scholarly journals Perbedaan Asupan Energi, Zat Gizi Makro dan Serat Berdasarkan Kadar Kolesterol Total pada Dewasa Muda Vegetarian di Indonesia Vegetarian Society Jakarta

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Afrida Sukmawati ◽  
Laras Sitoayu ◽  
Yulia Wahyuni ◽  
Vira Herliana Putri

Background: Vegetarians are people who live from consuming plant-based (or plant-based) products with or without milk and eggs, but over all avoid eating meat, poultry and marine animals.. According to Household Health Survey (SKRT) cited Budiarti, in 2004 prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in Indonesia in the age range 25-65 years of 11.2%. One way to prevent elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood is to change the diet to become a vegetarian. Objective: To purpose the difference between energy intake, macro nutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrates), fiber, based on total cholesterol levels in young vegetarian adults in Indonesia Vegetarian Society Jakarta. Methods: Cross sectional study design, independent Bed T-Test test if normal distribution data and Mann Whitney if the data is not normally distributed. Determination of the sample was done by means of different test of two mean and obtained sample of 70 people. Results: The results of the statistical test obtained p-value for energy intake, protein intake, fat intake, carbohydrate intake based on total cholesterol level with normal and abnormal category showed significant difference (p-value ≤ 0,05), and mean fiber intake showed no significant difference (p-value > 0,05). Conclusions: There are differences in energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate intake based on normal and abnormal total cholesterol levels, and fiber intake are expressed as no difference. There is a need for nutritional counseling and routine monitoring of total cholesterol in young vegetarian adults in IVS Jakarta.

Jurnal NERS ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Budi Artini ◽  
Elyana Asnar ◽  
Ika Yuni Widyawati

Introduction: Hypercholesterolemia is a condition characterized by high levels of total cholesterol in the blood. Many studies have proven that steeping tea rosella and flesh of an avocado can reduce total cholesterol levels. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of therapy companion rosella tea and  avocado in lowering total cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia clients. Method: This type of research is a quasi-experimental study with pre-post test control group design. The population study was a client with hypercholesterolemia in the working area of menganti health centers. First sample group consisted of nine respondents received the drug Simvastatin 10 mg and rosella tea consumed as much as 2 g 1x / day. The second group consisted of nine respondents received the drug Simvastatin 10 mg and avocado meat weighing 330 grams were consumed 1x / day. The control group consisted of 11 respondents have a drug Simvastatin 10 mg oral 1x daily at night before bed. All groups examined total cholesterol levels before treatment and after treatment on day 15. Result: The results of one-way ANOVA test showed a significant difference between before and after treatment in the first group (p=0,001) and second group (p= 0,005), and there is no significant difference before and after treatment in the control group (p= 0,248). The difference between the three groups showed p= 0.025. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is giving rosella tea and avocado has the same effectiveness in lowering total cholesterol levels so that health workers can suggest the use of rosella tea and avocado as a companion therapy to reduce total cholesterol level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-47
Widiyono Widiyono ◽  
Atik Aryani ◽  
Vitri Dyah Herawati

The effectiveness of Bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum) to decrease blood total cholesterol level among elderly with HypercholesterolemiaBackground: Total cholesterol levels will gradually increase with age. In the elderly, uncontrolled cholesterol will be a risk factor for life-threatening diseases such as stroke and cardiovascular disease. Observing the adverse effects of hypercholesterolemia, appropriate intervention needed. The treatment of Hypercholesterolemia by using complementary herbal therapy as bay leaves. Bay leaves also contain quercetin, which is a flavonoid that plays a role in strong antioxidants because it can prevent oxidation of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein). Flavonoids can also prevent fat deposition on the walls of blood vessels.Purpose : To determine the effect of bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum)  on reducing the cholesterol levels among elderly with Hypercholesterolemia, Method: A quasi-experimental One Group pretest-posttest design without control. The sampling taken by purposive sampling. The number of samples of this study were 29 participants.The cholesterol levels measured using a GCU (Glucose Cholesterol Urid acid), which was calibrated and had good accuracy. The statistical test used is the Paired sample t-test. As for the making of a concoction of bay leaves at each dose of administration by; as much as 10 bay leaves boiled with 400ml of water until the remaining 200ml. 400 ml per day provide in morning and evening and the therapy takes out for 1 full a month and ends with a blood examination evaluation with GCU.Results : The analysis showing that there was a significant difference in the mean cholesterol levels before and after being given the bay leaf stew with a p value of 0.001, which means that there was an effect of the provision of bay leaf boiled water on reducing cholesterol levels.Conclusion: The bay leaf is a complementary herbal therapy that is cheap and can find everywhere in Indonesia also is a non-invasive treatment. This intervention expected as alternative a non-pharmacological therapeutic method in overcoming hypercholesterolemia in the elderly.Keywords: Bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum); Total cholesterol level; Elderly; HypercholesterolemiaPendahuluan: Kadar kolestrol total akan meningkat secara bertahap seiring bertambahnya usia. Pada lansia, kolesterol yang tidak terkontrol akan menjadi berbagai faktor risiko penyakit yang mengancam jiwa seperti stroke dan penyakit kardiovaskuler. Mencermati dampak buruk dari hiperkolesterolemia maka diperlukan intervensi yang tepat. Mengatasi hiperkolesterolemia dapat dilakukan dengan pengunaan terapi komplementer herbal berupa pemberian air rebusan daun salam. Daun salam juga mengandung quercetin, yaitu Flavonoid yang berperan dalam antioksidan kuat karena mampu mencegah oksidasi LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein). Flavonoid juga dapat mencegah pengendapan lemak pada dinding pembuluh darah.Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian air rebusan dalam salam terhadap penurunan kadar kolesterol lanisa yang mengalami Hipercholesterolemia.Metode : Penelitian  quasy eksperimental dan menggunakan rancangan One Group pretest-posttest design without Control. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan secara purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel penelitiannya 29 partisipan. Kadar kolesterol pada partisipan diukur dengan menggunakan alat cek kolesterol GCU (Glukosa Colesterol Urid acid) yang sudah dikalibrasi dan memiliki akurasi yang baik. Uji statistic yang digunakan yakni uji Paired sample t-test. Adapun pembuatan ramuan daun salam pada setiap dosis pemberian dengan cara; rebus sebanyak 10 lembar daun salam dengan 400ml air hingga tersisa 200ml.400 ml per hari berikan pagi dan sore dan terapi berlangsung selama 1 bulan penuh dan diakhiri dengan evaluasi pemeriksaan darah dengan GCU.Hasil : Menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan rerata kadar kolesterol yang bermakna sebelum dan sesudah diberikan rebusan daun salam dengan nilai p value 0,001 yang berarti ada pengaruh pemberian air rebusan daun salam terhadap penurunan kadar kolesterol.Simpulan: Pemberian rebusan air daun salam merupakan terapi komplementer herbal yang murah, mudah, dapat dilakukan dimanapun dan kapanpun dan merupakan tindakan non-invasif. Intervensi ini diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai metode terapi non farmakalogi dalam mengatasi hiperkolesterolemia pada lansia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-79
Reski Pebriani ◽  
Nurhaedar Jafar ◽  
Wahiduddin Wahiduddin ◽  
Healthy Hidayanti ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin ◽  

This study aims to determine the effect of walnut extract (Canarium indica) on the total cholesterol levels of hyperglycemic Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus L). Experimental research with pre-post-test control design. The samples in this study were 28 rats induced by alloxan to become hyperglycemic. The test animals were divided into four groups, each consisting of seven: negative control (Na CMC 1%), positive control (metformin 150 mg / Kg BW), walnut extract group 300 mg / Kg BW (0.06g / 200gr BW), and extract 600 mg / Kg BW (0.12 / 200g BW). The intervention was given walnut extract for 21 days. Total cholesterol levels were measured by the Easytouch Multi-Monitoring System. This study used SPSS with paired t-test and ANOVA test.  The results showed a significant reduction in cholesterol levels in all groups after treatment (p <0.05). There was a significant difference in the reduction of total cholesterol levels between groups with a value of p = 0.037. The results of the posthoc test showed a difference in the reduction in total cholesterol levels between the 300 extract group, 1% Na CMC, and metformin and the 600 extract group with 1% Na CMC p-value <0.05, there was no difference between the 600 extract group and the metformin group. p> 0.05. Walnut extract was effective in reducing alloxan-induced fasting blood sugar levels of mice. Total cholesterol levels in hyperglycemic rats experienced a significant decrease after 21 days of intervention with walnut extract 300 and 600 mg/kg BW, but only walnut extract at a dose of 600 mg/kg BW had the same effectiveness as metformin.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 2227
Hrituraj Rohariya ◽  
Pankaj Gharde ◽  
Pramita Muntode Gharde

Background: Breast cancer has emerged as a rapidly growing cancer in India and has already replaced cervical cancer. According to global cancer statistics for the year 2008, breast cancer resulted in 46 million deaths. In Asia, incidence rate of breast cancer is lower but is drastically rising. Nevertheless, while dyslipidemia [high LDL-C (low density Lipo-protein-cholesterol) and low HDL-C (high density lipo-protein-cholesterol) levels] has controversial role in this disease; the specific influence of dyslipidemia in breast cancer initiation and progression is not completely understood. So, we undertook this study.Methods: The study was conducted in the department of general surgery, at Medical College and allied Hospital, in Central rural India between year 2012 and 2014. It was a case control study with a sample size of 50 female participants attending the surgery in patient department, fitting in the inclusion criteria as cases and 50 matching controls. The Data was entered in master chart was statistically analyzed by using SYSTAT version 11 and tests were applied accordingly.Results: Age is a crucial factor in malignancy, most of the studies show malignancy presents more in elder population when compared to young ones. In most patients were between 31-50 years. The youngest patient was of 36 years and the oldest was 78 years. The mean age of the patients affected was 48.54 years which is close to the values in other studies. This study also demonstrated significantly high (p value<0.01) serum TC (total cholesterol) levels of post-menopausal study group (32%, more) as compared to post-menopausal control group. The increase in Serum TC levels was more in post-menopausal study group as compared with pre-menopausal study group. Present study had not shown a significant difference (p value >0.05) between serum levels of HDL-C levels in pre-and post-menopausal control group and study group, though post-menopausal cases had slightly lower values of HDL-C when compared with pre-menopausal controls.Conclusions: We conclude from this study that there is a definite positive correlation between carcinoma breast and fasting lipid profile. The pre-and post-menopausal cases showed significant correlation as far as Total Cholesterol and LDL. Whereas there was no significant correlation between HDL, VLDL and TG (triglycerides). Body mass index has no relation with carcinoma breast.

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Yohana Margarita ◽  
Princen Princen ◽  
Andi Andi ◽  
Marcella Erwina Rumawas ◽  
Valentinus Budi Kidarsa ◽  

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar kolesterol total dengan tekanan darah. Data dikumpulkan pada 14-21 Juni 2011, terhadap 51 subjek penelitian berusia > 30 tahun yang tidak mengonsumsi obat antihipertensi ataupun antikolesterol, dipilih secara consecutive antara pengunjung Puskesmas Kelurahan Joglo-II, Jakarta. Tekanan darah diukur dengan sfigmomanometer sesuai pedoman baku. Kadar kolesterol total darah sewaktu diukur dari sampel darah tepi dengan alat tes kolesterol. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier, korelasi Pearson dan General Linear Model dengan koreksi Bonferroni. Pada 51 responden (nilai tengah usia 50 tahun, 70,6% perempuan), rerata kadar ko- lesterol total adalah 200 mg/dL dan rerata tekanan darah adalah 135/84 mmHg. Pada faktor perancu yang disetarakan, kadar kolesterol total yang tinggi berhubungan dengan tingginya tekanan darah sistolik (r = 0,39; nilai p = 0,005) ataupun diastolik (r = 0,43; nilai p = 0,002). Responden pada kelompok kuartil ketiga total kolesterol memiliki tekanan darah 26/11 mmHg lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibandingkan mereka pada kelompok kuartil kedua (nilai p = 0,001 dan nilai p = 0,002 berturut-turut untuk tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik). Menjaga kadar kolesterol total dalam batas normal merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mencegah hipertensi.This cross-sectional study was aimed to examine the association between total cholesterol levels and blood pressures. Data was collected on June 14-21, 2011, among 51 subjects, aged >30 years, who were taking neither antihypertensive nor anticholesterol drug, consecutively selected among peoples attending Joglo-II Sub-district Primary Health Center, Jakarta. Blood pressures were measured using a manual sphygmomanometer according to the standard protocols. Peripheral blood samples were collected and non-fasting total cholesterol were assessed using a cholesterol-test kit. Analyses were perfomed using linear regression, Pearson correlation, and General Linear Model (with Bonferroni correction). In 51 respondents (median age 50 years, 70.6% female), mean total cholesterol level was 200 mg/dL and blood pressure were 135/84 mmHg. After adjust- ment for confounding factors, higher total cholesterol levels were associat- ed with higher systolic (r = 0.39; p value = 0.005) or diastolic (r = 0.43; p value = 0.002) blood pressures. Participant in the third quartile category had blood pressures 26/11 mmHg significantly higher than that of those in the second quartile category (p value = 0,001 and p value = 0,002 for sistolic and diastolic blood pressures, respectively). Maintaining total cholesterol levels within the normal limits may be one way to prevent hypertension.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 652
Jeyasuriya A. ◽  
Badrinath A. K. ◽  
Saranya Nagalingam

Background: The aims of the study were to monitor the total cholesterol levels at different time intervals in ICU patients and to analogize the values with the outcome of disease, to study the prevalence of hypocholesterolemia among ICU patients and to assess the trend of hypocholesterolemia among various diseases.Methods: Present study populace consists of 55 patients admitted in ICU.  For these patients, lipid profile was done on the day of admission and day-3 of admission. The total cholesterol levels done on day 1 and 3 were compared with disease outcome.Results: The mean cholesterol value among 33 survivors on day 1 was 120.76(±18.54) and day 3 was 145.30 (±55.65) with p value of 0.019, that is statistically significant. As the total cholesterol value increases during the period of ICU stay, it proves to be an  early prognostic indicator of disease outcome. The patients showing increasing trend of total cholesterol levels has increased chances of survival. Similarly, HDL value among 33 survivors on day 1 was 31.70 (±3.98) and day 3 was 36.39 (±11.98), with p value of 0.033, that is statistically significant and also, the mean LDL value among 33 survivors on day 1 was 68.25 (±17.14) and day 3 was 78.78 (±24.74), with p value of 0.009, which was also found to be statistically significant. The mean cholesterol value among 22 non-survivors on day 1 was 131.64 (±15.24) and day 3 was 122.09 (±26.23), the mean HDL among 22 non-survivors on day 1 was 33.14 (±3.79) and day 3 was 31.32 (±4.23).Conclusions: Present study’s intend of monitoring the total cholesterol level was successfully demonstrated that it can be used as prognostic tool in ICU patients. The increasing trend in total cholesterol level indicates better prognosis of disease outcome. Similarly, the increasing trend in HDL and LDL levels also can be used as prognostic tool to determine the survival rate of patient.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Md Anwarul Kibria ◽  
Md Hassanuzzaman ◽  
Pradip Kumar Kayasthagir ◽  
Md Rabiul Karim ◽  
Asifur Rahman ◽  

Background: This study was carried out to see the association of the low total cholesterol level with primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) in Bangladeshi population.Materials and Methods: This was a case–control study carried out in the department of Neurology, Chittagong Medical College and Hospital from January 2013 to December 2013. Total of 132 patients were enrolled where 67 patients of hemorrhagic stroke were in the experimental group and 65 age and sex matched persons were in the control group. Low total cholesterol was designated as level less than 200mg/dl. Data were analyzed and compared by SPSS version 19.Results:The proportion of ICH patients with low total cholesterol was significantly higher than the controls (74.6% vs. 32.3%). Mean total cholesterol was also significantly low in ICH patients compared with controls (180 mg/dL vs. 217 mg/dl; P-value = 0.001). Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c) and triglycerides were also significantly low in ICH patients compared with controls. Mean LDL-c in the ICH patient group was 106 mg/dL, whereas it was 128.5 mg/dL in the control group (P-value = 0.001). There was no significant difference in the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in both groups. Although lower mean cholesterol was seen in both young and older individuals in the ICH group than in controls, the difference was significant only in the older group (age >60 years). In multivariate analysis, odds ratio of low cholesterol in the hemorrhage cases was 6.03 (95% CI = 2.1–16.059) which was adjusted other risk factors of hemorrhagic stroke.Conclusions: The inference of this study is that, there is an increased risk of primary ICH associated with low total cholesterol, especially in older individuals.Bangladesh Crit Care J March 2018; 6(1): 26-30

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

<p>The pattern and lifestyle of today's society with the presence of an interner facility makes people spend more time sitting out than on exercise and increased consumption of high-fat foods may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. An effective therapy is needed in preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Hyperbaric oxygen now starts to develop for the treatment of several diseases, which in turn can increase the gene forming antioxidant enzymes and ROS. To determine effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on total cholesterol levels of wistar white rats (Rattusnovergicus) induced bye high fat. The study was carried out in an expeative post test only group control of three groups. One group is given standard feed. All groups induced high-fat diet and standard feed. Of the two groups induced, one group was given hyperbaric oxygen therapy with a dose of 3 x 30 minutes for six days on day 7 at a blood test to determine total cholesterol levels<strong>. </strong>One way Anova parametric statistic test showed that p = 0.007 &lt; α proved hypothesis that hyperbaric oxygen therapy giving effect to total cholesterol level of white mice of jantangalurist rings induced by high fat diet. Total cholesterol was significantly different between K (-) and K (+) and between K (-) and P. It was found that hyperbaric oxygen therapy had an effect on total cholesterol level dose of 3x30 minutes for six days.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Meta Kartika Untari ◽  
Ganet Elo Pramukantoro

Hypercholesterolemia is a state of increased levels of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and total cholesterol in the plasma. Stevia leaves have benefits to overcome hypercholesterolemia. The aimed of this study was to obtain ethanol extracts of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves which have activity to reduce total cholesterol levels in patients with hypercholesterolemia with effective doses. The method that will be carried out to achieve this goal was to make extracts by maceration of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaf powder using a water solvent for 5 days. Testing antihypercholesterolemia activity by giving treatment to 20 male white rats. Rats were divided into 5 treatment groups. Group I was negative control, II was simvastatin control, III extract was 30 mg / 200 g BW, IV extract was 60 mg / 200 g BW, V extract was 120 mg / 200 g BW. The mice were induced by propylthiouracil 12.5 mg / day and high-fat feed for 21 days, after which the rats were given the test for 14 days. Cholesterol levels were measured on days 0, 21st and 28th. The method of determining cholesterol levels uses the Easy Touch tool. On the 35th day, a total cholesterol level was examined and data analysis was performed. The results showed that the ethanol extract of stevia leaves had antihypercholesterolemia activity, extract dose of 30 mg / 200 g BW had antihypercholesterolemia activity which was equivalent to simvastatin.

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