2017 ◽  
Vol 207 (7) ◽  
pp. 57-61
A.V. Pavlova ◽  
O. O. Brovko ◽  

The purpose of this article is an attempt to outline the specifics of artistic mapping in contemporary literature through conceptualization to understand the „map” and territory "in the context of geopoietics studios. Philosophical and cultural works, which supplement the theoretical and methodological base of geopoetics, were chosen as the methodological basis for the research. Metaphor „A map is not the territory” (Alfred Korzybski) serves to explain the representation of the world, the description of reality. Artistic expictations of cartography are considered on the material of the works „Voroshilovgrad” by Sergey Zhadan, „The Map and the Territory” by Michel Welbeck, „Certain Judgments about Byzantium” by Velimir Churgus Kazimir. This article analyzes the problem of reality and literature interrelation and the problem of man and landscape relations. It is memory and place through the landscape that allow to connect local, ethnic and global aspects into a single whole. Cultural and civilization projections, map and territory designs are perceived in modern humanities as a manifestation of struggle and mutual overlay of „tree” and „root” cultures. The research of the transcultural communications in the artistic space, allows to define modern aesthetics as the universalistic functions. Local space and limited geo-cultural landscape inspires individual mythology of modern writers. In modern fiction we often observe incorporation of historical facts, fragments of pseudo-documents, description of real landscapes and maps of invented territories into the text.

Вадим Леонидович Афанасьевский

Предметом статьи является экспликация методологического базиса разработанной французским правоведом Жаном-Луи Бержелем концепции общей теории права. Автор фиксирует, что методология этой конструкции отличается принципиальной спецификой от классического рационализма научного знания. Бержель для разработки проблем теории права использовал импрессионистский метод, принципиально выходящий за рамки научной методологии. Это приводит к тому, что читатель превращается в соавтора, выстраивая свое представление о предмете теории права. Причем фантазия автора и читателя ничем не ограничена, ибо она уходит от исторических трансформаций развития правовой реальности и традиций теоретического правового дискурса. В статье показано, что предложенная методология привела Бержеля к размытости и непроясненности понятийного аппарата и «терминологическому анархизму». Представив свой анализ его концепции общей теории права, автор статьи приходит к выводу, что основанием методологии Бержеля являются характерные для французской социогуманитарной мысли принципы экзистенциальной философии и постмодернистских штудий. Именно в этом коренится отсутствие целостности в теоретических построениях, наличие эклектизма и туманности употребляемых терминов и понятий. В эту парадигму прекрасно укладывается импрессионистский метод, используемый французским правоведом. Если читатель сам определяет понимание читаемого текста, то смысл уже не определяется объективной реальностью. Он выступает проблемой изолированного индивида, находящегося в произвольно выстроенном им фрагментированном мире, в том числе и мире права The subject of the article is the explication of the methodological basis of the concept of the general theory of law developed by the French jurist Jean-Louis Bergel. The author notes that the methodology of this construction differs in fundamental specificity from the classical rationalism of scientific knowledge. Bergel used the impressionist method to develop problems in the theory of law, which fundamentally went beyond the framework of scientific methodology. This leads to the fact that the reader turns into a co-author, building his own idea of the subject of the theory of law. Moreover, the imagination of the author and the reader is not limited by anything, for it moves away from the historical transformations of the development of legal reality and the traditions of theoretical legal discourse. The article shows that the proposed methodology led Bergel to a vague and unclear conceptual apparatus and «terminological anarchism». Having presented his analysis of his concept of the general theory of law, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that the basis of Bergel's methodology is the principles of existential philosophy and postmodern studies that are characteristic of French socio-humanitarian thought. This is the root of the lack of integrity in theoretical constructions, the presence of eclecticism and the vagueness of the terms and concepts used. The impressionistic method used by the French jurist fits perfectly into this paradigm. If the reader himself determines the understanding of the text being read, then the meaning is no longer determined by objective reality. It acts as a problem of an isolated individual who is in a fragmented world arbitrarily built by him, including the world of law

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (32) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Olga Gilyazova

This article highlights and discusses potential opportunities, limitations and problems related to using games and game technologies (such as gamification) in education. For the purpose of the study, games are seen ontologically as conditional realities. The world-of-work and world-of-play concept, which stems from the ideas of social phenomenology about lifeworld and multiple realities, forms a methodological basis for the analysis and differentiation between game and non-game activities, thus underlying the scientific novelty of our study. The following conclusions were inferred: By turning learning into a game we may prompt students to perceive the world-of-work (duties, responsibilities) as the world-of-play (desires, freedom); then, either the school will lose its socializing role in preparing students for life, which is a world of work and commitments rather than a world of game, or students will become bored with the game that will lose its appeal (or suggest manipulations). Thus, despite all its advantages, game-based and gamified education should not be seen as a panacea.

Pastryk T.V.

The article aims to explore the concepts of attitude and expressed emotion in the modern foreign and domestic Psychology.The study applies the method of theoretical comparative analysis. The common and different features of the concepts of attitude and expressed emotion were revealed according to the parameters, particularly content of the concepts, the first application, theoretical approaches and models, methods and measures of the research, subjects, objects and main features.The results of the study indicate that expressed emotion include warmth, hostility, criticism and emotional overwhelming, while attitude is represented by attitude towards self, others and the world. The results also show that attitude is deeply connected with personality’s values, while expressed emotion is mostly related to the attitude towards others. The study indicates that expressed emotion and attitude have a great impact on quality of life of the individuals with medical conditions. The results also indicate that the main features for attitude are modality (negative, positive, ambivalent), range and intensity, while the main features for expressed emotion are modality (positive, negative) and level (high, medium, low). The conclusion of the article underlines that the main problem aligned with expressed emotion study is the many of empirical results and the lack of methodological basis to generalize it. From this perspective the methodological basis for research of the category of attitude is the most appropriate. The prospects of the study are to develop the methodological basis for research of the category of attitude in the context of expressed emotion towards individuals with medical condition.Key words: expressed emotion, attitude, attitude towards self, others and the world, individuals with medical condition. Метою роботи є здійснення теоретичного зіставного аналізу конструкту емоційної експресивності та категорії ставлення в сучасній зарубіжній і вітчизняній літературі. Методом дослідження є теоретичне вивчення літератури в сукупності аналізу, синтезу та узагальнення.Результати дослідження свідчать про те, що категорія ставлення пов’язана із ціннісно-смисловою сферою особистості та визначається ставленням до себе, до інших і до світу. Виокремлено поняття експресивної емоційності як сукупності теплоти, критичності, емоційної гіперопіки та ворожості. Встановлено негативний вплив емоційної експресивності на якість життя особи з хронічними захворюваннями. З’ясовано, що наявні емпіричні дані, представлені в сучасних зарубіжних дослідженнях, важко концептуалізуються через брак єдиного методологічного підходу до дослідження емоційної експресивності, незважаючи на достатню кількість методик для її експериментального вивчення. У висновках дослідження представлено спільні й відмінні ознаки ставлення та емоційної експресивності за такими критеріями, як зміст понять, історія виникнення, теоретичні підходи й моделі, методи дослідження, суб’єкти, об’єкти, параметри. Визначено, що найважливішою відмінністю цих понять є ширший діапазон ставлення порівняно з емоційною експресивністю, а також зв’язок ставлення із ціннісно-смисловою сферою особистості. У цьому контексті вагомого значення набуває поняття самоставлення, яке слугує причиною високого рівня емоційної експресивності щодо інших. Попри можливе існування значної кількості об’єктів ставлення, у контексті нашого дослідження провідного значення набувають об’єкти здоров’я та хвороби, оскільки саме вони пов’язані з рівнем емоційної експресивності. Іншим важливим аспектом є види емоційної експресивності в межах категорії ставлення та їхні параметри. Найбільш поширеними для опису емоційної експресивності вважаються модуси та рівні, тоді як для визначення категорії ставлення оперують параметрами модусу, інтенсивності і широти. Перспективами дослідження є комплексне вивчення емоційної експресивності з виробленням методологічних засад дослідження та з огляду на вивчення категорії ставлення, а також підходи рис особистості, каузальної атрибуції і діатезного стресу.Ключові слова: емоційна експресивність, ставлення, ставлення до себе, ставлення до інших, ставлення до світу, особи з хронічними захворюваннями.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 10004
Oleg Dyachenko

The article analyzes the definitions of the concept "digital economy". The study considers the strategic planning documents of the different states, dedicated to the project of digital economy, as the object of investigation. The subject of research is the interpretation of the category "digital economy". The theoretical and methodological issues in the study of the digital economy are considered. The paper makes an attempt to substantiate the problems that will follow in the implementation of the strategy under the conditions of a weak methodological basis for describing the existing techno-economic picture of the world. Among such problems, we emphasize the lack of attention to the production relations in the presented interpretations. We consider that building a digital economy, as a high-tech production ecosystem, will not do without understanding the essence of a new type of production relations. Without this understanding, it will be problematic to build the institutional basis of the digital economy and to create a regulatory framework to control emerging relationships in the digital economy. The paper critically analyzes the existing interpretations of the digital economy, presented in the strategic planning documents, and reveals the author's understanding of the studied category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 751-760
Oleg V. Defye

An intensive study of V. Rozanovs work naturally actualizes the question of the reasons for the contradictory assessments that have accompanied it for more than a century. The author explains their polarity by the prevalence of subjective or stereotypical ideas about the fundamental novelty of V. Rozanovs approach to the psychology of literary creativity and to the aesthetics of secluded nudity, which the creative subject of his books invariably followed. The article examines the space of solitude as a sphere of creative realization of Rozanov, where the main attention is paid to the intuition of intimacy, interpreted by the writer as a genuine spiritual act underlying the true creativity of life and literature. In solitude the authors intuition of intimacy penetrates into the phenomena and objects of life, endows them with related intimate meanings, is reflected in them and contributes to the creation of a mythopoetic picture of the world, filled with a variety of subjective and personal ideas of V. Rozanov about God, the world, cultural and literary values, about to yourself. In the above examples, V. Rozanovs faces appear in the process of intimate rapprochement with the Absolute and revealed in ontological insights. Disguises are figurative dialectical projections of the intimate faces of the author, opposed to the traditional views on the writers personality. These are polar, familiarly traversed projections of his intimate faces designed to enhance their ontological and aesthetic significance. The philosophical concept of detachment in myth and literature, developed by A.F. Losev in Dialectics of Myth , served as a methodological basis for the study of the phenomenon of solitude and unity in V. Rozanov of the myth-maker and writer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-166

The article is devoted to such an important phenomenon in modern political science as the ethno-political process, as well as theoretical and methodological grounds for the study of the Crimean Tatar ethnopolitical process, which is one of the most ambiguous and controversial cases not only in modern Russia, but also in the world. The contradictory nature of the Crimean Tatar ethnopolitical process is determined by the controversy from the point of view of international law of the territory of Crimea — the main area of the process. Particular attention is paid to the theoretical and methodological features of the study of the ethnopolitical process as a category of political science. The essence and content of such a phenomenon as ethnopolitical mobilization and the possibility of using theoretical developments in this fi eld to study the Crimean Tatar ethnopolitical process are revealed.

Neophilology ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 472-482
Tatyana V. Sivova

In the work, on extensive factual material of the works included in K.G. Paustovsky’s Collected Works, on the example of the lexeme forest functioning, correlating with a wide range of attributes and predicates, a significant fragment of K.G. Paustovsky’s language picture of the world is reconstructed. Considering the importance of the coloristic component for the writer’s worldview, it seems appropriate to identify the specifics of the forest individual author’s color per-ception and visualization. Key findings: 1) the coloristic spectrum used by the writer to visualize the forest is established; 2) the dominants of this spectrum are identified; 3) the functional poten-tial of the color terms is identified; 4) the determinism of the forest coloristic characteristics is de-termined; 5) the correlation of national and individual author’s in color visualization of the forest is established; 6) the specifics of the author’s color style of writing is described, all this in complex contribute to holistic reconstruction of the writer’s coloristic picture of the world. The theoretical basis of the study are the key provisions of linguistics of color, the methodological basis – a set of methods used at different stages of work, including the continuous sampling method, descriptive-analytical, contextual, and quantitative data processing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 100 (6) ◽  
pp. 33-38
L.D. Syrkin ◽  
A.S. Lyapin ◽  
A.V. Shakula

Research purpose was to develop a framework for the systematic assessment of the personal qualities formation in graduates of educational institutions in regard of preventing behavioral deviations and risks reduction of personal student’s development vector changing. An indicator of the effectiveness of this activity is the normative students’ behavior, based on the value system enshrined inthe Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) in the form of a personal “portrait of a graduate of the school”. However, the evaluation criteria and the methodology for identifying these qualities are not presented in the Federal Educational Standard. Methods and techniques. The methodological basis of the study is a functional-role approach. During the empirical study, the method of expert assessments and the method “Repertory Lattices” by J. Kelly were used. Results and scientific novelty. To achieve the goal of the study, we have proposed a methodology for identifying and evaluating the formation of a educational institution graduate’s personal qualities. The methodological basis of the study is a functional-role approach that allows systematisation of personal qualities in accordance with FSES. An important feature of the approach implemented is the ability to assess personal characteristics that form the inner picture of the world and the subjective values system of the student,which ensures compliance with the requirements of the FSES general education to diversify the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, socialization and education of students. Practical significance. The implemented of the framework as a diagnostic tool would facilitate to interface and simultaneously solve two diagnostic problems. The use of “Repertory grids” allows us to overcome the distortion of the results of the study in the interests of achieving social approval and reconstruct the values system and meanings of the subject. The use of psychosemantics methods in combination with a functional-role approach provides the ability to score subjective-personal characteristics that form the inner picture of the world and the subjective system of values of students.

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