2020 ◽  
pp. 67-80
Magomedemin M. Hajiyev ◽  

We are talking about the dialectic of two main vectors of identification of a person and society – ethnic and confessional. The author substantiates the inadmissibility of extremes in their assessment, associated with underestimation or overestimation of one of these factors. It is proved that the influence of religion on ethno-social processes in certain spheres is manifested with varying degrees of intensity. Religious influence is least noticeable in the financial and economic sphere, since it mainly operates universal and national mechanisms. Some ways of optimizing confessional ethnic and social interaction at the present stage are listed. The author studies the complex socio-political and spiritual situation in the recent past and examines some negative consequences of the activities of radical religious and political movement and organizations in the republics of the North Caucasus.

Viktor Avksent’ev ◽  
Galina Gritsenko ◽  
Svetlana Ivanova ◽  
Marina Shulga

Introduction. Positive dynamics in the ethnopolitical sphere of the North Caucasus does not mean that there are no further risks of the escalation of the ethnopolitical tension and stabilizing processes are irreversible. The goal and objectives of the article are the identification of the current ethnopolitical situation in the North Caucasus and assessment of the achievements or failures of the decade-long implementation of programs of reconstructiong the region. The authors identify risk factors of the ethnopolitical tension in the North Caucasus as a key approach to conflict forecasting, develop a hierarchy of risk factors, and assess the optimality of management decisions. Methods and discussion. In the context of the discussion the most relevant is understanding risks as an inevitable product of decision-making (Luhmann). The analysis of risk generating processes in the North Caucasus is most effective from the standpoint of the conflict studies (conflict resolution) approach (Burton). Empirical data was obtained by series of expert surveys, the Delphi method, content analysis of media sources (the Internet, printed press, radio, television) and analysis of official statistical data. The conclusion was made that during the past three years positive results have been achieved mainly due to administrative resources and activities of the institutions of force (“siloviki”), but those resources are close to exhaustion. All “classical” risk factors identified by the country’s leadership in 2009 remain and “new” risk factors are actualized. Among the “classical” risks, the first positions are occupied by the low level of industrial production, the critical dependence of the North Caucasus republics on federal budget subsidies, the lag in life standards in these republics from the average in Russia, the retention of a high unemployment rate. These risks are to a large extent due to such factor as the low efficiency of regional authorities. The “new” risk factors include those that were in a latent state, but now can turn into manifest conflicts. This is, above all, a land-use problem that has various modifications: ethnic, territorial, economic, historical. Further studies of the problems of the North Caucasus are related to the analysis of the effectiveness of the system of ethnopolitical security and centre-peripheral relations, to the new non-trivial approaches in the theory of Russian federalism, to the choice of a model of spatial development of the Russian Federation. Analysis and results. Despite the general improvement of the climate of ethnic relations, risk factors in the ethnopolitical situation in the North Caucasus can result in the return of the region to the negative conflict scenario. The modern North Caucasus can be characterized as a risk society, in which risks appear as a result of decision making more and more frequently. Some positive “shifts” in the economic and social basis of life in the region are not sufficient for irreversible changes of the situation for the better. The specificity of current problems in the North Caucasus is that their conflict potential can be implemented “unexpectedly” through various indirect links.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 91-107 ◽  
A. N. Matuzkova ◽  
A. G. Suladze ◽  
A. A. Ryndich ◽  
T. I. Tverdokhlebova

One of the serious negative consequences of the HIV infection epidemic is the involvement of women of reproductive age and children into the epidemic process. The problem of vertical HIV infection transmission does not lose its relevance and causes the need for continuous monitoring of measures to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to child. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a set of measures to prevent the transmission of HIV infection from mother to child in the South of Russia.Materials and methods. The common methods of variation statistics were used in the work to analyze the data from the reporting forms of monitoring by Rospotrebnadzor «Imformation on measures for the prevention of HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, detection and treatment of HIV patients» and federal reporting forms N 61 «Information on contingents of patients with a disease caused by a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)» for 2016 and 2017, presented by the territorial Centers for Prevention and Control of AIDS of 15 RF subjects of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District.Results. In 2017, compared to 2016, the decrease in the number of births in HIV-positive women was traced on the territory of the South of Russia. In 2017, target levels of mother-child coverage with chemoprevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV during pregnancy (over 92%) and during childbirth (more than 93,5%) were achieved in the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District. A high proportion of women with a detectable level of HIV replication before birth was revealed.Conclusion. The implementation of the recommended by standards preventive measures and the provision of antiretroviral drugs allowed to significantly increase the coverage of HIV infected pregnant women and their newborns with antiretroviral prophylactic treatment by 2018 which prevented HIV infection transmission from mothers to 8840 children. The problems that prevent the implementation of the full range of measures for the prevention of the vertical transmission of HIV in the South of Russia are identified and approaches for their solution are suggested. 

Е.А. Rybak ◽  
О.О. Rybak ◽  

The key task of the societal development is to ensure effective management of water resources. As a consequence of aggravation of water problems in the world, the issues of sustainable and guaranteed access to water are considered as one of the components of ensuring food security, conservation and restoration recovery of natural resources, which are the basis of life support for the population. To date, the regulation of water resources in the North Caucasus experiences difficulties resulting from fragmented water use, unequal access to water, and contradictory legislation in the field of water use regulation. These problems are compounded by two factors: climate change and demographic situation. The main problem of water consumption in Russia is the irrational and ineffective use of water resources and, as a result, high specific water consumption. In the North Caucasus, water consumption is currently one of the highest in Russia. The characteristics of the impact on water resources are directly related to the use of water, the main elements of which are the water withdrawal from natural sources, the use of water and the discharge of wastewater. Based on open statistical sources, we analyzed the current situation in the use of water resources in the North Caucasus. The North Caucasus is characterized by problems similar to those of many regions of the country, in particular, large losses during transportation due to the emergency state of water supply networks and treatment facilities. Water supply problems in the North Caucasus are expected to worsen in the future. If urgent measures are not taken, the complex of problems will only accumulate. To overcome their negative consequences, it is necessary to revise the water use strategy and change the water consumption structure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.15) ◽  
pp. 267
Tatyana Anatolievna Kulagovskaya ◽  
Anna Alexandrovna Ter-Grigoryants ◽  
Natalia Vladimirovna Maslennikova ◽  
Evgenia Nikolaevna Kovtun ◽  
Lyudmila Vladimirovna Slavnetskova

The article assesses the impact of internal and external factors on the economic security of the region in foreign trade activities. Negative consequences of the foreign economic activities on economic security of the Stavropol Territory are analyzed. Types of the risks enterprises may face when entering the foreign market are considered. Protectionist arguments in favor of pursuing a free trade policy are presented and argued, which implies a staged formation of a mechanism to efficiently counteract threats to the external economic security of the region.The study considers the level and dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District as compared to the average Russian achievements, the resource potential, problems of the economic development of the macroregion, prerequisites for the formation of the state policy on supporting the region. It substantiates the top priority directions of long-term socio-economic development of subjects in order to overcome the pervasive arrearage of the economy and social area.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 165-181
Svetlana V. Ryzhova

The level of ethnic identity, the measure of its actualization, and the nature of ethnic attitudes that reflect the attitude of Russians to the ethno-cultural diversity of public space are considered on the basis of data from representative national research and researches in Tatarstan and Sacha (Yakutia). It is concluded that the high values of ethnic identity and the ethnic solidarity (formed on its basis) indicate the most important role of culture in the formation of all-Russian unity. The actualization of ethnic identity and interest in protecting ethnic and cultural diversity vary at the Federal districts: the highest values were obtained in the North Caucasus Federal district. Also, the risks of possible inter-ethnic and inter-religious tensions in the North Caucasus Federal district are perceived more acutely than in the Russian Federation on average. Orientations that recognize the right of all Russian peoples to state support for their cultures and religions are very widely represented, but at the same time alternative orientations that are aimed at priority support for the culture and religion of the Russian majority are also supported in public opinion. Research shows the trend of participation of ethnic identity of Russians in the formation of state-civil unity; there is a consensus in the society in the field of interethnic relations. Along with the actualization of ethnic identity, all-Russians have a high level of ethnic tolerance; however, violations of justice against the people or faith can be a destabilizing factor in inter-ethnic relations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Maxim Popov

The article reviews the present state of analysis of regional conflict resolution in foreign and Russian literature. The goal of the research is to analyze the constructive methods for resolving ethno-political conflicts in the North Caucasus. Identity-based conflicts as a type of ethno-political conflicts have become a considerable obstacle to the Post-Soviet modernization in the current decade. The interest in the concept of identity-based conflict has been increasing worldwide during the first decade of the 21-st century. Competing identity became a prism for studying the problem of security in multi-ethnic communities. A rapid strengthening of hyper-ethnic identity of the citizens of Russia occurred in two post-Soviet decades. It was manifested in the demands of ethnocentrism, national-cultural autonomy, secession, as well as in the substantial growth of tension in ethnic relations, which resulted in protracted identity-based conflicts. Conflict resolution in the North Caucasus may be built on the principles of civic solidarity and socio-political integration but not on the assimilation policy and suppression of ethnicities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 47-50
Sergey R. Chedzhemov ◽  
Ruslan M. Dzidzoev ◽  

The article analyzes the monograph of Professor A.M. Tsaliyev “State and Law of Ossetia: A Comparative-Historical Study” published as part of the project of Professor D. J. Shhapsugov on the creation of historical essays on the development of the institutions of the state and rights of the peoples of the North Caucasus who joined Russia in the 13th century. The authors note that the study is based on the relevance and importance of regional components of the unified history of the state and the law of a multi-ethnic Russian state, which throughout its existence was not a “prison of peoples” as it is it has been considered in the recent past, I have shown the world a model of the peaceful existence of many peoples who have practiced various religious teachings. The Russian administration acted as a guarantor of peace and carried out a great creative work to raise the level of the legal culture of the country’s population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 496-512
V. A. Fomenko ◽  
A. T. Dzhumagulova

The issues of the current stage of studying the history of the Karras colony and nearby European settlements in the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries are considered. A review and analysis of new sources and historiography from 2000 to 2020 has been carried out. The relevance of the study is due to the poorly studied and fragmentary coverage of the history of European settlements in the central part of the North Caucasus in the 19th — first half of the 20th centuries in Russian historiography. The authors dwell on terminology issues. It is emphasized that the terms-cliches ‘mountaineers’ and ‘Tatars’ are characteristic of the historical literature of the 19th century and are inaccurately used by some authors today. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that in this work the history of the Karras colony and neighboring settlements of Europeans in the 19th — first half of the 20th centuries is considered based on publications of 2000—2020. It is concluded that there is a possibility and a need for an independent review of the history of the Scottish mission, the center of which was originally located in Karras. The authors proceed from the fact that the history of the settlements of the colonists has a broader chronological framework and the main task of the colonists was not always missionary activity.

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