scholarly journals Kontribusi Penggunaan Personal Selling Dalam Kegiatan Komunikasi Pemasaran Pada Era Pemasaran Masa Kini

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Suherman Kusniadji

In today’s marketing era, consumers seem to have known about marketed products and no longer need explanation from a salesperson. The interaction between company and target consumers can be marketed through new media such as email, Facebook, WA, Instagram, and other forms. Such situations need to be in-depth researched in terms of whether personal selling contribution is still needed in marketing communication activities. Considering the uniqueness and personal selling advantages turns out that personal selling is an important partner that can not be replaced by other forms of marketing communications even if there is exposure to new media to promote products. The specialty of personal selling lies in its ability to interact directly to improvise the sales process through person to person communication. Dalam era pemasaran masa kini nampaknya konsumen dianggap sudah mengetahui tentang produk yang dipasarkan dan tidak memerlukan lagi penjelasan dari seorang wiraniaga. Interaksi perusahaan dengan pembeli sasaran dapat dilakukan melalui media baru seperti email, facebook, WA, instagram dan bentuk lainnya. Situasi demikianlah yang memerlukan kajian mendalam dalam kaitannya apakah kontribusi personal selling masih dibutuhkan dalam kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran.  Memperhatikan keunikan dan kelebihan personal selling ternyata personal selling merupakan mitra penting yang tidak dapat tergantikan oleh bentuk komunikasi pemasaran lainnya sekalipun ada terpaan media baru untuk mempromosikan produk. Keistimewaan personal selling terletak pada kemampuan nya untuk berinteraksi secara langsung untuk mengimprovisasi proses penjualan melalui komunikasi person to person.

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 167
Ruth Ambar ◽  
Wulan Purnama Sari

Since the pandemic outbreak hit Indonesia, the most visible impact is the economic crisis. One of those affected was that UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) both in the service and production sectors experienced a significant decline in turnover, one of which is Hello Cafe. Hello Cafe will adapt to new circumstances, where business premises can reopen by complying with existing health protocols. Hello Cafe must be able to carry out proper marketing communications so that customers can come back to visit to improve their turnover and losses. The purpose of this research is to find, understand, and describe what marketing communications will be used appropriately at Hello Cafe to adapt to the covid-19 pandemic. Researchers chose to use a qualitative approach because they will conduct research and analysis on the phenomenon of marketing communication at Hello Cafe during the Covid-19 pandemic. The conclusion of this study is that effective marketing communication in adapting during the Covid-19 pandemic is personal selling to invite old customers to come back to Hello Cafe and word of mouth because most visitors come from recommendations from old customers who have visited.Sejak wabah pandemi melanda Indonesia, dampak yang sangat terlihat adalah krisisnya perekonomian. Salah satu yang terkena dampaknya adalah UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah) baik dalam bidang jasa maupun produksi megalami penurunan omzet yang siginifikan, salah satunya adalah Hello Cafe. Hello Cafe akan beradaptasi dengan keadaan yang baru, dimana tempat usaha bisa kembali buka dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang ada. Hello Cafe harus bisa melakukan komunikasi pemasaran yang tepat agar pelanggan dapat kembali berkunjung untuk memperbaiki omzet dan kerugian yang dialami. Tujuan penilitian ini adalah untuk menemukan, memahami, serta mendeskripsikan tentang komunikasi pemasaran apa yang akan digunakan secara tepat pada Hello Cafe untuk beradaptasi di masa pandemi covid-19. Peneliti memilih menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena akan melakukan riset dan analisis terhadap fenomena komunikasi pemasaran pada Hello Cafe dalam masa pandemi covid-19. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa komunikasi pemasaran yang efektif dalam beradaptasi di masa pandemi covid-19 adalah personal selling untuk mengajak pelanggan lama kembali berkunjung ke Hello Cafe dan word of mouth karena kebanyakan pengunjung berdatangan dari rekomendasi pelanggan lama yang sudah berkunjung.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Rima Rizki Syahputri ◽  
Nuri Aslami

In the field of marketing, globalization has had a significant impact. Where the market potential is growing, but there is a drawback, namely the increasingly fierce and difficult competition. As a result, marketing in this era of globalization requires more than just producing product improvements, setting lower rates, and distributing goods continuously. Companies, on the other hand, need good marketing communications to promote their products, strengthen their brand image, and generate purchasing decisions. The purpose of this study is to see how the communication mix affects customer purchasing decisions. Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, and public relations are the five main aspects that make up the marketing communications mix. Where these five parts come together to fulfill the purpose of marketing communication, namely improving product image, which leads to product purchase. Keywords: Marketing, Marketing Communication, Purchasing

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Estavita Chantik Pembayun ◽  
Yenni Sri Utami ◽  
Isbandi Sutrisno

As a night tourist destination that is unique and has great potential, Puncak Sosok requires an evaluation of Puncak Sosok's marketing communications. The formulation of the problem in this research is how to evaluate marketing communication conducted by Puncak Sosok managers. The purpose of this research is to describe and to find out the evaluation of Puncak Sosok marketing communication and the supporting and inhibiting factors in its implementation. This research uses eight main marketing communication models by Kotler and the PII (Preparation, Implementation, Impact) evaluation model by Cutlip-Center-Broom with a qualitative approach. The results of the evaluation on the preparation aspect are conformity with the objectives and background where fluctuations in visits, but there are no details number of the tourist targets so that the measurement of success is not detailed. Evaluation on the implementation aspect are that most of the programs have been running well, but there are problems such as social media creativity and the absence of tour packages and authentic Puncak Sosok products. Impact evaluation results on most programs have had a positive impact such as the number of media publications and known as a typical night tourism destination with live music. Nevertheless, some programs are still ineffective and need to be improved, such as direct marketing and personal selling programs, which have less impact on attracting tourists. Supporting factors are the relationship that exists with the media and stakeholders, while the lack of innovation and knowledge of human resources in marketing and media use become inhibiting factors.

Prologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Angellisa Salim ◽  
Gregorius Genep Sukendro

This study discusses Adroady Media's marketing communication strategy in introducing Car Videotron as a new outdoor advertising media. The purpose of this research is to find out how the marketing communication strategy used by Adroady Media companies in promoting new outdoor advertising media is Car Videotron to be known by consumers and potential customers. This type of research used by researchers is to use descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are done through observation, in-depth interviews and through literature and internet studies. Researchers use several theories to support this research, namely advertising, marketing communication strategies, outdoor media, new media. The results of this study indicate that the marketing communication strategy adopted by Adroady Media is to use 3 types of communication media, namely personal selling, direct marketing, and events or experiences. From these three media, it can be concluded that personal selling is the most effective media used in Car Videotron marketing. With personal selling, the company Adroady Media can establish good relationships with consumers and potential customers and build good relationships. Penelitian ini membahas tentang strategi komunikasi pemasaran Adroady Media dalam memperkenalkan Car Videotron sebagai media iklan luar ruang baru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan perusahaan Adroady Media dalam mempromosikan media iklan luar ruang baru yaitu Car Videotron agar dikenal oleh para konsumen, dan calon konsumen. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan peneliti yaitu menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam serta melalui studi kepustakaan dan internet. Peneliti menggunakan beberapa teori untuk mendukung penelitian ini yaitu periklanan, strategi komunikasi pemasaran, media luar ruang, new media. Dari hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan Adroady Media yaitu menggunakan 3 macam media komunikasi yaitu personal selling, pemasaran langsung, dan acara atau pengalaman. Dari ketiga media tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa personal selling merupakan media yang paling efektif digunakan dalam pemasaran Car Videotron. Dengan personal selling, perusahaan Adroady Media bisa menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan konsumen maupun calon konsumen dan membangun relasi yang baik. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-87 ◽  
Agung Slamet Prasetyo

Study was conducted to determine the marketing communications strategy used an online business. With the case of the online ticket business The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing communications strategies used in his business, and the reasons for those strategies. In this online ticket business, before knowing what strategy to use, should be set in advance the objectives to be achieved in implementing this strategy. And objectives are set forth in segmenting, targeting and positioning. Then to achieve these objectives the strategy drafted in the Product, Place, Price and Promotion, known as the Marketing Mix. Marketing Communication Mix consists of a specific mix of advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion and direct marketing tools that companies use to communicate in a persuasive customer value and build relationships with customers. The study was conducted with qualitative methods. Research shows that advertising on is a means of effective marketing communication. Public Relations by means of online using a blog is the primary support in advertising on

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 41 ◽  
Angga Rie Marcel

The background of this research: “Marketing Communication is a subject that students often equate with advertising. Hence, the challenge for authors is to write a text that addresses advertising, without demoting other aspects of marketing communications to significance. Researches present advertising and promotions as two major, distinct elements of Marketing Communications, with personal selling as related areas that are managed in a separate but consistent fashion.” The objective of this research: “Is there an impact of Marketing Communication and Price Promotion on Brand Equity of Cigarettes Product?” The design of this research applies hypothesis testing to examine all hypotheses in this study. The methods used in this study were correlation research; it’s trying to exploration the important variables associated with the problem. Data analysis used in this research was collected by distributing questionnaires which are distributed on 200 respondents in campus, coffee shops, lounges, and offices in Jakarta. There were 180 respondents of which 158 completed and useable for analyzed by multiple regressions. The result of this research conclude that Kohli, Jaworski and Kumar’s market orientation scale provided a good measure of market orientation in this setting. Also the result of analysis indicated a significant link between marketing communication, price promotion and brand equity in cigarettes product. The managerial implications are discussed

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 376
Silanando Leonard ◽  
Yugih Setyanto

Marketing communication is known to be important in a brand or industry. Marketing communications also influence the development and progress of a company, including brands owned by the company. Brand awareness in a company is also influenced by marketing communications conducted by the company. This research aims to focus the relationship between marketing communication of a company and brand awareness of the company's products. In this research, the method used is the study case method with qualitative approach and using interview, observation, and library study techniques. Marketing communication activities carried out by PT. Media Antar Nusa has been focusing more on the advertising sector, public relations, and also personal selling. Nusa ID is more dominant in conducting its marketing communication activities in the form of online, because it is considered more suitable and effective. Komunikasi pemasaran diketahui sebagai hal yang penting pada suatu merek ataupun industri. Komunikasi pemasaran juga mempengaruhi perkembangan dan kemajuan dari suatu perusahaan, termasuk merek yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan tersebut. Kesadaran merek pada suatu perusahaan pun dipengaruhi oleh komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memfokuskan keterkaitan antara komunikasi pemasaran suatu perusahaan dengan brand awareness produk perusahaan tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh PT. Media Antar Nusa selama ini lebih memfokuskan pada sektor iklan, hubungan masyarakat, dan juga personal selling. Nusa ID lebih dominan melakukan kegiatan komunikasi pemasarannya dalam bentuk online, karena dinilai lebih cocok dan efektif.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Cut Nailil Muna

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis lebih lanjut penerapan Integrated Marketing Communication pada Festival Seni Rupa Kontemporer Internasional ARTJOG MMXIX yang diselenggarakan oleh Heri Pemad Management (selanjutnya disingkat HPM). Manfaat penelitian ini adalah memberikan kontribusi pemikiran bagi pengembangan pengelolaan manajemen seni dalam keberhasilannya meraih pasar. Untuk menjawab pokok masalah dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengacu pada konsep komunikasi pemasaran terpadu model George dan Michael Belch (2011) yang meliputi advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, Public Relations and Publicity serta interactive marketing melalui tiga tahapan proses, yaitu perencanaan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Penelitian dijalankan secara kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data terbagi dua yaitu data primer melalui wawancara dan observasi; serta data sekunder melalui studi pustaka. Key informan dan informan yang dipilih berasal dari internal HPM dan pengunjung Festival ARTJOG MMXIX. Penelitian ini mampu menjelaskan bahwa HPM telah mengimplementasikan Integrated Marketing Communication melalui tahap perencanaan yang dimulai dari targeting, positioning, penetapan tujuan dan anggaran. Tahap implementasi, dilakukan perancangan pesan, pemilihan media, dan penerapan bauran komunikasi. Tahap evaluasi, dilakukan analisis untuk mengukur hasil akhir dari implementasi bauran IMC sekaligus mengambil tindakan korektif dalam penyelenggaraan festival tersebut. Kesimpulannya, HPM telah berhasil menerapkan konsep komunikasi pemasaran terpadu pada penyelenggaraan Festival Seni Rupa Kontemporer Internasional ARTJOG MMXIX. ABSTRACTThis research aims to further analyze the implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication at the International Contemporary Arts Festival of ARTJOG MMXIX organized by Heri Pemad Management (hereinafter abbreviated as HPM). The benefit of this research is to contribute to thinking for the development of art management in the success of achieving the market. To address the subject matter of this study, researchers refer to the concept of Integrated Marketing Communication George and Michael Belch (2011) model’s which include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, Public Relations and Publicity and interactive marketing through three stages of the process, planning, implementation and evaluation. Research is conducted qualitatively with case study methods. Two data collection is the primary data through interviews and observations; and secondary data through library studies. Key informant and informant are selected from the internal HPM and visitors Festival ARTJOG MMXIX. The research can explain that HPM has implemented Integrated Marketing Communication through the planning phase starting from targeting, positioning, goal setting and budget. Implementation stage, message design, media selection and communication mix application. Evaluation stage analyzed to measure the outcome of the implementation of IMC mix and take corrective action in the implementation of the festival. In conclusion, HPM has successfully adopted the concept of integrated marketing communication at the International Contemporary Art Festival of ARTJOG MMXIX.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-165
Hanan Wihasto

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of Marketing Communications on Customer Value. To know and analyze the influence of product quality on Customer Value. To know and analyze the influence of Distribution Channels for Customer Value. To know and analyze the effect of Marketing Communications, Product Quality and Distribution Channels together on Customer Value. To know and analyze the impact of the Consumer LoyaltyMarketing Communications. To know and analyze the influence of product quality on Consumer Loyalty. To know and analyze the influence of Distribution Channels for Consumer Loyalty. To know and analyze the effect on the Customer Value Customer Loyalty. To know and analyze the effect of Marketing Communications, Product Quality, Distribution Channels andCustomer Value jointly against Consumer Loyalty. The method used is survey method descriptive and explanatory survey with asample size of 435 respondents, as well as data analysis method used is SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) with LISREL 8.80. Based on the results of the study, then obtained the following findings: Marketing Communications positive and significant impact on Customer Value. Product quality and significant positive effect on Customer Value. Distribution Channels positive and significant impact on Customer Value. Marketing Communication, Product Quality and Distribution Channels simultaneously positive and significant impact on Customer Value. Partially Marketing Communications dominant contribution in influencing the Customer Value. Marketing Communications positive and significant impact on consumer loyalty. Product quality and significant positive effect on consumer loyalty. Distribution Channels positive and significant impact on consumer loyalty. Customer Value positive and significant impact on consumer loyalty. Marketing Communication, Product Quality, Distribution Channels and Customer Value simultaneously positive and significant impact on consumer loyalty. Partially Marketing Communications dominant contribution in influencing consumer loyalty.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Wulan Muhariani

ABSTRACTSomething new from the company, whether it is innovations, policies and the latest achievements from the company, should ideally be communicated and marketed to the public under any circumstances, including during a pandemic. At this time, all companies are challenged to market their products and services, a special strategy is needed to achieve the company's goals. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) activities carried out by PT Blue Bird Tbk in introducing the company's latest innovation, namely the My Bluebird 5 application during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was conducted qualitatively with a case study method and data collection was divided into two, namely primary through interviews and observations; as well as secondary data through literature studies and media coverage results. The conclusion of this research is that PT Blue Bird Tbk has implemented an integrated marketing communication concept to introduce the My Blue Bird 5 application in the midst of a pandemic through various tactics such as from advertising, public relations, internet marketing, sales promotion and direct marketing activities.Keywords: Marketing Communications, Integrated Marketing Communication, Pandemic  ABSTRAKSesuatu yang baru dari perusahaan, entah itu inovasi, kebijakan dan pencapaian terbaru dari perusahaan, idealnya harus dikomunikasikan dan dipasarkan kepada masyarakat dalam kondisi apapun, termasuk di masa pandemi. Pada masa ini, semua perusahaan mendapat tantangan untuk memasarkan produk dan jasanya, dibutuhkan strategi khusus agar tujuan perusahaan tercapai. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penerapan aktivitas Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) yang dilakukan oleh PT Blue Bird Tbk dalam memperkenalkan inovasi terbaru perusahaan, yaitu aplikasi My Bluebird 5 di masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini dijalankan secara kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus dan pengumpulan data terbagi menjadi dua yaitu primer melalui wawancara dan observasi; serta data sekunder melalui studi pustaka dan hasil liputan media. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah PT Blue Bird Tbk telah menerapkan konsep komunikasi pemasasaran terpadu untuk memperkenalkan aplikasi My Bluebird 5 di tengah masa pandemi melalui berbagai macam taktik mulai dari kegiatan periklanan, public relations, pemasaran internet, promosi penjualan dan pemasaran langsung.Kata Kunci: Marketing Communications, Integrated Marketing Communication, Pandemi

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