workshop training
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Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Muhammad Yusro ◽  
Aodah Diamah

Abstract The rapid advancement of information technology and telecommunications has caused Internet of Things (IoT) technology to be increasingly developed and utilized in various activities and tasks at the home, office, school, industry, and others. 24-hour connectivity and various automation features make IoT an effective way to remotely monitor and manage jobs. In the context of learning in Vocational High Schools (SMK), ideally, the use of IoT technology applications is taught by teachers in the field of industrial electronics expertise. The uneven understanding and technical skills of teachers about the application of IoT technology is one of the factors that have not updated the ability of vocational students with IoT technology information. From these problems, the solution offered is to provide technical knowledge and skills to teachers about the use of IoT using a microcontroller so that they can teach it to students. The workshop/training was conducted online which was attended by 20 (twenty) teachers from several vocational schools in the Jakarta, Bekasi, Cibinong, and Bogor areas. In this workshop, theoretical and practical learning about the use of IoT technology is given. The material taught is the development of IoT, the use of the ESP32 IoT development board, and some practical examples using the ESP32 board. In this workshop, IoT learning e-modules (theory and practice) were also distributed which can be used by teachers for independent learning and as teaching materials in SMK. From the workshop, an overview of the understanding and technical skills of teachers regarding IoT technology was obtained which still needs to be improved. The participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the IoT workshop because they got new and useful information and knowledge to improve their competence in the field of industrial electronics technology. The usefulness of this workshop was felt by the participants who gave a positive impression of the material taught by the instructor/lecturer.   Abstrak Pesatnya kemajuan teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi, menyebabkan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) makin berkembang dan dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai kegiatan dan tugas di rumah, kantor, sekolah, industri, dan lainnya. Konektivitas 24 jam serta berbagai fitur otomasi menjadikan IoT sebagai cara efektif untuk memantau dan mengelola berbagai pekerjaan dari jarak jauh. Dalam konteks pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), maka idealnya pemanfaatan aplikasi teknologi IoT diajarkan oleh para guru bidang keahlian elektronika industri. Belum meratanya pemahaman dan keterampilan teknis guru tentang aplikasi teknologi IoT, menjadi salah satu faktor belum ter-update nya kemampuan siswa SMK dengan informasi teknologi IoT.  Dari permasalahan tersebut maka solusi yang ditawarkan adalah dengan memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknik kepada guru tentang pemanfaatan IoT menggunakan mikrokontroler sehingga dapat mengajarkannya kepada siswa. Workshop/pelatihan dilaksanakan secara daring yang diikuti peserta guru dari beberapa SMK di wilayah Jakarta, Bekasi, Cibinong dan Bogor sebanyak 20 (dua puluh) orang. Dalam workshop ini diberikan pembelajaran teori dan praktikum tentang pemanfaatan teknologi IoT. Materi yang diajarkan adalah perkembangan IoT, pemanfaatan ESP32 IoT development board, dan beberapa contoh praktikum menggunakan ESP32 board. Dalam workshop ini juga dibagikan e-modul pembelajaran IoT (teori dan praktik) yang dapat digunakan para guru untuk pembelajaran mandiri dan sebagai bahan ajar di SMK. Dari workshop tersebut didapatkan gambaran terkait pemahaman dan keterampilan teknis para guru tentang teknologi IoT yang masih perlu ditingkatkan. Para peserta sangat antusias mengikuti workshop IoT karena mendapatkan informasi dan pengetahuan yang baru dan berguna untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya di bidang teknologi elektronika industri. Kebermanfaatan workshop ini dirasakan sekali oleh para peserta yang memberikan kesan positif dari materi yang diajarkan oleh instruktur/narasumber.

Wahyu Alfi Mu'alif ◽  

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya perkembangan jumlah peminat serta keberhasilan dan prestasi komunitas game online sekarang ini, terutama sejak masa pandemi. Fenomena banyaknya ajang prestasi dan lomba game online juga semakin menambah daya tarik tersendiri bagi generasi muda, sehingga mereka banyak yang ingin meningkatkan skillnya dalam bermain game online. Tujuan penelitian mengungkapkan berbagai peluang yang dapat di tangkap oleh masyarakat terutama generasi muda dalam bentuk penawaran program lifeskill dalam meningkatkan kemampuannya. Jenis penelitian deskriptif, dengan pendekatan studi literature. Sumber data di peroleh dari berbagai literature, buku, jurnal, media massa cetak maupun online yang relevan dengan kajian penelitian yang sudah ditetapkan. Hasil penelitian ada beberapa program Pendidikan Luar Sekolah  yang cocok diselenggarakan menyikapi tingginya antusiasme dari penikmat game online tersebut. diantaranya ,Class Private, Workshop, Training, dan Komunitas game online terprogram. Yang harapannya kepada pemain game online dan penyelenggara program peningkatan life skill ini menjadi sarana dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat di era teknologi informasi dan komunikasi modern

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Mandira Shahi ◽  
Jagdish Prasad Agrawal ◽  
Bishun Dayal Prasad Patel ◽  
Megha Raj Banjara ◽  
Amrita Chaulagain ◽  

Background: Problem based learning (PBL) is a self-directed method that help learner to develop critical thinking, problem solving skills and enhance their aptitude. The objective of the study was to measure the effectiveness of workshop in changing the faculties’ knowledge, skills, and attitude on PBL. Methods: A descriptive design with pre-test and post-test was used to examine the objectives of the study. A self-report questionnaire was used to collect data from a convenience sample of 23 health professions faculties from various institutions of Institute of Medicine (IOM), Tribhuvan University (TU), affiliated institutions and others of Nepal who attended the workshop. Faculty's feedback on PBL was collected before and after workshop using Likert Scale's 4 and 5 point. Results: The findings of the study were highly significant increment of mean score of post-test compared to pre-test within the group of “can do it confidently” (p≤0.001). Similarly, Majority of participants scored “strongly agreed” in ten statement of feedback on the effectiveness of the PBL after workshop. Conclusion: This PBL workshop training was highly effective to change the faculties' knowledge, skills and attitude towards the integration of PBL in their classes. This training may help to move from traditional way of thinking to PBL for future implementation.

Sarwahita ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (01) ◽  
pp. 70-83
Iwan Risnasari Risnasari ◽  
Deni Elfiati ◽  
Arif Nuryawan ◽  
Harisyah Manurung ◽  
Mohammad Basyuni ◽  

Abstract Lubuk Kertang Village has the potential for mangrove ecotourism which is currently being developed as a source of income for the community's economy apart from fishermen and agriculture. Even the mangrove ecosystem in Lubuk Kertang Village has become a tourist icon for Langkat. Apart from mangrove ecotourism, Lubuk Kertang is also unique with its processed mangrove products in the form of foods such as mangrove dodol, jeruju crackers, and mangrove syrup. However, productivity is constrained by the availability of mangrove fruit which depends on the season. Moving on from this, it is necessary to carry out community service activities to provide education about the potential and benefits of mangrove waste in the form of stems, twigs, leaves, and fruit from other aspects. Namely that apart from being processed as food material, mangrove waste can also be processed into other high-value products, one of which is a natural dye. Activities carried out are in the form of socialization and education about the potential and benefits of mangrove waste as a natural coloring agent to the manufacturing process. Furthermore, the natural dyes that have been produced are applied in the coloring process through the ecoprint workshop/training. The media used are cloth/textiles, paper, sheepskin, and ceramics (mugs). The response of the community, represented by women from independent women farmer groups as well as some students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah and the Village Head was very good. Even some mothers from independent women farmer groups routinely continue to make ecoprints in the form of cloth, pashmina, and t-shirts. Their products have also been included in exhibition activities in Lubuk Kertang Village. The Head of Lubuk Kertang Village hopes that there will be sustainability from independent women farmer groups to make ecoprint products to increase income from the Lubuk Kertang community.   Abstrak Desa Lubuk Kertang memiliki potensi ekowisata mangrove yang saat ini terus dikembangkan sebagai salah satu pemasukan sumber pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat selain nelayan dan pertanian. Bahkan ekosistem mangrove di Desa Lubuk Kertang menjadi ikon wisata Langkat. Selain ekowisata mangrove, Lubuk Kertang juga khas dengan produk olahan mangrovenya berupa makanan seperti dodol mangrove, kerupuk jeruju dan sirup dari buah mangrove. Namun produktivitasnya terkendala oleh ketersediaan buah mangrove yang tergantung dengan musim. Beranjak dari hal tersebut maka perlu dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat untuk memberikan edukasi tentang potensi dan manfaat limbah tanaman mangrove baik berupa batang, ranting, daun dan buah dari aspek yang lain. Yaitu bahwa selain dapat diolah sebagai bahan pangan limbah tanaman mangrove juga dapat diolah menjadi produk bernilai tinggi lainnya, salah satunya sebagai pewarna alami. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah dalam bentuk sosialisasi dan edukasi tentang potensi dan manfaat limbah tanaman mangrove sebagai zat pewarna alami hingga proses pembuatannya. Selanjutnya pewarna alami yang telah dihasilkan diaplikasikan dalam proses pewarnaan melalui kegiatan workshop/pelatihan ecoprint. Media yang digunakan adalah kain/tekstil, kertas, kulit domba dan keramik (mug). Respon masyarakat yang diwakili oleh ibu-ibu kelompok tani wanita mandiri serta beberapa siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah dan Kepala Desa sangat baik. Bahkan beberapa ibu-ibu dari kelompok tani wanita mandiri secara rutin terus membuat olahan ecoprint berupa kain, pashmina dan kaos. Hasil produksi mereka juga telah diikutserakan pada kegiatan pameran di Desa Lubuk Kertang. Kepala Desa Lubuk Kertang mengharapkan adanya keberlanjutan dari kelompok tani wanita mandiri untuk membuat produk-produk ecoprint dalam rangka menambah pemasukan dari masyarakat Lubuk Kertang.  

Andi Aco Agus ◽  
Randiawan Randiawan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh data empiris peran komite pemantau legislatif dalam mendorong kinerja legislasi DPRD Kota Makassar. (2) Mengetahui dan menilai tingkat keberhasilan komite pemantau legislatif dalam mendorong kinerja legislasi DPRD Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan fokus pada fenomena, kejadian, perilaku. sikap, khusus dalam penelitian sosial. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunanakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data secara konkret yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini di analisis dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1). Peran komite pemantau legislatif (KOPEL) dalam mendorong kinerja legislasi DPRD Kota Makassar : a) Advokasi kebijakan pemerintah daerah meliputi: Sekolah parlemen KOPEL Indonesia, Workshop, Training Legal drafting. b) Riset dan pengembangan kinerja DPRD Kota Makassar meliputi Publik hearing, Menyiapkan draf analisis, rapat dengar pendapat. c) Pendampingan masyarakat sipil. (2). Tingkat keberhasilan komite pemantau legislatif (KOPEL) dalam mendorong kinerja legislasi DPRD Kota Makassar diantaranya: a) Peningkatan pemahaman dalam menyusun peraturan, b) Peningkatan transparansi kapasitas kinerja sekretariat DPRD Kota Makassar, c) Memperkuat transparansi dukungan penerimaan aspirasi masyarakat, d) Memperkuat transparansi dengan fasilitas e-parlement kopel Sulawesi, e) Membangun keahlian legal drafting. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-76
Elmira Jafari Navimipour ◽  
Fatemeh Pournagi Azar ◽  
Sarvin Kholafazade

Background and Objectives: Professional qualification-based dentist training plays an important role in providing the health services needed by the community. One of the most important steps in dentistry is choosing the color and matching the color of the tooth with the restoration. Color selection training in the curriculum of Iranian dental schools is provided to students as implicit training in some related courses such as restorations and prosthetics, and there is no separate practical unit for students to learn and practice more. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of workshop training in the quality of tooth color selection by final year students of Tabriz Dental School in the academic year2019-2020. Material and Methods: In a quasi-experimeایntal study; Final year students of Tabriz Dental School entered the study. Students were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. In the experimental group, after selecting the primary color, through the workshop training strategy, color selection by Vitapan system in the right maxilla incisor 3 patients were taught simple, medium and complex method of workshop training and one week after training the correct color selection It was reviewed by these students. In the control group, color selection was done by students in exactly the same conditions as the case group who had received routine training. The data obtained from the study were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods (frequency-percentage) and Fisher's Exact test and statistical software SPSS.16. Results: In all three groups of simple, medium and complex patients, the quality of color selection in the intervention group was improved, which was significantly different from a dental point of view; however, there was no statistically significant difference between the intervention and control groups in all three groups of patients. Also, the effect of training in choosing complex colors was more significant. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that workshop training had a positive effect on the color choice of dental students. Because dentistry is a procedure-based discipline and not all procedures are seen in the training curriculum. The dental professor can choose some procedures based on the pervasive need and teach in one workshop day. On the other hand, workshop training can be an proper educational strategy based on adult learning that learners show a lot of desire to learn according to their job needs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Jamiah Jamiah

In accordance with the guidelines for implementing village fund allocation (ADD) that one of the allocations for Village Fund Allocation is for village development costs, but the problem now is that development should not only be oriented towards physical development, but also need human resource development through community empowerment .This type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, documentation and observation. Based on the background that has been described, the authors propose a problem that is the center of attention in the research as follows: 1). How is the effectiveness of the village fund allocation program (ADD) in community empowerment in Liang Ulu Village, Kota Bangun District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. 2). What are the supporting and inhibiting factors in community empowerment in Liang Ulu Village, Kota Bangun District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. While the objectives of this study can be formulated as follows: 1) To find out and describe the effectiveness of the village fund allocation program (ADD) in Community Empowerment in Liang Ulu Village, Kota Bangun District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. 2) To determine the supporting and inhibiting factors in community empowerment in Liang Ulu Village, Kota Bangun District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency.The results show that the effectiveness of the Village Fund Allocation program in Community Empowerment in Liang Ulu Village, Kota Bangun District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency is as follows: Achieving the effectiveness of the Village Fund Allocation Program (ADD) in community empowerment in Liang Ulu Village, Kota Bangun District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency in terms of achievement of goals has been running quite effectively. Because in its implementation the village government has made programs and policies for community empowerment in Liang Ulu Village, be it from business assistance activities such as making wheat crackers, or assistance from the poor, assistance in making fish trap ponds through BUMDes borrowing siampan, infrastructure development such as ironwood bridges connecting roads in riverbank areas with major roads that involve the village community, and training provided by the village government to its residents, such as sewing training, workshop training, fishery cultivation training and others.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 8
Susan Oliver ◽  
Linda Bradbury ◽  
Rong Mu ◽  
Xiaobing Wang ◽  
Daniel Furtner

Background/Objective: Asia-Pacific Initiative for Rheumatology nurse Education (ASPIRE) is a faculty-led initiative established to meet the educational needs of rheumatology nurses in Asia Pacific in recognition of the expanding role of nurses in daily rheumatology clinical practice. The objective of this study is to measure the impact of ASPIRE workshop training on nurses’ levels of knowledge, confidence, attitudes and beliefs using a Before-after-control-impact (BACI) survey.Methods: A total of 210 nurses who completed both pre- and post-surveys were included in the BACI analysis. The intervention group (n = 111) refers to nurses who attended the ASPIRE workshop training held during the China Chronic Disease Management Forum in Baotou, Inner Mongolia in September 2019 whereas the control group (n = 99) refers to Chinese nurses that have never attended the ASPIRE training. Results: Overall level of knowledge significantly increased by 30% (5.63 pre- vs. 8.34 post-survey; p < .001), and overall level of confidence significantly increased by 29% among nurses who attended ASPIRE training (5.83 pre- vs. 8.39 post-survey; p < .001). Nurses in the control group demonstrated no significant increase in knowledge (6.18 pre- vs. 6.50 post-survey; p = .097) or confidence (6.46 pre- vs. 6.71 post-survey; p = .169) over the same period.}Conclusions: Nurses who attended the ASPIRE training workshop reported a significant increase in their levels of knowledge and confidence compared with a control group of nurses who have never undergone ASPIRE training. Training rheumatology nurses to acquire more in-depth knowledge and skills can help optimize their role in clinical practice to meet the greater demands of disease monitoring and long-term management of rheumatology patients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-63
Dwi Rohyani ◽  
Sudibyo Supardi ◽  
Djuariah Chanafi

Patient’s Safety is part a service system in a hospital to give comfort and protection, so the patient feel more secured. Fall patient’s accident is mostly reported happen to adult patient when they were having a care unit. Patien’s safety training is purposed to add nurses performance motivation to prevent fall patient. This research is meant to see whether there is a connection between the workshop, attitude, motivetion of nurses performance and the patient safety from fall accident in General Hospital Indonesian Christian University, Jakarta. This research used quantitative method combine with comparative study design. This comperative study is conducted by comparing the nurses performance toward patient safety of fall accedent between those who had the trainng workshop and those who dont have the training workshop. The ammount of the sample to this research is 94 respondents, which is divided into two groups. 56 respondents who had the workshop training and 38 respondents who did not have workshop training. Then two these two groups are conducted an osbervation and being compared. The technique of sample taking is using total sampling technique. The result of this research showed that there is an influence of training (p=0,000) motivation (p = 0,010), to patient safety of fall accident prevention OR (Odd Ratio) valvue is 8,603 times higher than to thoses who did not have the patient safety training workshop. This research recommends the necessary to conduct a workshop training to develop attitude, motivation and standarized nurse performance to prevent patient fall accident risk.

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