Sweet pepper varieties for Western Siberia

2022 ◽  
pp. 33-36
Н.Ю. Антипова ◽  
Е.В. Кашнова

Представлены результаты селекционной работы по культуре перца сладкого. Показано влияние основных факторов среды на рост растений перца в условиях резко континентального климата Западной Сибири. Освещены некоторые направления сортовой селекции для необогреваемых теплиц и открытого грунта. Главное направление селекции – создание скороспелых сортов с высокой потенциальной продуктивностью, использование которых позволит получать не только гарантированный урожай, но и успешно вести семеноводство. Экспериментальные данные получены в условиях Западной Сибири (г. Барнаул, Алтайский край) при выращивании перца в открытом грунте и необогреваемых пленочных теплицах (весенне-летний культурооборот) на ЗСООС – филиале ФГБНУ ФНЦО. Селекционную работу вели с 2000 года и по настоящее время. Оценку селекционного материала проводили в 2015–2021 годах. Материалом для исследований служили коллекционные, селекционные образцы перца различного генетического и эколого-географического происхождения, а также созданные сорта. Представленные сорта перца пластичны, обладают комплексом хозяйственно ценных признаков: высокой урожайностью, хорошим качеством продукции, устойчивостью к стрессовым факторам и основным болезням. Наиболее востребована группа сортов с конусовидными и пирамидальными плодами (Сибирский князь, Подарок лета, Кавалер, Солнечная улыбка, Золотая пирамида), урожайность которых 4–6 кг/м2 в теплице, в открытом грунте – 26–42 т/га, содержание витамина С – 114–248 мг%, пригодные для салатов, цельноплодного консервирования, замораживания и фарширования. Сорта Солнечная улыбка и Золотая пирамида с плодами оранжевой и желтой окраски в биологической спелости незаменимы при украшении блюд. Крупноплодные сорта с плодами призмовидно-кубовидной формы различной окраски в технической спелости: Викинг (темно-зеленая) и Вальс (светло-зеленая) востребованы в течение всего сезона, особенно в период заготовок впрок. Урожайность этой группы сортов в теплице – 4–7 кг/м2, в открытом грунте – 26–39 т/га, содержание витамина С – 120–191 мг%. Сорта перспективны для выращивания в Сибири, способны удовлетворить высокие требования овощеводов и потребителей. The results of breeding work on the culture of sweet pepper are presented. The influence of the main environmental factors on the growth of pepper plants in the sharply continental climate of Western Siberia is shown. Some directions of varietal selection for unheated greenhouses and open ground are highlighted. The main direction of breeding is the creation of precocious varieties with high potential productivity, the use of which will allow not only to obtain a guaranteed harvest, but also to successfully conduct seed production. Experimental data were obtained in the conditions of Western Siberia (Barnaul, Altai Krai) when growing pepper in the open ground and unheated film greenhouses (spring-summer cultural turnover) at the WSVES – branch of the FSBSI FSVC. Breeding work was carried out from 2000 to the present. The selection material was evaluated in 2015–2021. The materials for research were collectible, breeding samples of pepper of various genetic and ecological-geographical origin, as well as created varieties. The presented varieties of pepper are plastic, have a complex of economically valuable characteristics: high yield, good product quality, resistance to stress factors and major diseases. The most popular group of varieties with cone-shaped and pyramidal fruits (Sibirskii knyaz», Podarok leta, Kavaler, Solnechnaya ulybka, Zolotaya piramida), the yield of which is 4–6 kg/m2 in a greenhouse, in the open ground – 26–42 t/ha, vitamin C content – 114–248 mg%, suitable for salads, whole-fruit canning, freezing and stuffing. Varieties Solnechnaya ulybka and Zolotaya piramida with orange and yellow fruits in biological ripeness are indispensable for decorating dishes. Large-fruited varieties with prismatic-cuboid fruits of various colors in technical ripeness: Viking (dark green) and Val's (light green) are in demand throughout the season, especially during the harvesting period for the future. The yield of this group of varieties is 4–7 kg/m2 in a greenhouse, in the open ground – 26–39 t/ha, vitamin C content 120–191 mg%. The varieties are promising for cultivation in Siberia, able to meet the high demands of vegetable growers and consumers.

V.V. Ognev ◽  
T.V. Chernova ◽  
A.N. Kostenko ◽  
N.A. Poltavskiy

Представлен обзор селекционной работы по культуре перца сладкого в Агрохолдинге «Поиск». Выделены актуальные направления исследований в селекции перца на гетерозис. Представлены лучшие гибриды для различных направлений использования в товарном производстве.Main directions of breeding and results of breeding work by Poisk Agro Holding in sweet pepper are presented. Hybrids identified for intensive growing in open ground and springhouse, for various uses.

L.A. Gorlova ◽  
E.B. Bochkaryova ◽  
V.V. Serdyuk ◽  
E.A. Strelnikov ◽  

Development of new rapeseed genotypes must be based on evaluation of parameters of environmental plasticity and stability. The purpose of the research is comparative characteristic of winter rapeseed varieties bred at the V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil crops (VNIIMK) by calculated statistic parameters of adaptability, environmental plasticity, stability, resistance to stress factors and genetic flexibility in conditions of the central zone of the Krasnodar region in the different years. We studied varieties Elvis, Loris, Sarmat, Selegor, VN-40173 (Olivin) and three promising samples VN-38630, VN40143, and VN-912. Indicators of environmental plas- 46 ticity and stability were calculated using seed yields of winter rapeseed varieties for six years by S.A. Eberhart & W.A. Rassell’s method as revised by V.А. Zykin. To calculate a coefficient of linear regression we determined environment indexes characterizing variability of variety cultivation conditions. Resistance to stress factors and genetic flexibility we determined due to A.A. Rossille & J. Hamblin’s equation as expounded by А.А. Goncharenko. Search of potential productivity and adaptability was conducted by L.A. Zhivotkova’s method. The most favorable conditions for growth and development of winter rapeseed were formed in 2016, when the average yield of varieties was 5.13 t per ha, acceptable ones – in 2014 (4.21 t per ha). Conditions in 2017 and 2019 were characterized as non-satisfactory as environmental index was negative, average yield – 3.65 and 3.64 t per ha, respectively. Comparative analysis of varieties and samples of winter rapeseed of VNIIMK breeding by parameters of environmental plasticity and stability in the Krasnodar region showed the varieties Selegor with average seed yield by years 4.69 t per ha and Sarmat with yield 4.35 t per ha were the most plastic, adaptive, and genetically adaptable. VN-912, Loris and Elvis were the most stable among all the studied varieties. They possess the better adaptability to deterioration of cultivation conditions. The varieties Olivin, VN-912 and Loris possess high resistance to stress factors.

K. S. Makarova ◽  
A. V. Pastukhova ◽  
A. S. Gazizulina ◽  
A. F. Petrov ◽  
A. A. Zenkova ◽  

   The authors presented the results of the influence of stress factors on the yield of garden strawberry remontant large-fruited. Phenological and morphological observations, recording and evaluating the quality of the obtained fruits were carried out during the research. Varieties of remontant strawberries with a complex of economically beneficial features were identified. There were features as high yield, winter hardiness, resistance to major diseases and pests were presented. The obtained data confirmed that the highest productivity per bush showed varieties bearing fruit during the entire growing season: Selva - 376.06g, Vima Rina - 411.27g, Remontant large-fruited (hybrid) - 425.42g.

Yu.S. Abilfazova ◽  

the characteristic the best varieties peach plants cultivated in the subtropical zone Krasnodar Territory is given. The study collection plantations peach in the subtropical zone Krasnodar Territory has been carried out since 2009 at the Federal Research Center Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The results of many years of research have identified the best peach varieties (Redhaven, Favorita Morettini, Larisa, Medin red, Veteran, Fayet), distinguished by resistance to stress factors and high palatability of the fruits.

2015 ◽  
Vol 84 (4) ◽  
pp. 365-371 ◽  
Katarzyna Ognik ◽  
Iwona Sembratowicz ◽  
Anna Czech

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of aloe extract or 5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine on immunological and haematological indices during artificially induced stress in turkey hens. The experiment was carried out on 360 turkey hens (6 groups). The groups C and C+stress were the control groups and did not receive any additive. Birds from the groups A and A+stress were administered aloe extract at the amount of 0.70 ml/kg body weight (bw)/day. The turkey hens from the groups T and T+stress received 5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine at the amount of 30 μg/kg bw/day. The additives were administered in the birds’ drinking water twice for 28 days (days 36–63 and 78–105) of the birds’ life. On days 61–63 and 103–105 a stress factor (simultaneous crowding and a change in temperature and lighting) was introduced in the groups C+stress, A+stress and T+stress for 1 hour a day. The results showed that the applied stress factors caused a significant (P ≤ 0.05) decrease in the lysozyme level and % phagocytic cells, as well as a non-significant reduction in the metabolic activity of heterophils. Under the influence of stress an increase (P ≤ 0.05) in the percentage of monocytes and basophils was observed. The use of aloe preparation improved some indicators of immunity (increased, P ≤ 0.05, lysozyme and % phagocytic cells) in the turkey hens. To alleviate the negative effect of stress on immune reactions, supplementation of diets with aloe extract supplemented with resveratrol and vitamin C may be considered.

T.N. Melnichuk ◽  
A.A. Gongalo ◽  
A.Yu. Egovtseva ◽  
E.R. Abdurashytova ◽  

Microbial preparations improve mineral nutrition of plants, protect against phytopathogens, and increase their resistance to stress factors. The aim of our research is to study the effect of microbial preparations on the biological activity of rhizosphere and the productivity of oil flax under no-till in the Crimean Steppe. Microbiological analysis of the rhizosphere of oil flax showed that there is a tendency to increase the number of microorganisms of various ecological and trophic groups both under the conditions of the conventional farming system (CFS) and no-till when seeds are inoculated with a complex of microbial preparations (CMP). Under CFS, the number of microorganisms using mineral forms of nitrogen as nutrition increased by 28 %; pedotrophs – by 37 %; ammonifiers and oligotrophs increased under both farming systems. The total number of nitrogen fixers increased by 29 % under CFS as a result of biological preparations use, while under no-till there was only a trend towards increasing the amount of azotobacter. The number of actinomycetes increased under the influence of CMP by 50% under direct sowing; micromycetes decreased under both farming systems. The number of cellulose-degrading microorganisms increased by 18 and 27 % under no- till and CFS, respectively. The yield of oilseed flax under no-till was 0.11 t/ha (12.9 %) higher than under conventional farming system. On average, over three years (2017-2019), an increase in yield amounted to 0.12 t/ha (19%) due to the use of microbial preparations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 17-24
O.B. Polyakova ◽  

in the article the specificity of emotional exhaustion of students in the conditions of online learning, characterized by an average level of emotional exhaustion, determined by: high reduction changes in educational and professional motivation; higher than the average degree of reduction changes in educational achievements; medium: exhaustion in the emotional sphere, exhaustion of a psychoemotional nature, distance from personal training, inadequate selective emotional response, reduction changes in the duties of the educational and professional type, resistance (resistance) to stress factors of online learning; below the average degree: disorientation of an emotional and moral nature, depersonalization processes, a deficit of emotional manifestations, exhaustion, tension, disorders of the psychosomatic and psychovegetative spectra, detachment of the personal plan, detachment of the emotional plan, experiencing circumstances of a traumatic nature, anxiety-depressive symptoms, saving emotions of the extended spectrum; low: personal dissatisfaction and the state of depression

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-105 ◽  
Katarzyna Ognik ◽  
Iwona Sembratowicz ◽  
Anna Czech ◽  
Ewelina Kulak ◽  
Malwina Merska

Abstract The aim of this study was to determine whether the introduction of stress affects corticosterone and malonyl dialdehyde levels and antioxidant indices of the blood of turkey hens, and whether additives used in conjunction with stress, such as aloe extract supplemented with trans-resveratrol and vitamin C or the amidrazone derivative 5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine, can mitigate adverse changes that may occur in these parameters. The experiment was carried out on 360 turkey hens allocated randomly to 6 groups of 60 birds each. Groups C and C(+)stress were the control groups and did not receive any additive. Birds from groups A and A(+)stress were administered aloe extract with the addition of trans-resveratrol and vitamin C in the amount of 0.70 ml/kg body weight (BW)/ day. The turkey hens from groups T and T(+)stress received 5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine in the amount of 30 μg/kg BW/day. Blood tests included determination of the content of corticosterone and malonyl dialdehyde (MDA), total plasma antioxidant potential (FRAP) and vitamin C, as well as activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT ) and glutathione peroxidase (PGx). The blood serum samples were also analysed for levels of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The stress factors applied resulted in a significant increase in the level of corticosterone and MDA and in SOD and CAT activity in the blood plasma of the turkey hens. A significant decrease in the level of vitamin C and total plasma antioxidant potential were also recorded in the birds treated with stress. The aloe preparation supplemented with trans-resveratrol and vitamin C caused a significant increase in vitamin C, FRAP, Fe and Cu, and a decrease in the corticosterone and MDA levels in the blood plasma of the turkey hens, while in the blood plasma of birds treated with 5-oxo-1,2,4-triazine a significant increase was noted in superoxide dismutase activity and a decrease in the malonyl dialdehyde level. In order to alleviate the negative effect of stress, supplementation of diets with aloe extract supplemented with resveratrol and vitamin C may be considered.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-43
Elena Alexandrovna Trabyrova ◽  
Aminat Msostovna Konova ◽  
Anna Yurievna Gavrilova ◽  
Svetlana Mikhailovna Zueva ◽  
Sergey Mikhailovich Chehalkov

The article presents the results of an ecological test of selection numbers of fiber-flax (Linum usitatissimum L.), bred in the conditions of the North-Western region, on the yield of flax fiber and the parameters of adaptability in the conditions of the Central Non-chernozem region. We tested 3 variety numbers: LS-1, LS-2 and LS-3. As a standard, we used a highly productive Impulse variety zoned in the region, of domestic selection, which was entered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2003. According to the results of the studies, high adaptability in combination with potential productivity was obtained in the number of fiber-flax LS – 3 (1,14). Under variable meteorological conditions, the LS – 2 variety number and the Impulse variety had high resistance to stress (- 0.21 - 0.02, respectively). The most productive in contrast conditions was LS-3 (1.84 t / ha). The numbers LS – 1 (2.20) and LS – 3 (1.60) were the most responsive to the improvement of cultivation conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 3660
A. M. Akimov

Aim. To determine the parameters of family and work stress in the open population of the medium urban city of Western Siberia among young men and women.Material and methods. The study of nonconventional (psychosocial) risk factors for coronary artery disease was carried out according to the WHO program “MONICA-psychosocial” using the standard “Knowledge and attitude to your health” questionnaire. Family and work stress was determined by a face-to-face interview.Results. Stress in the family among young people in the medium urban city of Western Siberia was manifested mainly by the loss or severe illness of relatives, family conflicts; in men as well — a change in marital status, in women — lack of home rest. Stress at work was manifested mainly in high or low workplace responsibility; in men as well — in changing occupation, increasing workload and responsibility over the past year, changing job, in women — in the change of manager, lack of home rest among working women.Conclusion. Consequently, the sex characteristics of psychosocial risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, regarding chronic social stress factors, are even more significant, which specifies the need for a further study of psychosocial factors, and thereby the possibilities for changing the epidemiological situation of cardiovascular diseases in region. This also confirms the need for future research on the relationships of psychological disorders with cardiovascular diseases.

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