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative research used for the analysis of the results of preliminary studies while quantitative used as the validation and testing of the model used the t test by using SPSS version 13, to determine which group is more or whether there is no difference between the two groups.The population used in this study is SMK in Bandung. The study samples was taken purposively are two kinds of international school and vocational education of the National Standard of Competence on Light Vehicle Engineering( Specialisation ) located in Bandung. The subjects are the students of Light Vehicle Engineering skill program in SMKN 6 Bandung class XI, SMKN 8 Bandung, and students of class XI of SMK Merdeka Bandung. The result of the validation shows a 95% confidence level or with α 5% to reject H0. This means that there are significant differences between groups of data on the starter post test of experiment group and control group. This shows there is an increased competence to think critically of the students of Automotive Vocational Skills Program with learning problem-solving model called troubelshooting.Keywords : Light Vehicle, Critical thinking, Problem solving troubleshooting, Vocational High School.Abstrak. Latar belakang penelitian dilandasi oleh suatu keadaan kurangnya kemampuan daya saing lulusan di pasar kerja dibandingkan dengan laporan Global Copetitiveness Report 2010-2011:15) berada pada urutan ke 46 dari 132 negara di dunia dan masih di bawah negara ASEAN. Kurangnya kemampuan daya saing ini, salah satunya disebabkan oleh rendahnya kemampuan berpikir kritis untuk memecahkan suatu masalah yang dibutuhkan di dunia kerja, karena pembelajaran yang dilakukan pendidik cenderung masih konvensional. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah Model pembelajaran yang bagaimana yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik SMK pada mata pelajaran kompetensi kejuruan Teknik Kendaraan Ringan? Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk menemukan model pembelajaran yang dapat mengoptimalkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam memahami pengetahuan mata pelajaran kompetensi kejuruan Teknik Kendaraan Ringan sehingga mereka mampu memecahkan masalah pada pekerjaannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development dan pendekatannya menggabungkan antara penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Penelitian kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis hasil studi pendahuluan sedangkan kuantitatif digunakan untuk validasi dan pengujian model dengan teknik analisis uji U-test dan uji T-test dan pengerjaannya dibantu dengan program SPSS versi 13.Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SMK yang ada di Kota Bandung, sedangkan penetapan sampel digunakan secara purpossif, yaitu SMK RSBI (SMKN 6) dan SMK Bertaraf Nasional yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan Kompetensi Kejuruan Teknik Kendaraan Ringan, terdiri dari dua klasifikasi, yaitu SMKN 8 Bandung dan SMK Swasta Merdeka Bandung. Hasil validasi menunjukan dengan taraf kepercayaan sebesar 95% ternyata H0 ditolak, berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok data starter dan pengisian post test pada kelompok Eksperimen dan kelompok control. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh model Pembelajaran Pemecahan Masalah troubleshooting dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik SMK Program Keahlian Otomotif.Kata kunci: Kendaraan Ringan, Berfikir kritis, Pemecahan masalah troubleshooting, SMK.

2019 ◽  
Vol 77 (5) ◽  
pp. 616-635 ◽  
Mustafa Özgenel ◽  
Ömer Canpolat ◽  
Ersin Yağan ◽  
Özge Canlı

The aim of the research was to explore the effects of enriched workshop training given to pre-school students on students’ creative thinking skills. The research was conducted during the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 academic year. The mixed research design was used in the study. On the quantitative stage of the research, a single-group pre-test-posttest experimental design was applied. In order to identify the effects of the enriched training provided at different workshops, students were administered Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (Figural Form) as a pre-test-post-test. The study group of the research was comprised of 129 students in total including 81 students in the first group and 48 students in the second group, all taking training at the “Curious Junior Education Center” supported by Istanbul Development Agency and implemented by Pendik District National Education Directorate. According to the findings obtained from the quantitative method, a variation was identified in the test averages for student creative thinking skills (fluency, originality, elaboration, abstractness of titles, resistance to premature closure) before and after the training. Post-test averages for students’ creative skills increased. Paired samples t test was performed to determine whether or not the variation- increase- was significant. According to the t test result, enriched workshop training affects students’ total creative thinking skills significantly. In other words, enriched workshop training has developed students’ creative thinking skills positively. In the qualitative method, parents, students and teachers reported their views about the quality and effectiveness of the enriched workshop training. Keywords: creative thinking, enriched training, mixed method, workshop training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Muslimah Muslimah ◽  
Kuntoro Kuntoro

Penelitian ini mengembangkan sebuah bahan ajar interaktif  untuk keterampilan menulis teks deskripsi dengan media video wisata lokal di Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan: (1) untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk pengembangan bahan ajar interaktif menulis teks deskripsi dengan media video wisata lokal di Kabupaten Banjarnegara, (2) untuk mengetahui tingkat kevalidan pengembangan bahan ajar interaktif menulis teks  deskripsi dengan media video wisata lokal di Kabupaten Banjarnegara, dan (3) mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan bahan ajar interaktif menulis teks deskripsi dengan media video wisata lokal di Kabupaten Banjarnegara pada siswa kelas VII C SMP Negeri 1 Banjarnegara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Research and Development (R&D) yang terdiri dari dua tahap. Tahap pertama, dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan bahan ajar interaktif untuk menulis teks deskripsi dan bentuk dari produk bahan ajar interaktif menulis teks deskripsi dengan media video wisata lokal di Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Pada tahap ini, kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah menentukan populasi, sampel, teknik pengumpulan data, instrument penelitian, teknik analisis data, perencanaan desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, dan pengujian terhadap produk. Penelitian tahap kedua adalah pelaksanaan uji coba produk pengembangan bahan ajar interaktif menulis teks deskripsi dengan media video wisata lokal di Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Pada tahap ini, kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah menentukan rancangan eksperimen, populasi, sampel, teknik pengumpulan data, instrument peneitian, dan teknik analisis data.  Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Pengembangan bahan ajar interaktif menulis teks deskripsi dengan media video wisata lokal di Kabupaten Banjarnegara telah melalui tahapan analisis, rancangan, produksi, evaluasi dan revisi, (2) Produk pengembangan bahan ajar interaktif menulis teks deskripsi dengan media video wisata lokal di Kabupaten Banjarnegara memiliki tingkat kelayakan materi 4,95 dan validasi 99% dan aspek media memiliki tingkat kelayakan 4,87 dan kevalidan 97,33%. (3) Produk pengembangan bahan ajar interaktif menulis teks deskripsi dengan media video wisata lokal di Kabupaten Banjarnegara terbukti efektif berdasarkan hasil perolehan rata-rata pre-test siswa adalah 69,70 dan post test siswa adalah 81,36 hasil. Dari hasil pre test dan post test dilakukan peghitungan menggunakan t test dengan hasil nilai t tes 4,23. Hal itu berarti lebih besar daripada nilai 1,692 pada t tabel dengan tingkat alpha 5% (0,05). Berdasarkan analisis data tersebut dapat ditarik simpulan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dari hasil tersebut maka hipotesis yang diajukan terbukti bahwa bahan ajar interaktif dengan media video wisata lokal di Kabupaten Banjarnegara berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas dan hasil belajar menulis teks deskripsi pada siswa kelas VII C SMP Negeri 1 Banjarnegara Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020.

Marcho Alex Samuel Silitonga

This study aims to determine the effect of the application of the Two Stay Two Stray learning model (TSTS) to the history of student learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 7 Medan. The research method used is quasi-experimental. The study population was students of class X IPS with a sample of 65 students consisting of 34 students of class X IPS 2 as an experimental class and 31 students of class X IPS 1 as a control class. Data collection techniques using observation and tests. The data obtained were analyzed using the t-test. The observation results showed that 91% of the experimental class students who took part in learning with the TSTS model got very good average scores. The average post-test value of the experimental class was 80.3, while the average value of the post-test of the control class that followed the learning with the conventional model was 63.70. T-test results for the post-test scores were obtained tcount > ttable (7,004 > 1,670).These results indicate that the TSTS learning model has a great influence in improving the history of student learning outcomes in class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 7 Medan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1-4) ◽  
Mohamad Nizam Arshad ◽  
Noor Azean Atan ◽  
Abdul Halim Abdullah ◽  
Mahani Mokhtar ◽  
Mohd Salleh Abu

Reasoning skills are very important in encouraging students to think more critically and logically, as depicted in the Malaysian Education Development Plan (2013-2025). Therefore, this study looked into improving the Differentiation Reasoning Level (DRL) of reasoning skills among students for a topic in the Additional Mathematics subject,  known as Differentiation, through reasoning learning strategy. The study participants consisted of a total of 31 students from a secondary boarding school in Johor, selected through a purposive sampling method. A pre-test was carried out for the participants, from the advanced level, followed by a number of repetition tests, before the post-test assessment was conducted. The data collection for this study employed a set of Reasoning Test on Differentiation (RTD) and 10 sets of learning activities on Differentiation based on modified Marzano Rubric for Specific Task of Situations (1992). This dimension involved four types of reasoning skills, namely,  comparison, classification, inductive, and deductive. The survey data, through paired samples t-test, revealed a significant difference between the mean scores in pre-test and post-test (p <0.05). In addition, the paired sample t-test showed a significant difference on the level of reasoning among students from each construct in the reasoning skills before and after using this module. In conclusion, the Marzano Model of Dimensional Learning (1992) is a thinking skill model that can help improve students' reasoning skills. The model covers analysis aspects of what has been learned by implementing the process of identifying reasons, which will help students to add and expand their knowledge. The findings also implied that, the processes of teaching and learning play an important role in ensuring students’ capability to emphasize on the implementation process of reasoning skills

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Siska Miga Dewi ◽  
Mukminan Mukminan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan multimedia pembelajaran rias wajah dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa SMK kecantikan kulit kelas X yang layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran rias wajah, dan (2) mengetahui keefektifan produk multimedia pembelajaran rias wajah dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa. Model penelitian dan pengembangan ini dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu perencanaan, desain dan pengembangan. Proses validasi terhadap produk dilakukan dengan tahap uji alpha, uji beta dan uji coba produk. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. (a) Multimedia dikembangkan dinilai layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran ditinjau dari media, materi, dan penilaian siswa. Kelayakan tersebut dapat dilihat dari skor penilaian ahli media 4,2 kategori baik, skor ahli materi 4,9 kategori sangat baik, dan skor penilaian siswa 4,4 kategori sangat baik. (b) Multimedia pembelajaran rias wajah yang menggunakan Macromedia Flash dinilai efektif karena dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil nilai pre-test dengan rata-rata nilai 61,0 dan nilai post-test dengan rata-rata nilai 83,9. Persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa 100%. Kata kunci: multimedia, rias wajah, kecantikanDEVELOPING MULTIMEDIA IN MAKE-UP LEARNING FOR INCREASING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GRADE X STUDENTSOF VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 0F SKIN BEAUTY Abstract This research aims to: (1) product multimedia on make-up learning in increasing students’ knowledge vocational of skin beauty, and (2) know the effectivness of multimedia product on make-up learning in increasing students’ knowledge on learning process. It applied the research and development with 3 stages, i.e.: planning, design, and development. The process of validation of this product was carried out through 3 stages, i.e.: alpha testing, beta testing and product testing. The results of the study are as follows. (a) Multimedia learning developed is judged worthy tobe used as a learning in terms of media, materials, and students’ assessment. Feasibility can be seen from the expert assessment score of 4.2 in media with good category, a score of 4.9 with category expert material very good, and students’ assessment score of 4.4 with very good category. (b) Multimedia on makeup learning using Macromedia Flash is considered effective because it can increase students' knowledge. This is evidenced by the results of the pre-test with an average value of 61.0 and a post-test value with an average value of 83.9. The percentage of students’ learning mastery is 100%. Keywords: multimedia, make-up, beauty

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