2021 ◽  
pp. 869
Henny Henny ◽  
Olivia Dorothea Husin

Education for the younger generation is very important in increasing knowledge, creating creativity, and developing self-potential. Therefore, the Mahkota Kasih Insani Learning House in addition to funding student's schools also collaborates with external parties to provide initial knowledge for students from the foster children of the MahkotaKasih Insani Learning House before facing learning activities at school. The collaboration is carried out by inviting lecturers and students of the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, UniversitasTarumanagara, Jakarta to share knowledge in the field of accounting in community service activities. The purpose of this activity is to provide training on the introduction of the basics of accounting for students of the Mahkota Kasih Insani Learning House. The activity will be carried out on Saturday, July 3, 2021, offline with strict health protocols. This activity uses training methods regarding the introduction of accounting basics, accounting structures, basic accounting equations, and financial reports, as well as practice exercises about accounting basics. Based on the results of the activity evaluation, it can be concluded that community service activities run smoothly and give a good general impression for students because students can better recognize and understand the basics of accounting that are useful in dealing with learning activities in schools in the field of accounting.Pendidikan bagi generasi muda sangat penting dalam menambah pengetahuan, menciptakan kreativitas, dan mengembangkan potensi diri. Oleh karena itu, Rumah Belajar Mahkota Kasih Insani selain membiayai sekolah siswa juga bekerjasama dengan pihak eksternal memberikan pengetahuan awal bagi siswa dari anak asuh Rumah Belajar Mahkota Kasih Insani.sebelum menghadapi kegiatan belajar di sekolah. Kerjasama yang dilakukan dengan cara mengundang dosen dan mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas TarumanagaraJakarta untuk berbagi ilmu dibidang akuntansi dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Tujuan dari kegiatan tersebut adalah memberikan pelatihan pengenalan dasar-dasar akuntansi bagi siswa Rumah Belajar Mahkota Kasih Insani. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan pada hari Sabtu, 3 Juli 2021 secara luring dengan protokol kesahatan yang ketat. Kegiatan tersebut menggunakan metode pelatihan mengenai pengenalan dasar-dasar akuntansi, struktur akuntansi, persamaan dasar akuntansi, dan laporan keuangan, serta praktek latihan soal dasar-dasar akuntansi. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi kegiatan, maka dapat disimpulkan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berjalan dengan lancar dan memberikan kesan umum yang baik bagi siswa dikarenakan siswa dapat lebih mengenal dan memahami dasar-dasar akuntansi yang bermanfaat dalam menghadapi kegiatan belajar di sekolah dalam bidang akuntansi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 66-71
Nur Azlina ◽  
Taufeni Taufik ◽  
Sri Melisa Putri ◽  
M. Haykal Daditullah Indrapraja

This community service activity aims to 1) provide an understanding of accounting for MSME managers in order to improve MSME financial performance, 2) Improve skills in compiling financial reports according to SAK EMKM. The method used in community service activities is to use training methods for several MSME managers in Kampar Regency for selected UMKM. Regarding the procedures for preparing financial reports by visiting the target MSMEs one by one while continuing to implement the Covid-19 protocol. Community Service activities are carried out in September 2020, which starts at 08.00 WIB - finished. With this training, MSME managers can understand accounting and can prepare financial reports in accordance with Indonesian SAK EMKM. With the existence of financial reports prepared according to standards, it will be able to provide complete financial information for MSME managers, besides that it can also be used by managers as one of the requirements when they want to apply for a loan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Roni Al Maududi ◽  
Rini Widia Putri ◽  
Purni Munah Hartuti

The purpose of this community service activities is to introduce and provide a GeoGebra training to Mathematics teachers at SMP Negeri 11 Depok. GeoGebra is a software that is used as a learning media in Geometry and Algebra as an innovation in learning Mathematics. So far, teachers are using simple tools only to explain about some topics in Mathematics to the students. The community service team will introduce and give a GeoGebra training. The methods that are used are training methods, accommodation, and discussion. The training is carried out by providing theories and practices to the teachers to operate the GeoGebra for Geometry and Algebra. The output target in this community service is the teachers can use GeoGebra as a learning media in Mathematics especially in Geometry and Algebra, GeoGebra module, and scientific articles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 32
Sri Ariani Safitri

The Sei Beduk Farmers Group of Batam City has not conducted simple farm records. Community service activities aim to improve farmers' knowledge and skills in conducting simple financial reports. The method used the form of training with material in the form of examples of making financial reports. Participants' participation was considered very good as indicated by the activeness of the farmers in conducting discussions. Training activities show that farmers have started to understand simple financial reports and will apply them in farming activities

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 225
Bahtiar Effendi

This community service review provides empirical evidence of the improvement and strengthening efforts at Mekarwangi Elementary School, Cisauk, Tangerang through accounting assistance activities for treasurers and teachers. This review is a continuation of previous research conducted on August 6 to November 27, 2017, through learning activities of accounting reports in the Mekarwangi Elementary School, that succeeded to proof the activities able to improve the understanding level of treasurers and teachers of the Mekarwangi Elementary School. Community service activities, participants, and the contribution that are given to resolve problems of the institution partner were the novelty from the previous research activities. This study uses descriptive quantitative methods where the data is described as qualitative data that cannot be generalized. The results of this study showed the assistance accounting activities is quite effective in the improvement and strengthening effort of SDN Mekarwangi, Cisauk, Tangerang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Sulastri Sulastri

In order to implement the learning process that has been established in the syllabus, the teacher must develop a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). RPP is a handle for teachers in carrying out learning both in class, laboratory, and / or field to achieve every basic competency. Therefore, what is contained in the RPP contains matters that are directly related to learning activities in an effort to achieve mastery of each of the Basic Competencies. But in reality there are difficulties in arranging learning planning tools namely RPP, Prota, and Prosem. The method of activity used is by survey. After being given training in the preparation of learning device planning, the teacher councils are more understanding and able to develop learning devices well again. Increased teacher understanding in developing learning devices increased from 50% to 91.6%. Therefore, the community service activities provided in the form of training provide a useful learning experience according to the needs of the board of teachers and dedicated lecturers. Dedication activities especially in providing this training must continue to be carried out to help improve the skills of the teachers in developing learning devices.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Lisa Virdinarti Putra ◽  
Anni Malihatul Hawa ◽  
Ika Silfiana Arifatul Khoiriyah

Tujuan pengabdian ini yaitu melatih siswa untuk memiliki karakter dan etika yang baik, melatih siswa untuk dapat menaati setiap aturan yang diberikan kepadanya melalui aktivitas belajar. Lokasi pengabdian akan dilaksanakan di SMAN 1 Ampel Boyolali melalui Pelatihan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, presentasi powerpoint, brainstorming, dan dialog. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan metode partisipatif artinya mitra binaan secara aktif dilibatkan dalam semua tahapan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode pelatihan yang dilaksanakan selama 3 (tiga) hari dengan materi pelatihan berupa ceramah, praktek, serta evaluasi yang disajikan secara bersamaan. Setelah kegiatan pelatihan, dilanjutkan kegiatan evaluasi sebagai bahan koreksi bagi penyelenggara kegiatan. Hasil evaluasi ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi perpustakaan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan serupa terkait dengan kegiatan pendidikan pemakai. Hasil dari pelatihan ini diharapkan siswa memiliki karakter dan etika yang baik supaya siswa dapat menjadi manusia yang tidak hanya bertambah secara usia tetapi juga memiliki kepribadian yang baik seumur hidup.Kata kunci: karakter taat, aktivitas belajar, siswaAbstractThe purpose of this service is to train students to have good character and ethics, to train students to be able to obey ever y rule given to them through learning activities. The service location is implemented at SMAN 1 Ampel Boyolali through training conducted by lecture method, powerpoint presentation, brainstorming, and dialogue. The method used is a participatory method which means that foster partners are actively involved in all stages of this community service activity. This activity uses t raining methods that is carried out for 3 (three) days with training materials in the form of lectures, practices, and evaluations presented simultaneously. After the training activity, evaluation activities are continued as material for correction to the activity organizers. The results of this evaluation can later be used as consideration for the library to carry out similar activities related to user education activities. The results of this training are expected students to have good character and ethics so that students can become human beings who not only increase in age but also have a good  personality for life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Titi Suhartati

Micro and small businesses are growing rapidly in the community but have weaknesses in the process of recording, accounting and compiling financial reports in accordance with applicable standards. The purpose of this activity is to provide training and mentoring on bookkeeping and compilation of simple financial reports to the micro and small business in the Kampung Pulo Geulis area, Babakan Pasar, Bogor as the activity partner. Community service activities seek to improve the ability of micro and small business managers and expected to improve the economic quality of the community in the area which has processed of developing into a tourism area in Central Bogor. The method of implementing activities are training and assisting of the activity of the participants which can provide optimal results to improve the community's economy, especially for those who need additional funds for their business. The selected samples are 25 micro and small businesses as the participants. The training was in the form of lectures and practicums accompanied by consulting and assisting in preparing a simple of financial report. The results of this activity will be in the form of simple bookkeeping guidelines and preparation of financial statements for micro and small businesses that can be understood by the participants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Ni Made Sulastri ◽  
Jessica Festy Maharani ◽  
Sarilah Sarilah

Community service activities aim to increase children's knowledge about co-19 in a fun way so that it is easily understood by children, this is done on the grounds of children's activities while at home, studying at home so it is necessary to do interesting activities so that the growth and development of children continues to develop well. Various choices of activities can be done in accordance with the principles of children's learning, namely learning through play, one of the fun activities that can be done by children is through storytelling activities. Storytelling activities can use pictorial story book media, storytelling with hand puppets or finger puppets, and can also use digital-based media in conveying a fairy tale to children, online media is felt to be the most appropriate way to facilitate storytelling activities in children during the pandemic covid 19 this. Storytelling activities are aimed at making children have play activities while learning about Covid-19, children are expected to be able to easily understand how to prevent covid-19, healthy ways of living, so that children can understand and can enjoy learning activities while at home with fun.

2021 ◽  
pp. 471
Sufiyati Sufiyati ◽  
Carol Gandawidjaja

Based on the results of the survey, it was found that the problems faced by partners, namely SMA Tri Ratna, were that students still had difficulty in journaling transactions properly and had not obtained in-depth material about merchandising  company accounting. The ability to journalize transactions properly is very important and is the basic foundation in understanding accounting. The lecturer team of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Tarumanagara University offers a solution by providing theoretical knowledge about journals and training with accounting materials in merchandising companies. The specific objectives and targets to be achieved from this training are for  SMA Tri Ratna students to understand accounting journals for merchandising companies. First, the lecturer team conducted a survey first. From the survey, it was found that SMA Tri Ratna students still have difficulty in journaling transactions properly and have not received in-depth material about trading company accounting. Furthermore, the lecturer team will prepare a module containing theories and examples of questions that will be given to students. The training is provided online due to the pandemic conditions. Finally, this activity will end by making SERINA articles as mandatory outputs, articles in the PINTAR media as additional outputs, posters, also compiling final reports and financial reports on community service activities that have been carried out. All of these activities are planned to be carried out from July to December 2021.Berdasarkan hasil survei ditemukan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra, yaitu SMA Tri Ratna, adalah para siswa-siswi masih mengalami kesulitan untuk menjurnal transaksi dengan tepat dan belum memperoleh materi secara mendalam mengenai akuntansi perusahaan dagang. Kemampuan menjurnal transaksi yang tepat sangat penting dan merupakan fondasi dasar dalam pemahaman akuntansi. Tim dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Tarumanagara menawarkan solusi dengan memberikan pengetahuan teori mengenai jurnal dan pelatihan dengan materi akuntansi pada perusahaan dagang. Tujuan dan target khusus yang hendak dicapai dari pelatihan ini adalah agar siswa-siswi SMA Tri Ratna dapat memahami jurnal akuntansi untuk perusahaan dagang. Pertama-tama tim dosen melakukan survei terlebih dahulu. Dari survei tersebut diperoleh temuan bahwa siswa-siswi SMA Tri Ratna masih mengalami kesulitan untuk menjurnal transaksi dengan tepat dan belum memperoleh materi secara mendalam mengenai akuntansi perusahaan dagang. Selanjutnya tim dosen akan mempersiapkan modul yang berisi teori-teori maupun contoh soal yang akan diberikan kepada para siswa-siswi. Pelatihan diberikan secara online dikarenakan kondisi pandemi. Terakhir, kegiatan ini akan diakhiri dengan membuat artikel SERINA sebagai luaran wajib, artikel di media PINTAR sebagai luaran tambahan, poster, juga menyusun laporan akhir maupun laporan keuangan atas kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilakukan. Seluruh kegiatan ini direncanakan akan dilakukan sejak bulan Juli sampai dengan bulan Desember 2021.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Sulastri Sulastri

In order to implement the learning process that has been established in the syllabus, the teacher must develop a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). RPP is a handle for teachers in carrying out learning both in class, laboratory, and / or field to achieve every basic competency. Therefore, what is contained in the RPP contains matters that are directly related to learning activities in an effort to achieve mastery of each of the Basic Competencies. But in reality there are difficulties in arranging learning planning tools namely RPP, Prota, and Prosem. The method of activity used is by survey. After being given training in the preparation of learning device planning, the teacher councils are more understanding and able to develop learning devices well again. Increased teacher understanding in developing learning devices increased from 50% to 91.6%. Therefore, the community service activities provided in the form of training provide a useful learning experience according to the needs of the board of teachers and dedicated lecturers. Dedication activities especially in providing this training must continue to be carried out to help improve the skills of the teachers in developing learning devices.

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