2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (24) ◽  
pp. 229-253
Fernanda Borges de Andrade Dantas ◽  

OS “PACOTES DIDÁTICOS” NO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL     RESUMO   Este artigo discorre sobre a contradição entre as exigências de uma sociedade que clama por uma educação voltada à formação de pessoas autônomas, críticas e criativas, capazes de aprender continuamente para poder acompanhar as rápidas transformações científicas, tecnológicas, econômicas, políticas e socioculturais do mundo contemporâneo, e, por outro lado, o ensino apostilado, cuja característica principal é a homogeneização do processo ensino e aprendizagem. A adoção desse modelo padronizado no ensino fundamental é o foco de uma pesquisa realizada em quatro escolas particulares de Uberaba/MG. Na pesquisa as informações foram recolhidas mediante observação participante, entrevista semi-estruturada e questionário com questões abertas. Com exceção de três das doze educadoras sujeitos da pesquisa, observamos entre as mesmas um posicionamento acrítico em relação ao modelo de ensino adotado nas escolas estudadas, manifesto na admiração pelo material apostilado que, segundo elas, é inovador, facilita o trabalho do professor, e pode garantir o sucesso da aprendizagem   Palavras-chave: Ensino apostilado. Prática educativa. Autonomia docente. Formação de professores. Educação básica. THE “DIDACTIC PACKAGES” IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL   ABSTRACT This article discusses about the contradiction between the demands of a society that complains for an education turned to formation of autonomous, critical and creative people, able to learn continuously to keep up with rapid changes in scientific, technological, economic, social, political and cultural context of the contemporary world, and the booklet learnship system which its main characteristic is the homogenization of teaching and learning. The adoption of this standardized teaching in some Brazilian schools is the focus of a survey held in four private schools. The data was collected through participant observation, semi-structured interview and questionnaire with open questions. Except for three of the twelve educators who were focused on, the rest of them had an uncritical positioning regarding to the teaching model adopted in the schools studied, manifest in admiration for the booklet learnship material that, according to them, is innovative; facilitates the work, and can ensure successful learning.   Keywords: Booklet learnship. Educational practice. Teaching autonomy. Teacher training. Elementary school.    

Paul Farber ◽  
Dini Metro-Roland

Moral education and technology seem to represent two fundamentally different kinds of concern and domains of inquiry. But these domains are fused in educational practice. Teaching as a fundamental human endeavor and form of activity has been a central component of human cultural evolution and regeneration from the earliest human social groupings. As a distinctive form of activity, teaching braids together ethical and instrumental norms and values. The modern, global institution of schooling has added layers of institutional support, constraint, and governance on the teaching it structures as well as increased scrutiny of the ethical and instrumental values in play; schooling is in effect a kind of moral technology for advancing certain norms and values in an efficient way. At present, technological developments with modern society make possible new forms of teaching and learning that likewise warrant scrutiny as they impact the ethical and instrumental ends of teaching and instructional practices today.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
A. Kadir Sobur

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan dimensi teologi dalalm praktek pendidikan pada Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Nuruil Ilmi seraya menurunkan makna dari penerapan tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan teknik non partisipan, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumen dalam pengumpulan data. Sedangkan teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan tranferability dan conformability. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ide teologi Islam mengilhami kerangka kerangka kurikulum, desain pembelajaran (proses belajar mengajar), pengembangan kelembagaan, dan pengembangan profesionalisme guru. Kata Kunci: Teologi, Pendidikan, Sekolah Islam Terpadu Abstrak [Theology Based Education; An Investigation at Integrated Islamic Elementary School]. The objective of this research was both to investigate the dimension of education theology applied by an integrated Islamic elementary school namely SDIT Nurul Ilmi Jambi and to reveal the meaning of those application. This was a qualitative research in which the researcher used non-participant observation, in–depth interview, and documentation to gather the data. The data was analyzed by a flow model technique. To check the validity, the researcher employed credibility /transferability and conformability. The finding showed that the notion on Islamic theology was implied in the curriculum frameworks, instructional designs (teaching and learning process), institutional development, and teachers’ professional development. Keywords: Theology, education, integrated elementary school

Virginia Furlanetto ◽  
Maria Madalena Dullius

ResumoO ensino e aprendizagem da Matemática tem sido alvo de recorrente preocupação por parte de professores e gestores, pois os resultados alcançados pelos estudantes tem se demonstrado pouco satisfatórios no cenário nacional, como um todo, salvo algumas exceções. Na área da educação Matemática, faz-se necessário melhorar a qualidade do ensino e aprendizagem dos alunos e visando contribuir nesse aspecto, desenvolvemos uma pesquisa com o objetivo de explorar o uso de diferentes estratégias de resolução de problemas matemáticos com estudantes da Educação Básica e verificar como estas interferem nesse processo. Iniciamos o trabalho com um estudo bibliográfico sobre as estratégias de resolução de problemas e investigamos quais delas são utilizadas pelos alunos da Educação Básica. Considerando os dados coletados, desenvolvemos uma intervenção pedagógica com alunos de 7ª e 8ª séries do Ensino Fundamental, em que exploramos problemas de livros didáticos, Olimpíadas Matemáticas e outras fontes, incentivando a utilização de estratégias alternativas ao Cálculo formal e compartilhando-as por meio de discussões para validação das mesmas. Ao final deste período, foram propostas uma nova seleção de problemas e a participação em uma entrevista semiestruturada, por meio das quais foram obtidos indícios de eficácia da proposta. Os participantes passaram a utilizar com maior frequência e eficácia estratégias alternativas ao Cálculo formal e manifestaram preferência por estas formas de resolução. Apresentamos, portanto, uma possibilidade para o trabalho com resolução de problemas, capaz de auxiliar os estudantes a obterem êxito no processo, de forma autônoma.Palavras-chave: Estratégias. Resolução. Problemas. Matemática. Aprendizagem.AbstractMathematics teaching and learning have been a permanent concern for teachers and managers since the results that students achieved have not been completely satisfactory nationally. Regarding to Mathematics education improving students’ education quality and learning is essential. As a contribution a survey aiming to explore the use of different strategies for solving mathematical problems with students of Elementary School and how they interfere in the process was carried out. It was initially carried out a bibliographical study about problem resolution strategies followed by the investigation on which strategies were used by Elementary school students. Taking into consideration data collected a pedagogical intervention was developed with 7thand 8th grade students of Elementary school aiming to explore textbook problems, Mathematical Olympics and other sources, encouraging the use of alternative strategies to formal calculation and exchanging them to assure their validation. Finally a new problem selection and the participation in a semi-structured interview were proposed and the indication of an effective proposal was carried out. Participants started to use alternative strategies more frequently and more effectively. Therefore we present the possibility for problem resolution development which may help the students to autonomously succeed in the process.Keywords: Strategies. Resolution. Problems. Mathematics. Learning.

Victor Gil Vera ◽  
Bairon Jaramillo ◽  
Nancy Cardona ◽  
María Cifuentes ◽  
Shirley Jimenez ◽  

This paper is intended to identify how teachers’ emphasis on writing influence the learning process in an English class, taking into account that the development of the four language skills is essential for learning a second language to gain an effective communication. this study adopts some main concepts related to English teaching and learning, which are: language skills, writing and learning process. Then, in order to recognize this educational case, this study follows a qualitative approach, a hermeneutic paradigm and a case study, using a non-participant observation, a participant observation, a semi-structured interview and some task-based learning (TBL) sessions which were observed critically by the researchers; all these data collection tools were useful to achieve the aim of this research. The aim of this study is to exhibit how the teachers’ emphasis on writing over the other language skills affects the English learning process in third grade students, at the “Institución Educativa San Cristóbal.” Among the remarkable results, it is visible that the teacher made the students develop aspects on the writing skill, but these were focused on transcription and repetition rather than comprehensible written productions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-49
Daniel Dike ◽  
Lusila Parida

Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan suatu gambaran pemanfaatan kelas sebagai episentrum pembelajaran secara maksimal melalui penguatan manajemen kelas. Disain penelitian ini menggunakan case study research.  Penelitian ini mengkaji fenomena dan fakta pembelajaran di kelas melalui observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi serta angket respon siswa terhadap aktivitas belajar mengajar yang dilakukan guru dan siswa di SD Panca Setya 2 Sintang, Kalimantan Barat. Data divalidasi dengan triangulasi sumber dan teknik kemudian dianalisis dan ditarik kesimpulan secara induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kelas dan pembelajaran belum sepenuhnya menjadi pusat atau episentrum pembelajaran yang kuat meskipun pada aspek perencanaan, pengorganisasian, implementasi dan evaluasi belajar yang dilakukan guru sudah cukup baik. Respon siswa menunjukkan bahwa pada keempat aspek tersebut belum berjalan secara ideal sesuai harapan siswa kerena kelas belum sepenuhnya dikelola secara maksimal. Solusi mengatasi persoalan ini bisa dilakukan dengan menerapkan manajemen hexagonal yang memiliki enam kekuatan sentral yakni karakteristik siswa, sikap guru, infrastruktur kelas, infrastruktur teknologi, dukungan sekolah, dukungan  yayasan atau dinas pendidikan. Bila pembelajaran di kelas mengintegrasikan peran sentral keenam aspek manajemen hexagonal maka kelas akan sungguh-sungguh menjadi pusat gravitasi pembelajaran efektif, produktif dan bermakna. Class hexagonal management in elementary school learning AbstractThis study aims to map a picture of class use as the epicenter of learning and strengthening classroom management. This research design uses a case study research. This study explores the phenomena and facts of learning in the classroom at Panca Setya 2 Elementary School, in Sintang of West Kalimantan. The data collecting by participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation studies as well as student response questionnaires to teaching and learning activities carried out by teachers and students. Data is validated by source triangulation and techniques then analyzed and drawn inductively. The results of the research show that class and learning have not yet fully become the center or strong epicenter of learning even though the aspects of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the learning done by the teacher are good enough. Students' responses show that the four aspects have not run ideally according to student expectations because the class has not been fully managed maximally. The solution to overcome this problem can be done by implementing hexagonal learning management because it is believed to be able to turn on six key aspects of learning so that the class truly becomes the center of effective and optimal learning gravity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 3050-3064
María Teresa Fernández Nistal ◽  
Guadalupe de la Paz Ross Argüelles ◽  
Santa Magdalena Mercado Ibarra ◽  
Eneida Ochoa Ávila ◽  
Claudia García Hernández

En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación cuyos objetivos fueron identificar las concepciones sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de 62 profesores de Sonora (México), que imparten clases de ciencias naturales en secundaria, y estudiar la relación de estas concepciones con su práctica educativa en el aula. Para la obtención de los datos se realizaron observaciones de las clases y se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada a los profesores. Un análisis cualitativo a las respuestas del profesorado en la entrevista indicó que la concepción sobre la enseñanza más frecuente fue la de transición entre una perspectiva tradicional y una constructivista, seguida de la tradicional. La concepción constructivista fue la menos frecuente. Por otro lado, el análisis de la práctica educativa de los profesores en el aula indicó un predominio del modelo de enseñanza tradicional de transmisión-recepción, aunque aproximadamente la mitad de los profesores incorporaron en sus prácticas algunas estrategias de enseñanza constructivistas. El análisis de la relación entre las concepciones de los profesores y sus prácticas educativas mostró algunas incoherencias. En general, los profesores presentaron una enseñanza más tradicional en su comportamiento en clase que lo manifestado en la entrevista sobre cómo enseñan. Estos resultados presentan implicaciones en el diseño de cursos de formación y actualización docente.   This article presents the results of an investigation whose objectives were to identify the conceptions about teaching and learning of 62 teachers of Sonora (Mexico), who teach natural sciences in secondary school, and to study the relationship of these conceptions with their educational practice in the classroom. To obtain the data, classroom observations were made and a semi-structured interview was applied to the teachers. A qualitative analysis of the teachers' responses in the interview indicated that the most frequent conception of teaching was the transition between a traditional and a constructivist perspective, followed by the traditional one. The constructivist conception was the least frequent. On the other hand, the analysis of the teachers' educational practice in the classroom indicated a predominance of the traditional transmission-reception teaching model, although approximately half of the teachers incorporated some constructivist teaching strategies in their practices. The analysis of the relationship between the teachers' conceptions and their educational practices showed some inconsistencies. In general, teachers presented a more traditional teaching in their classroom behavior than what was manifested in the interview about how they teach. These results have implications for the design of teacher training and updating courses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 1431-1444
Edel Alexandre Silva Pontes ◽  
Helloyne Roberta Eloi Moura ◽  
Elis Lima Coelho ◽  
Bruno Henrique Macêdo dos Santos Silva ◽  
Igor Santana Batista

A busca por novas metodologias para o ensino e aprendizagem de matemática são eventos substanciais para se tornar efetivo á construção do saber científico, de modo a não conceber um ensino sem significados com respostas acabadas, mas uma proposta que envolva o aluno a interagir os conceitos abstratos com sua realidade. A ideia do trabalho é recomendar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de matemática – RICA - como proposta metodológica para o ato de ensinar e o ato de aprender matemática na educação básica, exemplificando por meio de problemas direcionados aos anos finais do ensino fundamental. Este método de ensinar e aprender matemática fundamenta-se em quatro pilares: Raciocínio lógico, Inteligência matemática, Criatividade e Aprendizagem. A ideia do processo - RICA consiste que o professor apresente um problema de matemática, primordialmente de um conteúdo novo,  e desafie o aluno a tentar resolve-lo de forma intuitiva, partindo-se do pressuposto que aquele exercício seja de um tópico ainda desconhecido do aprendiz  Em seguida, o professor deverá apresentar subsídios necessários para a resolução do problema proposto Posteriormente, o mediador deve propor que o aluno desenvolva um problema do cotidiano por intermédio do conteúdo exposto E, finalmente, o professor delibera se aquele tópico foi importante para o aluno e pergunta se existe intenção de continuar aprendendo o conteúdo. Os objetivos de propiciar aos professores e alunos contato com uma ferramenta educacional para o ensino e aprendizagem de matemática por intermédio do processo – RICA permitem visualizar uma nova possibilidade na abordagem dos conteúdos programáticos, disponibilizando uma aula tipicamente diferente da usual.

Anatolii Pavlenko

The article deals with the doctrine of systematization of scientific and pedagogical knowledge, determines its role and place in the theory and methodology of pedagogy as well as educational practice. The author establishes the connection between the influence of the development of the methodological doctrine of systematization in pedagogy on overcoming the modern methodological and information crisis of scientific and pedagogical knowledge. It is the crisis in the systematization of already accumulated scientific and pedagogical knowledge and the predominant orientation of researchers to obtain non-systemic pedagogical knowledge that determines the relevance of methodological awareness of the role and place of the doctrine of systematization. The doctrine of systematization is a relevant and important component of modern methodology of pedagogy; it has systemic features and its structure comprizes knowledge of individual and similar forms of systematization (classification and typology, taxonomy) of scientific pedagogical knowledge having complex and not always unambiguous relationships which need to be further researched. The article considers the role and place of the doctrine of systematization in the methodology of pedagogy; it also deals with the plurality and multifaceted definitions of the concept of systematization in scientific theory and educational practice, which can claim the role of a universal dialectical method. The results of the application of the historical-biographical approach in the study of Mendelieiev’s biography testify not only to the similarity, but also to the unifying commonality of systematization for scientific activity of scientists and practical educational activity of teachers. This makes it possible to justify the need to actualize the use of adapted to the educational process forms of systematization as scientific methods of cognition in educational practice, teaching and learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Fernando Ledesma Perez ◽  
Maria Petronila Caycho Avalos ◽  
Juana Cruz Montero ◽  
Silvia Rodriguez Melgar ◽  
Estefany Escudero Mori

Hospital pedagogy implies the presence of the teacher in the environment in which the sick student is to accompany him in his process of cognitive, affective and social development and contribute the elements of understanding to his current condition and in that sense, the educational process is becomes the support for the construction of the identity of chronic hospitalized students. This research aims to understand hospital pedagogy as a support in the construction of identity in chronic hospitalized students, Lima, 2017, qualitative approach, ethnomethodological method, non-participant observation technique, the semi-structured interview was used and the stories were submitted to the analysis of domains and analysis of categories that allowed the understanding of the cultural scene and the sense of identity and the interpretation of how they construct their identity through practices and values, which are acquired through interaction with their environment; relatives, doctors, nurses, auxiliaries, volunteers and friends.

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