scholarly journals Standar Kecantikan Perempuan Berhijab dalam Iklan Televisi (Analisa Semiotika Iklan Wardah Versi Feel The Beauty)

Prologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 209
Christinawati Christinawati ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi

This research is to provide knowledge and insight to the reader.  This research is about the standard of hijab women's beauty in television commercials (Semiotic analysis to Wardah version of  Feel The Beauty).  The thing to be discussed is the message to be conveyed through the advertisement by asking Wardah.  Received  responses from Wardah users in Jakarta.  The beauty standard of social media construction is television through advertisement shows.  The theory used in this study, namely beauty, mass media, television advertising as mass communication and social construction of advertising in mass media.  This research is a descriptive qualitative research, interpreting sign through  semiotic analysis with Roland Barthes theory by using denotation, connotation and myth.  Conduct  interviews with Wardah and women who use Wardah products.  The results showed that the woman's beauty standards not only from outside, including from within yourself.  The women placed in the advertisements also seem to fit the message that they want to convey. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan dan wawasan kepada pembaca. Penelitian ini tentang standar kecantikan perempuan berhijab dalam iklan televisi (Analisis semiotika iklan Wardah versi Feel The Beauty). Hal yang ingin dibahas yaitu, pesan yang ingin disampaikan melalui iklan tersebut dengan bertanya kepada pihak Wardah. Mendapat tanggapan tentang iklan tersebut dari pengguna pihak Wardah yang berada di Jakarta. Adanya standar kecantikan dari konstruksi sosial media yaitu televisi melalui tayangan iklan. Teori yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini, yaitu kecantikan, media massa, iklan televisi sebagai komunikasi massa dan konstruksi sosial iklan dalam media massa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, memaknai tanda melalui analisis semiotika dengan teori Roland Barthes dengan menggunakan denotasi, konotasi dan mitos. Melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan pihak Wardah dan perempuan yang menggunakan produk Wardah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa standar kecantikan perempuan itu tidak hanya dari luar saja termasuk dari dalam diri. Perempuan yang berada di dalam iklan pun terlihat sesuai dengan pesan yang ingin disampaikan.

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 194
Orville Yonathan ◽  
Sinta Paramita

Games as a form of mass communication carry messages for the audience. One of the games called marginalization was Player Unknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG). This study aims to identify the existence of marginalization in minority cultures in the PUBG game. The PUBG game is a survival game against 100 people where the players are placed on an island. How to survive is done by killing opposing players using the weapons that have been provided. This game can be done alone or in groups of four. The research method used by researchers is qualitative research methods. The research technique used is the Semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes. The data collection technique used was the observation technique. Observations made by researchers include how the characters in this game are made and how the forms of communication performed by the players while playing so that the marginalization of the minority culture appears. This study found that in an online game it has the potential to bring bad things to the intercultural society which is described by Roland Barthes that a bad habit will become a habit that is tolerated.Permainan atau game sebagai bentuk komunikasi massa membawa pesan bagi audiens. Salah satu game yang disebut melakukan marginalisasi adalah game PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG). Penelitian ini ingin mengidentifikasi adanya marginalisasi pada budaya minoritas dalam game PUBG. Permainan PUBG merupakan permainan bertahan hidup dengan melawan 100 orang di mana para pemainnya ditempatkan di sebuah pulau. Cara bertahan hidup dilakukan dengan membunuh pemain lawan menggunakan senjata yang sudah disediakan. Permainan ini dapat dilakukan sendiri atau berkelompok dengan anggota empat orang. Metode penelitian yang dipakai peneliti adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi. Pengamatan yang dilakukan peneliti meliputi bagaimana karakter dalam game ini dibuat dan bagaimana bentuk komunikasi yang dilakukan para pemain pada saat bermain sehingga muncul marginalisasi budaya minoritas tersebut. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa di dalam sebuah game online memiliki potensi memunculkan hal buruk untuk masyarakat antar budaya yang digambarkan menurut Roland Barthes bahwa sebuah kebiasaan buruk akan menjadi suatu kebiasaan yang ditoleransi.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 338
Faiz Zulia Maharany ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi

'Nightmare' is the title of a video clip belonging to a singer and singer called Halsey, in which the video clip is explained about the figure of women who struggle against patriarchal culture which has been a barrier wall for women to get their rights, welfare and the equality needed they get. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques are done through documentation, observation and study of literature. Then, analyzed using Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotics technique. The results of this study show the fact that signs, symbols or messages representing feminism in the video, 'Nightmare' clips are presented through scenes that present women's actions in opposing domination over men and sarcastic sentences contained in the lyrics of the song to discuss with patriarchy. Youtube as one of the social media platforms where the 'Nightmare' video clip is uploaded is very effective for mass communication and for conveying the message contained in the video clip to the viewing public.‘Nightmare’ adalah judul video klip milik musisi sekaligus penyanyi yang bernama Halsey, dimana pada Video klipnya tersebut menceritakan tentang figur perempuan-perempuan yang berusaha melawan budaya patriarki yang selama ini telah menjadi dinding penghalang bagi perempuan untuk mendapatkan hak-haknya, keadilan dan kesetaraan yang seharusnya mereka dapatkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dokumentasi, observasi dan studi kepustakaan. Kemudian, dianalisis menggunakan teknik semiotika milik Charles Sanders Peirce. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat tanda-tanda, simbol atau pesan yang merepresentasikan feminisme di dalam video klip ‘Nightmare’ yang dihadirkan melalui adegan-adegan yang menyajikan aksi perempuan dalam menolak dominasi atas laki-laki dan kalimat-kalimat sarkas yang terkandung dalam lirik lagunya untuk ditujukan kepada patriarki. Youtube sebagai salah satu platform media sosial dimana video klip ‘Nightmare’ diunggah sangat efektif untuk melakukan komunikasi massa dan untuk menyampaikan pesan yang terkandung di dalam video klip tersebut kepada masyarakat yang menonton.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-75
Muhammad Shodiq Masrur ◽  
Asyhari Amri

The current era, with fertile technology that is increasingly developing, certainly has positive and negative sides. One of the phenomena that shows the negative side of development technologies such as Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook is that many cildren use media gadgets as playmates, so that the child is not controlled is choosing content that is popular in cyberspace, as a reseult the child will further away from values religion, humanitarian values, values justice and moral values. In this article, the researcher describes the prevention of moral decadence for the younger generation, so it is necessary to increase the role of education, especially the role of parents in selecting entertaiment content that contains moral values for children. These efforts are made to prepare the next generation who have knowledge, faith and good character. The writing of this article uses qualitative research with descriptive analysis. The writer in this article uses Roland Barthes’ semiotic analysis model known as “two order of signification”, namely by looking for the denotative meaning the connotation of each scene. From using this method the researcher foumd that the animated film Nussa and Rarra, the episode of prayer must contain values from the concept of Islamic teachings, namely Akidah, Sharia and Moral. If parents are able to nurture and guide by choosing content that educated and implements in life, it is hoped that the child will become a person with character according to the expectation of the nation and religion. Islamic

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Jemmy Junius Pah

This study aimed to dismantle the myth of sexuality in print advertising LYNX version of The Cleaner You Are The dirtier You Get. The objects of this study were LYNX print ads version of The Cleaner You Are The dirtier You Get that displays only the female sexy model figure without including the male model. This study used a qualitative research methodology. The method of Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis is used to determine the meaning of the signs that exist on the stored advertisements and also the ideology behind the ad. After observing the LYNX print ads version of The Cleaner You Are The dirtier You Get, researchers found the myth of sexuality in various signifier and the signified that exist in the ad. The use of icons such as sexuality sexy female models showed their exploitation efforts both physical and non-physical by exploiting women's bodies and desires. The ideology that is hidden behind LYNX print ads version of The Cleaner You Are The dirtier You Get is the ideology of consumerism, patriarchy and capitalism. Associated with the research, the authors would like to suggest that the ad makers and manufacturers are not continuously use women's bodies as 'material' advertising, especially if the woman is only used as mere sex objects.Keyword: Myth Sexuality, LYNX Print Ad, Semiotics, Roland Barthes, Consumerism, Patriarchy, Kapitalism

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Joanne Mareris Sukisman ◽  
Lusia Savitri Setyo Utami

The development of a beauty standard stigma that says being beautiful is having white skin is a problem for some women in Indonesia, this is due to the construction of mass media and the entry of foreign cultures. That way those with dark or brown skin will feel insecure. Seeing this stigma, Pond's as one of the pioneers of skin care created an advertisement for their new product variant, Pond's White Beauty Skin Perfecting Cream, which shows models with various skin colors typical of Indonesian women. Based on this background, the formulation of the problem of this study is how to fight against the stigma of the beauty standard for women's skin color that is depicted in the TV ad for Pond's White Beauty Skin Perfecting Cream. Then the purpose of this study is to explain and describe the resistance to the stigma of the beauty standard for women's skin color that is depicted in the TV ad for Pond's White Beauty Skin Perfecting Cream. The theoretical review used in this research is advertising, television advertising, the concept of beauty standards, and stigma and resistance. To answer the problem formulation, this study uses qualitative research methods with Charles Sanders Pierce's semiotic analysis, which sees a phenomenon with three main components, namely Signs, Objects, and Interpretations. The results showed that in several scenes the advertisement gave a message that the standard of women's beauty was not measured by skin color, but beauty was based on the inner beauty or potential and talents possessed as well as a sense of gratitude and confidence. The conclusion is that this ad does not follow the construction of advertisements in general, but shows beauty with various skin tones that are characteristic of Indonesia, and wants to show women that basically all women with any skin color are beautiful.Berkembangnya suatu stigma standar kecantikan yang mengatakan cantik adalah memiliki kulit putih menjadi suatu problem bagi sebagian perempuan di Indonesia, hal ini disebabkan oleh kontruksi media massa dan masuknya budaya asing. Dengan begitu mereka yang memiliki kulit gelap atau sawo matang akan merasa tidak percaya diri. Melihat stigma tersebut Pond’s sebagai salah satu pelopor skin care membuat iklan untuk varian produk baru mereka Pond’s White Beauty Skin Perfecting Cream yang memperlihatkan model dengan beragam warna kulit khas perempuan Indonesia. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana perlawanan terhadap stigma standar kecantikan warna kulit perempuan yang digambarkan pada iklan TV Pond’s White Beauty Skin Perfecting Cream. Kemudian tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan perlawanan terhadap stigma standar kecantikan warna kulit perempuan yang digambarkan pada iklan TV Pond’s White Beauty Skin Perfecting Cream. Tinjauan teoritis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu periklanan, iklan televisi, konsep standar kecantikan, dan stigma serta perlawanannya. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce yang melihat suatu fenomena dengan tiga komponen utama yaitu Tanda, Objek, dan Interpretan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan di beberapa scene iklan tersebut memberikan makna pesan di dalamnya bahwa standar kecantikan perempuan bukan diukur dari warna kulit, melainkan kecantikan di dasari dengan mengedepankan inner beauty atau potensi dan bakat yang dimiliki serta rasa bersyukur dan percaya diri. Kesimpulannya adalah iklan ini tidak mengikuti konstruksi iklan pada umumnya, tetapi menunjukan kecantikan dengan beragam warna kulit ciri khas Indonesia, dan ingin menunjukan pada para perempuan bahwa pada dasarnya semua perempuan dengan warna kulit apapun itu cantik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
Nita Khairani Amanda ◽  
Yayu Sriwartini

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p>Media massa film dipilih sebagai media yang paling efektif dalam menyampaikan pesan, karena film dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran melalui pesan yang direpresentasikan ke dalam adegan atau narasi cerita. Pelajaran yang dapat diambil berupa pesan moral, atau salah satunya tentang pesan moral pernikahan yang terkandung dalam Film <em>Wedding Agreement. </em>Film ini membahas sisi kehidupan pernikahan yang dipermainkan, dengan adanya perjanjian pernikahan yang menyebutkan pasangan akan bercerai usai satu tahun pernikahan.<em> </em>Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif  dengan  sifat  penelitian  deskriptif.<em> </em>Penelitian ini mengunakan metode analisis semiotika Roland Barthes, dalam analisis ini terdapat tiga hal inti yang menjadi fokus yaitu makna Denotatif, Konotatif, dan Mitos yang digunakan peneliti sebagai panduan untuk melihat pengambaran terkait pesan moral pernikahan yang tergambar disetiap adegan film. Data yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari aplikasi Iflix yang menayangkan Film <em>Wedding Agreement </em>dan<em> </em>digabungkan dengan buku-buku yang membahas mengenai film dan pesan moral pernikahan. Hasil penelitian yang menunjukan bahwa representasi pesan moral pernikahan yang tampil dalam film <em>Wedding Agreement, </em>adalah berupa pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban seorang suami istri. Seperti, kewajiban saling menjaga hubungan, mencintai satu sama lain, menghormati satu sama lain, dan memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga. Dalam film ini sutradara ingin menonjolkan sisi bagaimana cara seorang pasangan untuk menjaga hubungan mereka dengan menggabungkan nilai budaya pernikahan indonesia dan nilai-nilai pernikahan agama islam yang dapat dijadikan sebuah pembelajaran bagi penonton film <em>Wedding Agreement.</em> Selain itu, film ini tidak hanya memiliki pesan moral pernikahan, tetapi terdapat pesan moral lainnya yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata Kunci : </strong>Kata Kunci : Semiotika, Film, Pesan Moral Pernikahan</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p><em>Film mass media was chosen as the most effective media in conveying messages, because film can be used as a learning medium through messages that are represented in scenes or narratives of stories. Lessons can be taken in the form of moral messages, or one of them is about the moral messages of marriage contained in the Film Wedding Agreement. This film discusses the side of married life being mocked, with a marriage agreement that says the couple will divorce after one year of marriage. This type of research is qualitative with the nature of descriptive research. This study uses Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis method, in this analysis there are three core things that are the focus, namely the Denotative, Connotative, and Mythical meaning used by researchers as a guide to see the depiction of marriage moral messages drawn in each film scene. The data obtained in this study is sourced from the Iflix application that shows Film Wedding Agreement and is combined with books that discuss the film and the moral message of marriage. The results showed that the representation of the moral message of marriage that appears in the film Wedding Agreement, is in the form of fulfilling the rights and obligations of a husband and wife. Like, the obligation to maintain mutual relations, love one another, respect each other, and meet the needs of the household. In this film the director wants to highlight the side of how a couple to maintain their relationship by combining the cultural values of Indonesian marriage and the values of Islamic religious marriage that can be used as a lesson for filmmakers of the Wedding Agreement. In addition, this film not only has a moral message of marriage, but there are other moral messages related to everyday life.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Semiotics, Film, Marriage Moral Message</em></p>

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 434
Grace Harpono ◽  
H.H Daniel Tamburian

Metrosexual men are men who take care of themselves and care about their appearance, at this time this is a natural thing and there are many beauty products specifically for men to maintain their appearance. At this time, the writer examines this through music videos, with the aim of seeing how the metrosexual male representations that occur in the Seventeen music video entitled 'Thank you'. To be able to do this analysis, the writer conducted research by analyzing the clips in the music video, therefore in this study the writer chose to use qualitative research methods. This research technique uses Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis theory which sees signs as denotations and connotations. With data techniques using observation techniques. The observation technique referred to by the author is to make observations made by the author of the Seventeen music video entitled "Thank you". The author watches in detail to capture events or signs related to the topic analysis. From the observations made by the author, the narrative of events and clear scene snippets of the representation of metrosexual men as seen from the clothes, make-up, accessories, and hair used in the music video are supported by gender theory derived from Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis. the research conducted gets credible results from the authors.Pria Metroseksual adalah pria yang pria yang merawat diri dan peduli dengan penampilannya, pada saat ini hal tersebut merupakan hal yang wajar dan sudah banyak prisuk kecantikan yang di khusus kan untuk para pria untuk menjaga penampilan mereka. Pada kali ini penulis meneliti hal tersebut melalui musik video, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana representasi pria metroseksual terjadi di dalam musik video Seventeen yang berjudul ‘Thanks’. Untuk dapat melakukan analisis tersebut penulis melakukan penelitian dengan menganalisa cuplikan-cuplikan yang ada di dalam musik video terebut, oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini penulis memilih menggunakan metode penelitian kuaitatif. Teknik penelitian ini menggunakan teori analisis semiotika Roland Barthes yang melihat tanda sebagai denotasi dan konotasi. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik observasi. Teknik observasi yang dimaksud dengan penulis adalah dengan melakukan kegiatan pengamatan yang dilakukan penulis terhadap musik video Seventeen yang berjudul “Thanks”. Penulis menyaksikan secara detail untuk menangkap peristiwa atau tanda yang terkait dengan topik analisis. Dari hasil pengamatan yang penulis lakukan,narasi peristiwa dan cuplikan adegan memperlihatkan jelas mengenai unsur representasi pria metroseksual yang terlihat dari pakian, riasan, aksesoris, dan tatadan rambut yang digunakan dalam musik video tersebut yang didukung oleh teori gender yang dikaitkan dengan karakteristik dari analisis semiotika Roland Barthes, sehingga penelitian yang dilakukan memperoleh hasil yang memperkuat hipotesis dari penulis.

Linda M. Gallant ◽  
Gloria M. Boone

Communicative informatics reflects the interactive complexity of web-based communication and a paradigm shift away from mass communication. Three discursive spheres (database and information systems, human computer interaction, and active audiences) work together to control online communication openness and its consequences for post-mass media society’s public common. This has implications for communication freedom, creativity, and constraints in an information-based society. Four propositions shed light on how online audience activity is encouraged by and imperative to corporate interests; how audience creativity can create, accept, or reject messages; how the online audience is monitored; and how online rhetoric can produce or inhibit public commons. Evidence shows that social media’s corporate interests can be at odds with online privacy and citizen communication. This tension is explored with a unique focus on rhetoric, argument, and the communication between audience members and Internet-based corporate media by way of digitized communication feedback loops.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-07
Iskandarsyah Siregar

The Palang Pintu tradition is a tradition that is part of the Betawi wedding ceremony. In this study, the semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes was used. This study uses extra-qualitative research methods with an interpretive approach as a complement. This linguistic research is classified as interpretive research because it relies on interpreting texts that can be related to the context in it, such as ideological, moral, cultural, and spiritual values. In this study, the researcher aimed to analyze the meaning of the Palang Pintu procession in terms of semiotics. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that in Palang Pintu, there are 1) meanings of denotation in the procession of the Palang Pintu, processions are starting from the dustur prayer, greetings, rhyme contests, fighting, and reciting the holy verses of the Koran or chanting sike. In the denotative meaning of this Palang Pintu process, apart from explaining the literal meaning and describing the process. It also describes the stages of testing for the groom to marry his bride; 2) the connotation meaning in the Palang Pintu procession describes the practice of the teachings and laws of Islam and love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW and family ties; and 3) the myth in the Palang Pintu procession is that there are Betawi solid community principles, namely recitation, prayer, and silat. In addition, the dominance of solid Islamic teachings is evidenced by the existence of relevant verses of the Koran and hadith and the content of Betawi cultures, such as rhyming, where rhymes are used to advise on traditional art ceremonies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Feb Rudi Akbar ◽  
Raudlatul Jannah

The purpose of this study is to identify L-Men Ads critically through representations of five actors. It is done to dismantle the process of forming male masculinity images in L-Men advertisements through visual methods with the syntagmatic approach of Roland Barthes. Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis is used to find patterns and intrinsic elements of the masculinity that are built into advertising. The myths of masculine men are depicted by certain types of sports, accessories, hairstyles, clothing, clothing colors, handsome faces, muscular body shapes, fancy place settings, and sexy women. The characters that are considered masculine are man with a muscular body, a man whose sportsmanship, man as new warriors, and man as a hero. L'Men Gain Mass wants to create pseudo masculinity by incorporating ideological values ​​that blend with images, fantasies, and dreams. These values ​​have been built successfully through the role of Copy Writer, and Visualizer in packaging L'men Gain Mass products, which are then well communicated and mixed with consumerism ideology. The commodification of L'men Gain Mass milk has succeeded in building an image of male masculinity on dexterity, handsome face, and favored by women who are then internalized into the product.  Keywords: Masculine Myth, Product Advertising, Ideology, intrinsic pattern Referensi: Barthes, R. 2012. Elemen-Elemen Semiologi. Yogyakarta: Jalasutra. Bungin,  B.  2006. Sosiologi  Komunikasi:  Teori,  Paradigma,  dan  Diskursus Ibrahim & Akhmad. 2014. Komunikasi Dan Komodifikasi: Mengkaji Media Dan Budaya Dalam Dinamika Globalisasi. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia. Liliweri, Alo. 2007. Makna Budaya dalam Komunikasi antar Budaya. Yogyakarta: Pt Lkis Pelangi Aksara. Marvasti, A. B. 2004. Qualitative  Research  in  Sociology.  London,  Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage Publication. Poloma, M. M. 2004. Sosiologi Kontemporer. Jakarta: CV Rajawali. Sabur,A. 2004.  Semiotika  Komunikasi. Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya. Sobur, A. 2001. Analisis  Teks  Media (Suatu  Pengantar  untuk  Analisis Wacana, Analisis Semiotik, dan Analisis Framing). Jakarta: Rosda. Yenne, Bill. 2002. Seri Sekilas Mengetahui, 100 Peristiwa yang Berpengaruh di dalam Sejarah Dunia. Batam: Karisma Publishing Group. Zoest, V. A.1996. Serba-Serbi Semiotika. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. April, DR. 2005. Iklan dan budaya populer. Pembentukan Identitas Idiologi Kecantikan Perempuan Oleh Iklan. Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi. 1(2). UAJY. Cinthia, PS. 2014. Maskulinitas di majalah laki-laki: Studi semiotika terhadap rubrik rupa di majalah Men’s Health Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi. 2(2). Universitas Kristen Petra. Surabaya. Demartoto, Argyo. 2010. Konsep maskulinitas dari jaman ke jaman dan citranya dalam media. Jurnal Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UNS. Surakarta Malau, RM.2011. Sosok etnis-etnis minoritas dalam iklan (Figure of Minority Ethnic in Advertising). Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi. 3(1). Universitas Semarang. Semarang. Nuraini. A, Maktukhah I. 2015. Pengaruh Celebrity Endoser Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Melalui Cintra Merek Pada Kosmetik Warda Di Kota Semarang. Jurnal Management. Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang. Semarang. Surajiyo. 2011. Perempuan Sebagai Model Iklan Komersial Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Moral. Jurnal Ilmu dan Desain. Universitas Indraprasta PGRI. Jakarta. Rivano,   M.   2006.   Analisis   Perilaku   Konsumen   Susu   L-Men.   Skripsi. Bogor:  Departemen   Ilmu-Ilmu   Sosial   Ekonomi   Pertanian,   Fakultas   Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor. Widiyaningrum, W. 2014. Pemaknaan Maskuinitas dalam Iklan Produk Kosmetik untuk Laki-Laki. Skripsi. Semarang: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Diponegoro. Anshori, F. 2014. Maskulinitas dalam Iklan Televisi (Analisis Semiotika Iklan Extra Joss Blend Bukan PHP Versi “Verrel Bramasta” Menurut Roland Barthes). Skripsi. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Sosial dan Humaniora Univesitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga. Krisnawati, L. 2012. Analisis Wacana Iklan Kesehatan pada Majalah Femme Actuelle dengan Pendekatan Mikro dan Makrostruktural. Skripsi. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Bahasa Prancis Universitas negeri Yogyakarta. Damayanti, D. 2013. Konstruksi Kecantikan dalam Iklan Pond’s Flawless White 7 Days to Love. Skripsi. Jember: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik Universitas Jember.  Akhyadi, F. 2008. Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen Susu L’men. Bogor. Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Managemen. ITB https: atau  atau atau about-us. Diakses pada tanggal 11-10-2016 Situs L-Men. Di akses pada tanggal (24 februari 2017).    

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