scholarly journals GeoGebra Training for Making Mathematics Learning Media at SMPN 11 Depok

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Roni Al Maududi ◽  
Rini Widia Putri ◽  
Purni Munah Hartuti

The purpose of this community service activities is to introduce and provide a GeoGebra training to Mathematics teachers at SMP Negeri 11 Depok. GeoGebra is a software that is used as a learning media in Geometry and Algebra as an innovation in learning Mathematics. So far, teachers are using simple tools only to explain about some topics in Mathematics to the students. The community service team will introduce and give a GeoGebra training. The methods that are used are training methods, accommodation, and discussion. The training is carried out by providing theories and practices to the teachers to operate the GeoGebra for Geometry and Algebra. The output target in this community service is the teachers can use GeoGebra as a learning media in Mathematics especially in Geometry and Algebra, GeoGebra module, and scientific articles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Drajat Stiawan

Sekolah alam adalah sekolah yang kegiatan pembelajarannya tidak hanya terpaku di dalam kelas, tetapi juga memanfaatkan alam sekitar atau lingkungan sebagai objek pembelajaran. Pembelajaran matematika pada sekolah alam dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk menumbuhkan jiwa siswa menjadi lebih kreatif dan mandiri. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan bagaimana pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah alam Ma’had Islam Pekalongan. Informan adalah kepala sekolah, guru matematika kelas IV dan V sekolah alam SD Ma’had Islam. Teknik dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Analisis datanya meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah alam SD Ma’had Islam dilakukan di dalam kelas dan di luar kelas. Ketika di dalam kelas menggunkan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab. Saat di luar kelas (out door) lebih banyak menggunakan metode pemberian tugas dan game (bermain) serta memanfaatan bahan-bahan yang ada di Alam, guna memahamkan siswa sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan oleh guru matematika.ABSTRACTA natural school is a school whose learning activities are not only fixed in the classroom, but also utilize the natural surroundings or the environment as objects of learning. Mathematics learning in natural schools is done as an effort to grow students' souls to be more creative and independent. The research carried out aims to describe how the implementation of mathematics learning in Pekalongan's Ma'had Islam School of Nature. The informants are the school principal, mathematics teacher grades IV and V of the natural school Ma'had Islam elementary school. The technique in collecting data uses observation and interviews. Data analysis includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the implementation of mathematics learning in the natural school of Ma'had Islam Elementary School was done in the classroom and outside the classroom. When in class use the lecture and question and answer method. When outside the classroom (out door) use more methods of giving assignments and games (playing) and utilizing materials available in Nature, in order to understand students according to the material taught by mathematics teachers.

Sefna Rismen ◽  
Hafizah Delyana ◽  
Audra Paramitha ◽  
Melisa Melisa ◽  
Mulia Suryani

Classroom Action Research is one effort that can be done by professional teachers in improving the quality of learning. The purpose of community service is to improve teachers' understanding in understanding PTK and can carry out PTK. This activity is intended for math teachers who are members of MGMP in High School. The form of service activities carried out in this activity is in the form of material delivery, practice of making proposals and consulting tasks. The workshop activity was attended by 30 high school mathematics teachers in Solok City. The results of this activity manifested 30 class Action research proposals.Keywords: PTK, MGMP, Mathematics Teachers.�AbstrakPenelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) merupakan salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan guru profesional dalam peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran. Tujuan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah untuk menigkatkan pemahaman guru dalam memahami PTK serta dapat melaksanakan PTK. Kegiatan ini diperuntukan bagi guru-guru matematika yang tergabung dalam MGMP SMA Kota Solok. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah� berupa penyampaian materi, praktik pembuatan proposal dan konsultasi tugas. Kegiatan workshop diikuti sebanyak 30 orang guru matematika

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Sarmulia Sinaga

Seiring dengan era milenial yang ditandai dengan lompatan perkembangan teknologi yang begitu cepat, sehinga akan terjadi  penyesuaian pemahaman antar generasi. Generasi sebelumnya dalam hal ini guru dengan insting manualnya, serta berinteraksi dengan generasi milenial/peserta didik atau generasi “jaman now” dengan insting ITnya, pastilah akan menemui titik buntu jika tidak saling menyesuaikan diri. Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran dengan bantuan komputer sangat baik untuk diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran, khususnya dalam hal ini  konsep-konsep pembelajaran  matematika. Hal ini bukan lagi sebagai tuntutan bagi para guru, namun sudah bergeser menjadi kewajiban dan keharusan, jika guru tersebut tidak mau disebut buta hurup tingkat kedua.. Berbagai program komputer telah dikembangkan  dan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika,   salah   satunya   yaitu GeoGebra.   GeoGebra   adalah   sebuah perangkat lunak yang dapat menvisualisasikan objek-objek matematika secara cepat, akurat, dan efisien. GeoGebra merupakan salah satu software bantu yang cukup lengkap dan digunakan secara luas. Nama GeoGebra merupakan kependekan dari geometry(geometri) dan algebra (aljabar). Meski dari sisi nama hanya merujuk geometri dan aljabar aplikasi ini tidak hanya mendukung untuk kedua topik tersebut, tapi juga mendukung banyak topik matematika diluar keduanya. GeoGebra pertama kali dikembangkan oleh Markus Hohenwarter dari Austria dan dirilis sebagai perangkat lunak opensource sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan secara gratis dan bebas untuk dikembangkan. Kata Kunci : GeoGebra, Pembelajaran Matematika   ABSTRACT Along with the millenial era marked by a leap of rapid technological developments, so that there will be adjustment of understanding between generations. The previous generation in this case the teacher with his manual instinct, and interacting with the millennial generation / learners or the generation of "era now" with his IT instinct, will surely meet a dead-end if not adjust to each other. Therefore, computer-assisted learning is excellent for integration in learning, especially in this case the concepts of mathematics learning. This is no longer a demand for teachers, but has shifted into obligations and obligations, if the teacher does not want to be called second-level blind libre .. Various computer programs have been developed and can be used in learning mathematics, one of which is GeoGebra. GeoGebra is a software that can visualize math objects quickly, accurately, and efficiently. GeoGebra is one of the aids software that is quite complete and widely used. The name GeoGebra stands for geometry and algebra. Although the name only refers to geometry and algebra these applications not only support for both topics, but also support many mathematical topics outside of both. GeoGebra was first developed by Markus Hohenwarter of Austria and released as an opensource software so it can be used for free and free to develop.  Keywords: GeoGebra, Mathematics Learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-38
Suci Yuniarti ◽  
Tri Hariyati Nur Indah Sari ◽  
Husnul Khotimah

The community service activity is conducted in the form ofa counselingabout the use of GeoGebra-aided modul in integral application learning.This activity aims to add knowledge about the use of GeoGebra-aided modul in mathematics learning especially integral application learning to mathematics teachers. The implementation method consists of four stages namely preparation, action, evaluation and report. This one day activity were attended by 26 mathematics teachers from elementary school, junior and senior high school and vocational school in Balikpapan at the 7th Floor G Building of Balikpapan University. The presented material consists of the use of GeoGebra-aided modul in integral application topic namely area of plane regions and volume of solids of revolution. This community service activity run well and smoothly and in accordance with the planning. Based on the carried activities, it is expected for mathematics teachers to create learning modules that appropriate with their students� conditions in the class and integrate various multimedia to support their mathematics learning process.Keywords: modul, geogebra, integral application

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-155
Amrullah Amrullah ◽  
Nilza Humaira Salsabila ◽  
Junaidi Junaidi ◽  
Hapipi Hapipi ◽  
Sudi Prayitno

In the 2019 survey, 82.2% of teachers never participated in media training, especially learning media based on geogebra technology. Meanwhile, 92.8% of teachers stated that mathematics requires learning media. The low quality of education in NTB requires special attention from both the government and the private sector, so it is important to conduct technology-based learning media training in order to improve the quality of education, especially improving the quality of teachers. The training was carried out using offline and online methods for two days, 19 and 20 August 2021 at SMPN 16 Mataram. The training was attended by 22 participants from junior high school mathematics teachers in the city of Mataram. In the implementation of the training, an evaluation was carried out using questionnaires and observations. The conclusions from the results of the service were as follows: Geogebra training as a medium for learning mathematics for SMP teachers in the city of Mataram in 2021 received a very good response and was well received by the teachers. Geogebra training as a medium for learning mathematics for junior high school teachers in the city of Mataram in 2021 is very in line with what is expected by mathematics teachers in the City of Mataram and increases teacher competence in the context of applying technology in learning to develop technology-based mathematics learning media.

2018 ◽  
Nurdiana Siregar

Rekognisi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kependidikan Vol.1, No.1 2016 PGSD Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara Understanding of teachers on child psychology needs to be applied in learning mathematics. Understanding of teachers include: the ability of children in understanding mathematics, mental development (age) and children's experiences, child emotions, beliefs and self-schemes, interests and motivation of children when in learning mathematics. The child's ability to understand mathematics is based on the mental development theories of Piaget, Bruner, Dienes, and Van Hiele. The learning theory is the basis for mathematics teachers in creating effective and efficient mathematics learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Ahmad Hatip ◽  
Windi Setiawan

ABSTRAK Artikel ini menganalisis bagaimana mengaplikasikan teori kognitif Bruner dalam pengajaran matematika berdasar teori pembelajaran penemuan. Melalui analisis pembelajaran kasus matematika, tujuan dari pengajaran matematika adalah untuk memungkinkan siswa menguasai struktur pengetahuan matematika secara komprehensif. Guru matematika harus aktif menciptakan kondisi dalam mengajar, dan membimbing siswa untuk menemukan dan belajar aktivitas langsung, pemikiran dan representasi. Dari akuisisi pasif pengetahuan menjadi penemuan aktif mandiri, sehingga siswa menjadi objek utama belajar matematika. Kata kunci : Kognitif Bruner,  Teori Belajar, Pembelajaran Matematika ABSTRACT This article analyzes how to apply Bruner's cognitive theory of discovery in teaching based on learning theory. Through the analysis of mathematics case learning, the aim of teaching mathematics is to help students master mathematical knowledge comprehensively. Mathematics teachers must actively create conditions in teaching, and guide students to discover and learn direct activity, thinking and representation. From the acquisition of knowledge to independent active discovery, so that students become the main object of learning mathematics. Keywords : Bruner's Cognitive, Learning Theory, Mathematics Learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-41
Mimin Ninawati

In this artcle, i discuss about the ability of creative thinking in mathematics, including (1) what is meant by the ablity of creative thinking in mathematics, (2) why the ability to think creatively in mathematics is important and what is the reason, (3) how the ability of creative thinking in mathematics applied in the process of learning mathematics so that the ability of creative thinking in mathematics can be owned by students, (4) what mathematical material is suitable for generating students’ ability of creative thinking in mathematics. The method used in this article is discourse analysis, from some articles in various national and international journals. The discussion is presented in the form of description based on the data that is written in the articles. Based on the data presented in these articles, that to create and develop the ability of creative thinking in mathematics, teachers should be able to choose and apply appropriate models and media in the process of learning mathematics, learning process with discussion based model and problem solving.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Nisak Ruwah Ibnatur Husnul ◽  
Heri Retnawati

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen kelas yang berupa perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan/kepemimpinan dan pengevaluasian dari pembelajaran matematika yang dilakukan oleh guru matematika di SMA Negeri Yogyakarta. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif jenis studi kasus ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 5, 8 dan 9 Yogyakarta dengan subjek data adalah kepala sekolah, guru kurikulum, guru matematika dan siswa. Untuk teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan pedoman observasi dan pedoman wawancara yang dilakukan dengan proses triangulasi dan teknik analisisnya menggunakan analisis induktif dari Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa manajemen kelas dalam pembelajaran matematika yaitu (1) perencanaannya dengan penyusunan seperangkat pembelajaran mendatangkan ahli pada MGMP, memberikan waktu 10 menit untuk sarapan dan melakukan pengujian pretest. (2) Pengorganisasianya dengan pendekatan cooperative learning, pendekatan scientific, menekankan siswa yang pasif dan ketika siswa jenuh, guru mengajak bernyanyi. Guru memanfaatkan alat peraga yang mudah dicari dengan melibatkan siswa untuk praktek langsung serta memanfatkan media youtube. (3) Kepemimpinannya dengan guru menguasai keadaan peta kelas, menghafal nama siswa, membangunkan untuk sholat tahajud, memancing siswa untuk aktif dengan memberikan soal susah, memberikan reward dan cerita motivasi melalui youtube. (4) Evaluasi dengan guru melakukan pendekatan kepada siswa dan memiliki program bimbingan individu untuk siswa yang tidak memperhatikan pada saat pembelajaran dan siswa yang tidak menyukai matematika dari awal.Kata kunci: manajemen kelas, pembelajaran matematika CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN YOGYAKARTA MUNICIPALITYAbstractThe research aims at finding out the classroom management that such as planning, organizing, actuating/ leadership and evaluating of learning mathematics which is done by mathematics teachers in Senior High Schools (SHS) in Yogyakarta Municipality. By using qualitative research in the form of case study research, this research was conducted at SHS 5, 8, and 9 Yogyakarta with the headmasters, curriculum teachers, mathematics teachers, and students as the subjects of the research. For the technique of collecting data used observation guide and interview guide which was done by using triangulation process and the technique of analyzing the data used inductive analysis by Miles and Huberman. The result of the research reveal that classroom management in learning mathematics, namely (1) the planning by arranging a set of teaching and learning and conducing an expert from mathematics teacher organization (MGMP), giving 10 minutes for breakfast, and conduct a pretest. (2) The organization uses cooperative learning approach, scientific approach, encouraging passive students and when the students were getting bored, the teachers asks to sing a song. They use powerpoint by using appropriate animation, utilizing the tools which are easy to look for and involving students to practice directly and utilizing media such as youtube. (3) The leadership is indicated by teachers mastering the map situation of the class, memorizing the students’ names, waking up for tahajud prayer, enhancing students to be active by providing difficult tasks, giving rewards and telling the motivational stories through video. (4) The evaluation is by teachers approaching toward the students and having individual guidance program for students who do not pay attention to teaching and learning process and the students who dislike mathematics from the beginning.Keywords: classroom management,  teaching and learning mathemathics

Derel Filandy Kaunang

In mathematics learning using compurter is needed. Computer-Assisted Mathematics is considered necessary in helping students to understand the lessons. Usingcomputers as a medium let the students understand the materials given,of course requires the role of teachers. Therefore it is necessary to conduct training for teachers with the aim of guiding the teachers to implement the learning process in assistance of computers to understand the materials that are difficult for students.The targets of this activity are: (1) To obtain the description of the quality of junior mathematics teachers in Computer-Assisted Mathematics (2) To increase students' interest in learning mathematics and students' understanding of the correct mathematical concepts related to materials which are abstract (3) To increase the use of Computer-Assisted media in learning mathematics. The targets of this activity are junior high school mathematics teachers in the district of Central Tomohon.Based on the results of observation and evaluation on the implementation of this activity, ofthe computer-assisted mathematics training obtained the following results: First, teachers have high enthusiasm in learning about thecomputer-assisted mathematics. Second, teachers can use computer aids in the form of mathematical software such as: (1) Geometer's Sketchpad in teachinggeometry,that is to draw the right kind of triangle and prove Pythagoras theorem. (2) Geogebra in teaching geometric transformation (reflection, rotation, dilation) and seeking solutions of SPLDV and SPTLDV. (3) Yenka to teach the matters of mathematical models. (4) Macromedia Flash products inlearningmathematics especially about planes. Overall, computer-assisted mathematics training activities, in the form of utilizing mathematics softwares, provides satisfaction for the participants. In addition, the highly perceived benefit is that teachers can use the software that has been studied in computer-assisted mathematics training to facilitate the students in understanding the concept of mathematics appropriately. Keywords: Workshops, Computer-Assisted Mathematics

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