scholarly journals Sudahkah UKM Cor Kuningan Mengimplementasikan Keputusan Operasional?

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Novi Marlena

AbstrakKeputusan manajemen operasional banyak dibahas pada industri besar, tetapi seringkali terabaikan untuk usaha kecil. Obyek penelitian adalah UKM Whisnu yang bergerak dibidang kerajinan tangan yaitu cor kuningan. Meskipun dalam proses operasional UKM Whisnu masih menggunakan peralatan manual dan proses produksi memiliki ketergantungan yang tinggi dari kreativitas karyawan, produk handmade cor kuningan UKM Whisnu memiliki permintaan yang cukup tinggi setiap bulannya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksploratif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara secara langsung dengan pemilik UKM Whisnu. Teknik analisis data penelitian terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian sepuluh keputusan operasional yang sudah dijalankan oleh pemilik UKM selaku manajer operasional berkaitan dengan perancansgan produk, pengelolan kualitas, perancangan proses, perancangan kapasitas, strategi lokasi, strategi tata letak, perancangan sumber daya manusia dan perancangan pekerjaan, pengelolaan rantai pasokan, pengeloaan persediaan dan perencanaan kebutuhan bahan baku, dan pemeliharaan. Have Already The Cor Of UKM Kuningan Implementing Operational Decisions? Abstract      Operational management decisions are mostly discussed in large industries, but are often overlooked for small businesses. The object of the research is SME Whisnu which is engaged in handicraft ie brass cast. Although in SME Whisnu's operational process still using manual equipment and production process has high dependence of employee creativity, SME Whisnu brass handmade products have high demand every month. This type of research is explorative with a qualitative approach. Techniques used to collect using observations and interviews directly with the owner of SME Whisnu. Technique of research data analysis consist of four stages that is data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the ten operational decisions conducted by the owners of SMEs as operational managers related to product design, quality management, process design, capacity design, location strategy, layout strategy, human resource design and job design, supply chain management, inventory management and raw material requirements planning, and maintenance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 163-172
Vify Elviana ◽  
Akmal Suryadi

Persediaan merupakan aset perusahaan yang memiliki peran penting dalam operasi bisnis, sehingga perusahaan penting untuk melakukan manajemen persediaan yang baik, artinya perusahaan harus mampu mengantisipasi kendala maupun tantangan yang ada dalam pengelolahan persediaan untuk meminimalisasi total biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan. Permasalahan yang timbul pada persediaan bahan baku di PT XYZ adalah perusahaan melakukan perencanaan dan pengendalian bahan baku hanya berdasarkan pada pengalaman-pengalaman sebelumnya dan tidak berdasarkan pada metode yang sudah baku. Oleh karena itu pembelian bahan baku tidak sesuai dengan permintaan konsumen. Hal tersebut sering menyebabkan terjadinya kelebihan maupun kekurangan stok bahan baku. Kesalahan dalam penentuan besarnya investasi dalam persediaan akan mengurangi keuntungan perusahaan. Adanya persediaan bahan baku yang terlalu besar, akan menambah beban biaya pemeliharaan dan penyimpanan dalam gudang, serta kemungkinan terjadinya penurunan kualitas bahan baku yang dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya keuntungan perusahaan. Namun jika persediaan bahan baku terlalu sedikit maka akan berakibat pada terhambatnya proses produksi, sehingga tidak terpenuhinya permintaan konsumen. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menyimpulkan bahwa perencanaan kebutuhan bahan baku dengan metode perusahaan didapatkan total cost sebesar Rp 1.796.762.429,-, sedangkan metode Material Requirements Planning (MRP) didapatkan total cost sebesar Rp 1.576.011.801,-. Maka dapat disimpulkan telah terjadi penurunan total cost seluruh bahan baku sebesar 12,28%. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa metode Material Requirements Planning (MRP) lebih efisien daripada metode PT. XYZ. Oleh karena itu untuk mendapatkan total cost yang minimum, metode Material Requirements Planning (MRP) diterapkan pada periode Februari-Juni 2020 sehingga didapatkan total cost sebesar Rp 1.576.011.801,-. Kata Kunci:         Material Requirements Planning (MRP), PT XYZ, Pail Cat, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Period Order Quantity (POQ), Lot For Lot (LFL). ABSTRACT                     Inventory is a company asset that has an important role in business operations, so the company is important to conduct good inventory management, meaning that the company must be able to anticipate obstacles and challenges that exist in managing inventory to minimize the total cost to be incurred by the company.The problem that arises in the supply of raw materials in PT XYZ is that the company plans and controls raw materials based only on previous experiences and not based on established methods. Therefore, the purchase of raw materials is not in accordance with consumer demand. This often leads to excess or shortage of raw material stock. Mistakes in determining the amount of investment in inventories will reduce company profits. The availability of raw materials that are too large, will add to the burden of maintenance and storage costs in the warehouse, as well as the possibility of a decline in the quality of raw materials that can lead to reduced company profits. However, if the supply of raw materials is too little, it will result in obstruction of the production process, so that consumer demand is not fulfilled. The results of this study can conclude that the planning of raw material needs by the company method obtained a total cost of Rp 1,796,762,429, - while the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) method obtained a total cost of Rp 1,576,011,801, -. Then it can be concluded that there has been a decrease in the total cost of all raw materials by 12.28%. This proves that the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) method is more efficient than the PT. XYZ. Therefore, to get the minimum total cost, the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) method was applied in the February-June 2020 period so that a total cost of Rp 1,576,011,801 was obtained.   KeyWords: Material Requirements Planning (MRP), PT XYZ, Pail Cat, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Period Order Quantity (POQ), Lot for Lot (LFL).

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (01) ◽  
pp. 1
Rizki Ahmad Fauzi

   One strategy is to increase productivity by enhancing the company's inventory management system to support the smooth day-to-day operations, the company hopes to establish the amount of raw material inventories efficiently, besides it can reduce the undesirable things, such as: Stock material less raw, raw material stock of redundant, inefficient, disorganized inventory layout, handling errors resulting in damage to the raw materials and others. Models control conducted by PT. Cahaya Buana Intitama is currently using two techniques, namely the calculation of average calculation and the calculation of the last three months the average per period (total months of the current year) to obtain the "Purchase Plan".Keywords: productivity, raw materials, control, material requirements planning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
Ardhitya Alam Wiguna ◽  
Linda Ekadewi Widyatami

Doho Suwar-Suwir is a Micro Small Medium Enterprises (UMKM) processing Fermented Cassava (Tape Singkong) to become a processed food in Jember, which is Suwar-Suwir. To maintain the stability of production process, needs a control for the stock management towards the raw material at Doho Suwar-Suwir UMKM. The raw material inventory management at Doho Suwar-Suwir UMKM is about fermented cassava raw material inventory which then are processed to become the typical food of Jember Regency, which is Suwar-Suwir. The goal of this research were to analyze the fermented cassava raw material inventory quantity and to analyze the safety stock quantity at Doho Suwar-Suwir UMKM. The method used in this research was stock management calculation or Economical Order Quantity (EOQ) where the result of this research was the quantity of fermented cassava raw material  needed using Economical Order Quantity (EOQ) method at Doho Suwar-Suwir business was 60,6 kg and the number of the safety stock which must exist was 5,5 kg.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Rudi Abdika Saputra ◽  
Inna Kholidasari ◽  
Susanti Sundari ◽  
Lestari Setiawati

This study discusses the application of the material requirements planning (MRP) method in the planning of raw materials in a furniture company. The purpose of this research is to know the planning of raw materials for furniture products in UD. AA, determine the most suitable inventory model to be applied to material inventory planning and analyze the role of the MRP system in raw material procurement planning. The forecasting method used is the quantitative method of time series analysis, determining the master production schedule, calculating lot sizing (LFL, EOQ, POQ methods). From determining the Master Production Schedule, it is found that the cabinet production plan for the next three months is 4 units per period or week, and based on the calculation of Material Requirement Planning (MRP) it can be seen what components are needed for the manufacture of cabinets, how many and when each component is required. Therefore it is obtained that the total raw material requirement for wood for the next three months is 11.34 m³.

Ömer Küçük ◽  
Farzad Kiani

Today one of the biggest expense items of the enterprises is raw material and stock amounts. Therefore, proper inventory management is very important for the profitability of the enterprises. Products that are not purchased on time cause interruptions in production and products left over because the expiration date has passed will also cause losses for businesses. Therefore, proper inventory management is critical for profit / loss situations of businesses. In this paper we presented a model to predict the demand of certain stock items by using a regression model. Our model can analysis and computer the prediction results on agiven dataset. We evaluate our model on sample dataset and provide the analysis as well calculations over the existing inventory. Accurate analysis of stock consumption enables accurate estimation of the amount of stock to be consumed in the future. Accurate forecasting of stock consumption helps to take corrective steps in decision making. That is, it only allows you to buy in sufficient quantity when necessary. These stages are critical for economic stock management. For this reason, robust and adaptable approaches that can provide models ensure that stock consumption can be managed properly. It is difficult to find previously written sources on estimating the direction of stock movements. One of the most important reasons for this is the lack of incentive to make such studies in the academic literature. As a result, articles written about the subject and the work done have been limited, the results have not reached the reproducible level.

Amit Agrawal

The Supply Chain Improvement (SCO) project is being introduced by KNPC, which recognises the major business advantages of improved hydrocarbon supply chain efficiency. The objectives of this work is to strengthen, optimise, and integrate supply scheduling and processes not just at stage of enterprise, but also throughout the entire KNPC framework. This is expected to lead to an improvement in the company's bottom line and facilitate the management of business operations at the highest level of efficiency, agility and profitability. In ever changing market conditions and globally competitiveness, it is necessary that raw material supply storage and product delivery were carried out at the lowest possible time and efficiency. Otherwise export oriented refinery like KNPC cannot remain in business with profit. KNPC has therefore embarked on ambitious multi-year operational excellence programs aimed at enhancing its operations and business processes that include short / mid-term planning, scheduling, accounting for growth, inventory management, and performance management. The aim is to achieve top-quartile financial results by accessing new value streams, encapsulating business processes of best practice and motivating employees of businesses to work in a collaborative atmosphere within the global and cross-functional business cycle to make smarter, quicker and more competitive choices.

2015 ◽  
Vol 651-653 ◽  
pp. 254-259
Ángela Mangas ◽  
Maite Santos ◽  
Jose Ignacio Zarazua ◽  
Iñaki Pérez

The forging process plays an important role in the automotive industry thanks to the good mechanical properties of the forged parts. Nowadays, due to the European policy of increasing efficiency in raw material and energy usage, the metal forming sector is demanding new innovative technologies. In this context, rotary extrusion technology is a very promising metal forming alternative to the drilling techniques after forging processes.The presented work is focused on hollow shafts that are usually manufactured using a combination of forming and metal cutting techniques. Deep drilling is the most common technique to obtain internal holes in the automotive hollow parts, but it is an expensive process in terms of material usage. In this framework, rotary extrusion appears as an alternative technology that leads to the reduction of material usage and process time. The tubular shape is formed with the combination of two forming processes: flow forming and backward extrusion.This paper presents the development of a simulation methodology, the process design for a hollow part, the specifications of the experimental unit, and the manufactured prototypes in order to validate the simulation model. Also the incremental process is improved thanks to a sensitivity study of the rollers geometry. Rotary extrusion experiments are done using a modified flow forming machine and 20% material saving is achieved when obtaining the deep hole in comparison to the current deep drilling technology. The process design and numerical model tasks carried out try to provide the industry manufacturers an alternative technology to drilled parts considering the advantages of rotary extrusion parts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 248-259
Marta Trzcianowska ◽  
Daniel Beaudoin ◽  
Luc LeBel

Abstract Log yards play an important role in the forest supply chain by connecting raw material supply to manufacturing processes. Log yard design and operations have not been thoroughly represented in the scientific literature, though research in other industrial sectors has demonstrated the strategic operational importance of warehouses. This article investigates the log yard design and operations in current industrial practices. An analysis of existing log yards was conducted in Quebec. Detailed information about throughput, equipment, personnel, inventory management, and design considerations was gathered by means of questionnaires, on-site visits, and meetings with yard managers. The survey of current practices (design, management, and operations) confirms that most existing yards have been designed without a systematic method. Crucial performance inhibitors included log yard shape, in-flow management, and poor surface material. Results point toward a potential gain in competitiveness by improving log yard practices, optimizing log yard shape and layout, better coordinating the forest–mill operations, and enhancing surface material.

2013 ◽  
Vol 365-366 ◽  
pp. 1298-1301
Zih Ping Ho ◽  
Yi En Wu ◽  
Jing Jung Chen

Production process design hybrid real processors opinions is vital important. Many production processes design did not consider processors needs, resulting in many failure products. Glutinous rice industries have their own particularity of production process. Glutinous rice product is a product which is a raw glutinous rice material hybrid from food processing. In Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Korean, etc. societies, glutinous rice products are an important rice product and staple food. Glutinous rice product processors have to face variable raw material (glutinous rice) costs, hence, if they know the trend of glutinous rice products and products diversity, then this would easily gain better profits when they produce these glutinous rice products. This research tries to build a better production processes through processors depth interview, aiming at glutinous rice processors for examples. In this study, a profit formula was constructed. Through in depth interview survey, there were 12 processors in Taiwan visited during 2012. It showed that health, convenience and tourism factors potentially obtained the most profits when processors produced these glutinous rice products. These raw distribution data sets of glutinous rice processors costs would be a foundation of production process design references.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 426
I Made Sugita Yasa ◽  
Kastawan Mandala

Inventory management without Material Requirement systems in CV. Bangun Cipta Artha resulted in the lot size for each order of raw materials not optimal. One concept that can be used to plan and control raw materials is the Material Requirement Planning. This study is to determine the number of sizes of raw material orders, the exact order time, the method that produces the lowest cost for each raw material, and the effect of using MRP on inventory costs. This research conducted on 160x200cm spring bed products. Data was analyzed by making production master schedules, determining net requirements, determining lot size, and making MRP tables. Based on the results, the determination the best lot sizing is the order quantiy period which results in a total inventory cost of Rp. 26,475,220 where the total cost is lower, compared to lot for lot method which Rp. 43,464,000. part period balancing Rp. 33,106,576, and conventional method Rp.49,472,912. Keywords: Material Requirement Planning (MRP), Sizing Lot, Lot For Lot, Balancing Part Period, Period Order Quantiy

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