Valentyna Papushina

The article describes the theoretical and methodical principles of the aesthetic culture formation of students in the process of the foreign literature teaching. Fiction as a carrier of aesthetic views of artists, aesthetic views and forms of their personalization as means of art of the word are the basis for the education of a highly spiritual aesthetically perfect personality, a citizen of a European state and the development of the aspiration of a young person to personal growth. Among the important criteria for the formation of aesthetic culture, we defined the following: the orientation of activities to achieve a specific goal, the development of students' interest in the formation of aesthetic culture during the literature study, the desire for self-improvement and self-realization, both in classroom and out-of-classwork. In the process of the foreign literature studying, there are determined the main stages of aesthetic culture formation and their content in the context of the specifics of the future professional activity of philologists students. The aesthetic discoveries of different epochs and literary trends, the modern achievements of linguoculture, hermeneutics, onomastics, semiotics, comparative studying are laid down as the base points in the basis of our proposed pedagogical system and its realization. In the technological maps developed for practical classes, there are presented the types of individual work, there are defined personally oriented spiritual and value orientations. For analysis and correction of aesthetic activity of students there are proposed the methods of studying and correction the level of formation of the aesthetic culture.

Natalia Gatezh

Today, the issue of cultural development of the younger generation as the future productive part of society is of particular relevance. An aesthetic culture of society, which in its turn influences the formation of elements of the aesthetic culture of the younger generation, plays an important role in the formation of  a harmoniously developed personality. The  education of  a child's aesthetic  culture begins  in the process of socializing a young person with the help of traditional means, methods and forms of education.This problem is very well represented in the works of national and foreign educators  and  psychologists,  such  as,  D. Jol,  D. Kabalevskyi,  N. Kiyaschenko, B. Likhachev,       A. Makarenko,       B. Nemenskyi,       N. Pylypenko,       I. Revenko, V. Sukhomlinskyi, G. Sotska, M. Taboridze, V. Shatska, A. Shcherbo and others. Methods of training and upbringing are studied by A. Aleksyuk, S. Arkhangelskyi, Yu. Babanskyi,  V. Krayevskiy,  I. Lerner,  M. Makhmutov,  V. Okon,  V. Palamarchuk, M. Skatkin, V. Onyshchuk, A. Khutorsky and others The purpose of this research is a scientific theoretical substantiation of the basic forms and methods of education of aesthetic culture of students in the professional activity of the teacher of fine arts.Organizational forms of education of aesthetic culture include mass, group and individual; complex and simple; perception and study of aesthetic objects of reality and art, aimed at aesthetic creativity; management of the process of aesthetic education and teaching upbringing.Much of the literature considers acquaintance with works of art the basic method of aesthetic education, but the most appropriate and optimal are the methods described by B. Likhachev, who divided them into groups of methods of artistic and moral (pedagogical) influence. The artistic methods of aesthetic education include various ways of practical training of personality perception of a particular type of art. The second group of methods that provide aesthetic development and education of the aesthetic taste of the individual are methods related to the perception and analysis of artistic works. The third group of methods of aesthetic perception includes methods of organizing independent artistic and creative activity of the individual.Thus, education of the aesthetic culture of students of a general education school is a complex, multifaceted, purposeful systematic process that has its own peculiarities, principles, criteria and indicators. It is proved that achieving a high level of aesthetic education can only be done through thoughtful and appropriate use of appropriate forms and methods of education.

2020 ◽  
pp. 45-56
Natalia Petrovna Tatianchenko

The subject of this research is the motivational and value orientation of students towards professional activity. Based on the analysis of literary sources, it was established that motivational and value orientation is an integrative dynamic system, incorporating the interconnected professional motives, interests, goals, personal attitudes that ensure the choice of profession. The article analyzes the peculiarities of motivational and value orientation of college students essential for determination of the significant cognitive motives and disaccord between such its components as personal growth, responsibility and presence of a strong desire to pursue the selected profession. In the course of research, the following set of psychodiagnostic instruments was used: original questionnaire, morphological test for life values (V. F. Sopov, L. V. Karpushin), methodology for determination of key motives of choosing profession (E. M. Pavlyutenkov), value orientations (M. Rokeach), methods of mathematical-statistical processing of the results (Spearman’s correlation analysis, Mann–Whitney parametrical method of comparison of two U-criterion samplings). Theoretical importance of this study consists in the analysis of modern conceptual approaches towards the problem of motivational and value orientation of college students towards professional activity that creates foundation for further research in this area, and solution of such problem as rejection of the acquired specialty.

Zinaida Kh. Tedtoeva

The problem of perceiving fiction has aesthetic, sociological, historical and psychological aspects. In this regard, in the methodology of teaching Russian literature to the national audience, special attention is paid to the deep, faithful and subtle reproduction of the literary works of writers, the development of the reader’s talent. Fiction as a form of art is a special area of the aesthetic. In a truly fictional work, all its elements are subordinate to the expression of a certain content, expressive, figurative, therefore, the reader’s understanding of a literary work is not only aesthetic, but also evaluative in nature. There are three stages of students’ perception of the writer’s creation: 1) recreation and experience of images of the work, with the leading process of imagination; 2) understanding of the ideological content; V.G. Belinsky called this stage “true pleasure”; 3) the influence of fiction on the personality of the reader as a result of the perception of the work. Fiction affects the worldview, speech, moral behavior in society, aesthetic and artistic development, in general, the formation of a person’s personality. The teacher tries to ensure that students have the necessary knowledge, developed, recreational imagination, emotional sensitivity, a sense of the poetic word, observation, the ability to make comparisons, comparisons, generalizations, conclusions. Their perception of a work of art is a difficult process that directly depends on previous knowledge of literature, facts of the history of culture, history of society. The complexity of the spiritual world of a modern young person is due to the development of personality in the context of the rapid progress of society. All this poses a difficult task for methodological science - to diversify the means of analysis, its types and techniques, effective ways of influencing art on students. In the national audience, the main problem of studying Russian literature - the teacher needs to reveal Russian-national literary ties with specific examples, based on certain historical conditions, national specifics, use translations of the works of the Russian writer into the native language of students, literary local history material, highlight the attitude of cultural figures of the native people to the work of the Russian writer, to his personality.

Ilga Kusnere

The quality of a teacher's professional activity is closely tied to personal growth. Personal growth, however, is influenced by self-knowledge (K. G. Jung 1994, 2001; Wilber 2010, 2013; Plotkin, 2020; Dispenza, 2015, 2016). Nowadays, there is a shift in the approaches of upbringing and educational work – from a child-focused approach to a child-centered one (OECD, 2019). Therefore, one of the currently relevant skills is getting to know oneself in order to cooperate more successfully with others and be able to accept real-life situations. The results obtained confirm that through the self-knowledge process, teachers get to experience their own personality growth. Categories such as empathy, attitude, and daringness are identified in personal growth.The research shows that by experiencing the procedural activities of self-knowledge with the help of “Get to know yourself!” method and methodological tool developed by the author, teachers improve their emotional responsiveness.The results of the study show that through the experiences gained in the self-knowledge process, teachers learn to integrate new models of action into their pedagogical activities. The aim of the study was to show the importance of self-knowledge in improving teachers' emotional responsiveness in lifelong education, by using the method "Get to know yourself!" developed by the author of the study.The objectives of the study were literature examination and evaluation and work with the target audience by using the author's method and methodological tool "Get to know yourself!".Methods: Literature studies, survey, observation. 

2019 ◽  
pp. 398-406
Natalya Antonova ◽  
Viktoria Khafizova

The paper deals with professional values of journalism students. The grounds for research are the transformation of values in journalists’ professional activity that occurs under conditions of society mediatization and development of new information and communication technologies. The consequences of this transformation include problems like publication of non-validated / non-authentic information, distortion of facts, imposing a false agenda. Media experts are engaged in active debates on preserving the journalists’ professional ethics. In this regard, a need emerges to study professional and value orientations of students – future journalists who are beginning to get acquainted with this profession at a higher education institution. The object of our research was students from Journalism Faculty of the Ural Federal University and the University for Humanities. The research included an online survey of students (n = 202), as well as two interviews with Faculty Heads for profound understanding of the situation in the contemporary journalism education. The findings evidence that fact checking, accuracy and integrity are among the top professional values of journalism students. A journalist, in students’ view, is an innovator capable of creating unique content; their purpose is disclosing the truth and helping people. We can therefore conclude that students respond to value demands of the media environment and at the same time they are oriented at reproducing the traditional principles of journalism ethics, despite media experts’ doubts of preserving professional values in contemporary journalism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-160

The article is devoted to modern approaches of formation of ethnic consciousness of future teachers of primary school in the conditions of the multicultural society and their education as citizens of Europe. Multicultural competence is a factor of a successful professional activity. In the article, the author analyzed the problem of forming of future specialists’ multicultural competence in connection with the globalization processes and integration of Ukrainian higher education in European educational community. The research stresses that formation of students’ outlook, their value orientations, modern social and humanistic thinking in an educational process are important. It is emphasized that the multiculturalness must become an integral part of every national educational system. The multiculturalness is a key principle of making totally new educational system of Ukraine. Respect and acceptance of cultural variety in the society coexistence of dialogues without loss of the national and cultural identity of the representatives of the society leads to its spiritual and cultural enriching. The article is an author's translation of the text published in the Journal of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, series: Pedagogics, 5 (2016) (in Ukrainian).


ntroduction. In the process of professional training, there are qualitative changes in the professional development of the individual, because it is during this period that the basic identification characteristics that determine her propensity for the future profession are formed. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the conceptual foundations of pro-fessional training of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy. Methods. Analysis of scientific methodological literature. Results. In the course of the research the three main stages of forming the professional identity of specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy are distinguished and characterized. Important in shaping the professional identity of future speci-?lists in physical therapy, ergotherapy is involved in specialized trainings, during which the future specialist compares professional value orientations with their own capabilities, realities of professional activity and interpersonal relationships. Due to the factors of cooperation, dialogue, activity–creative approach, individuality and freedom of de-velopment, choice of content and forms of training, approaches have some common features: psychological basis of educational activity of future specialists; focus on the formation of professional qualities; combination, integrated use of components, principles, criteria, learning tools, methods and different technologies. Originality. The basic provisions of the conception of formation of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy in higher education institutions are developed. Conclusion. On the basis of the conducted research it is established that at the present stage of development of psychological and pedagogical science methodological and textological material is accumulated, contains various complementary theoretical and practical approaches to the study of professional identity, but differentiates the object of study various aspects of scientific phenomenon and "identity". The organization of vocational training, taking into account the provisions developed, will contribute to the formation of professional identity of future physical therapists and ergotherapists.

2019 ◽  
Muhammad Amin Shodiq ◽  
Tati Budiarti ◽  
Nizar Nasrullah

Trees in the landscape have many important roles; one of them is aesthetics function. Therefore, tree species selection must be considered well. Indonesia has big number of tree biodiversity that can use for tree selection purposes. The selection can be considered based on physical characteristics and ecological characteristics of the tree species. Therefore, purposes of this study are 1) to identify ecological distribution of native tree species in Java island, 2) to identify native tree species which have high aesthetic value, and 3) to arrange native tree species list that have potential to be developed for aesthetic use in the landscape. This study conducted in Cibodas Botanical Garden. The method used for this research is literature study from Botanical Garden Catalogue, direct survey method, aesthetic analyze using Key Performance Index for aesthetic quality assessment. The results of this research is there are 223 Java Island native tree species collection in Cibodas Botanical Garden. The habitat of these collections of tree species is evenly distributed throughout the island of Java. Most can grow well in tropical zones (0-1000 masl) and tropical-mountain zones (0-2400 masl). Based on the aesthetic criteria assessment there are 50 species belonging to the good category, 101 species are included in the moderate category, and only one species is categorized as bad.

Іnna Melnyk ◽  
Oleksandr Moisak ◽  

The article is devoted to the problems of psychological and pedagogical preparation of future educators and primary school teachers for professional activity. The aim of the article is to highlight the results of the study of the peculiarities of future teachers' awareness of the need to acquire psychological competencies for further work with children and outline the basic principles of interdisciplinary and integrated approach to teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines in universities. A brief theoretical overview of modern research on professional and personal growth of teachers is given. The results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of students' awareness of the need to acquire psychological competencies for further work with children of preschool and primary school age are highlighted. It was stated that a significant part of the surveyed students are generally aware of the need to apply psychological knowledge in the future profession, but such awareness is significantly "blurred" and unstructured. It has been found that the vast majority of students are not fully aware of the purpose for which psychological and pedagogical disciplines are combined into a common integrated course, which may indicate a lack of work to implement integrated and interdisciplinary approaches. It is determined that psychological knowledge is practically used more by students to improve their own lives and personal self-development, rather than directly in working with children. In this regard, some practical aspects of the integration of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the training of specialists in the field of preschool and school education, in particular, in the study of such an integrated course as "Anthropology". The purpose, tasks and structure of the course are described, strategies of combination of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the process of its teaching are defined, which consist in clear understanding by teachers of disciplines of psychological and pedagogical cycle of necessity of interaction among themselves and orientation on practical side of their subject application. The view of such structuring and teaching of this course is described, when the study focuses on psychological concepts and categories, that is the complete system of psychological research and indicates the possibility and method of application of this research in the pedagogical process.

Ж. О. Цимбалюк ◽  
Т. І. Гогіна

The research objective is to determine the purpose of physical education in pedagogical higher educational institutions. Materials and methods. The research used: theoretical analysis and collation of scientific literature; study of guidelines and documents regulating the process of organizing and conducting the discipline “Physical Education” in a higher educational institution; questionnaires. The participants of the experiment were 60 first-year students (enrolled in 2015-2016) of the School of Ukrainian Language and Literature of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. Research results. The analysis of the questionnaires revealed low rates of motivational variants in the choice of the sports section related to the future profession. The research specified the purpose of the discipline “Physical Education” in a pedagogical higher educational institution, and defined the health-preserving competence. Conclusions. The specific nature of the pedagogical profession requires that future teachers acquire the health-preserving competence within the discipline “Physical Education”, namely, the ability to maintain a general level of physical health needed to conduct social and professional activity.

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