Olesia Dolynska

The directions of perspective development of the territorial organization of the regional tourist complex of Khmelnytsky region are analyzed. As part of the regional tourist complex of Khmelnytsky region, we have identified point elements of the territorial structure: 2 bifunctional tourist nodes; 10 bifunctional tourist centers; 1 monofunctional tourist center; 17 bifunctional tourist points; 18 monofunctional tourist points. Four clusters are distinguished. The most complex territorial formations in the regional tourist complex of Khmelnytsky region are Khmelnytsky and Kamyanets-Podilsky bifunctional dispersed bushes. The main branch directions of perspective development of tourist activity of Khmelnytsky region are considered. As part of the improvement of the territorial organization of the regional tourist complex, it is necessary to pay attention first of all to the intensification of activities to complete the formation of existing tourist dispersed bushes. It is necessary to promote the establishment of Kamyanets-Podilsky as a tourist «superpoint» of the national level. It is advisable to form on the basis of this city a complex dispersed tourist bush, which should take a leading position in the development of tourism in the Khmelnytsky region. In order to reduce the polarization of the tourist regional complex, to promote the completion of the formation of tourist scattered bushes in other areas of the region. Of particular importance is its development on the basis of the regional center, which has the most favorable transport and geographical position in the region. It is expedient to build a primary network of tourist points and centers in the most promising 13 rural settlements, as well as to create two tourist clusters (Medzhibizh and Sataniv). Of particular importance is the development of a network of agricultural settlements, which will attract existing from the monuments of nature, history and culture. Thus, on the one hand, it is necessary to promote the establishment of Kamyanets-Podilsky as a tourist "superpoint" of the national level. It is advisable to form on the basis of this city a complex dispersed tourist bush, which should take a leading position in the development of tourism in the Khmelnytsky region. On the other hand, in order to reduce the polarization of the tourist regional complex, it is advisable to help complete the formation of tourist scattered bushes in other areas of the region. Of particular importance in this context is its development on the basis of the regional center, which has the most favorable transport and geographical position in the region. Also expedient, in our opinion, is the development of the primary network of tourist points and centers in the most promising 13 rural settlements, as well as the creation of two tourist clusters on the basis of the villages of Medzhibizh and Sataniv. Of particular importance in this context is the development of a network of agro-villages, which will involve in tourism activities of national importance monuments of nature, history, culture, as well as partially relevant monuments of local importance in the Khmelnytsky region. Key words: development, territorial organization, regional tourist complex, Khmelnytsky region.

Marcin Sakowicz

The article presents changes in the territorial structure, especially in the local governments, that have taken place in selected countries of European Union in the last 20 years. Changes on the local level and adjustments on the regional level as experienced by unitary states (Scandinavian and Baltic states), federal states (Belgium), states with regional autonomy (Spain) and states that underwent devolution (United Kingdom) are presented. The territorial organization of European Union member states reflects differences in governing and managing structures adjusted to the characteristics of each state. The undertaken reforms relate on the one hand to political, economic and civilizational conditions, and on the other hand to brand new approach to fulfillment of the tasks of public administration (both governmental and self governmental) that would be the most effective, efficient and satisfying the needs of citizens. In many countries, particularly Scandinavian, reforms have been implemented aiming at decreasing of the number of communes.

Przemysław Niemczuk

The issue of territorial division as a legal issue is one of the key issues in considering the territorial organization of the state. It is one of the most important factors influencing the organization of the state. The process of shaping the territorial division is specific, complex and based on a number of diverse, variable determinants. The determinant of shaping the territorial division is any condition relevant to the territorial structure of the state, reflecting specific needs or values resulting from the specific features of the land. Considering the multiplicity of such premises, the number and variety of these determinants is considerable. The aim of the article is an attempt to identify and systematize these determinants. An attempt will be made to determine the importance of individual determinants on the shape of the territorial division and the relationships between them. On the one hand, these determinants determine the shape of the territorial division, on the other hand, the territorial division influences their formation, change or updating. Therefore, they form a coherent system of mutual response to the needs of shaping the territorial structure of the state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (S1) ◽  
pp. 37-37
Americo Cicchetti ◽  
Rossella Di Bidino ◽  
Entela Xoxi ◽  
Irene Luccarini ◽  
Alessia Brigido

IntroductionDifferent value frameworks (VFs) have been proposed in order to translate available evidence on risk-benefit profiles of new treatments into Pricing & Reimbursement (P&R) decisions. However limited evidence is available on the impact of their implementation. It's relevant to distinguish among VFs proposed by scientific societies and providers, which usually are applicable to all treatments, and VFs elaborated by regulatory agencies and health technology assessment (HTA), which focused on specific therapeutic areas. Such heterogeneity in VFs has significant implications in terms of value dimension considered and criteria adopted to define or support a price decision.MethodsA literature research was conducted to identify already proposed or adopted VF for onco-hematology treatments. Both scientific and grey literature were investigated. Then, an ad hoc data collection was conducted for multiple myeloma; breast, prostate and urothelial cancer; and Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) therapies. Pharmaceutical products authorized by European Medicines Agency from January 2014 till December 2019 were identified. Primary sources of data were European Public Assessment Reports and P&R decision taken by the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) till September 2019.ResultsThe analysis allowed to define a taxonomy to distinguish categories of VF relevant to onco-hematological treatments. We identified the “real-world” VF that emerged given past P&R decisions taken at the Italian level. Data was collected both for clinical and economical outcomes/indicators, as well as decisions taken on innovativeness of therapies. Relevant differences emerge between the real world value framework and the one that should be applied given the normative framework of the Italian Health System.ConclusionsThe value framework that emerged from the analysis addressed issues of specific aspects of onco-hematological treatments which emerged during an ad hoc analysis conducted on treatment authorized in the last 5 years. The perspective adopted to elaborate the VF was the one of an HTA agency responsible for P&R decisions at a national level. Furthermore, comparing a real-world value framework with the one based on the general criteria defined by the national legislation, our analysis allowed identification of the most critical point of the current national P&R process in terms ofsustainability of current and future therapies as advance therapies and agnostic-tumor therapies.

Human Affairs ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Mishel Pavlovski

AbstractBy questioning the ways in which a supra-national European identity can be created in an environment of globalization, this article starts with the thesis that this concept faces problems which must be resolved first and foremost at the national level. By problematizing multiculturalism as a “utopian theory” which does not solve any problems at the practical level, and by viewing interculturalism as a potential danger to “smaller” cultures, this article identifies what it is that hinders the possible acceptance of the idea of a Europe without borders by analyzing plays by Goran Stefanovski. In four of his plays, Euralien, Hotel Europa, Ex-Yu, and Goce, Stefanovski criticizes Western Europe, on the one hand, for constructing a problematic Other, imposing a visa regime, and contributing to its marginalization, and the Balkans on the other, for mythologizing its nationally-romanticized narrative. The paper sheds light on the fact that the acceptance of a common (shared) European identity, a necessity which propagates itself amidst conditions of globalization, is dependent on the ways in which Europe will resolve its problems, such as the marginalization of the Other, way of thinking in binary oppositions, like old/new Europe, rich/poor Europe, and especially (talking about Balkan countries) the phrase South-East Balkan.

2021 ◽  
Наталия Александровна Иванова

Актуальность исследования для экономики усиливается такими явлениями, как влияние мирового финансового кризиса, усложнение отраслевой и территориальной структуры производства, усиление интеграции всех сфер общественной жизни, возрастание значения экологических, социальных и политических факторов развития общества, повышение трансакционных издержек принятия решений в сфере управления. Изучение литературы о территориях дает основание определить понятие региональной системы России как элемент, подсистему некоторой иерархической системы, в роли которой выступает национальная экономика. Процессы глобализации коренным образом изменяют роль регионов в национальной экономике. Регион постепенно становится не только отдельным экономическим агентом, но также вступает в мировые конкурентные процессы. Положение территориально-организованных систем оказывается зависимым не только от макроэкономических условий или возможностей самих регионов, но также от расстановки конкурентных сил, механизмов взаимодействия регионов с другими субъектами. В этой связи возникает необходимость системных исследований с целью выработки комплекса мер, которые будут способствовать повышению конкурентоспособности экономики в целом, ее регионов в частности. Существующий инструментарий региональной экономики является уже недостаточным для анализа такого рода проблем, а традиционный конкурентный анализ не рассматривает регионы в качестве субъектов конкуренции. Требуется расширение и применение новых теоретических подходов к анализу региональных экономических систем и эффективности их развития, формированию целостной концепции развития территориальной организации хозяйства, что обусловило актуальность данного исследования. The relevance of the study for the economy is enhanced by such phenomena as the impact of the global financial crisis, the complication of the sectoral and territorial structure of production, the strengthening of integration of all spheres of public life, the increasing importance of environmental, social and political factors in the development of society, the increase in transaction costs of decision-making in the field of management. The study of the literature on territories gives grounds to define the concept of the regional system of Russia as an element, a subsystem of some hierarchical system, in the role of which the national economy acts. The processes of globalization are fundamentally changing the role of regions in the national economy. The region is gradually becoming not only a separate economic agent, but also enters into global competitive processes. The position of geographically organized systems turns out to depend not only on the macroeconomic conditions or the capabilities of the regions themselves, but also on the alignment of competitive forces, the mechanisms of interaction of regions with other entities. In this regard, there is a need for systematic research in order to develop a set of measures that will contribute to improving the competitiveness of the economy as a whole, its regions in particular. The existing tools of the regional economy are no longer sufficient to analyze such problems, and traditional competitive analysis does not consider regions as subjects of competition. It requires the expansion and application of new theoretical approaches to the analysis of regional economic systems and the effectiveness of their development, the formation of an integral concept of the development of the territorial organization of the economy, which determined the relevance of this study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-43
Iryna Leshchukh ◽  
Olha Mulska

o analyse the impact of Lviv on centre-periphery interactions the authors calculated the Socio-Economic Development Index for different districts of the region and considered the distance of each district from the regional capital. The Socio-Economic Development Index (Іr) of each district was calculated as the arithmetic mean of indices of its economic (Іе) and social (Іs) development. A strong inverse relationship was found between districts’ indices and their distances from the regional capital (R = –0.69). The indices were used to classify districts into three categories: central, semi-peripheral, and peripheral. The central category includes districts located within a 50-km radius of Lviv and their indices range from 0.5 to 0.7. Semi-peripheral districts are located within the radius of 50-75 km and their Іr values range from 0.3 to 0.5. Peripheral districts are located at the furthest distance from the regional centre, and their Іr values are below 0.3. Because the correlation between the distance from the regional center and index value for some districts was not consistent with the general pattern, two subtypes of districts were also added – core and ancillary. The authors demonstrate that the impact of the regional capital on the socio-economic development of administrative districts decreases with their increasing distance from the regional center. The level of socio-economic development in districts depends, on the one hand, on the strength of impulses generated by the regional center, and on the other hand, is determined by the local economic capacity and ability to absorb the impacts of the regional center and other local growth poles.


LABURPENA: Lan honen hasieran toki-gobernuaren EAEko araubide legalari dagokion planteamendua zehaztu da, baita estatu mailako esparru konstituzionalean eta legalean txertatzeko baldintzak ere (modu zabal eta ulergarrian interpretatuz bai Tokiko Autonomiaren Europako Gutunaren, bai Europar Batasuneko jatorrizko eskubidearen aurreikuspenak); planteamendu horrek, ondorioz, Euskadiko lurralde-antolaketa berezian bete beharko duen funtzioa ere aztertu da; jarraian, toki-autonomiaren printzipioaren erabateko garapena identifikatu du, EAEko legelariaren funtsezko helburu gisa, eta definitutako toki-gobernuaren estatutuan helburu horrek izango lituzkeen ondorioak argitu ditu. Oinarri horretatik abiatuta tokiko autonomiaren kontzepzioa aztertu du, eta horri erantzuten dio; bukatzeko, aipatutako autonomiaren eraginkortasuna bermatzeko baliatutako prebentzio-mekanismo berritzaileak azaldu ditu. RESUMEN: Este trabajo comienza por precisar el planteamiento a que responde el régimen legal vasco del gobierno local, los términos de su inserción en el marco constitucional y legal estatal (interpretado correctamente de forma amplia y comprensiva, por tanto, de las previsiones tanto de la Carta Europea de Autonomía Local, como del Derecho originario de la Unión Europea) y la consecuente función que está destinado a cumplir en la peculiar organización territorial de Euskadi, para identificar seguidamente el pleno desarrollo del principio de autonomía local como objetivo fundamental del legislador vasco y precisar las consecuencias de tal objetivo en el estatuto del gobierno local que define. Sobre esta base analiza la concepción de la autonomía local en la que descansa y a la que el mismo responde para concluir con la exposición de los novedosos mecanismos preventivos que pone al servicio de la garantía de la efectividad de la referida autonomía. ABSTRACT: This paper aims at specifying the legal system rationale for the Basque Country’s local government, the terms of its insertion within the Constitutional and legal framework at the National level –with a broad interpretation, including, therefore, both, the European Charter of Local Self-Government, and the European Primary Law-, and the resulting role this legal system has to play in the special territorial organization of Euskadi. Following that, the paper tries to identify the full development of the principle of local self-government as the main objective of the Basque legislator, indicating its consequences within the local government statute defined by it. On this basis, the paper analyzes the local self-government conception of the principle previously indicated, and concludes outlining new preventive mechanisms that are placed in the service of the referred self-government effectiveness.

2017 ◽  
pp. 95-99
Tamás Köpeczi-Bócz ◽  
Mónika Lőrincz

Both at European and national level tertiary and quaternary sectors are concentrated in the metropolitan centre. In the rural areas only the sites of such sectors can be found the premises of which temporarily transform the sectoral structure of these areas, but from the regional development aspect they did not prove to be an effective strategy.The European Commission is now focusing on growth from innovation, which could become the driving force behind productivity growth and the economy’s long-term trend. The innovation-oriented economic development’s key players are on the one hand the knowledge-intensive enterprises, on the other hand the universities. Tertiary education can play a role – among others – in shaping and creating the development of knowledge intensive business environment and conditions, on the other hand it can assist the development of network contacts – another precondition of employment growth.

Alina Mihaela Dima

Many times, in the attempt to win or to maintain an advantageous position on the market, the economic agent will use a whole arsenal of practices (inclusively and mostly from the marketing field), most of them anticompetitive, with a negative impact on the business environment, which also affects the well-being of the consumer. The policy in the field of competition is the one that defines these types of behaviour and penalizes them depending on the importance of their negative impact, by creating a complex and coherent legislative and institutional mechanism. The right enforcement of the competition policy at the national level is the key in this process, but this should be coordinated with the regional and international objectives and regulations in this field. Romania is facing a double challenge: on the one side, it had to set up a competition policy, which was almost ignored before the90s, on the other side, it had to comply, recently, with high standards in the field, as an EU candidate. Now, as a member state, the promotion of a competition culture becomes a must, along with the design of an adequate system of information and knowledge dissemination for all of those involved. The paper is based on a original and qualitative research and aims at emphasising the increased necessity of the promotion of a competition culture for the competitiveness of the Romanian business environment on the European level in the new context of accession. This will help Romanian business to face the competition challenges within a more extended single European market, as an essential issue of the free market economy status recently granted, and accordingly to the most important EU objectives set up at Lisabon to become the most competitive economy in the world up to 2010.

2020 ◽  
pp. 81-89
V.V. Mischenko ◽  
V.G. Lyakisheva ◽  
V.V. Yudina

The topic of improving the system of state and municipal administration is always relevant. In 2020, the importance of reforming local self-government was emphasized during the discussion of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Among the numerous changes regularly introduced to the basic federal law governing the organization of local self-government in Russia are the radical amendments of May 2014 and 2019 in terms of its territorial foundations. A number of regions have quite successfully switched to a single-tier system of local self-government, having completely eliminated the settlement level, or to a mixed one, when municipal districts with their rural settlements remain within the boundaries of the region, and as a result of the transformations of a number of districts and settlements, new municipal districts are created, or this occurs when urban districts are given the status of municipal ones. The authors made an attempt to systematize the experience of the regions that have already created municipal districts, and to project it onto the territory of the Altai Territory. In the course of the study, a number of legal, organizational, socio-economic aspects of the reform were analyzed, recommendations were developed to adapt both the authorities and the population to the upcoming transformations.

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