2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 187
Mariana Roncale ◽  
Dulce Márcia Cruz ◽  
Nadja Maria Acioly-Régnier

RESUMOEste artigo expõe resultados preliminares de pesquisa de doutorado em andamento e tem como objetivo a descrição do projeto das Classes Culturais Digitais (Lyon/ França) com o intuito de analisá-las sob a perspectiva do campo dos Multiletramentos. Concentrando-se nos aspectos presenciais e virtuais do projeto, busca-se também refletir sobre as possíveis contribuições e as dificuldades encontradas no desenvolvimento de um projeto inovador e híbrido. Adotamos a metodologia de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa em uma das turmas integrantes do projeto, nos anos de 2018 e 2019. Para a construção dos dados realizamos observação participante, questionários com perguntas abertas e fechadas e observação digital na plataforma Utilizamos como referência de análise o campo dos Multiletramentos e verificamos que a multimodalidade já está presente nas relações escolares participantes da pesquisa. Por meio da multimodalidade, foram viabilizados e potencializados os momentos para expressão das ideias, dos diálogos, da criação colaborativa e da formação crítica.Palavras-chave: Produção Colaborativa. Multiletramentos. Classes Culturais Digitais.ABSTRACTThis article exposes preliminary results of ongoing doctoral research and aims to describe the project of the Digital Cultural Classes (Lyon / France) and to analyze some aspects from the perspective of the Multiliteracy field. Focusing on the face-to-face and virtual aspects of the Digital Cultural Classes project in the city of Lyon (France), we also seek to reflect on the influencing elements, the possible contributions and the difficulties encountered in the development of an innovative and hybrid project. We adopted the methodology of qualitative and quantitative approach in one of the classes participating in the project, in the years 2018 and 2019. For the construction of the data, we conducted participant observation, questionnaires with open and closed questions, and digital observation on the platform. Multiliteracy research field was our reference for analysis and we found that multimodality is already present in the school relationships participating in the research. By using multimodality, the moments for expressing ideas, dialogues, collaborative creation and critical formation were viabilized and potencialized.Keywords: Collaborative Production. Multiliteracies. Digital Cultural Classes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Teuku Amnar Saputra

Pandemi Covid-19 telah mewabah di hampir seluruh Dunia tidak terkecuali Indonesia. Kondisi ini membuat sebagian orang cemas dan bahkan panik. Potensi panik ini dapat menyerang siapapun tidak terkecuali mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kepanikan dan resiliensi mahasiswa pascasarjana Aceh-Yogyakarta dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (Field Research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi partisipan dan wawancara dengan menggunakan Whatsapp. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Purposive sampling yaitu pengambilan sampel berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh peneliti. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara reduksi, penyajian dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa pasca sarjana tidak menunjukkan gejala kepanikan melainkan rasa kekhawatiran terhadap pandemi Covid-19. Mahasiswa pascasarjana Aceh-Yogyakarta juga memiliki resiliensi dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini terlihat dari kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menghadapi situasi dengan tenang dan menentukan langkah yang rasional dalam berbagai tindakan serta memiliki pandangan positif dalam menghadapi tantangan yang sedang dihadapi. Adapun bentuk-bentuk resiliensinya meliputi mengikuti instruksi dari pemerintah, meningkatkan daya tahan atau imun, mengurangi akses terhadap informasi Covid-19, mengambil hikmah dari Covid-19, menyerahkan segalanya kepada Allah SWT.__________________________________________________________Covid-19 pandemic has plague almost all of the World including Indonesia. This condition makes some people anxious and even panic. This potential panic can strike anyone, including students. This study aims to see the panic and resilience of Aceh-Yogyakarta postgraduate students in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a field research (Field Research) using a qualitative approach. The research method uses descriptive analytical method. Data collection is done by participant observation and interviews using Whatsapp. The sampling technique in this study uses purposive sampling that is sampling based on criteria determined by the researcher. Data analysis was carried out by means of reduction, presentation and conclusion. The results showed that post graduate students did not show symptoms of panic but rather a sense of concern for the Covid-19 pandemic. Aceh-Yogyakarta postgraduate students also have resilience in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. This can be seen from the ability of students to deal with situations calmly and determine rational steps in various actions and have a positive outlook in facing the challenges being faced. The forms of resilience include following instructions from the government, increasing endurance or immunity, reducing access to Covid-19 information, taking wisdom from Covid-19, giving everything to Allah SWT.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 106
Saleh H. Alharbi

This study explores the criteria for evaluating performance, established as recently as 2017, by the Saudi Civil Services body (SCS), and which defines the methods and techniques for a fair and rational implementation of the appraisal system, and examines how employees perceive these criteria. Throughout, the research looked at the attitude of employees within public agencies, in the city of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, vis-a-vis the newly implemented appraisal system, and at how they interpreted its’ modus operandi and its’ findings. The study made use of Qualitative methodology, wherein data collected from five public agencies on the basis of face-to-face interviews, sought to understand the employees’ perspective of the application of the current appraisal system and to fathom their experience of it. The sample size comprised 10 employees, two from each agency. The findings reveal significant public sector employees’ concern regarding the new appraisal system, the degree of accuracy in implementing the appraisal process. Employees’ concerns extended to the mechanisms are used to link between the appraisal grade and the allowance (pay for performance), to the nefarious influence of nepotism on the factors of fair play and accuracy. The question of how to raise the level of awareness of the new system among raters and ratees came to the fore during the face-to-face interviews.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Iskandar Zulkarnain ◽  
Yuni Suryaningsih ◽  
Rahmita Noorbaiti ◽  
Liko Noor Noor R Rahadian

Guru harus mempunyai strategi untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran yang dapat memfasilitasi agar peserta didik memiliki keterampilan komunikatif, kreatif, aktif, dan inovatif. Sebagai upaya mendukung hal tersebut, tim pengabdian mengadakan pelatihan untuk membimbing guru khususnya peserta MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) Matematika SMA Kota Banjarmasin dalam penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran (perangkat pembelajaran) 4C (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity). Kegiatan PKM ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan perangkat pembelajaran 4C dan teori-teori yang mendasarinya, sehingga dapat mendukung para guru untuk menerapkannya.  Metode tatap muka untuk penyampaian materi dilakukan di Aula SMAN 5 Banjarmasin dan dihadiri oleh 57 guru matematika wilayah Kota Banjarmasin. Tahapan kegiatan terdiri dari penyampaian materi mengenai konsep dasar 4C, pembimbingan peserta membuat perangkat pembelajaran, mendiskusikan kesulitan, pembimbingan perbaikan perangkat, sehingga dihasilkan perangkat pembelajaran keterampilan 4C. Kegiatan ini berfokus pada tahap awal yakni penyampaian materi terkait perangkat pembelajaran keterampian 4C, teori-teori yang mendasarinya, serta paparan contoh perangkat. Kegiatan ini sangat mendukung peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam rangka meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan komunikasi peserta didik. Teachers must have a strategy to develop learning instruments to facilitate students with communicative, creative, active, and innovative skills. To support this, the service team held a training to guide teachers, especially Mathematics Teachers (MGMP) Participants in Banjarmasin City High Schools in the preparation of 4C (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity) learning instruments. This activity aims to introduce 4C learning instruments and their underlying theories to encourage teachers to apply them. The face-to-face method for delivering material was carried out in the Hall of SMAN 5 Banjarmasin and attended by 57 mathematics teachers in the city of Banjarmasin. The activity stages consisted of delivering material on the basic concepts of 4C, guiding participants to create learning instruments, and discussing difficulties, guiding the improvement of instruments, so that 4C skills learning instruments were produced. This activity focuses on the initial stage, namely the delivery of material related to the 4C achievement learning instruments, the theories underlying it, and exposure to sample instruments. This activity is very supportive of improving teachers' ability to improve students' creative thinking and communication skills.

Craig A. Mertler ◽  
Danah Henriksen

This essay describes one institution’s struggle to grow its EdD program by adding an equivalent online version of a successful face-to-face program. One of the challenges faced was that of creating a comparable experience for online students to share their ongoing action research, an activity that had long been part of the face-to-face version of the program. An innovative, all-day, virtual doctoral research conference was developed and implemented. We describe our creative rethinking of the original event, towards a new, successful, and fully-online redesigned event. Although the event continues to be refined, the inaugural event proved to be a successful solution to the challenge of transferring all components of a face-to-face program over to its online equivalent. Feedback from students who participated in the conference is shared, and recommendations for other EdD programs is offered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (28) ◽  
pp. e10974
Tiago Zanquêta de Souza

This article is the result of doctoral research in Education, which sought to understand the Popular Extension in Environmental Education, experienced by a Work Community, in the city of Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It aims to present the educational processes linked to what to do in popular environmental education. Data collection took place through participant observation and data were analyzed based on content analysis. It was possible to understand that all the people involved and committed to the transformation of that reality experienced in and by the work community, become environmental educators, through their most varied what to do. Thus, an environmental educator is a mediator of the understanding of the relations that the community (s) in which she is inserted with the environment, so that Popular Environmental Education is in tune with the spirit of a popular extension of character. educational and transformative, based on a participatory methodology that allows the development of a practice in which the people involved seek the construction and systematization of knowledge that lead them to consciously focus on reality.

Redes ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 430
Caroline Delevati Colpo ◽  
Andreza Da Silva Oliveira

Resumo Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento regional por meio da comunicação organizacional do Programa Municipal de Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos Catavida na constituição da identidade dos catadores. O Programa Catavida foi criado e implantado pela Prefeitura Municipal de Novo Hamburgo-RS com o propósito de organizar a atividade de catação no município, e, nesse sentido, busca proporcionar aos catadores condições adequadas de trabalho, justa remuneração e consequente melhoria na qualidade de vida. O estudo, de caráter exploratório qualitativo e quantitativo, utilizou-se de técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental, observação participante, questionários e entrevistas. Os questionários foram aplicados a 67 catadores e as entrevistas foram realizadas com 12 catadores. Dentre outros resultados, verificou-se que a comunicação organizacional do Programa Catavida interfere na constituição da identidade dos catadores, uma vez que hoje se sentem valorizados enquanto profissionais da catação. Quanto à contribuição do Programa para a vida dos catadores, pode-se constatar que a renda é o elemento mais importante na constituição de suas identidades. Abstract This study analyzes the regional development and formation of an identity for catadores (individuals that search through garbage seeking to identify and collect recyclable material) through the organizational communication of the Programa Municipal de Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos Catavida. The Programa Catavida was created and implemented by the city of Novo Hamburgo, RS with the intention of organizing catador activity in the city in order to provide them proper working conditions, fair pay and consequential improvement in quality of life. This is an exploratory study, qualitative and quantitative, and uses the techniques of bibliographical research, documentation, participant observation, questionnaires and interviews. Sixty-seven catadores responded to questionnaires, and twelve catadores were interviewed. The results of this study show that organizational communication of the Programa Catavida interfered the formation of a new identity among catadores due to the new value they felt as professionals in the community. As for the program's contribution to their lives, it may be seen that income is the most important element in the formation of their identities.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (spe) ◽  
pp. 172-179 ◽  
Ailton de Souza Aragão ◽  
Maria das Graças Carvalho Ferriani ◽  
Telma Sanchez Vendruscollo ◽  
Sinara de Lima Souza ◽  
Romeu Gomes

In Primary Care, the field of nursing comes face-to-face with the complexity of violence, leading these professionals to constantly re-evaluate their habitus. OBJECTIVE: to analyze how cases of violence against children and adolescents are approached by primary care nurses, identifying limits and possibilities for dealing with these cases. METHOD: a qualitative study, undertaken in 2011, through semi-structured interviews with 8 out of 48 nurses in the Family Health teams in the city of Uberaba in the state of Minas Gerais, the analysis of which followed the interpretation of meanings, based in dialectical hermeneutics. RESULTS: the following stand out: non-identification of violence as a problem for the nurses; denunciations and notifications as a role of the nurses; and the limits found in the face of violence. CONCLUSION: it is determined that the habitus of nursing directed at health promotion and prevention of violence must be restructured, overcoming the biomedical paradigm and involving intersectorial and multidisciplinary actions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 68 (669) ◽  
pp. e293-e300 ◽  
Helen Atherton ◽  
Heather Brant ◽  
Sue Ziebland ◽  
Annemieke Bikker ◽  
John Campbell ◽  

BackgroundNHS policy encourages general practices to introduce alternatives to the face-to-face consultation, such as telephone, email, e-consultation systems, or internet video. Most have been slow to adopt these, citing concerns about workload. This project builds on previous research by focusing on the experiences of patients and practitioners who have used one or more of these alternatives.AimTo understand how, under what conditions, for which patients, and in what ways, alternatives to face-to-face consultations present benefits and challenges to patients and practitioners in general practice.Design and settingFocused ethnographic case studies took place in eight UK general practices between June 2015 and March 2016.MethodNon-participant observation, informal conversations with staff, and semi-structured interviews with staff and patients were conducted. Practice documents and protocols were reviewed. Data were analysed through charting and the ‘one sheet of paper’ mind-map method to identify the line of argument in each thematic report.ResultsCase study practices had different rationales for offering alternatives to the face-to-face consultation. Beliefs varied about which patients and health issues were suitable. Co-workers were often unaware of each other’s practice; for example, practice policies for use of e-consultations systems with patients were not known about or followed. Patients reported benefits including convenience and access. Staff and some patients regarded the face-to-face consultation as the ideal.ConclusionExperience of implementing alternatives to the face-to-face consultation suggests that changes in patient access and staff workload may be both modest and gradual. Practices planning to implement them should consider carefully their reasons for doing so and involve the whole practice team.

Francisca Érica dos Santos Souza ◽  
Jondison Cardoso Rodrigues

THE RESISTANCE OF BROMÉLIAS AND VICTORY-RÉGIAS: feminine narratives in front of the miningLA RESISTENCIA DE BROMÉLIAS Y VICTORIAS-RÉGIAS: narrativas femeninas frente a la mineríaRESUMOO artigo tem o objetivo de descrever e analisar as narrativas de resistência e de organização das mulheres face ao extrativismo mineral, das comunidades de São João do Burajuba e Sítio São João, cidade de Barcarena, nordeste do estado do Pará. Também se pretende “apresentar”, via narrativas, as transformações sociais decorrentes da atividade mineradora na vida dessas mulheres e as formas de organização por elas vivenciadas como forma de resistência ao extrativismo mineral (à mineração). Procurou-se expor relatos da realidade das lideranças femininas, os caminhos trilhados e o protagonismo político, além de questões em relação aos efeitos provocados pela mineração no ambiente familiar e nas suas comunidades. Nesse sentido, utilizou-se do processo de construção de relato de vida (narrativas) e da observação participante. Essa metodologia mostrou um panorama muito mais completo acerca dos impactos causados, direcionando a novas considerações em relação à realidade das mulheres e da autonomia na luta contra o modelo mineral introduzido em seus territórios. Assim, esta pesquisa é um processo de outras construções de realidades da ação das mulheres e da luta contra grandes empreendimentos que às “atingem”.Palavras-chave: Mulheres; Mineração; Resistência; Estado do Pará; Extrativismo Mineral.ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article is to describe and analyze the narratives of resistance and organization of women in the face of mineral extractivism from the communities of São João do Burajuba and Sítio São João in the city of Barcarena, northeast of the state of Pará. Also, this article aims to “present”, through narratives, the social transformations resulting from the mining activity in life of these women and the forms of organization experienced by them as a way of resistance to the mineral extractivism (mining). It was sought to expose narrations from the reality of the women's leaders, the pathways and political protagonism, as well as issues regarding the effects caused by mining in the family environment and in their communities. In this sense, the process of construction of life story (narratives) and participant observation was used. This methodology showed a much more complete view about the impacts caused, directing new considerations regarding the reality of women and the autonomy in the fight against the mineral model introduced in their territories. Therefore, this research is a process of other constructions of realities of the action of women and of the fight against big enterprises which "attain" them.Keywords: Women; Mining; Resistance; State of Pará; Mineral Extractivism.RESUMENEl artículo tiene el objetivo de describir y analizar las narrativas de resistencia y de organización de las mujeres frente al extractivismo mineral, de las comunidades de São João do Burajuba y del sitio São João, ciudad de Barcarena, nordeste del estado de Pará. También se pretende "presentar" ", a través de narrativas, las transformaciones sociales derivadas de la actividad minera en la vida de esas mujeres y las formas de organización por ellas vivenciadas como forma de resistencia al extractivismo mineral (a la minería). Se buscó exponer relatos de la realidad de los liderazgos femeninos, los caminos trillados y el protagonismo político, además de cuestiones en relación a los efectos provocados por la minería en el ambiente familiar y en sus comunidades. En ese sentido, se utilizó el proceso de construcción de relato de vida (narrativas) y de la observación participante. Esta metodología mostró un panorama mucho más completo acerca de los impactos causados, dirigiendo a nuevas consideraciones en relación a la realidad de las mujeres y de la autonomía en la lucha contra el modelo mineral introducido en sus territorios. Así, esta investigación es un proceso de otras construcciones de realidades de la acción de las mujeres y de la lucha contra grandes emprendimientos que a las "alcanzan".Palabras clave: Mujeres; La Minería; Resistencia; Estado de Pará; Extractivismo Mineral.

2020 ◽  
Vol 198 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 239-242

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about several changes to doctoral programs due to the prohibition of face-to-face activities. This situation has generated many difficulties but has also facilitated research activities in Sociology in Brazil and Portugal. This essay discusses the changes introduced in sociological research and the main strategy found to overcome the difficulties – remote work – with the aim of raising questions for a research agenda on the subject. The notes and analyses presented here are produced from participant observation and full participation as an academic linked to three universities, where I had access to remote work data and operational notes issued by these universities during the pandemic. In these observations, I have identified that the professors, technicians and researchers pay the bill for remote work in the doctorate programs, and that the pandemic affects researchers unequally, depending on their gender, the stage of the course they are in, whether the academic relationship is national or foreign, whether they receive a scholarship or not, and whether they are at home or on student mobility.

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