scholarly journals Broken Home pada Remaja dan Peran Konselor

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Sabilla Hasanah ◽  
Elvi Sahara ◽  
Indah Permata Sari ◽  
Sri Wulandari ◽  
Kamil Pardumoan

<p><em>Families are encouraged by Broken Home circumstances marked by parental divorce, or those who have single parents (Single Parent). At times such as the attention and affection of the parents make the child.Jika already stepped on the teenager can cause a crisis that is usually characterized by the tendency of deviant behavior or mischief. Negative reactions caused by adolescents that can damage the physical and personality. This requires the assistance of teachers Guidance and Counseling to develop Guidance and Counseling services in eradicating students' problems as a result of Broken Home.</em><em></em></p><p><strong> </strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Kuliyatun Kuliyatun

The existence of Islamic guidance and counseling services at school can be used as a method by teachers in providing guidance and motivation to students in accordance with the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith by applying religious values ​​as a guide or foundation for students in overcoming all the problems they face. Lack of religious understanding is one of the factors that lead to deviant behavior towards adolescents, it can occur when individuals do not have a strong religious foundation so they are easily affected by environmental conditions, so there is a need for a process of mentoring learning and religious education. Guidance and counseling in the view of Islam is an effort made to solve a problem that occurs in a person based on Islamic norms. Based on the function of Counseling Guidance in the Islamic view of everything that is done in order to enrich the potential of the students and try as much as possible to find out what is being experienced in order to obtain the right solution and have a life in God's favor both in the world and in yaumil end.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Dian Apriyanty

Broken home is usually used to describe a family that is not harmonious and does not walk like a harmonious and prosperous family due to frequent conflicts that cause disputes that can even lead to divorce. This will have a major impact on the household atmosphere that is no longer conducive, parents no longer pay attention to their children, thus triggering negative behavior in development, especially in the psychological child. This research of individual counseling counseling services for broken home students aims to determine the role of individual counseling services from students who are Broken Home, as well as to find out how students can obtain motivation in learning at school.This research is the type of interview. The interviews used in the study were false in structure. The purpose of this type of interview is to find the problem more openly, where the parties invited to the interview are asked for their opinions and ideas (Sugiyono, 2007). Data analysis techniques performed on the analysis activities in this study focused on the data collection process taking place in the form of: reduction, display data, conclusion / verification miles and huberman.The results of this study are students who are Broken Home in order to have a high sense of responsibility for themselves, besides that they should not do negative actions that can harm themselves and the future, and are advised to study diligently and diligently so as to increase their motivation for achievement. For Guidance and Counseling Teachers at the school concerned to give more serious attention and guidance to students from the Broken Home family as a motivation and motivation to learn in order to get better performance. Keywords: Broken Home, Counseling, and motivation

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Rizky Andana Pohan ◽  
Dika Sahputra

This study aims to determine the emotional intelligence of female students who wear the full face veil. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The sampling technique was carried out with a total sampling of 38 students who wore the veil from several universities in Indonesia. The research instrument uses a Likert-shaped Emotional Intelligence Scale owned by Dika Sahputra. Questionnaires are distributed online through the Google Forms application from November 2019 to January 2020. The results showed that in general the emotional intelligence of students who wore the full face veil was in the high category. These results can be used as a basis for making programs for guidance and counseling services in tertiary institutions, as well as being the basis for policy making for university leaders and the government towards female students and women who use the full face veil

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-59
Nona Nurfadhilla

This article aims to look at how to improve self-efficacy through guidance and counseling services at SMP 1 Pleret, Yogyakarta. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, data collection methods through interviews and observations. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Results and discussion that there are still many students who have low self-efficacy so they are difficult to achieve good learning outcomes. This is proven by some students rarely doing school work and rarely doing homework also do not have the motivation to excel. BK teachers try through guidance and counseling services in the form of a preventive approach for those with high self-efficacy and a curative approach for students with low self-efficacy. Such as helping students to convince themselves that students are able to do tasks even though it is difficult and able to excel and to convince students to avoid feeling inferior about themselves. Guidance and counseling provided by BK teachers shows significant changes in some students who already have high self-efficacy. So it can be concluded that through guidance and counseling can be an effort to improve student self-efficacy.

Afan Abdul Jabbar ◽  
Deni Purwanto ◽  
Nina Fitriyani ◽  
Happy Karlina Marjo ◽  
Wirda Hanim

ABSTRAK Remaja merupakan fase penting dalam masa perkembangan terutama mengenai kemampuan dalam mengambil keputusan-keputusan pilihan karir masa depannya. Keputusan karir akan mudah dicapai apabila peserta didik memiliki kematangan karir yang baik. Konseling kelompok merupakan layanan yang dapat membantu peserta didik mengatasi hambatan dalam kematangan karir. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kajian pustaka yang didukung oleh data-data dari beberapa artikel, buku-buku sumber, dan dokumen pendukung lainnya. Guru bimbingan dan konseling dapat menerapkan layanan konseling kelompok untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah karir. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat digunakan dalam rangka membantu kematangan karir peserta didik dalam konseling kelompok adalah pendekatan yang berfokus untuk mengubah pikiran negative dan keyakinan maladaptive (CBT) yang dimiliki oleh peserta didik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa layanan konseling kelompok dengan pendekatan Cognitive Behavior Theraphy (CBT) secara efektif dapat membantu dalam mengatasi permasalahan karir peserta didik. Kata Kunci: kematangan karir, konseling kelompok, terapi perilaku kognitif ABSTRACT Teenage is an important phase in the developmental period, especially regarding the ability to make decisions about his future career choices. Career decisions will be easily achieved if students have good career maturity. Group counseling is a service that can help students overcome obstacles in career maturity. The research method used is a literature review that is supported by data from several articles, source books, and other supporting documents. Guidance and counseling teachers can apply group counseling services to overcome career problems. One approach that can be used in order to help the career maturity of students in group counseling is an approach that focuses on changing negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs (CBT) that are owned by students. The results of the study showed that group counseling services with the Cognitive Behavior Theraphy (CBT) approach can be effectively help in solving the career problems of students. Keyword: career maturity, group counseling, cognitive behavior theraphy

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Ronny Gunawan

ABSTRACTChildren with Special Needs are children who have special behaviors that require guidance and special education from his parents and teachers. Like children in general, children with special needs also have the development and growth of the physical, mental, psychological and sexual. Based on the research conducted by researchers together with some teachers in individuals investigated, if the children with special needs get therapy sustained every day about sexual behavior and patterns of life, then they tend to have a positive sexual behavior, but if the therapy is not done, then they tend to a negative behavior. This study used the name Parents Therapy, in which the children with special needs who have negative sex in schools (respondents one child), as is often held his cock, embraced by aggressive children of the opposite sex therapy is given not only to their children but also their parents through counseling services. This treatment method is given for 30 days, but there are three days of therapy which is not performed as comparison changes in deviant behavior in children. The results of this therapy are very positive and significant, in which the child has calmness in his mental condition and the negative sexual behavior decreased (changed in his behavior).Keywords: Children with Special Needs, sexual behavior, Parents Therapy and counseling servicesABSTRAKAnak Berkebutuhan Khusus adalah anak yang memiliki perilaku khusus yang memerlukan bimbingan dan pendidikan khusus dari orangtua maupun guru. Seperti layaknya anak pada umumnya, Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus juga memiliki perkembangan dan pertumbuhan dari sisi fisik, mental, kejiwaan maupun seks. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti bersama dengan beberapa guru pada individu yang diteliti, apabila anak berkebutuhan khusus mendapatkan terapi yang berkesinambungan setiap harinya tentang perilaku seks dan pola hidup, maka anak memiliki perilaku seks yang positif, namun apabila terapi tidak dilakukan, maka anak memiliki perilaku yang negatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan nama Parents Therapy, di mana, anak berkebutuhan khusus yang mengalami perilaku seks negatif di sekolah (responden satu anak), seperti sering memegang kemaluannya, memeluk dengan agresif anak-anak yang berlawanan jenis diberikan terapi bukan hanya pada anaknya namun juga orangtuanya melalui layanan konseling. Metode terapi ini diberikan selama 30 hari, namun ada tiga hari terapi tidak dilakukan sebagai pembanding perubahan perilaku menyimpang pada anak. Hasil terapi ini sangat positif dan signifikan, di mana anak tersebut memiliki ketenangan dalam kondisi jiwanya dan perilaku seks negatifnya mengalami penurunan (ada perubahan perilaku).Kata kunci: Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, perilaku seks, Parents Therapy, dan layanan konseling

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 16
Stella Baindu Fortune Fortune

The nature of children’s development is greatly influenced by the environmental conditions in which they are brought up. The amount of social stimulation which they receive is of particular importance, and even if physical conditions are adequate, an unstimulating environment which provides with little opportunity or need to experiment or solve problems will result in low level of achievement. Perhaps the most important aspect of the child’s social development is beyond the reach of the teacher. For the first very important aspect of the child’s development lies in the home. Genetic endowment and cultural level of the family, coupled with the actual physical conditions of the home will have decisive effect on the child’s development and will continue to influence him throughout his school life. These factors are inaccessible to be influenced by the teacher but it is as well for him to have them in mind in his dealings with pupils. In addition, he will need to know how he may most effectively change his pupils along the lives he considers to be the most appropriate. That is, he will seek out the most efficient ways of getting pupils learn for productive life in future. The topic under review will be approached from various fronts which include; The Sociological and Philosophical models; role of the school; Learners’ responsibility; role of the teacher; discipline and learner control; role of the parent; guidance and counseling services and conclusion.

2020 ◽  

Setiap orangtua punya cara membesarkan anaknya, bergantung pada budaya, tingkat pendidikan, kesejahteraan ekonomis, bahkan latar belakang keagamanaan. Metode yang ditempuh orangtua itu disebut sebagai pola asuh (parenting style). Teknik-teknik di dalamnya akan menjadi bagian utama dalam pembentukan kepribadian anak, termasuk kecerdasan, emosi, dan aspek psikologis lainnya.Namun demikian, terkadang orangtua tak menyadari apakah karkateristik psikologis anaknya sesuai dengan gaya pengasuhan yang mereka terapkan. Ketidaktahuan ini pada gilirannya berakibat pada kelalaian pengasuhan (salah asuh) dan berbagai penyimpangan (behavioral and psychological deviations). Itulah mengapa, pada beberapa kasus, ada anak kyai tapi ia adalah pemabuk dan penjudi, anak seorang guru tapi suka mem-bully teman sekolahnya, bahkan ada juga anak polisi yang justeru terlibat tawuran pelajar.Menurut psikolog, satu hal yang luput ialah kekeliruan dalam memahami situasi psikologis anak dan menyelenggarakan pendidikan keluarga yang sesuai. Sebab, masing-masing anak ialah individu yang unik. Mereka tidak bisa saling disamakan karena perkembangannya dipengaruhi nature (sifat alamiah dari gen orangtua) dan nurture (sifat yang terbentuk dari interaksi dengan lingkungan sosial).Persoalan di atas menjadi semakin rumit, lebih-lebih karena orangtua belum menemukan cara mengidentifikasi karakter anak, prosedur pengukuran kesehatan mental anak, bagaimana mengatasi depresi pada anak, dan bagaimanakah strategi mendidik yang disarankan agar psikologis anak tetap sehat. Buku ini berusaha menyajikan solusi atas problematika tersebut, dengan merujuk pada teori-teori psikologi, hasil penelitian, dan pengalaman empiris dari berbagai riset psikologis di Indonesia. Sebagai bahan kajian yang riil, buku ini juga mengangkat contoh-contoh kasus pola pengasuhan pada keluarga utuh, single parent, dan broken home.

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