2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Dendodi Dendodi ◽  
Haratua Tiur Maria S ◽  
Hamdani Hamdani

The purpose of this research is to produce a qualified diagnostic test that can be used to discover students’ misconceptions about energy in high school’s 10th graders. This research uses Research and Development (R&D) with the form of four tier test. The development of diagnostic test uses the adoption of Borg & Gall development steps that has been simplified into seven steps. The inisial design consists of twelve item of test of multiple choices. The trial step of this diagnostic test was done to 35 students in the in the small scale trial, and 91 students in the large scale trial. According to the data analysis, it can be concluded that the developed diagnostic test is qualified of the use to discover students’ misconceptions, because: 1) has higher validity than table validity, 2) has of reliabily of 0,783, 3) all items of the diagnostic can discover students’ misconceptions, 4) has a diffuculty index 0,38, 5) the level of readability of the questions 0,63. The qualified items that worth of use of this test are twelve itemsKeywords: Energy, Four Tier Diagnostic Test, Self-diagnosis Sheet

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-77
Siti Eva Ariyanti Eva Ariyanti

Dalam seni tari, guru kelas II SD Negeri 03 Bawu diketahui belum menggunakan media pembelajaran yang inovatif, sehingga diperlukan media yang inovatif dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media kartu kuartet DIKDA seni tari berbasis outdoor learning pada materi gerak keseharian dan alam. Untuk mengembangkan media tersebut digunakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D) diadaptasi dari Sugiyono. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh siswa kelas II SD Negeri 03 Bawu berjumlah 41 siswa. Teknik analisis data meliputi analisis data produk, analisis data awal, dan analisis data akhir berupa uji t-tes dan uji n-gain. Hasil pengembangan media kartu kuartet DIKDA Seni Tari berbasis outdoor learning sangat layak digunakan dengan memperoleh hasil persentase sebesar 96,88% oleh ahli media, 96,88% oleh ahli materi dan 93,75% oleh ahli bahasa. Dari hasil skala kecil tanggapan siswa terhadap media sangat baik dengan persentase 100% dan 92% dari tanggapan pada skala besar mendapatkan persentase 97,9% dari siswa dan 100% dari guru. Hasil uji peningkatan rata-rata diperoleh hasil sebesar 0,567 pada skala kecil dan 0,466 pada skala besar. Simpulan penelitian media kartu kuartet DIKDA Seni Tari berbasis outdoor learning materi gerak keseharian dan alam layak dan efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar psikomotorik siswa kelas II Sekolah Dasar.   Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran; kartu kuartet DIKDA; outdoor learning; Seni Tari  In dance education, in the second grade aof Bawu 03 elementary school had not used innovative learning media, so that media development was needed in learning. This research aimed to develop, to find out the results of feasibility, and test the effectiveness of DIKDA quartet cards on dance education based on outdoor learning on daily and natural motion material. The type of this study was Research and Development (R & D) adapted from Sugiyonos theory. The participants of this study were the second grade at Bawu 03 elementary school in the number of 41 students. Data analysis techniques included product data analysis, initial data analysis, and final data analysis in the form of t-test and n-gain test. The results showed that learning media in the media of DIKDA quartet cards on dance education based on outdoor learning was very feasible to use by obtaining a percentage of 96,88% by media experts, 96.88% by material experts and 93,75% by language experts. The results of small scale got a percentage of 100% of students and 92% of teachers and on a large scale get a percentage of 97,9% of students and 100% of teachers. The results of the test large scale got on average obtained results of 0.567 on a small scale and 0.466 on a large scale. The conclusion of this research was the media of DIKDA quartet cards on dance education based on outdoor learning on daily and natural motion material was feasible and effective in improving students psychomotor learning outcomes in the second grade.   Keywords: learning media; quartet card DIKDA; outdoor learning; dance education

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 389-401
Titin Setiartin R.

TRANSFORMASI TEKS CERITA RAKYATKE DALAM BENTUK CERITA BERGAMBARSEBAGAI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MEMBACA APRESIATIFTitin Setiartin R.FKIP Universitas Siliwangi Tasikmalayaemail: [email protected] ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan transformasi teks cerita rakyat ke dalambentuk cerita bergambar sebagai model pembelajaran membaca apresiatif. Penelitianpengembangan ini menggunakan strategi campuran kualitatif-kuantitatif desaineksploratori sekuensial. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan uji validasipola matching pretest posttest. Hasil analisis uji-t antara tes awal and tes akhir kelas uji cobaterbatas, uji coba luas, dan uji validasi menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan.Hasil analisis perbedaan dua rerata terhadap data hasil uji coba pertama/terbatas diperolehnilai t sebesar 11,992 dengan besaran perbedaan antara nilai tes awal dan nilai tes akhirsebesar 16,785 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkanbahwa model pembelajaran transformasi teks cerita yang dikembangkan mampumeningkatkan kemampuan membaca apresiatif. Model pembelajaran transformasi tekscerita efektif dan layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca apresiatifsiswa kelas XII SMK.Kata kunci: transformasi teks, model pembelajaran, membaca apresiatifTHE TRANSFORMATION OF FOLKLORE TEXTSINTO ILLUSTRATED STORIES AS A LEARNING MODELOF APPRECIATIVE READINGAbstractThis study aims to describe the transformation of folklore texts into illustrated storiesas a learning model of appreciative reading. This was a research and development studyusing a qualitative-quantitative mixed strategy with a sequential exploratory design. Thedata were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed using a validation test by matchingthe pretest and the posttest. The results of the analysis of the t-test for the pretest and theposttest in the small-scale tryout, large-scale tryout, and validation test showed significantdifferences. The results of the analysis of the difference between two means in the first orsmall-scale tryout showed t =11.992 with a difference of 16.785 between the pretest scoreand the posttest score and a significance value of 0.000. Therefore, it can be concludedthat the developed learning model using the transformation of story texts can improveappreciative reading skills. The model is effective and appropriate to be used to improvethe appreciative reading skills of Grade XII students of the vocational high school.Keywords: transformation of texts, learning model, appreciative reading

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Hakkun Elmunsyah

Kemendiknas telah melakukan investasi cukup besar berupa pembangunan Jejaring komputer pendidikan nasional yang disebut Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional (Jardiknas), pada sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) di seluruh Indonesia yang dikenal dengan nama ICT center. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model manajemen ICT center sesuai karakteristik SMK sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi mutu pada SMK tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development yang dikembangkan oleh Borg and Gall. Hasil secara keseluruhan penelitian menunjukkan berdasarkan uji coba keefektivan kinerja manajemen pada skala terbatas dan lebih luas menunjukkan bahwa model manajemen ICT center memenuhi kriteria sangat efektif. DEVELOPING A MODEL OF ICT CENTER MANAGEMENTAbstractDeveloping a Model of ICT Center Management. The Ministry of National Education has made considerable investments in building National Education Computer Networks in vocational high schools (VHSs) all over Indonesia, well-known as ICT Centers. This study aims to develop a model of ICT Center management in accordance with the characteristics of VHSs so that it can give contributions to the quality of VHSs. This study was a research and development study using a model by Borg and Gall. The results for all of the study is small-scale and large-scale tryouts on the effectiveness of the management performance show that the model of the ICT center management is very effective.

2014 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-187
Budi Raharja ◽  
Suminto A. Sayuti

Penelitian ini mengembangkan instrumen hasil pembelajaran praktik karawitan Jawa dari perspektif  keterampilan dan sikap. Perspektif keterampilan menilai kemampuan peserta didik menyelaraskan komponen pembelajaran (melodi, irama/tempo, dan bunyi/nada); sedangkan perspektif sikap menilai pemahaman, penghayatan, dan pengamalan komponen pembelajaran tersebut. Langkah-langkahnya meliputi pengembangan produk, validasi produk, implementasi produk, dan analisis data. Pengembangan produk meliputi pengembangan instrumen keterampilan dan pengembangan instrumen sikap; validasi produk menguji produk dalam diskusi kelompok terfokus, seminar instrumen, dan validasi ahli; implementasi produk adalah mengaplikasikan instrumen dalam uji coba skala kecil dan skala besar serta uji coba utama; sedangkan analisis datanya menggunakan uji kecocokan model. Hasil uji kecocokan model menyatakan bahwa model dinyatakan fit dengan koefisien korelasi antara 0,90 hingga 0,98 dan muatan faktor antara 0,62 hingga 0,91. Instrumen menghasilkan informasi kemampuan menyelaraskan melodi, irama, dan bunyi ricikan serta karakteristik tabuhan peserta didik dari perspektif dan pemahaman, penghayatan, dan pengamalan komponen pembelajarannya. Kata kunci: karawitan, penilaian, keterampilan, sikap _____________________________________________________________ DEVELOPING AN INSTRUMENT CONSTRUCT FOR ASSESSING THE JAVANESE KARAWITAN LEARNING OUTCOMEAbstract This study developed an instrument for assessing learning achievement of Javanese karawitan practice from the perspectives of skill and attitude. The skill perspective evaluates the students’ ability to harmonize the learning components (melody, rhythm/tempo, and sound/tone); while the attitude perspective evaluates their understanding, comprehension, and application of those learning components. The steps in doing the research include product development, product validation, product implementation, and data analysis. Product development includes developing the skill instruments and developing the attitude instruments; while product validation includes testing the product in focus group discussion, seminar for the instruments, and expert judgment. Product implementation is applying the instrument in small-scale and large-scale tests as well as main testing, while the data analysis used model fitness test. The result of model fitness test shows that this model is fit with correlation coefficient from 0.90 to 0.98 and content factor from 0.62 to 0.91. The instrument has yielded information concerning the ability of students to harmonize melody, rhythm, and the ricikan and tabuhan sounds from the perspectives of understanding, comprehending, and applying the learning components.Keywords: karawitan, assessment, skill, and attitude

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Faizah Firdaus ◽  
Wachju Subchan ◽  
Erlia Narulita

Strengthening STEM-oriented learning is necessary for 21st century, so the development of appropriate learning models must be carried out. The aimed to of this study were analized validity, effectiveness, and practicality of STEM-based Team Games and Tournament (TGT) learning model towards the students' science process skills. This research was research and development (R&D) with a 4-D development namely; Defining, Designing, Developing, and Disseminating. The study involved 2 experts as validators, 2 teachers as user, and 112 students in small-scale tests, large-scale tests, and distribution tests in SMA. The research was done until the stage of disseminating and produced. The results showed the validity value of 83% was categorized as very valid, the effectiveness score of 83.9% was categorized as good, and the practicality score was 87.5%, so that it was declared valid, effective, and practical to improve the science process skills. Therefore, it is recommended to be applied in schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-72
Mutmainnah Mutmainnah ◽  
Rahmatun Nessa ◽  
Bukhari Bukhari ◽  
Nur Farhana Mohd Radzif ◽  
Rizki Kurniawati

Indonesia has so much cultural diversity. Culture is Indonesia’s national identity. Every culture cannot be separated from the cultural values of society in ancient times. This study intends to look at the development of picture book learning media with the theme of Acehnese culture to stimulate children to get to know the local culture. This study is commonly referred to as Research and Development (R&D). The type of data in this research and development consists of two types of data, qualitative data, and quantitative data. Researchers took qualitative data by conducting observation, interviews, and documentation for the quantitative data obtained from research respondents, including material experts, media experts, cultural experts, and users of learning media. The results of this study are: (1) The development of picture book media is designed using Corel Draw to design layouts, depict illustrations, smoothing using snape, printing and giving to content/material experts, media experts, and cultural experts to determine the feasibility of the designed media. (2) The results from the content experts get a percentage of 100%, media experts get a percentage of 96%, cultural experts get a percentage of 96%, small-scale trials are 3.9%, and large-scale trials are 4.6%. Finally, this research contributes to in-depth knowledge that picture book learning media with the theme of Acehnese culture can stimulate children to get to know the local culture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Lesy Luzyawati ◽  
Lissa Lissa

The textbooks used so far have not utilized learning resources to the fullest, such as the utilization of existing potential in the surrounding environment, planting values, and environmental awareness.Biodiversity textbook based on ethnobiology studies of the Suku Dayak Losarang is a product of the development of textbooks that can be used in biology learning on the concept of biodiversity.This study aims to look at the feasibility of biodiversity textbooks based on the ethnobiology study of the Suku Dayak Losarang Tribe and see the effectiveness of the textbook in biology learning in class X senior high school. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) with eight stages of development models. Product Textbooks are validated by experts and practitioners using validation sheets. The validation results show that the book is suitable for use because it is good in terms of content worthiness, linguistics, and presentation. The textbook was tested on a small scale test and continued with a large scale test. The results of the effectiveness test using the different test showed that the biodiversity textbook based on the Suku Dayak Losarang was effectively used in biologylearning. Student responses to textbooks also scored high on all indicators.AbstrakBuku ajar yang digunakan selama ini belum memanfaatkan sumber belajar secara maksimal, seperti pemanfaatan potensi yang ada di lingkungan sekitar, penanaman nilai, dan kesadaran lingkungan hidup. Buku ajar biodiversitas berbasis kajian etnobiologi Suku Dayak Losarang merupakan produk pengembangan buku ajar yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran biologi pada konsep keanekaragaman hayati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kelayakan buku ajar biodiversitas berbasis kajian etnobiologi Suku Dayak Losarang dan melihat efektivitas buku ajar tersebut dalam pembelajaran biologi di kelas X. Jenis penelitian ini ialah Research and Development (R&D) dengan 10 tahapan model pengembangan. Produk Buku ajar divalidasi oleh para ahli dan praktisi dengan menggunakan lembar validasi. Hasil validasi menunjukkan buku layak digunakan karena sudah baik dalam hal kelayakan isi, kebahasaan, dan penyajian. Saran dari validator dijadikan acuan dalam merevisi buku ajar biodiversitas Suku Dayak Losarang. Buku ajar hasil revisi diujicobakan pada uji skala kecil (satu sekolah) dan dilanjutkan uji skala besar (tiga sekolah). Hasil uji efektivitas menggunakan uji t menunjukkan bahwa buku ajar biodiversitas berbasis Suku Dayak Losarang efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran biologi. Respon siswa terhadap buku ajar juga mendapat nilai tinggi pada semua indikator. Artinya buku ajar biodiversitas berbasis kajian Suku Dayak Losarang dapat digunakan pada pembelajaran keanekaragaman hayati di kelas X SMA dan dapat disebarluaskan khususnya di Kabupaten Indramayu. Kata kunci: Keanekaragaman hayati, Buku ajar, Suku Dayak Losarang, Etnobiologi, Pembelajaran Biologi

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Supardi U. S. Supardi

<span lang="EN-US">The purpose of this study to design a measurement instrument independence character of middle school students. Research using research and development (R &amp; D). Stages of the research process include: reviewing the concept, making the construct and design the instruments, experts’ assessment, the empirical pre-test, and empirical testing. Test experts were conducted by experts through quantitative and qualitative assessments were followed by improvements to the instrument. Pre empirical testing was done by trial and instruments in small-scale followed by repair and selection of items. Empirical testing is a field test on a large scale at middle school students who were followed by the selection of grains and calculation of reliability of the instrument. Research and development results obtained as follows. (1) Measurement code developed with the student independence four dimensions: freedom, initiative, progressive and resilient, and confident. The dimension of freedom comprising: able to make their own choices and able to perform his own activities. Dimension Initiative consists of: being able to think and act in an indigenous, and doing creative activities. The results of this study are expected secondary school teachers can have a reference or guidelines for measuring the character of student independenc</span><span lang="EN-US">e</span>

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 137
Bo Jiang ◽  
Yanbai He ◽  
Rui Chen ◽  
Chuanyan Hao ◽  
Sijiang Liu ◽  

Learning data feedback and analysis have been widely investigated in all aspects of education, especially for large scale remote learning scenario like Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) data analysis. On-site teaching and learning still remains the mainstream form for most teachers and students, and learning data analysis for such small scale scenario is rarely studied. In this work, we first develop a novel user interface to progressively collect students’ feedback after each class of a course with WeChat mini program inspired by the evaluation mechanism of most popular shopping website. Collected data are then visualized to teachers and pre-processed. We also propose a novel artificial neural network model to conduct a progressive study performance prediction. These prediction results are reported to teachers for next-class and further teaching improvement. Experimental results show that the proposed neural network model outperforms other state-of-the-art machine learning methods and reaches a precision value of 74.05% on a 3-class classifying task at the end of the term.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Johan Irmansyah ◽  
Muhammad Ridwan Lubis ◽  
Andi Gilang Permadi ◽  
Nune Wire Panji Sakti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan sebuah model latihan imagery untuk peningkatan ketepatan floating service pada atlet voli pantai NTB, dan (2) mengetahui keefektifan model latihan imagery untuk peningkatan ketepatan floating service atlet voli pantai NTB. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau yang sering disebut research and development yang mana digunakan untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk yang diinginkan. Hasil penelitian ini, yaitu studi pendahuluan, uji skala kecil dan skala besar yang telah dilakukan dengan percobaaan floating service dan instrument yang telah teruji validitas dan reliabilitasnya, dinyatakan bahwa penilaian para ahli terhadap model latihan imagery untuk meningkatkan ketepatan floating service dikatakan ‘layak’ untuk diterapkan di lapangan. Untuk uji efektifitas produk akhir, dari hasil analisis uji t menggunakan Paired Sample Test, menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan pretest – posttest ketepatan floating service dengan nilai t sebesar 8.104 dan signifikansi 0.000 < 0.05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan floating service sebelum dan sesudah diberikan latihan imagery mendapatkan peningkatan yang signifikan atau ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari latihan imagery untuk peningkatan ketepatan floating service. Exercise model imagery to improve the accuracy of floating service in beach volleyball athlete AbstractThis study aims to: (1) produce an exercise model of imagery to improve the accuracy of floating service in NTB beach volleyball athletes, and (2) determine the effectiveness an exercise model of imagery to improve the accuracy of floating service in NTB beach volleyball athletes. This research uses research and development methods or often called research and development which is used to produce the desired product. The results of this study, namely a preliminary study, small scale and large scale tests that have been carried out with a trial of floating services and instruments that have been tested for validity and reliability, stated that experts' assessment of imagery training models to improve the accuracy of floating services is said to be 'feasible' in the field. To test the effectiveness of the final product, the results of the t-test analysis using Paired Sample Test, showed that the increase in pretest-posttest floating service accuracy with a t value of 8,104 and significance of 0,000 <0.05, it can be concluded that the increase in floating service before and after imagery training was given get a significant increase or there is a significant effect of imagery training on improving the accuracy of floating services.

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