scholarly journals Self-presentation dan kesadaran privacy micro-influencer di instagram

Mohammad Reza Prasetya

Instagram is a platform that can be used to express online self-presentation by uploading contents. Micro-influencers also perform the self-presentation to maintain their existence on social media. However, we cannot be sure if everything shown in social media are actual representation of the influencer’s real lives. Social media users also threatened by privacy issue. This research attempted to find out self-presentation strategies applied by micro-influencers on Instagram, as well as the differences between front stage and back stage by using dramaturgy theory by Erving Goffman. This research also studied the privacy awareness of micro-influencers on Instagram. The results of this study indicated that micro-influencers only display positive content on Instagram. The study also revealed that there are differences between front stage and back stage shown by micro-influencers on Instagram. Then, this study also found that both influencers are concerned of their privacy on Instagram. Consequently, they use privacy features offered by Instagram.

Zemfira K. Salamova ◽  

Social media has contributed to the spread of fashion, style or lifestyle blogging around the world. This study focuses on self-presentation strategies of Russian-speaking fashion bloggers. Its objects are Instagram accounts and YouTube channels of two Russian fashion bloggers: Alexander Rogov and Karina Nigay. The study also observes their appearances as guests in various interview shows on YouTube. Alexander Rogov received his initial fame through his television projects. Karina Nigay achieved popularity online on YouTube and Instagram, therefore she is a “pure” example of Internet celebritiy, whose rise to fame took place on the Internet. The article includes the following objectives 1) to study the self-branding of fashion bloggers on various online platforms; 2) to analyze the construction of fashion bloggers’ expert positions and its role in their personal brands. Turning to fashion blogging allows us to consider how its representatives build their personal brands and establish themselves as experts in the field of fashion and style in Russianlanguage social media.

2013 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
Melonie Fullick

Online dating has become an increasingly acceptable way for “singles” to meet appropriate partners. The author uses discourse analysis to explore the use of language in the construction of gendered identities in 20 online profiles, comparing the norms of gender presentation and communication with the ways in which language is used to signal various kinds of gendered “selves.” Dating sites require users to develop a new literacy of self-presentation, one that reinforces and re-inscribes the tendency toward promotionalism that permeates contemporary social life. In this context, how are Internet and social media users tapping into existing social and cultural resources and putting gender norms to work in their representations of self? How do online dating sites provide insight into an ongoing, reflexive process of self-promotion and self-construction?Les services de rencontre en ligne sont devenus un moyen de plus en plus acceptable pour les célibataires de chercher des partenaires convenables. Dans cet article, l’auteure a recours à l’analyse du discours afin d’explorer, dans vingt profils en ligne, l’utilisation du langage pour la construction d’une identité sexuée. L’auteure compare les normes de présentation et de communication de genre avec la manière dont le langage est utilisé pour afficher diverses sortes de soi sexués. Les sites de rencontre obligent les utilisateurs à développer une nouvelle présentation de soi qui renforce et réinscrit une tendance à ce type de promotion qui est si présent dans la vie sociale contemporaine. Dans ce contexte, comment les utilisateurs d’internet et des médias sociaux utilisent-ils les ressources sociales et culturelles qui sont à leur disposition et comment incorporent-ils les normes de genre dans leurs représentations de soi? Comment d’autre part les sites de rencontre permettent-ils de mieux comprendre les processus continus et réflexifs de la promotion et de la construction de soi?

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Herdyani Kusumasari ◽  
Diana Savitri Hidayati

An individual will perform self-impression to be accepted by society and can establish a social relationship. Someone do the self presentation so they can be accepted by the environment. However, there are some people which have obstacle to do their self presentation to make a social relationship.  We can called that condition with shyness. Social media can be well accepted a mediator for shy person to presented their self. The purpose of this research is to find out the correlation between shynees with self presentation on adolosence in social media. This research has done to 96 sample of 13 – 16 years old active user of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram, Blog, and Youtube. The result with Pearson Product Moment test says the coeficient correlation (r) between two variables is 0,281. That is shows that between the two variables have a positive correlation with the signification level is 0,006 (p < 0,05) which says that the two variables have a significant correlation.Abstrak: Individu akan melakukan pengelolaan kesan agar dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dan dapat menjalin sebuah hubungan sosial. Presentasi diri dilakukan agar individu dapat diterima dengan baik oleh lingkungan sekitarnya. Namun, beberapa orang akan mengalami suatu hambatan dalam melakukan presentasi dirinya secara langsung untuk melakukan suatu hubungan sosial. Kondisi tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai rasa malu (shyness). Media sosial merupakan salah satu perantara bagi orang pemalu untuk melakukan presentasi dirinya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara rasa malu dengan presentasi diri remaja melalui media sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 96 orang remaja berusia 13 – 16 tahun yang aktif di media sosial yaitu Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram, Blog, dan Youtube. Hasil yang diperoleh dengan uji Pearson Product Moment menunjukkan koefisien korelasi (r) antara kedua variabel sebesar 0,281 dengan taraf signifikasinya adalah 0,006 (p < 0,05), hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa antara kedua variabel memiliki hubungan positif yang signifikan.   

2020 ◽  
Aurelius RL Teluma ◽  
Rini Kartini

Social media is a socio-technological entity. Social media text is a representation of the social, cultural, economic and political dimensions of its users. When social media was known and used by the young generation of the Lamaholot people, there was a cultural interaction with the Lamaholot Lika Telo kinship culture which gave birth to identity and Lamaholot-cyber self. This research is textual-contextual research using virtual ethnographic methods that aim to identify and describe the general characteristics of Lamaholot-cyber social media characteristics. The subjects examined are Lamaholot Facebook users who are members of a Facebook group "Suara Flotim". The virtual ethnographic observations of the self-presentation of Lamaholot Facebookers showed that the cyber Lamaholot was a self and a discursive identity even to be paradoxical entity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Latifah Yunikasari ◽  
Prilani Prilani

Stasiun televisi lokal memiliki unsur kedekatan (proximity) secara emosional dengan masyarakat daerahya. Termasuk peran presenter mengenai bagaimana menyajikan informasi yang mempunyai muatan positif bagi khalayak. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap sosok Mbah Karso yang merupakan host atau presenter di stasiun televisi lokal KSTV Kediri pengelolaan kesan yang unik dibandingkan dengan presenter pada umumnya, dari segi penampilan berupa gaya siaran yang atraktif dan juga bahasa yang digunakan. Mbah Karso juga pernah mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai juara 2 kategori talkshow dalam acara KPID award pada tahun 2010 KPID Jawa Timur. Berdasarkan latar belakang pemikiran tersebut maka masalah yang ingin di teliti pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengelolaan kesan Mbah Karso sebagai presenter di KSTV Kediri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan kesan panggung depan (front stage) dan panggung belakang (back stage) Mbah Karso sebagai presenter di KSTV Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan landasan teori dramaturgi, konsep diri, mau’idza hasanah, dan analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman sebagai analisis data. Menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif berdasarkan pendekatan dramaturgi Erving Goffman. Sumber data utama adalah data yang diperoleh dari wawancara dengan Fadholi pemeran karaktrer Mbah Karso di KSTV Kediri. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: 1) Dalam konteks front stage dipahami sebagai panggung yang hanya menampilkan tokoh Mbah Karso yang meliputi simbol-simbol seperti cara berpakaian, gaya bahasa, sikap dan perilaku serta materi dakwah. Peran front stage Mbah Karso dibantu oleh kerjasama tim KSTV baik dari segi dekorasi maupun materi. Mengunakan campuran Bahasa Jawa yang merupakan bahasa khalayak sehari-hari dan juga muatan dakwah dari konteks pesan yang disampaikan. Hal tersebut dilakukan agar khalayak dapat menerima kesan yang sengaja dibentuk untuk penyampaian pesan yang efektif, sehingga karakter Mbah Karso bisa diterima oleh khalayak. 2) Sementara back stage personal Mbah Karso dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya cara bertutur kata atau penggunaan gaya bahasa lebih sopan dan tidak banyak bicara, yang berbeda pada saat sedang berada di panggung. Selain itu, back stage Mbah Karso meliputi latihan pendalaman karakter ketika akan memainkan peran, dan juga beberapa faktor pendukung yang didapatkan dari memperdalam referensi materi, pengalaman pribadi dan situasi yang sering dihadapi. Kata kunci: Dramaturgi, Pengelolaan Kesan, Presenter

2009 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Hastika Yanti Nora

<p><em>Dramaturgy is the work of Erving Goffman. He wrote </em><em>"</em><em>Presentation of Self in Everyday Life" in '1959. Following the theatrical analogy, Goffman spoke of a front stage and back stage. The front stage is that part of the performance that generally functions in rather fixed and general ways to define the situation for those who observed the performance. The back stage is situation where facts suppressed in the front or various kinds of informal actions may appear. A back stage is usually adjacent to the front stage, but it also cut off from it. Everyone in this world have to run his role in their everyday life. It also a radio announcer. As an actor, they have to be a nice and friendy person when they perform to make air personality, that is  a good  impression, from their audience</em><em>. </em><em>But before their perform in the front stage, there so much to do to prepare in the backstage. The front and back stage is radio announcer dramaturgy.</em></p>

2022 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-248
Nuria Astagini ◽  
Billy K Sarwono

Social media plays an important role during the Covid-19 pandemic, where physical activity and community mobility are limited. Especially for women who work as domestic workers who live with their employers. Social media is the only means for them to connect with the outside world.Previous studies have shown that a person's identity can be shown through the front stage and the back stage. Theoretically, this study analyzing how women domestic workers identify themselves through the online realm using social media. This study uses a constructivist paradigm and a qualitative approach.  The research participants were three women domestic worker who were obtained purposively using the snowball sampling technique. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and observation to participants. The results of the study show that social media allows participants to construct a reality in the online realm that is different from their situation in real life. Therefore, social media has a very important meaning for participants, because with social media, participants feel their position is equal to other users. They also have access to create a front stage and a back stage, where they can create their ideal self-identity. The aspect of self that are presented by the participants on the front stage is individuals who are successful and happy with their lives. For participants, this is an aspect of their ideal self, even though it does not represent their actual state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 182-192
Ramona RADUCAN ◽  

The purpose of this study is to analyze the association between self-presentation and the excessive use of Facebook social media by adults in Romania. Two hypotheses were formulated to achieve these objectives: (1) There is a statistically significant correlation between the age of Facebook social network users and their self-presentation; (2) There are statistically significant differences in the self-representation of Facebook social network users by gender. The study population is made up of all adults in Romania who use the Facebook platform more than 4 hours each day. The sample consists of 151 people (43 men and 108 women), aged 18 to 72, and the average age being 34.92 years. In order to measure study variables, the Self-Presentation Scale (AC01 Questionnaire) realized by R.D. Lennox and R.N. Wolfe (1984), was used. The quasi-experimental research was conducted in May 2018 by completing online questionnaires via the Facebook platform. The application of questionnaires was done online by creating a Google Drive form. According to the results obtained the negative correlation established between the subjects’ age and the self-presentation doesn’t reach the statistical significance threshold (p = 0,603). Thus, hypothesis H1 is not confirmed. According to the results, the differences observed between men and women don’t reach the statistical significance threshold (p = 0,608), thus hypothesis H2 is not confirmed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-189
Nurhalimah Nurhalimah ◽  
Ade Tuti Turistiati

This research aims to analyze the personal branding of M. Yoridho Sinuraya, the legislative candidate for DPRD DKI Jakarta through Instagram. The theory of dramaturgy by Erving Goffman was used to find out personal branding strategy through the employment of the front and backstages of M. Yoridho Sinuraya as a legislative candidate for the Jakarta council (DPRP DKI Jakarta). Based on interviews and observation of Instagram account @sahabatyoridho, it showed that the front stage of M. Yoridho A. Sinuraya had the characteristics of being a friendly, young, pious, and populist man. Meanwhile, the back stage of M. Yoridho A. Sinuraya had characteristics as a young entrepreneur who was lack of interaction with other people and had a semi-formal appearance. The difference between the front and back stages of M. Yoridho A. Sinuraya made him take extra efforts to develop his personal branding, classified as an instant one.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 2386-2403 ◽  
Anneleen Meeus ◽  
Kathleen Beullens ◽  
Steven Eggermont

The aim of the current study was to examine the role of social media in building the self-esteem of younger adolescents. Results from a cross-sectional survey ( N = 725, Mage = 11.61, SD = 1.01) provided support for a serial mediation between online self-presentation and self-esteem through both perceived online popularity and the need for popularity. Specifically, we found that self-presentation on social media was positively related to pre- and early adolescents’ self-esteem, via their perceived online popularity (e.g. receiving “likes”). However, results also revealed a relationship between online popularity and users’ need for popularity, which was in turn negatively associated with self-esteem. Findings indicate that when pre- and early adolescents engage in online self-presentation, they can generate feedback such as likes on social media. Although such positive appraisals are positively associated with their self-esteem, they also appear to provoke an increased dependence on social approval, which is paradoxically related to decreased self-esteem.

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