2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Jordan Prazeres Freitas da Silva ◽  
Érika Teles Dauer ◽  
Anna Paula Fagundes Bezerra ◽  
Márcia Maria Tavares Machado

Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender as possibilidades e os avanços da teoria e da técnica psicanalítica no trabalho com o autismo; apresentando a primeira infância e seus possíveis impasses ao desenvolvimento da criança; descrevendo as possibilidades da teoria psicanalítica na clínica infantil, a partir da ferramenta IRDI, de um caso clínico da psicanalista Marie-Christine Laznik. Sobre o método, a pesquisa é do tipo descritiva, de revisão bibliográfica. A análise e coleta de dados são alcançadas por meio de leitura crítica e analítica do pesquisador, que associa ideias da obra confrontando-as e discutindo-as, a partir do referencial de teóricos psicanalistas. Assim, percebe-se como a temporalidade está em um campo importante na psicanálise e como a família (cuidador) desempenha papel significativo na formação psíquica do sujeito. Partindo dessa perspectiva, apresenta-se como um dos resultados do avanço da psicanálise a ferramenta “Indicadores Clínicos de Risco para o Desenvolvimento Infantil” (IRDI), considerando que o valor do instrumento está em permitir a localização a tempo de riscos que, quando detectados e trabalhados em atendimento clínico, podem permitir à criança um processo de desenvolvimento com menos impasses. Ademais, através da pesquisa, é possível saber que existem no Brasil diversos programas e grupos de intervenção que trabalham com a temática do autismo na perspectiva psicanalítica. INTERLACING BETWEEN POSSIBILITIES, ADVANCES AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS TO AUTISM ABSTRACT This paper aims at understanding the possibilities and advances of the theory and the psychoanalytic technique at working with autism, presenting the early childhood and its possible obstacles to child development, describing the possibilities of the psychoanalytic theory for the children's clinic, through the IRDI methodology, from a clinical case by the psychoanalyst Marie-Christine Laznik. Concerning the method, the research is descriptive with a bibliographic review. The analysis and data collection are achieved through a critical and analytical reading made by the researcher who associates the ideas presented in the studies contrasting and discussing them, through the referential of psychoanalytic theorists. Therefore, it is understood how the temporality belongs to an important psychoanalysis field and how the family (caregiver) plays an important role in the individual’s psychic development. From this perspective, it is presented how the tool “Clinical Risk Indicators in Child Development” (IRDI) is a result of the advances of psychoanalysis, considering that the value of such instrument refers to allowing the identification beforehand so, when detected and worked in clinical care, can allow the child to have a development process with less obstacles. Furthermore, through the research, it is possible to know that there are many programs and intervention groups in Brazil which work with autism in the psychoanalytic perspective.

Muhammad Muads Hasri

This article discusses about Al-quran opinion on the role of father in develoment of the child. The focus of this study is to reveal the verses of Al-qur'an that relate to the role of father in the family. Furthermore, this article will also illustrate the story of the father in the Qur'an. This article is a library research with descriptive-analytic method. The lens of contemporary and classic tafsir paradigm are also used as the aproach to analyse the data. From the analysis that has been carried out, this research concludes several important remarks. Firts, the Qur'an shows a role that should be applied by a father in the development process of his children, one of which is by monitoring and controlling the daily lives of children, instilling educational values, building good closeness and communication with children, and providing support and direction well. Second, several verses in the Qur’an describe the role of fathers who have their own way of educating their children, so that the method is relevant to be applied in the present context, They are Luqman, Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Nuh, and Prophet Ya'qub. Keywords: Al-qur’an, child development, role of father.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-127
Muhammad Mu'ads Hasri

AbstractThis article discusses about Al-quran opinion on the role of father in develoment of the child. The focus of this study is to reveal the verses of Al-qur'an that relate to the role of father in the family. Furthermore, this article will also illustrate the story of the father in the Qur'an. This article is a library research with descriptive-analytic method. The lens of contemporary and classic tafsir paradigm are also used as the aproach to analyse the data. From the analysis that has been carried out, this research concludes several important remarks. Firts, the Qur'an shows a role that should be applied by a father in the development process of his children, one of which is by monitoring and controlling the daily lives of children, instilling educational values, building good closeness and communication with children, and providing support and direction well. Second, several verses in the Qur’an describe the role of fathers who have their own way of educating their children, so that the method is relevant to be applied in the present context, They are Luqman, Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Nuh, and Prophet Ya'qub.Keywords: Al-qur’an, child development, role of father.AbstrakArtikel ini membahas tentang pandangan al-Qur’an terhadap peran ayah dalam proses perkembangan anak. Adapun yang menjadi fokus kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah mengupas ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang berkaitan dengan peran ayah dalam keluarga. Selain itu, artikel ini juga akan menggambarkan kisah ayah dalam al-Qur’an. Artikel ini merupakan jenis penelitian pustaka. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-analisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan paradigma tafsir klasik-kontemporer. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara tematik, yaitu mengumpulkan ayat-ayat al-qur’an di berbagai surah yang memiliki korelasi tentang peran ayah. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: pertama, al-Qur’an menunjukkan peran yang seharusya diaplikasikan oleh seorang ayah dalam proses perkembangan anak-anaknya, salah satunya dengan memantau dan mengontrol keseharian anak, menanamkan nilai-nilai pendidikan, membangun kedekatan dan komunikasi yang baik bersama anak, dan memberi dukungan serta arahan yang baik. Kedua, beberapa ayat dalam al-Qur’an menggambarkan peran ayah yang memiliki cara tersendiri dalam mendidik anaknya, sehingga cara tersebut relevan untuk diaplikasikan dalam konteks kekinian. Sosok ayah yang dimaksud adalah Luqman, Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Nuh, dan Nabi Ya’qub.Kata kunci: Al-Qur’an; Perkembangan anak; Peran ayah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Sekar Farah Nabila

  Penempatan peran yang baik bagi Family Caregiver sangatlah membantu lansia dalam meningkatkah qualitas hidupnya, meningkatkan motivasi dalam menjalankan hidup Penelitian ini bertujuan Mengetahui hubungan peran Family Caregiver dalam pemenuhan qualitas hidup bagi lansia di Kelurahan Langenharjo Kabupaten Kendal. DesainPenelitianDeskriptifKorelasional menggunakan pendekatan Krosectional,tehnikSamplingStratified Simple Random Sampling dengan karakteristik heterogen, dari populasi mempunyai hak yang sama untuk diseleksi sebagai sampel teknik undianPengambilan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Uji statistik Chi-square, dengan taraf signifikasi 5%jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini 70 sampel pada Family Caregiver dari 213 populasi yang ada. Hasil penelitian dari 70 responden didapatkan Peran Family Caregiver tidak baik dengan qualitas hidup tidak baik 33 (47,1%), sedangkan Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik 3 (4,3%). Untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia tidak baik sebanyak 6 responden (8,6%) sedangkan untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik sebanyak 23 responden (32,9%). Terakhir, untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia tidak baik didapatkan hasil 2 responden (2, 9%) sedangkan untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik didapatkan hasil 3 responden (4,3%)Menunjukkan nilai ρ value 0,001 (ρ < 0,05) berarti ada hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan lansia dalam keikutsertaan posyandu lansia. Disarankan kepada semua Family Cregiver lansia untuk mampu memahami pentingnya perhatian, dukungan bagi lansia dalammeningkatkan qualitas hidup yang lebih baik bagi lansia.   Kata kunci : Peran family caregiver, qualitas hidup, lansia.   ABSTRACT Placement of a good role for Family Caregiver is very helpful for the elderly to improve their quality of life, increase motivation in living life Research Objective: To know the relationship between the role of Family Caregiver in fulfilling quality of life for the elderly in Langenharjo Village, Kendal Regency. Descriptive Correlational Research Design uses a cross sectional approach, Sampling Stratified Simple Random Sampling technique with heterogeneous characteristics, from the population has the same right to be selected as a sample lottery technique Retrieving data using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Test Chi-square statistics, with a significance level of 5% the number of samples in this study 70 samples on the Family Caregiver from 213 populations. Results of the Study Of 70 respondents found the role of Family Caregiver was not good with poor quality of life 33 (47.1%) , while the role of the Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of a good elderly 3 (4.3%). For the distribution of the role of Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of the poor family as many as 6 respondents (8.6%) while for the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of good elderly as many as 23 respondents (32.9%). Finally, the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver with good quality of life for the poor is obtained by 2 respondents (2, 9%), while the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver with good quality of life for the elderly is obtained by 3 respondents (4.3%). 0.001 (ρ <0.05) means that there is a relationship between family support and the compliance of the elderly in the participation of the elderly posyandu. It is recommended to all elderly Cregiver families to be able to understand the importance of attention, support for the elderly in improving the quality of life better for the elderly   Keywords: Role of Family Caregiver, Quality of Life, Elderly

2020 ◽  
pp. bmjspcare-2020-002608
Joaquín T Limonero ◽  
Jorge Maté-Méndez ◽  
María José Gómez-Romero ◽  
Dolors Mateo-Ortega ◽  
Jesús González-Barboteo ◽  

BackgroundFamily caregivers of patients with advanced illness at end of life often report high levels of emotional distress. To address this emotional distress is necessary to have adequate and reliable screening tools.AimThis study analyses the psychometric properties and clinical utility of the Family Caregiver Emotional Detection Scale for caregivers of patients with end-stage cancer (DME-C, Spanish acronym) who are receiving palliative care (PC).DesignMulticentre, cross-sectional study.Settings/participantsFamily caregivers of patients with advanced cancer at end of life receiving palliative treatment were interviewed to explore their emotional distress through the DME-C scale and other instruments measuring anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)), distress thermometer (DT) and overload (B), as well as a clinical psychological assessment (CPA).Results138 family caregivers, 85 (61.6%) female and 53 (38.4%) male, with an average age of 59.69±13.3 participated in the study. The reliability of the scale, as measured by Cronbach’s alpha, was 0.76, and its stability over time was 0.734. Positive, significant correlations were found between the DME-C and the scores for anxiety and depression registered on the HADS scale, as well as with the total result of this latter scale and the results for B, the DT and the CPA. A statistical analysis of the receiver-operating characteristic curves showed that the scale has a sensitivity and specificity of 75%, and that the cut-off point for the detection of emotional distress was a score ≥11. Fifty-four per cent of the caregivers displayed emotional distress according to this scale.ConclusionsThe DME-C displays good psychometric properties. It is simple, short, reliable and easy to administer. We believe that the instrument is useful for the detection of emotional distress in the family caregivers of hospitalised patients suffering from end-stage illnesses and receiving PC.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Rey Bintang Pamungkas ◽  
Jeffrey .

Abstract. Introduction: The deciduous tooth period is an important period in child development. Premature loss of deciduous teeth is defined as the loss of deciduous teeth before they approach the eruption of permanent teeth. The prevalance of premature loss offered in several studies obtained was between 4.3% and 42.6%. Method: An 10 years-old-boy accompanied by her mother came to RSGMP Unjani, complaints of lower right nack teeth missing because they have to extracted since 3 mouth ago. Tooth have been extracted because of caries. Result: Result of clinical examination was found premature loss teeth 75, 74, and 85. The space in Moyers analysis was +0.2 mm in region 3 and +0.1 mm in region 4. Patient was treated with a fungsional removable-space-maintainer on teeth 75, 74, and 85. Conclusion: The results of premature loss is excess space in the arch, so to prevent further occlusion abnormalities in child’s growth and development process, we need a special appliance that is used to protect the space due to premature loss of deciduous teeth. Keywords: Premature loss, space maintainer, deciduous teeth

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 30-38
E. A. Savchuk ◽  
E. P. Golubinskaya ◽  
T. N. Shcherbinina ◽  
G. Yu. Voronin ◽  
E. O. Savchuk ◽  

The article presents an analysis of the literature and a clinical case of a rare disease from the group of diseases of small vessels — cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarction and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL).It is based on the deposition of osmiophilic granulation material in vessels of small and medium caliber. A mutation in the NOTCH3 gene on chromosome 19p13 leads to significant structural changes in the walls of small arteries due to impaired differentiation and maturation of smooth muscle cells.CADASIL is characterized by four key symptoms: migraines, recurrent ischemic strokes, mental disorders, and cognitive decline. The clinical case study is presented from the standpoint of a multidisciplinary patient-oriented approach of joint work of neurologists and morphologists. On the basis of clinical and laboratory criteria, a probable diagnosis was made. To confirm it, a muscle biopsy was performed (a musculocutaneous flap from the inner surface of the thighs and forearms), in order to conduct light and electron microscopy. The details of the results of the morphological study, which made it possible to verify the patient’s diagnosis, are presented. Differential diagnostic judgments are presented and recommendations for genetic studies in the family, prognosis and treatment of the patient are given.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 595-603 ◽  
Joaquín Salvador Lima-Rodríguez ◽  
Marta Lima-Serrano ◽  
Nerea Jiménez-Picón ◽  
Isabel Domínguez-Sánchez

OBJECTIVE: To ascertain the content validity of the Self-perception of Family Health Status scale. METHOD: A validation study of an instrument with an online Delphi panel using the consensus technique. Eighteen experts in the subject were intentionally selected, with a multidisciplinary origin and representing different professional fields. Each of the proposed items was assessed using a five-point scale, and open-ended questions, to modify or propose items. Descriptive analysis was performed of the sample and the items, applying criteria of validation/elimination. RESULTS: The first round had a response rate of 83.3% and validated 75 of the 96 proposed items; the second had a response rate of 80%, and validated the 21 newly created items, concluding the panel of experts. CONCLUSIONS: We present an instrument to measure self-perception of family health status, from a nursing perspective. This may be an advance in scientific knowledge, to facilitate the assessment of the state of health of the family unit, enabling detection of alterations, and to facilitate interventions to prevent consequences to the family unit and its members. It can be used in clinical care, research or teaching.

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