Jurnal Logistik Indonesia
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Published By Institut Ilmu Sosial Dan Manajemen STIAMI


2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Rudi Abdika Saputra ◽  
Inna Kholidasari ◽  
Susanti Sundari ◽  
Lestari Setiawati

This study discusses the application of the material requirements planning (MRP) method in the planning of raw materials in a furniture company. The purpose of this research is to know the planning of raw materials for furniture products in UD. AA, determine the most suitable inventory model to be applied to material inventory planning and analyze the role of the MRP system in raw material procurement planning. The forecasting method used is the quantitative method of time series analysis, determining the master production schedule, calculating lot sizing (LFL, EOQ, POQ methods). From determining the Master Production Schedule, it is found that the cabinet production plan for the next three months is 4 units per period or week, and based on the calculation of Material Requirement Planning (MRP) it can be seen what components are needed for the manufacture of cabinets, how many and when each component is required. Therefore it is obtained that the total raw material requirement for wood for the next three months is 11.34 m³.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-85
Saefur Rohman ◽  
Fino Wahyudi Abdul

The Effect of Service Quality and Delivery Accuracy on Customer Satisfaction in Using Ninja Express Freight Forwarding Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Saefur Rohman, NPM: CF116112019, This study aims to determine how much influence Service Quality and Delivery Accuracy have on customer satisfaction. The sample used in this study consisted of 60 respondents obtained through nonprobability sampling techniques. The method used was accidental sampling. The dependent variable in this study was Customer Satisfaction and the independent variables were Service Quality and Delivery Accuracy. The results of this study indicate that Service Quality and Delivery Accuracy simultaneously have an effect on Customer Satisfaction. This can be seen from the results of the f test which shows a significance value of 0.000 Ftable value of 3.16. This shows that H3 is accepted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-54
Hartono Hartono ◽  
Indit Andaresta

The purpose of this study is to determine how much the influence of raw material inventory management to the inventory cost efficiency at PT Harmoni Makmur Sejahtera. This study uses quantity research methods by giving questionnaires to 30 respondents, the calculation and data analysis conducted by using SPSS version 25. From the data proccessing, it was found a correlation value of 0.671, thus it can be concluded that there is a strong correlation between the variables of raw material stock management (X) on the efficiency of inventory costs (Y). Result of R square (R2) value of 0.451 or in the amount of 45.1%, therefore it can be said that the raw material inventory control variable has an effect of 45.1% on inventory cost management. The test results show that the t count is 4.793. The t table value, which is the standard, obtained the t table value at a significance level of 0.05, which is 2.480. The analysis results show the value of t count> t table (4.793> 2.480). This means that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, or there is a positive and significant influence between Raw Material Inventory Management on Inventory Efficiency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
Jejen Zaenal Mutaqin ◽  
Sutandi Sutandi

Indonesia's non-migas industries will play a key role in improving economic impact for the country, as it is consistent with the gross domestic product (wb) of non-migas industries. In the meantime, there are some negative effects that are mitigated, one of which is to the environment, in which a company must be required to increase its corporate performance in order to keep up with the competition and still look at the impact of the environment. As for the method of supply chain management using scor approach methods. Because beyond getting a knowledge of the company's performance from the intermal process, measuring performance using company scor methods has also been able to recognize the company's environmental performance, it can also increase attention to a wide range of negaific impacts that would affect the life cycles of the company's xyz corporation, a packaged alcohol corporation that already has food and environmental security standards, Yet this company has never been able to consolidate green supphy chain management. The company's repairs on this study have yet to be determined by researchers measuring the kincing of the supply chain using scor method approaches, which, in turn, have been supported by ahp sound and value in standardization by snorm DE Boer to get more accurate results. From the calculations presented at trafic light, the company's performance of 89 31 means that the company's performance is good but there are 4 kpi units of 21 PI that fall in the red category which means that all four must be made in the red category With the cooperation of both verbal and non-verbal partners, socializing with their employees can also replace energy-efficient sensors. And exercised regular control over the raw materials and the correct scheduling flow of information and material flow.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Tiffany Dwi Januarny ◽  
Cundo Harimurti

PT. NCT is a company engaged in domestic goods delivery service sector. As for the problem happened to PT. NCT is the placement of the finished items in the warehouse is still not in order and not match the place, this results the item confused with other item, and the hand pallet passageway and forklift became narrow, and complicated the storage items storage and taking process. The independent in this research was warehouse layout, meanwhile dependent variable was unloading productivity. This research used qualitative method. The population in this research was the warehouse employee of PT. NCT with samples of 30 respondents, with sampling technique used saturated sample technique. The data collecting technique used was questionnaire, each respondent was given 20 questions, then data processed with SPSS statistics analysis. Based on the result of this research, shows that there is significant and positive effect between variable of warehouse layout on variable of unloading productivity of 36,8%, meanwhile the other 63,8% explained by other variable out of the variable used in this research. Based on the result of calculation of simple linear regression test, obtained result of regression equation of Y = 5,917 + 0,874X. Meanwhile on the result of hypothesis test shows the value of t count > t table (4,035 > 2,048). This means H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, or there are effects between Warehouse Layout on Unloading Productivity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-34
Dewi Agustya Ningrum ◽  
Intan Fauziyah ◽  
Wulan Purnamasari ◽  
Eko Purwanto

Drug supply information system in the health center is needed by all government agencies in the health sector, the existing system must be clear from how the drug supply planning system until the drug is ready for distribution and of course the drug supply system has the aim of perfecting inventory, one of which is to avoid lack of drug stock, avoiding overlapping authority and application of systems for inventory management. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods and uses primary and secondary data collection. This study also uses data collection techniques by interview and observation. This research has a weakness in the LPPO letter whose request sometimes does not match the reception, the recording system uses manuals because sometimes manual recording has many obstacles in its writing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-72
Darno Darno ◽  
Anita Anita ◽  
Jaya Adi Gama Tengtarto ◽  
Kuswana Rama ◽  
Camelia Dewi R

The era of globalization, the industrial world is increasingly developing, there are many companies engaged in the industry that manage various kinds of products, there will be more competitive competition. The development of the company is increasing rapidly, with the level of use and need for raw materials that are relatively large and increasing consumer demand. Raw material inventory control system for its role is needed in companies with existing theories. The author intends to analyze "Evaluation Of The Internal Control System For Raw Material For The Smoothness Of The Production Prosess (Case Study at UD. XYZ di Sidoarjo)". The purpose of this study is to find out how the internal control system for raw material inventory can be used to facilitate all production processes or processing of raw materials at UD. Light Plastic Sidoarjo. The data analysis technique used and carried out is a qualitative descriptive technique, which is to compare the collected data on a theoretical basis as a reference material that provides several suggestions for problem solvers in writing. Based on the results of research that can be done that the processing process in the company includes: the stage of purchasing raw materials, the stage of storing raw materials, the processing stage, the distribution stage. The research was conducted using a case study approach with qualitative methods. Data collection methods are carried out, namely interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the internal control system for raw material inventory can expedite the processing or production process in the company which is said to be good, but there are still some weaknesses, namely concurrency in work, lack of monitoring of the production process or processing time and the entry and exit of goods in the company.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-33
Angel Olivia ◽  
Harummi Sekar ◽  
Mirna Lusiani

This research is about the household gas network and the purpose is to find out the optimal number and location of the regulator sectors for 6 urban villages in Depok. The problem is solved using Maximum Coverage Location Problem to get the minimum amount of facility with the distance limit of 500 meters. The tool used in this research is AMPL to get optimal solution of the problem. In validating the model, calculations are done using small instances for each urban villages and it resulted that Beji only needs 6 facilities for serve all consumers. The calculation using large instances resulted that number facilities needed to serve 7.515 consumers is 12 from the 19 available facilities. The facilities used are RS B 001, RS B 006, RS B 007, RS B 009, RS BT 01, RS BT 02, RS BT 03, RS BT 04, RS 01, RS 02, RS 04 and RS 06. This means that the available facilities exceed the facilities are be used to serve consumers. This research is expected to assist the development of household gas networks in Indonesia, especially in Depok by increasing the consumers around existing regulator sectors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-126
Fino Wahyudi Abdul ◽  
Muhammad Rizki Ramadhan

In a manufacturing company, the role of a warehouse for raw materials (storage) and warehouse for finished products (warehouse) is very important. Because it is impossible for the raw materials that have been ordered directly to be placed on the production floor. So it is with the finished product. It is also impossible for the resulting product to be distributed directly to consumers. This causes the need for a warehouse with a good layout. The aim of this research is to obtain the results of the analysis of the effect of the storage layout of raw materials on firsti in first out (FIFO). The data sources used are primary and secondary company data, as well as data obtained from the company. The theoretical basis used is the theory of influence, layout, and First In First Out. Based on the analysis of employee perception assessment data, it is concluded that the storage layout of raw materials has an effect on the FIFO system

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-132
Ni Kadek Egi ◽  
Ade Maharini Adiandari

This study aims to determine the effect simultaneously or partially on profitability at PT. BPR Suryajaya Ubud for the period 2013-2016. The sample used was 48 DPK, NPL, Loan Interest Rates, and ROA data. Data were analyzed using the classic assumption test, multiple linear regression test, determination analysis, simultaneous significance test (F-test), and partial significance test (t-test). The results in this study indicate that Third Party Funds have partially negative and significant effect on ROA. Non Performing Loans partially have a negative and significant effect on ROA. Credit interest rates partially have a positive and significant effect on ROA. DPK, NPL, and Credit Interest rates simultaneously have a significant effect on ROA at PT. BPR Suryajaya Ubud in 2013-2016.

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