2021 ◽  
pp. 75
Sri Wahyuningsih ◽  
Agneta Irmarahayu ◽  
Mila Citrawati

The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for more than a year in Indonesia. Positive and death rates vary over time. The government has issued several policies regarding the prevention of the transmission of this disease, one of which is vaccination. The level of public confidence in the effectiveness of the vaccine is still very low. Unfortunately, Indonesian people often get wrong information from online media, so the vaccination coverage rate is still very far from the expectation of achieving herd immunity. The current young generation during the pandemic is spending more time using social media as a means of communication. However, not many youths use social media as a means of disseminating correct information about vaccination. Information in the form of infographics is usually preferred because it is easier to understand. The community service team felt the need to empower the role of youth to spread the true news about vaccination through social media using infographics. Therefore, the service team collaborated with SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan, Bekasi to provide training on making infographics and counseling about vaccination as part of the new way of life after the pandemic. Training and counseling are carried out in one Zoom forum. After the training and counseling students were asked to make infographics about the Covid-19 vaccination and upload them to their respective social media accounts. There is an increase in the skills of making infographics and knowledge about vaccination. It is hoped that these students will continue to be creative in making infographics to share on social media about current issues. Indonesia telah mengalami Pandemi Covid-19 lebih dari setahun. Angka positif dan kematian bervariasi dari waktu ke waktu. Pemerintah mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan menyangkut pencegahan penularan penyakit ini, salah satunya adalah dengan vaksinasi. Tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap efektifitas vaksin masih sangat rendah. Sayangnya masyarakat Indonesia seringkali mendapatkan informasi yang salah dari media online, sehingga angka ketercakupan vaksinasi masih sangat jauh dari harapan mencapai kondisi herd immunity. Generasi muda saat ini seiring masa pandemi meluangkan lebih banyak waktunya untuk memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai sarana berkomunikasi. Namun pemanfaatan media sosial belum banyak dilakukan oleh para remaja sebagai sarana menyebarkan informasi yang benar tentang vaksinasi. Informasi dalam bentuk infografis biasanya lebih disukai karena lebih mudah dipahami. Tim pengabdi merasa perlu memberdayakan peran remaja untuk menyebarkan berita benar tentang vaksinasi melalui sosial media dengan menggunakan infografis. Oleh karena itu tim pengabdi bekerjasama dengan SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan, Bekasi untuk memberikan pelatihan membuat infografis dan penyuluhan tentang vaksinasi sebagai bagian dari tatanan hidup baru setelah pandemi. Pelatihan dan penyuluhan dilaksanakan dalan satu forum Zoom. Setelah pelatihan dan penyuluhan siswa diminta untuk membuat infografis tentang vaksinasi Covid-19 dan dibagikan ke akun Instagram masing-masing atau media sosial lainnya. Terdapat peningkatan keterampilan membuat infografis dan pengetahuan tentang vaksinasi. Diharapkan siswa ini akan terus kreatif membuat infografis untuk berbagi di media sosial mengenai isu terkini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Samuel Okunade ◽  
Oluwabunmi Dorcas Bakare

The phenomenon of migration has been recorded to be a part of human history. Over the years, scholars have averred that people migrate for different reasons. While some do so for economic reasons and in search of greener pastures, others do so to escape either the wrath of the society in which they live or the government owing to their actions and way of life. This phenomenon is not restricted according to gender and age, as both males and females, old and young, are involved. Of late, it has been discovered that there is a huge desire among youths, including those who have jobs, to exit the country, thereby leading to a massive emigration of youths out of Nigeria. Although it is an undeniable fact that the economy of the country is in shambles, which leads to a desire to search for greener pastures elsewhere, the trend in the youths’ desire and rush to leave Nigeria transcends this sole reason. Given the revelations by migrant returnees, it has been discovered that social media platforms play a pivotal role in both stirring and dampening this desire. Utilising a secondary data analysis in addition to a systematic literature review, this study explored the contribution of social media, especially Facebook, to the desperation shown by Nigerian youth for out-migration and how various social media platforms can be used for economic benefit in order to dissuade the youth from doing so. The study recommends that Nigerian youths should realise that the essence of social media meant to foster human interaction and healthy communication is gradually turning into an abode of misinformation that has embedded youths’ lives within the discourse of youth out-migration in Nigeria, as anecdotal evidence as well as empirical evidence has shown. The study informs policy, society, practice and theory within the discourse of youth out-migration and social media studies.

NASPA Journal ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
Michael H. Persons ◽  
David Lisman

This is an optimistic, and useful, book written at a pessimistic time. In an era when the nation faces many social problems - including alienation from the government and work, the fragmentation of the family, and an expanding materialism - this book promoting civic literacy approaches to service learning and seeks to help educators in their efforts to redefine the role of civics in contemporary society. The civic literacy approach to service learning is defined as pedagogy that combines community service and academic instruction and that focuses on critical, reflective thinking and civic responsiblity. The editors challenge community colleges to act as catalysts for a national movement of community renewal, suggesting that they may be our best hope for finding ways to solve our social problems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Silvia Widya Kusumaningtyas ◽  
Zon Vanel

<span lang="IN">Social media is one type of new media that facilitates the process of communication among human. Social media makes it easy for users to communicate and share information in a wider range. At present, not only people use Instagram, but the government also needs to keep up with the time to participate in using Instagram as an online information media. Public Relations of the Salatiga Government is one of the public relations departments that uses Instagram as an online information media to provide information needed by the community.<br /> This research aimed to find out how the content of the information was<span>  </span>and how the role of instagram was as an information deliverance to the citizen by the public relations of Salatiga. Through qualitative methods research, data is collected by means of interviews and observations. The results showed that the Salatiga <span> </span>Government Public Relations Instagram account had a role to increase brand awareness, connect many people and as a source of information/ business promotion.Public Relations of the Salatiga Government considers that Instagram plays an active role in conveying information to the public. This is seen from the many positive responses received by the Salatiga City Government Public Relations during managing Instagram as a modern information deliverance.<span>     </span></span>

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 607-630
Viktor P. Sheinov

Social networks are taking up more and more place in the daily life of modern people, becoming an integral part of our existence. At the same time, the role of social networks is constantly growing along with the rapid growth in the number of their active users. As online interaction for many has become more used than face-to-face communication, social networks have begun to seriously affect the way of life, communication, interests and psychology of people. The use of social networks is growing exponentially and has covered more than a third of the worlds population; therefore, researchers from different countries are actively studying social networks. Considerable empirical data has been accumulated that requires generalization and understanding, which is the purpose of this review. We found positive links between social media addiction and depression, anxiety, stress, neuroticism, emotional problems, low self-esteem, cyber-victimization, physical health problems, mental disorders, loneliness, procrastination, smartphone and internet addiction, and infidelity in relationships. Negative links were revealed between social media addiction and life satisfaction, academic performance of schoolchildren and students, labor productivity and commitment to the organization of its employees, social capital, and age. The main reason for social media addiction is the need for communication, and women are generally more active in social networks than men. This review provides only those links of social media addiction that have been established in a number of studies conducted in different countries. The presented results were obtained abroad using foreign language questionnaires that determine social media addiction. The lack of such a reliable and valid tool among Russian-speaking psychologists has become a serious factor hindering the conduct of similar domestic research. With this in view, the author developed a specially designed social media addiction questionnaire.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Rizky Pamuji ◽  
Ismiarta Aknuranda ◽  
Fatwa Ramdani

Citizen participation in collect and distribute information increase the role of the citizen involvement in local issues and increasing the benefits of society for the government and the environment. The contribution of citizens can be useful in helping to deal with environment problems and assist certain parties in meeting data needs, this is commonly referred to as citizen science. In its development, citizen science involvement in providing information began to involve social media as a platform for sharing information. In this study we try to explore citizen science of Indonesia, we conduct case study exploring how citizen in Indonesia used social media such as Twitter in response to one of the country’s worst disaster in 2018 namely Lombok Earthquake. By analyzing these user generate message we may know what the response of Indonesian citizen during event and understand more about citizen science in Indonesia through social media including its role and contribution. The information also may assist local communities in obtaining up-to-date information, providing assistance according to needs of the populace and use to manage and plan disaster relief both during and after the event.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-106
Solahudin Solahudin

This paper is aimed at discussing the strategic role of school (madrasah) in the country. Madrasah is one of the Islamic educational institutions that have an important role for the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. Madrasah is a place to galvanize the mental, moral, and spiritual of the young generation to educate students to be useful beings for the religion, state, and nation. Private Madrasahs as one of the Islamic Education Institutions in Indonesia have a strategic role in the participation of the nation's intellectuals. In the next developments, private madrasahs face complex issues. In one hand, there is a demand to improve the quality in order to compete with state Islamic education institutions and public schools, but on the other hand, the attention of the government, both central and local, to Islamic educational institutions is still low, even they are still placed not as the main class, but the second class of education institutions. The Ministry of Religious Affairs, which became the central policy, began to formulate serious efforts to improve the quality of madrasahs, such as through the Ministry's Strategic Plan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-199
Asnawati Patuti ◽  
Rahmat Rahmat

Baruga village, Bantimurung sub-district is an area in Maros district where the majority of the original population is Muslim. The existence of Islam in Maros has been around for a long time, namely with the entry of Raja Gowa and Tallo which have a direct border area with the Marusu Maros kingdom so that the Islamic life of the Baruga Village Community, Bantimurung Maros sub-district looks so real. The purpose of Real Work Lecture (KKN) III Stiba Makassar is to realize community service which is one of the pillars of the tri dharma of higher education. The method of implementing this program begins with conducting a field review based on an independent instrument. The results of the KKN program show the importance of community service programs by seeing the benefits felt by KKN participants, the community and the government. Religious activities which are the main orientation of this program have been successfully carried out, as well as social activities, organizational activities and the active role of KKN participants with the government in successful community development efforts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 19
Emi Suwarni ◽  
Maidiana Astuti Handayani

This study aims to find the strategy of developing MSMEs based on potential and opportunities in the period of covid-19. The research object is the MSME unit in Bandar Lampung City, especially MSME banana chips. This study used qualitative descriptive analysis with SWOT analysis. Based on the results it is known that the position of MSMEs is in quadrant I. The strategy of developing MSMEs is to increase the potential and take advantage of opportunities. One of the strategies is the utilization of information technology and social media in the development of MSMEs of the region's flagship banana chip products. The results of this research are expected to be useful as consideration for MSMEs to develop their businesses even during the COVID 19 pandemic. Likewise, for the government to actively socialize the use of digital media for MSMEs so that MSME development will increase. The limitation of this research is that it has not quantitatively calculated the role of social media and information technology in MSME development. This could be an opportunity for further research

Muhamad Badru Salam ◽  
Adie Dwiyanto Nurlukman ◽  
Amiludin Amiludin ◽  
Irwandi Irwandi

Cyberbullying in cyberspace involves a variety of behavioral risks, including bullying and provoking hostility on the internet. This study aims to determine the involvement of children at a young age on social media as victims of cyberbullying cases, as well as the role of the government in efforts to reduce cases of victims of abuse on social media so that it will decrease. The method used in this study uses qualitative research in the form of literature review with systematic mapping study techniques using secondary data such as reports and documents related to research. The results of this study indicate that the factors of social support are very influential for children because the origin of sexual violence or sexual harassment on social media is from the closest people doing social activities with children and how the family practices good parenting, monitoring how children get along with people. another, household harmony is very influential on children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 141
Inmaculada Hoyos Sánchez

Resumen: El propósito de este estudio es reflexionar acerca de las distintas concepciones que del coraje y sus funciones han tenido algunas escuelas de la Antigüedad en el marco de una política entendida como gobierno de las pasiones. En este artículo se compara la perspectiva de Platón con el enfoque del cinismo. En la primera sección, se analiza el papel de la educación musical en la República . Dicha educación, según Platón, fomenta el verdadero coraje entre los guardianes y evita su brutalidad. En la segunda sección, se consideran las diferencias entre el platonismo y el cinismo. Éste último presentó una nueva manera de entender el coraje, como un modo de vida que no requiere ningún tipo de pedagogía musical, sino un entrenamiento constante para superar la vergüenza. Además, el coraje, para el cínico, no es la virtud específica de una clase del estado, la de los guardianes, sino que es un modo de vida que cualquier individuo puede adoptar aplicando una terapia correctora.Palabras clave: Platón, cinismo, coraje, música, vergüenza.Abstract: The following paper compares Plato’s proposal with the approach of cynicism concerning the virtue of courage. The first section studies role of musical education in the Republic, which contributes to foster real courage among the guardians and avoids brutality. The second section exposes the differences between Platonism and Cynicism. The latter presented a new way of understanding courage, as a way of life, which does not require a musical pedagogy, but training in overcoming shame. Courage, according to the Cynics, is not the specific virtue of a class but is a way of life that any individual can adopt.Keywords: Plato, Cynicism, courage, music, shame.

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