Pendidikan berbasis teologi; menelisik sekolah dasar Islam terpadu

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
A. Kadir Sobur

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan dimensi teologi dalalm praktek pendidikan pada Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Nuruil Ilmi seraya menurunkan makna dari penerapan tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan teknik non partisipan, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumen dalam pengumpulan data. Sedangkan teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan tranferability dan conformability. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ide teologi Islam mengilhami kerangka kerangka kurikulum, desain pembelajaran (proses belajar mengajar), pengembangan kelembagaan, dan pengembangan profesionalisme guru. Kata Kunci: Teologi, Pendidikan, Sekolah Islam Terpadu Abstrak [Theology Based Education; An Investigation at Integrated Islamic Elementary School]. The objective of this research was both to investigate the dimension of education theology applied by an integrated Islamic elementary school namely SDIT Nurul Ilmi Jambi and to reveal the meaning of those application. This was a qualitative research in which the researcher used non-participant observation, in–depth interview, and documentation to gather the data. The data was analyzed by a flow model technique. To check the validity, the researcher employed credibility /transferability and conformability. The finding showed that the notion on Islamic theology was implied in the curriculum frameworks, instructional designs (teaching and learning process), institutional development, and teachers’ professional development. Keywords: Theology, education, integrated elementary school

EL LE ◽  
2021 ◽  

The purpose of this research study is to design a didactic strategy that develops the reading comprehension of students of Italian I course at a private university in Lima.  The study is framed within the interpretative paradigm, with a qualitative approach and within the research type of applied education. The sample consisted on two Italian teachers, the academic coordinator of other languages department and thirty-five Beca 18 students. The students were registered in eight Italian I courses of the 2018-01 semester at this private university. The participants were selected using  a non-probabilistic convenient sampling. The research study is based on the different theories, approaches, models and strategies related to the reading comprehension of Italian as a foreign language. The research tools used for the data collection process were participant-observation, depth interview, student survey and an Italian reading comprehension test (CILS). The diagnosis performed in this study is based on current developments on the state of reading comprehension of Italian I course, in order to understand the level of competence achieved by these students and their perceptions of in classroom reading comprehension activities. In addition, this study also observed the teachers’ theoretical and practical knowledges  inside the teaching and learning processes. The didactic strategy proposed in this study aims to respond coherently to the  problem identified and to provide an understanding of this complex mental process through which the student interprets, assimilates, organizes and values texts in Italian. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Barsihanor Barsihanor ◽  
Abdul Hafiz ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal Ansari ◽  
Galuh Nashrulloh Mayangsari Rofam ◽  
Siti Liani ◽  

<p align="center"><strong><em><span lang="EN-US">Abstract</span></em></strong><em></em></p><p><em><span lang="EN-US">Indonesia is a plural country with various ethnic groups, languages, religion, and culture. This is prone to friction such as conflicts between ethnicities, religion, and so on. This study aimed to know the implementation of multicultural education in growing tolerance between students in state Elementary School 2 Komet Banjarbaru. This study used qualitative approach with case study type of research. The study was done from January 2020 until March 2020. Data was collected by in-depth interview, participant observation, and documentation technique. The informants in this study were 11 samples including the headmaster, teacher, and students. After obtaining the data, analysis was done through the series of reduction, display, and data verification. Meanwhile, validity test was done by triangulation. The result showed that the implementation of multicultural education in growing tolerance between students in state Elementary School 2 Komet Banjarbaru through the school policy regulating that the rights of every student is equal, no obligation for non-Muslim female students to wear hijab, no obligation for non-Muslim students to attend Islamic religious activities, and religion subjects are customized to each religion, Muslim students learn Islamic studies, while non-Muslim students learn about their own religion, and they are free to learn religion studies in their own house of worship</span></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-49
Daniel Dike ◽  
Lusila Parida

Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan suatu gambaran pemanfaatan kelas sebagai episentrum pembelajaran secara maksimal melalui penguatan manajemen kelas. Disain penelitian ini menggunakan case study research.  Penelitian ini mengkaji fenomena dan fakta pembelajaran di kelas melalui observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi serta angket respon siswa terhadap aktivitas belajar mengajar yang dilakukan guru dan siswa di SD Panca Setya 2 Sintang, Kalimantan Barat. Data divalidasi dengan triangulasi sumber dan teknik kemudian dianalisis dan ditarik kesimpulan secara induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kelas dan pembelajaran belum sepenuhnya menjadi pusat atau episentrum pembelajaran yang kuat meskipun pada aspek perencanaan, pengorganisasian, implementasi dan evaluasi belajar yang dilakukan guru sudah cukup baik. Respon siswa menunjukkan bahwa pada keempat aspek tersebut belum berjalan secara ideal sesuai harapan siswa kerena kelas belum sepenuhnya dikelola secara maksimal. Solusi mengatasi persoalan ini bisa dilakukan dengan menerapkan manajemen hexagonal yang memiliki enam kekuatan sentral yakni karakteristik siswa, sikap guru, infrastruktur kelas, infrastruktur teknologi, dukungan sekolah, dukungan  yayasan atau dinas pendidikan. Bila pembelajaran di kelas mengintegrasikan peran sentral keenam aspek manajemen hexagonal maka kelas akan sungguh-sungguh menjadi pusat gravitasi pembelajaran efektif, produktif dan bermakna. Class hexagonal management in elementary school learning AbstractThis study aims to map a picture of class use as the epicenter of learning and strengthening classroom management. This research design uses a case study research. This study explores the phenomena and facts of learning in the classroom at Panca Setya 2 Elementary School, in Sintang of West Kalimantan. The data collecting by participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation studies as well as student response questionnaires to teaching and learning activities carried out by teachers and students. Data is validated by source triangulation and techniques then analyzed and drawn inductively. The results of the research show that class and learning have not yet fully become the center or strong epicenter of learning even though the aspects of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the learning done by the teacher are good enough. Students' responses show that the four aspects have not run ideally according to student expectations because the class has not been fully managed maximally. The solution to overcome this problem can be done by implementing hexagonal learning management because it is believed to be able to turn on six key aspects of learning so that the class truly becomes the center of effective and optimal learning gravity.

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (24) ◽  
pp. 229-253
Fernanda Borges de Andrade Dantas ◽  

OS “PACOTES DIDÁTICOS” NO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL     RESUMO   Este artigo discorre sobre a contradição entre as exigências de uma sociedade que clama por uma educação voltada à formação de pessoas autônomas, críticas e criativas, capazes de aprender continuamente para poder acompanhar as rápidas transformações científicas, tecnológicas, econômicas, políticas e socioculturais do mundo contemporâneo, e, por outro lado, o ensino apostilado, cuja característica principal é a homogeneização do processo ensino e aprendizagem. A adoção desse modelo padronizado no ensino fundamental é o foco de uma pesquisa realizada em quatro escolas particulares de Uberaba/MG. Na pesquisa as informações foram recolhidas mediante observação participante, entrevista semi-estruturada e questionário com questões abertas. Com exceção de três das doze educadoras sujeitos da pesquisa, observamos entre as mesmas um posicionamento acrítico em relação ao modelo de ensino adotado nas escolas estudadas, manifesto na admiração pelo material apostilado que, segundo elas, é inovador, facilita o trabalho do professor, e pode garantir o sucesso da aprendizagem   Palavras-chave: Ensino apostilado. Prática educativa. Autonomia docente. Formação de professores. Educação básica. THE “DIDACTIC PACKAGES” IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL   ABSTRACT This article discusses about the contradiction between the demands of a society that complains for an education turned to formation of autonomous, critical and creative people, able to learn continuously to keep up with rapid changes in scientific, technological, economic, social, political and cultural context of the contemporary world, and the booklet learnship system which its main characteristic is the homogenization of teaching and learning. The adoption of this standardized teaching in some Brazilian schools is the focus of a survey held in four private schools. The data was collected through participant observation, semi-structured interview and questionnaire with open questions. Except for three of the twelve educators who were focused on, the rest of them had an uncritical positioning regarding to the teaching model adopted in the schools studied, manifest in admiration for the booklet learnship material that, according to them, is innovative; facilitates the work, and can ensure successful learning.   Keywords: Booklet learnship. Educational practice. Teaching autonomy. Teacher training. Elementary school.    

Nunu Ahmad An-Nahidl

AbstractThis research aimed to study Islamic theology (tafaqquh fiddin) and skill development in PP. (Islamic Boarding School) Ath-Thohariyyah, Pandeglang. There are three aspects studied relating with the in-depth theology, i.e.: input aspect, process aspect, and output aspect. Meanwhile, three more aspects studied relating with skill development, i.e.: skill type, partnership, and benefit value. This qualitative research was conducted by using four techniques of data collection, i.e.: in-depth interview, participant observation, documentation studies, and triangulation. The research concluded that the main pilar of pesantren education in enhancing theology to build and lead the potential candidates of scholars (ulama) can be combined by developing skills in various types and choices, based on the ability and necessity of local regions, as well as the potential resources of each pesantren. PP. Ath-Thohariyyah can be the role model of pesantren that is inspiring and encouraging the creativity of other pesantrens in Pandeglang Regency, Banten, not only in providing various education services for students, but also in providing spiritual and mental development services, religious knowledge, and skill practices. Abstrak Penelitian ini ingin mendeskripsikan pendalaman ilmu agama (tafaqquh fiddin) dan pengembangan keterampilan (life skills) di PP. Ath-Thohariyyah – Pandeglang. Ada tiga aspek yang dikaji terkait pendalaman ilmu agama, yaitu; aspek input, proses dan output. Sementara tiga aspek lain yang dikaji terkait pengembangan keterampilan adalah jenis keterampilan, kemitraan, dan nilai manfaat. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan empat teknik pengum­pulan data, yaitu: wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipasi, studi dokumentasi, dan triangulasi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pokok utama pendidikan pesantren dalam hal pendalaman ilmu agama untuk mencetak dan mengkader calon ulama dapat dipadukan dengan mengembangkan keterampilan dalam berbagai jenis dan pilihan sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kebutuhan wilayah lokal setempat, serta potensi sumberdaya setiap pesantren. PP. Ath-Thohariyyah dapat menjadi model percontohan pesantren yang bisa menginspirasi dan mendorong kreativitas pesantren lain di wilayah Kabupaten Pandeglang Banten dalam upaya memberikan ragam layanan pendidikan kepada santri, selain kebutuhan mental spiritual dan pengetahuan keagamaan, juga kebutuhan praksis keterampilan.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 160 ◽  
Eriselda Vrapi ◽  
Xhevdet Zekaj

This study aims to explore the use of video in English language teaching (ELT) elementary school (grades 8 to 9)... In addition, the thesis aims to find out how videos in English lessons helped to achieve the goals of English curriculum. The main hypothesis was that teaching with video would develop pupils’ communicative skills and, therefore, was appropriate for the communicative approach to ELT. The study addressed five research questions regarding the use of videos in English lessons in the case study school: why the teachers used videos in ELT, what kinds of videos were used in English lessons, how and how often videos were used, what was taught and learned through the use of videos and, finally, what the teachers’ and pupils’ attitudes to lessons with videos were. The research was performed as a case study at an Elbasan elementary school. The data for the research was obtained through the use of mixed methods: qualitative, in the form of interviews with four English teachers and observations of three of the interviewed teachers’ lessons with videos, and quantitative, in the form of a pupil questionnaire answered by 105 pupils from two 8th grade and two 9th grade classes.

Tukino ◽  
Siti Masruroh ◽  
Daryanto Herdiana

Teaching and learning is an activity that is bound by goal directed and carried out specifically to achieve that goal. Because it is very important to seek knowledge for a bright future. Supervision of students by the guardians of the students made the results of their children's achievements not improving. As well as student assessment by the teacher is still not well managed because it is still in the form of a note report. The system method used is the Prototype model. With observation and direct interviews with the student section regarding the assessment system in the school where the author researched. The results of this study are applications that can be operated on an Android Smartphone. This application can provide fast information and update automatically in obtaining information on student learning outcomes.        

SAGE Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 215824402110269
Guangbao Fang ◽  
Philip Wing Keung Chan ◽  
Penelope Kalogeropoulos

Using data from the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS; 2013), this article explores teachers’ needs, support, and barriers in their professional development. The research finds that Australian teachers expressed greater needs in information and communication technology (ICT) use and new technology training for teaching, while Shanghai teachers required more assistance to satisfy students’ individual learning and pedagogical competencies. More than 80% of Australian and Shanghai teachers received scheduled time to support their participation in professional development, whereas less than 20% of Australian and Shanghai teachers received monetary or nonmonetary support. In terms of barriers, Australian and Shanghai teachers reported two significant barriers that conflicted with their participation in professional development: “working schedule” and “a lack of incentives to take part.” This article reveals implications of the study in the design of an effective professional development program for Australian and Shanghai teachers and ends with discussing the limitations of the research and future research directions.

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