scholarly journals Pengaruh Peranan Bank Sampah Dalang Collection terhadap Kesejahteraan Karyawan Perspektif Ekonomi Syari’ah

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-62
Rustam Efendi ◽  
Boy Syamsul Bakhri ◽  
Yuhermi Okta Mursi

This research is based on the results of pre-research conducted by the writers after looking at “Dalang Collection”  Garbage Bank in Pekanbaru city which is an alternative solution in handling waste in Pekanbaru. Although it was only established in 2012, the “Dalang Collection”  Garbage Bank has been able to empower communities around to become more productive and earn income, especially for mothers. Therefore, the writers are interested in examining the influence of  roles of the “Dalang Collection”  Garbage Bank on employee welfare. The problem formulation of this study is how the “Dalang Collection”  Garbage Bank influences employee welfare and whether the role of the “Dalang Collection”  Garbage Bank on employee welfare is in accordance with the sharia  economic perspective. The research objective was to determine the influence of the role of the “Dalang Collection”  Garbage Bank on the welfare of employees and to know the extent of the influence of the role of the “Dalang Collection” Garbage Bank on employee welfare in accordance with the sharia economic perspective. In analyzing quantitative data, simple linear regression analysis is used where the calculation process uses SPSS for windows version 23.0. The sample of this study was 42 people. The results of this study note the role of “Dalang Collection” Garbage Bank on employee welfare has a very close relationship, this is known from the correlation coefficient of 90.1%. While the partial test results have a significant effect between the role of the ”Dalang Collection” Garbage Bank on employee welfare, it is known from the t-count (13.164) is greater than t-table (1.684). It means that partially it can be seen that the variable X (role) affects the variable Y (employee welfare). Employees of the “Dalang Collection” Garbage Bank have had moral welfare, spiritual welfare and social welfare while material welfare has not been fulfilled so that it cannot be said prosperous according to the sharia economic perception.

Wayan Tari Indra Putri ◽  
Kadek Nita Sumiari

Having knowledge of financial literacy is a must in order to have a prosperous life. Currently the OJK is working to improve financial inclusion and literacy, especially among students. This step is a form of effort to increase the role of students in the Indonesian economy. As the next generation, a student must have knowledge related to personal financial management. This knowledge will be very useful for students to manage their finances in the future. Four diploma students majoring in Accounting at the Bali State Polytechnic have obtained courses related to finance and investment so that they should have a good level of financial literacy knowledge. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of financial literacy on student financial behavior. Respondents in this study amounted to 95 people. The data in this study were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study are that there is an influence between financial literacy variables on student financial behavior. The test results show that the better the knowledge or understanding of financial literacy possessed by students, the better the student's ability to implement good financial behavior.

Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Maya Irka Anggriani ◽  
Hemy Heryati Anward ◽  
Rooswita Santia Dewi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya peranan suasana kerja terhadap keinginan pindah kerja karyawan. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu seluruh karyawan PT. Hasnur Jaya Utama. Jenis pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah Purposive Random Sampling yaitu pemilihan sampel secara acak sesuai dengan karakteristik yang ditentukan berdasarkan tujuan penelitian yang berjumlah 60 orang.  Sedangkan metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan skala suasana kerja, skala kepuasan kerja dan kuesioner keinginan pindah kerja. Dalam penelitian ini analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear sederhana. Hasil analisis peranan suasana kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja, diperoleh koefisien korelasi R sebesar 0,759 artinya hubungan suasana kerja dan kepuasan kerja erat. Ditemukan juga koefisien determinasi (R2) yang menunjukkan peranan suasana kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja sebesar 57,5% dan untuk analisis t observasi (8,882) > t tabel (1,672) menunjukkan  ada peranan suasana kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja. Kemudian, hasil analisis peranan kepuasan kerja terhadap keinginan pindah kerja ditemukan koefisien regresi R (0,680) artinya kepuasan kerja dan keinginan pindah kerja memiliki hubungan yang cukup erat. Selanjutnya, diperoleh juga (R2) yang menunjukkan peranan kepuasan kerja terhadap keinginan pindah kerja sebesar 46,3%  dan   untuk  analisis   t   observasi (-7,069) t tabel (1,672) menunjukkan ada peranan kepuasan kerja terhadap keinginan pindah kerja dengan signifikan negatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa suasana kerja dan kepuasan kerja pada karyawan perlu diperhatikan oleh perusahaan agar dapat meminimalkan keinginan pindah kerja karyawan. Kata Kunci: Suasana kerja, kepuasan kerja, keinginan pindah kerjaThis study purposed to determine whether there is the influence of the working atmosphere to intention turnover on employees. The population in this study are all employees of PT. Hasnur Jaya Utama. Type of sampling conducted in this study is Purposive Random Sampling is the selection of a random sample according to the characteristics that are determined based on the research goals of 60 people. The methods of data collection by using the scale of the working atmosphere, the scale of job satisfaction and intention turnover questionnaire. In this study analyzes the data using simple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis of the influence of working atmosphere to job satisfaction, the correlation coefficient R of 0.759 means that the relationship working atmosphere and job satisfaction is quite close. Also found the coefficient of determination (R2) which indicates the role of working conditions on job satisfaction at 57.5% and for the analysis of observation (8.882) > t table (1.672) which indicates means that the influence of the atmosphere to job satisfaction. Then, the results of the analysis of the influence of job satisfaction to intention turnover a correlation coefficient R (0.680) means that job satisfaction and intention turnover to have a close relationship. Furthermore, also obtained (R2 ) which indicates the role of job satisfaction to intention turnover of 46,3% and for the analysis of t observation (-7.069) > t table (1.672) which indicates means that the influence of job satisfaction to intention turnover with a significant negative . Based on these results it can be concluded that the working atmosphere and job satisfaction in employees need to be considered by the company in order to minimize intention turnover ob the employees. Keywords: The working atmosphere, job satisfaction, intention turnover.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-192
Afdila Afdila ◽  
Ferdinan Ferdinan

This study aimed at exploring whether e-commerce has an effect on consumer behavior in the perspective of Islamic economics in Islamic Economics students STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan. This research was motivated by the development of e-commerce as an online shopping application that has an impact on student consumer behavior. This study used a quantitative method with a simple linear regression analysis. The sample in this study was 146 respondents. In the simple linear regression test, the equation Y = 16.444 + 0.787 was obtained. Then from the t-test results obtained tcount (9.927) <ttable (1.976), so e-commerce has a significant effect on consumer behavior in the Islamic economic perspective. Based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination, the value is 0.406 or 40.6%. This data stated that the effect of e-commerce on consumer behavior in the Islamic economic perspective was 40.6%, while the remaining 59.4% was explained by other factors that were not observed in this study.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-68
Muhamad Ali Wairooy

This study aims to test and analyze the effect of financial performance on profit growth at PT. Semen Tonasa (Persero) in Pangkep Regency. Data collection using secondary data using samples in this study is a saturated sample (census). The population in this study is the number of years of financial performance (ROA) and the number of years of profit growth at PT. Semen Tonasa (Persero) in Pangkep Regency, which is 36 months from 2015 - 2017, while the sample taken is the number of observations for 36 months (January 2015-December 2017). The data obtained were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis, t test and test coefficient of determination (R²) which processing was carried out with SPSS version 23. The results showed that the proposed hypothesis was accepted because it showed positive and significant hypothesis test results. This means that financial performance has a positive and significant effect on earnings growth.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-358
Rafael Morais Pereira ◽  
Humberto Rodrigues Marques ◽  
Rodrigo Gava

Technological innovation as an engine for development requires a structural apparatus to its consolidation, reinforcing the approach of innovation systems, with emphasis on the role of universities. Therefore, considering that associated with this potential are present several innovative elements, such as the Technological Innovation Centers (NITs), the incubators of technology-based companies (IEBTs) and Technology Parks (ParqTecs), and given the lack of systematization National these instruments, the ultimate goal of this study was to analyze the environment for innovation in Brazilian federal universities, through the mapping of NITs, the IEBTs and ParqTecs associated with these institutions, further outlining the relationship of these instruments with technological variables (technological scholarships and patents). We used a qualitative and quantitative approach, descriptive nature, with collection of secondary data on institutional sites of universities and the adoption of simple linear regression analysis. The results realized all 63 Brazilian federal universities and revealed that the most widespread instrument between universities are the NITs, since its presence in 86% of the analyzed institutions. Have business incubators, idealized to strengthen interaction in innovation systems, are associated with 68% of universities, enabling regional development contexts. In relation to technology parks, it was found that, depending on the expenditure required for its implementation, only 26 universities are integrated into ParqTecs. The contributions of this study are concentrated in addition to the mapping done in highlighting the distinctions between the Brazilian regions in terms of scientific and technological structure and the importance of innovation ecosystems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Eko Solihin ◽  
Sukardi Sukardi

This research aims to know and analyze the effect of application of control valve Cooler 1 Based On atmega 2560 microcontroller for Moisture feed after mixing with bagging off at PT. JAPFA comfeed Indonesia, Tbk. Unit Padang. The type of research used is the study of surveys with the analysis of data used i.e. simple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the study, testing of normality obtained the significance value of 0.200 with normal categories and R square test results worth 29.4%. The results of simple linear regression test partially with T test, Mempertlihatkan that the application of the control valve Cooler 1-Base atmega 2560 microcontroller system significantly affects the after-mixing Moisture feed with bagging off. The interpretation is that each temperature reduction of the resulting control valve cooler 1 Microcontroller-Based atmega 2560 in one unit affects the difference of moisture feed after mixing with a bagging off of 2.425.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
Petrus Kondoallo ◽  
J.M.V. Mulyadi

ABSTRACT This study examines the role of service performance on the effect of Investment, Operational Costs and Financial Performance on the Income of BLU hospitals, the sample consisted of eighteen hospitals with multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The classic assumption test results show that the model tested is normally distributed, there is no multicollinarity and there is no heterokedacity and the autocorrelation model does not occur. Testing is done with two test models, namely the first test of the effect of investment, operational costs and financial performance on service performance which results simultaneously all dependent variables influence the independent variable while only financial performance partially influences the service performance while investment and influential operational costs do not significant, then the second test partially shows that operational costs and service performance have a significant effect on income, this study also uses path analysis where the results show indirectly investment and financial performance through service performance has a significant influence on income. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menguji peran kinerja pelayanan pada pengaruh Investasi, Biaya Operasional dan Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Sakit BLU, sampel terdiri delapan belas Rumah Sakit dengan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil uji asumsi klasik menunjukkan model yang diuji berdistribusi normal, tidak terdapat multikolienaritas dan tidak terjadi heteroskedastisitas serta model regresi tidak terjadi autokorelasi. Pengujian dilakukan dengan dua model pengujian yaitu pengujian pertama Pengaruh Investasi, Biaya Operasional dan Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan yang hasilnya secara simultan seluruh variabel dependen berpengaruh terhadap variabel independen sedangkan secara parsial hanya Kinerja Keuangan yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan sementara Investasi dan Biaya Operasional berpengaruh tidak signifikan, kemudian pengujian kedua secara parsial menunjukkan Biaya Operasional dan Kinerja Pelayanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Pendapatan. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan analisis jalur yang hasilnya menunjukkan secara tidak langsung Investasi dan Kinerja Keuangan melalui Kinerja Pelayanan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap Pendapatan. JEL Classification: M40, H20

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Rhisa Wijayanti

Promotion through advertising is often done in an effort to develop the association, close relationship between brands with the consumers in order to create equity. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of 'Chips Ahoy!' ad, Baking Show version towards brand equity to children. This study used the quantitative method to prove the hypothesis. The method which used to determine samples was done by Slovin�s formula and the sample was selected by proportional stratified random sampling. Respondents for this study were children from 1 to 6 elementary school grades with 214 people for the number population and 68 people were selected as sample respondents. Referring to the theory of Cognitive Development from Jean Piaget, respondents are researched by several age categories: pre-operational (2-7 years), concrete operations (8-11 years) and formal operation (12 years). The theory that used in this study was framed in Cognitive Response Models by Belch and Belch. The technique of data analysis used simple linear regression and the hypothesis testing used Pearson Product Moment Correlation test. Results showed that the effect was quite low but its still accordance with the theory that the process of thinking on children, in terms of the advertising perceive are changed along with the ages and the experiences. These results for this study was proven that showed the correlation coefficient R was 0.611 so it could be said that there were low effects but definite between the variables, and has a positive direction and significant of 0,001 < 0,05 which means Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. The results of the regression test showed that the effect of Television Ad 'Chips Ahoy!' towards the brand equity to the children was 37.3%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Gede Muna Satya Febriyana ◽  
I G.N. Agung Suprastayasa ◽  
Made Darmiati

Research on tourist satisfaction has been a topic of interest for many academicians. This study aimed to examine the effect of tourist facilities on tourist satisfaction at the natural attractions of Tegenungan waterfall, Bali. The sampling method used was accidental sampling with 100 samples collected in 5 days. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis. The results of the study indicate that the tourist facility variable has a significant effect on tourist satisfaction. T test results show that the tourist facilities (X) significantly affect tourist satisfaction (Y) at the natural attractions of Tegenungan waterfall, Bali. It is expected that the quality of existing tourist facilities can be improved so that it can have a positive impact on the satisfaction of tourists visiting the waterfall. Keywords: tourist facilities, tourist satisfaction, natural tourist attraction,

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Afan Nurcahyo

This study aim to determine the role of digital marketing and competitive price to buying decision IndiHome Fiber PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Datel Wonogiri.Research data was obtained by spreading questionnaires using interval scale by using sample of 100 respondents. This research uses sampling with aksidental sampling method and using multiple linear regression analysis technique. Partial test results indicate that the digital marketing has a significant effect on buying decision, competitive price has a significant effect on buying decision. For simultaneous test, the result shows that variable of digital marketing and competitive price together have significant effect to buying decision. Keywords: digital marketing, competitive price and buying decision

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